Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1925)
COTTAG^^^ROVE^lENTINEU^HURSDAY^FEBRUA^^lO^JIftSS PAGE TWO NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. When Mandy Got Religion. hereby required to appear and ■South 42 chains and 50 links, fhence A colored cook came home after answer the Complaint filed against East 37 chains and 65 links and Department of the Interior, U. 8. midnight from a revival meeting you in the above entitled suit thence North 42 chains and 50 shouting at the top of her voice.. with six weeks from the date of links to the place of beginning, con Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Her employer, letting her in, said: the first publication of this Sum taining 159.20 acres in Lane Coun February 10, 1925. “Aunt Mandy, this is all fool mons and if you fail so to answer, ty, State of Oregon, and also the Notice is hereby given that ishness. Religion shouldn’t be so for want thereof, the Plaintiff Lots numbered 7 and 8 of Section George M. Ham, of R. F. D. 2, The Southern Pacific company noisy. Tell that preacher of yours will apply to the Court for relief 32 in Tp. 21, 8. R. 3 West, con has refused to pay for one-half of to give a sermon on the building prayed for in Plaintiff’s Complaint taining 16% acres in Lane County, Creswell, Oregon, who, on March 10 1922 made Homestead entry, No the cost of graveling north Lane of King Holomon’s temple, whieh on file herein, to-wit: For a State of Oregon. 014337, for NE14 NE14, Section 21, street in front of the property of arose without even the sound of a Decree of this Court forever dis Said sale will be made for cash, Township 19 8, Rango 4 West, Mrs. Clara Burkholder according hammer. And remember that real solving the marriage contract and subject to a mortgage for $2250.00 Willamette Meridian, has filed By mail (Cash in advance) to a letter read before the city religion is quiet and peaceful. ’ ’ bonds of matrimony existing be upon said property now held by the notice of intention to make three That there are justices of the council Monday evening from of One months.. year....$2.75 months .50 .80 1.50 | I Three One month.... “ Lawd, honey!” answered Aunt tween the Plaintiff and the De State Land Board of the State of Six months.. 1.50 | One 1——---- “ peace in the state that drew much ficials of the company. A bill Mandy ‘‘Us niggers ain’t aimin’ fendant and such other and further Oregon, and subject to confirmation year Proof, to establish claim to more in foes than the salaries of was sent to the company some the land above described, before BY CARRIER relief as to the Court may seem by said County Court. .9 .30 the members of the supreme court time ago by the council for this to build no temple yit. We is jes’ E. Q. Immel, U. 8. Commissioner, month------- One__ just and equitable. blastin’ now!”—Everybody’s Mag Offers will bo received by the at Eugene, Oregon, on the 25th . 1.10 was a fact brought out Tuesday Four months, in advance. This Summons Is served by pub administrator at tho office of Botts azine for February. . 1.60 in the discussion of HB 307, which work. Six months, in advance.. day of March, 1925. company The statement of the lication by order of the Hon. G. & Winslow, Attorneys at Law, . 3.00 provides that justice fees shall be One year, in advance...... Claimant names ns witnesses: in declining to pay for the bill F. Skipworth, Judge of the above : Oregon, from and after Tillamook turned into county treasuries and NOTICE. Charles Sutton, Thomas Moxley, was that it hud already put in entitled Court. Member of the date I named. that county courts shall fix sal Notice is hereby given that on Arthur Kerr, ail of Creswell, Ore half of the gravel on north Lano National Editorial Association Dated this 6th day of January, 20 day of January, Dated this I aries for justices of the peace, street and had consequently done March 3, 1925, Cottage Grove Im Oregon State Editorial Association gon, and Robert Wills, of Eugene, 1925, and the date of the first 1925. the state, the The lowest eourt in Oregon Newspaper Conference its part in the improvement of provement Bonds Numbers 6, 7, publication of this Summons will Oregon. ALFRED REYNOLDS, justice court, sometimes pays twice this street. The eity recorder was 8, 9, 10 and 11 Improvement Bond be on the 8th day of January, as much as membership in the su- instructed to write to the rompa nv Issue "H” will be due and payable Administrator of the non-coal HAMILL A. CANADAY, □--------------------------------------- ------- L Register. preme court, the debate showed, explaining that no gravel was at the office of the City Treasurer, 1925, and the date of the last named Estate. j22fl9c fl2ml2c(2) and lawyers of mediocre ability placed by the radrir 4 on the street First National Bank Building, Cot publication will be on the 19th day of February, 1925. / sometimes become wealthy in this in front of Mrs. Burkholder's prop tage Grove, Lane County, Oregon. HERBERT W. LOMBARD, □ apparently small political office, erty and that consequently the All of said Bonds will be taken Attorney for Plaintiff, By ELBERT BEDE. usually considered hardly important company wan held to still owe for up and canceled on said date at Address and Post Office, STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Ore., •> enough to be even a political of that work. It was at the sugges par value and interest, and inter- Cottage Grove, Ore. j8-f 19 Feb. 17.—(Special.)—Representa fice, while supreme court judges tion of one of the railroad officials est thereon shall cease on said 3rd rives Bates and Mott who are the retire poor men. Several justices that the bill was originally sent day of March, 1925. NOtlCE OF SALE OF REAL Clatsop county delegation, nearly collect annual fees amounting to to the company. Dated and first published this PROPERTY. came to blows following their $10,000. or more and a number 12th day of February, 1925. division on the fish code, which draw fees of $6,000 to $8,000. EAKIN, City Treasurer, ♦ HERBERT In the County Court of the State Mott bitterly opposed and which Such fees are more than the sal- Cottage Grove, Lane county, I Oregon. Bates defended, but when a i bill ary of any of the state officers, f!2-19c of Oregon for Tillamook County. In the Matter of the Estate of came on for third reading todav more than the salary of the gover Naomi E. Thompson, formerly Nao which Mott had prepared I and nor and more than the salaries of Meeting February 16, 1925. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. mi E. Reynolds, Deceased. which increased the salaries of the presidents of our institutions Letter from eastern clothing ZA Notice is hereby given, that the Clatsop county officers, Bates ex- of higher learning. company questioning right of city Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the • 4» » plained and supported the bill for to charge local representative for Mott, who was absent. Both Bates Tho members have not been too license because company is engaged undersigned has been appointed by above named Estate, by authority an order of the County Court of of an order of the County Court and Mott have been absent much busy to give some thought to sen in interstate commerce read. Lane County, Oregon, administra of Tillamook County, Oregon, from of their of the time since the time timental things. On St. Valentine’s T. C. Cox presented oral petition tor of the estate of Adella White and after the 2nd day of February, bitter oratorical feud. ■lay the mailing clerks handled a to extend Sixth street sewer., Anderson, deceased, which order 1925, shall proceed to sell at pri see number of valentines in both the Committees appointed by Mayor bears date the 27th day of Janu vate sale, the following described outgoing and incoming mails. Must The keenest bon mot of tho see Knowles as follows: Finance: Har ary, 1925. real property, situated in Lane sion was put over during the dis- of the incoming valentines were, vey, Durham and Lebow. Street: All persons having claims against County, State of Oregon, to-wit: cussion of the froe toxt book bill. however, for the stenographers and Durham, Lebow and Mackin. the estate of Adella White Ander Donation Land Claim Notifi Representative Fuller hud sarcas other members of the feminine Water: Swanson, Harvey and son, deceased, are hereby notified cation, 771 being designated as contingency. tically suggested that there should Mackin. Lights and City property: nnd required to present the same, Claim No. 57 being part of Section • • • bo an amendment to the bill thnt Bede, Durham and Swanson. Fire duly verified, at the law office 32, in Township 21, 8. R. 3 Seaside wants a state normal and Building Regulation: Mackin, would provide overshoes and mit of Herbert W. Lombard, First West and Claim No. 38 being part tens for the children of custom school. The author of the bill to Harvey and Bede. Sewer Sewer and National Bank Building, Cottage of Section 5, in Township 22, 8. R. Oregon nnd raincoats for the chil provide such an institution for Sanitation: Lebow, Swanson and Grove, Oregon, on or before six 3 West, of W. M., being bounded These handsome overstuffed dren of western Oregon. Repre Oregon ’a great summer resort suc Bede. Park Board: Mrs. G. C. months from tho date of the first and described ns Allows, i, to-wit: davenports, loose cushion seats sentative Carkin, of Medford, rose ceeded in having attached to his Dyott, Mrs. G. B. Pitcher, Mrs. publication of this notice. Beginning at a point 24 chains to his feet and remarked that be bill a statement of the climate lima Beager, 8. L. Mackin and and excellent spring construc Dated and first published this and 50 links North and 19 chains cause of the equitable climate in and other conditions which were Nelson Durham. 29th day of January, 1925. and 70 links West from the South- tion at such reasonable prices. his section no part of the amend supposed to mako Seaside the most Attention called to the personnel MARTIN H. ANDERSON, east corner of Section 32, in Town- ment was necessary for the chil- desirable place in the world for of the Library board which consists Administrator of the es ship 21 South of Range 3 and ilren of |hat portion of the state. those who in the future will of the following: Mrs. W. H. Titus tate of Adella White running thence West fifteen chains • • • teach the yound idea how to nnd N. E. Glass terms expiring in and 51 links, thence South 89 de Anderson, deceased. Representative Bailey ob- shoot, September 1927. Mrs. J. H. Cham- Herbert W. Lombard, Attorney It was but natural that Repre- grees and 59 minutes West, 21 served, however, that no mention hers ami Mrs. Elbert Smith terms sentative Howard, of Lane, should for estate. j29-f26c(T) chains and 76 links and thence Mrs. introduce a bill to recreate rhe had been made of the rainfall. expiring September, 1926. tax conservation plan. Hi was This was purposely ommitted, Rep B. R. Job and 8. L. Mackin terms NOTICE TO CREDITORS. tho larger part of the tax con resentative Bates stated, because it expiring September 1925. J. C. Porter asked for report on servation committee in Lane coun was loss than rainfall in the In the County Court of the State ty when that county had such a Willamette valley and Seaside extension of Sixth street sewer didn’t want to make any statement referred to sewer committee last of Oregon, for Lane County, in commission. that wouldn’t bo believed or that meeting. tho Matter of tho Estate of Otto Motion passed instructing sewer Michel, deceased: J. M. Devers, attorney for the would make other section« of the Notice is hereby given that the committee, with city engineer, to highway commission, advises mem state jealous. determine boundaries and for eity undersigned has been duly appoint bora upon highway measures when J. B. Bell rang in from Eugene attorney to prepare ordinances for ed administrator of the estate of requested to do so. During a recent debate on it road mensur) for a brief stay under the big establishment of lateral sewer dis Otto Michel, deceased, by the Coun ho was report'll to h.xvj given dome. Ho didn't ndmit that he tricts on south Sixth street, for ty Court of tho State of Oregon All persons lateral sewer district west of Lane for Lane County, several diametrically opposed opin hail any real business here. street, and for district for* lateral having claims against the said ions upon the same point, Follow Homer Galloway, city recorder sewer to run from Gibbs avenue estate are hereby requested to ing adjournment a facetious wag referred to him ns governor, The of Cottage Grove, was a visitor north through center of block be present the same, duly verified, within six months from the date He seemed to be tween Ninth and Tenth streets. [mint of the quip was apparent to hero Friday. Ordinance ordered drawn giving hereof to the undersigned, or to all who know how easily the satisfied that everything was prog governor swings from one view | resting satisfactorily and proceed Goddard and Randall right to M. F. Rice, attorney for adminis point to another without batting j ed home. He arrivod just in time build railroad spur on north Lane trator, as his office in the Masonic Building in Roseburg, Douglas for tho start of the big fish fight. street. an eye. • • • • • • Godard and Randall withdrew County, Oregon. Dated this 22nd day of January. Speaker Burdick was off the job petition for bunkers on north Lane To ask unanimous consent co 1925. amend n bill while on third road- Thursday afternoon beca^iso of ill street. O. F. MICHEL, Administrator, Ordinances ordered drawn for ing is presumed to bo unusual re- ness, but the session proceeded of the Estate of Otto Michel, with Representative Coffey in the hard surface paving of south Sixth quest, It was therefore unusual deceased. j22fl9p(T) chair. He made things peppy. It street, for hard surface paving of when the author of practically | every house bill that camo on for was no tea party and things wont east Washington from Tenth street to city park, for class A macadam IN THE CIRCUIT COURT third reading Monday asked unnni with u bang. • • paving of Chestnut avenue from ■nous consent to amend. Tho chief THE STATE OF OREGON A number of bills to cure de- G to L street. clerk finally remarked that he LANE COUNTY. City recorder directed to hohl Leontine Lusk, Plainti*», was getting tired of acting a feet» in the law are likely to make some folks nick. publication of notices of assess committee of tho whole. Lusk, Defendant: ment for paving on alley south of To Dale E. Lusk, Defendant: Shields addition between Seventh IN NAME It seems to be a useless expendi- Hard Work, Are You Working for “i understand that in the new ■Ind Eighth streets until additional SATE ture of time to debate tho adop- OREGON YOUR Husband’s 2nd tion of resolutions thnt would com I play Alice has quite a difficult streets are acted on so that bids » f for all paving may be advertised Wife? part. mit the state constitutionally not “Difficult! Why, she doesn’t for at the same time. to enact nn income tax or inheri It’s brutal, but the truth— Ordinance ordered drawn speci many wives have worn them tance tax for any period of years. say a word. ’ ’ selves out helping their hus “Well, isn’t that difficult for fying charge of $15 t>>r connection I ho people at a following election with main trunk sewer district bands win success. could as easily reverse their for Alicet”—London Telegraph. as recommended by city engineer, During the days when every 'Multnomah mer action and nt the same elec * penny counts, the wife strug this charge to be credited to any tion enact a law that would be County Fair Save two bits by paying cash. gles in the home, giving her in line with the constitutional I Bookkeeping ehargo of 25c on all lateral sewer district later estab- all—her attractiveness, her lished. rad amendment. Thus the pimple could ■ accounts under *1. Tho Sentinel, x vigor, her youth and her vi Hodgcn’s Calf Meal Engineer ordered to mark Pacifie « Tht Universal Craciftr tality. highway turning on Main street She has the mistaken belief 1 at Fifth and Ninth streets and I that by playing charwoman to take down auto park signs.' and doing the terrible drudg Letter from Southern Pacific ery of housekeeping by an company read signifying intention cient methods she is show of company to put in good crossing ing loyalty and helpfulness. at ... Fourth .......i street as soon as track But when her husband has is raised. gained success, in many eases, Building permits granted to Bank she discovers she is the loser. Friday, Feb. 20—To night I Monday. Feb. 2.1—“WIFE of Cottage drove and C. J. Breier He is pink with the flush of last showing of .“PETER | OF THE CENTAUR” with company to repair buildings. victory. She is pale and I AN with Bet tv Bronaon Elanor Boardman, John Water eommiasion instructed to worn out from loss of vitali the perfect PETER l PAN ’AN Gilbert and Aileen Pringle. repair dam on I-ayng creek as soon ty. Her charm is gone as it litui Ernest Torrence and 1 And a comedy. bablcbbst stock fakm result of wasted energy. ns weather conditions will permit. other statu. And a comedy ’’rsedsrs of Motion passed to allow Commer Some other woman who has assistai -Ä Onkls Cauls No advance in price«, chil Tuesday, Feb 24—Free show Ksgls Crash. Orwol cial Clnb to use city hall for conserved her energy takes _ Sept. 1. 1M4 afternoon and night. Pic meetings. her place. Wife No. 2 gets ■qdssu Brewster Milita« Co, tures Betty Compson in what Wife No. 1 worked for. Petition of Harry Metcalf to fsrtlsnd. Oraron. Saturday. Fell 21—“HOLD ‘THE Î FEMALE’7 ami THAT IS THE GREAT install water i meter re fared to la response to your Inquiry with ref VOLK BREATH” with WILD LIFE IN ORE TRAGEDY OF THE HOME! ewaoe to the results we are gattlug water committee. Dorothy Devore. Walter GON” sponsored by the Rod with your Calf Meal, we are ancteiaag The cost of preventing this Motion passed to withdraw sup bOotoaraph of a calf whieh alanti Hires. Tullv Marshall anti and Dun Club and the tragedy is small. Modern 4 of paeoraoala Her deselopmeat port from rest room if it is located a dozen other great come LIONS (’LIB put six »oaths was eeeh that electrical appliances—the elec Free ad- any place other than Main street eke the was awarded the Jouter Champtea dians. A breezy feature- mission. tric washer, ironer, vacuum Alp at tho Multnomah County Pair In cleaner and others—is the length comedy-drama, Aho {Ulf Wo are now roedtag all oar calves ■edgeno Calf Meal, sad pe« aaseUmt notation. it two reel comedy. I-eft th« Acks with It. Wednesday, Feb. 2.r>—Ash Don’t waste a day. Come to Paul: ”Do<<s vour tooth still SARLCRK8T STOCK FARM. ton Dearholl as “ PINTO Sunday, ---- ,, Feb. 2*2- —Mary PETE” in “THE COWBOY 22 Kern’s Electric Store and let (Rignod > By C. L. Rerun nona hurt»” us show you a hundred ways i?!'.1.1*.'.'.','.n “TIIK ROSE OF PRINCE,” And a comedy. Albert: “ I don ’ t know. ” Hodgen ’ s Calf Meal PARIS .” The lovely ro to eliminate drudgery in the Paul: ‘‘What do you mean by I ___ __ Mnnufn. tnred by manee of ti beautiful' little Thursday, Feb 28—Harry home; let ns make ■OMBN BRWWRTKR MILLIHG VO don’t knowt” Fort land Oregon housekeeping easy Cinderella in the whirl of Carey in “FLAMING FOR Albert: “ I left it at the den Sold By modern ____ •‘aria—(lay but I TIES.” A stirring chronicle tint’s office ” an income tax at one and at the next election they could amend the constitution Mondays and Thursdays I to permit such a tax and at the .Publishers Bede 4 Smith.... ....... Editor same time pass the income tax Elbert Bede......... law. Thus it is seen that nothing A first-class publication entered at is gained by declaring against Cottage Grove as second-class matter any kind of a tax, and the only good accomplished is that the oru Business Office------- 55 North Sixth tors get a chance to froth and spew. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Cottapf ftwve Sentinel t S. P. Declines to Pay For Gravel on Lane Street Legislative Sidelights m $55 City Council DAVENPORTS Bressler & Son Complete Home Furnishers Xö* CL OuocJko, TRU-BLU Biscuit Co.,—Spokane. Portland Theatre Il’EEKE Y PROGRAM 5-Tube Neutrodyne $40 Complete cruel capital of thi^world'à of the Early West Comedy pleasuri“. And a comedy. and International News. i Engraving -embossisg The linei—your live wire print shop, x COTTAGE GROVE FLOUR MILL CotUg« Grove, Oregon KEM’S Electric Store Ray Nelson Ninth and Main streets