Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1925)
(oTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, .MONDAY, EEBRI ARY 16, 1925 PAGE TWO í After the machinery was moved concerned to learn that the Cottage that possibiy Tueker was discount i it was inspected by a mining ex- ' Grove delegation to Roseburg eon- Early United States ing the future. • • * I pert, working for a certain operator I ducted itself properly. Mondays and Thursdays Official Given Honor Postmaster-Editor C. E. Ingalls, known as Senator Alger, under an The 1922 series of $10 gold cer Publisher* of Corvallis, graced the house yes option of $100,000. It is thought Bede & Smith. tificates bears the likeness ol . ......Editor Elbert Bede— terday with his pulchritudinuous that the death of the mining ex One Mother*s Tribute Michael Hlllegas, the first treas A first-class publication entered at presence and had the courtesies pert working for the senator was urer of the United States. The to Daughter-in-Law germ of the Treasury department Cottage Grove as second-class matter of the house extended to him. He all that kept him from taking up When I first saw uiy sun Tyler's was planted on July 28, 1775, when attracted the interest of the ste- the option. The owners of the angelic manner under hl* wife’* the Continental congress appointed Bugine»» Office......... 55 North Sixth mini- at one time received an offer aographers of uncertain age. regime I held my breath, because of $110,000 spot cash for the prop In the old day* Tyler in a beatific two- treasurers. The apixilntment* • « • were Hlllegas and George Clymer. SUBSCRIPTION RATES The house .Saturday substituted erty but the stockholders declined state of mind meant Tyler getting The latter soon resigned to accept By mail (Cash in advance) Later the to accept that price, ready to break out in a new place. his seat as delegate to the congress. One year....$2.75 (Three month* .80 a house bill for a senate bill, which But a* time goes on and the Hlllegas discharged the duties of Six months.. 1.50 | One month..... 50 made Senator Miller the author of company failed and it was sold serenity remain* unbroken, I re $12,000 or to eastern interests for treasurer until September 1. 1788. a house bill, Chief Clerk Drager BY CARRIER peat to myself that perfect line The Treasury department was or $13,000. the first » .30 remarked that this was month. One _ from the "Just So Stories’’—“Not ganized under an act of Septem A thirty stamp mill was built . 1.10 Four months, in advance. time he had ever seen ftnvthi n IT always was the Kangaroo as now Strictly speaking, it by the new owners and then due we behold him"—a text that I rec ber 2, 1789. . 1SB0 like that done. Six months, in advance... was reorganized, for the depart to dissension among the men in the . 3.00 One year, in advance...... ommend to all mothers who have ment, under various names, had Representative Worth’s house bill east holding shares in the company seen their brisk son* neatly trained been Ln existence since 1775. The Member of Constitution went Into effect March to do away with the prohibition it was closed down. At a later by well-selected wives. National Editorial Association Indeed, the longer I live the more 4. 1789, Washington was Inaugu ■ late it was sold for taxes. During department has been given a place Oregon State Editorial Association ready I am to believe that a young rated as the first President of the on the desk where it can peer the operation of this mine ores man's wife may be better acquaint United States April 30, 1789. Oregon Nowspapur Conference It out and be ready to mix in th<- running into the thousands of dol ed with Ills actual current present- will thus be seen that Hlllegas was lars were taken from the ground, day self than his mother can pos treasurer many months after the fray in case the governor refuses U —---------------- -------------- to remove prohibition Commissioner an<l shipments were sent out run sibly be. My daughter-in-law sees Inauguration of Washington, and | L egis la true Side lights In her husband a forceful man of for nine days after the Treasury Cleaver, who seems to have not a ning into hundreds. The Musick mine was discovered affairs on whose judgment she im department was organized under friend nt court except the chief plicitly relies. I respect bls Judg the Constitution. executive, having been repudiated shortly after the Annie and five ment, too, In a way, but I cannot By ELBERT BEDE. stamp milly were built on the prop the probi- by the most radical of Festival of St. Peter STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Ore., bitionists. erty. In one summer this mine help knowing that he Is the same Tyler who, at the age of four, operating with the five stamp howled himself Into a high fever On the eve of St. Peter's day bon Feb. 12.—(Special.)—A remarkable • • « mills was known to clean up as one day because I would not let fires were commonly prepared and feature of the session that many Carl Onthnnk, private hoc rot ary high as $18,<MH). The Musick mine him lead a bloodhound In the pa Ignited throughout Great Britain. may have overlooked is that, there who was to President Campbell, festival was most 'fervently has not as yet been made a fight hero lignin today, reported every- was later consolidated with the rade when “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” This kept up at Eton during the Middle On display in one section of our east show came to town. over tho indefinite postponement thing well with the medical school Annie. Mothers view their sons with ages, where the boys made their window you will find some most attractive In 18l>4 or 65 the total destruc of a bill on II committee report, appropriations. bonfires against the church. In and advance .styles in spring footwear for tion of tho Bohemia camp was what psychologists might call an London the day was also associated Upou an unfavorable * report the “associative fringe.” We are handi threatened by a fire on Adams capped by associated memories. with bonfires In the streets und women. merits and demerits of a bill mny former senator objected Hi mountain. The entire population We cannot estimate our sons exact with the setting of a watch at lie argued a* fully as though the to being <*al!<*<] 44 Senator, night, the .watch parading with You will find among them the new “nut of the mining village spent several ly as their wives estimate them. bill wore on final passage anil | hi* didn’t want any folk torches, and sometimes numbering meg ” shades in brown calf pumps and days fighting the flumes before They came upon us at a different fully 2,000 citizens. often the fight to prevent indefi History re they were finally extinguished. The •age.—"A Maternal Philosopher” cords how King Hal, disguised In a nite postponement is more spirited j cut-out slippers. trails between Bohemia and Cot In the AUuntlc Monthly. than the one upon final passage. guardsman’s coat, went privately Also the new “slashed” black patent leath If the fight to prevent the death I Into C’heape to witness the pageant. tage Grove were cut off by burn er pumps with medium high heel for dress Yorkshire fishermen remembered of a bill has been made an I won I ing timber nnd communication was Observation Relieved St. Peter on his day by holding fes occasions and black and brown oxford entirely cut off while the fire was and the bill comes on for third BOHEMIA MINE DISCOVERY Monotony of Illness tival, dressing their boats and reading the next day, there is uo for practical street wear. LEADS TO EXCITING EVENTS burning. It has often been my feeling that [minting their masts, and sprink In 18i)8 a law suit was started need to repeat what was sail to ling the prows with good liquor for perhaps the happiest man Is the The prices on these advance styles range between Jenn:ngs brothers nnd healthy bookworm who, by laying good luck. preserve the life of the bill. (Continued from first page.) « • * from $4.25 to $6.00 all plainly priced. (1. G. Warner over the ownership out a quarter for a second-hand vol Those who rail against the legis the Knott trail for taking ma of the Helena mine nnd this was ume, can get as much pleasure in a Jim ton Weed Valuable We invite you to see this new footwear lature ami say that file state would chinery to the mine. The. first carried to tho highest court in the week as the other fellow, more de Both the leaves and seeds of the here today. be better off if it met but once mine in the district was operated state finally resulting in a com pendent upon expensive entertain Jimson have medicinal properties. every four, or six, or eight years, on Grouse mountain where Bird promise. The case was tried in ments and indulgencies that draw The leaves are collected at the should bear in mind that two years . Farrier discovered what later be Roseburg and many of the com on bis wad. The farmer Is among time of flowering, and the entire that happy class that can say with it was in at the proper moment I came the Knott mine. Farrier sold ments on the event found in the the poet: “My mind to me a king plant Is cut or pulled up and the I this claim to .Tack Knott who files of tho Bohemia Nugget for dom Is; such pleasant joys therein leaves stripped and dried In the rut QUALITY STORE- coop UPV’Ct shade. The leaves are poisonous, brought the money up there to 1901) show the quaint way in which I find.” causing dilation of the pupil of the I pay for the property. But I discovered his equal the eye, and are used principally In court nows was sometimes handled other day when visiting a sick asthma. For the collection of the Tho evening after the transan in those days. i tion had been completed n poker C. J. Howard, then publisher of friend In Outremont whose house seeds, the capsules should be game was started. It is thought the Nugget, was apparently some adjoins a vacant lot, says the taken from the plants, when they Montreal Herald. I found him sit that Knott paid $1,000 for the what in sympathy with the claims ting comfortably on the veranda are quite ripe, but still of a green The capsules should then mine, but it may have been a small of Jennings and Brunenu. At any overlooking that lot and studying color. be dried for a few days, when they er sum. At any rate when the game rate his reporting of the case shows it through a pair of field glasses. will burst open and the seeds can He asked me: “How many be readily shaken out Bookkeeping outfits. was over Knott had both the that he was not greatly displeased 0ARD8 These PROFESSIONAL Sentir)“!. mine nnd the money and Farrier with the verdict in favor of kinds of plants would you suppose should then be carefully dried. there Is in that field?" wont to bed broke. Jennings nnd Bruneau handed down H. W. TITUS, D. M. D. “About half a dozen,” I replied. Knott ami his associates sunk by Judge Hamilton in the lower Intelligent Reading Dentistry “I have already found seventy court. two shafts nnd found richly paying If the books which you read are Modern equipment. First National seven," he assured me. and went on ore. They purchased a stamp mill Concerning a trip to Roseburg to name them. Confinement to a your own, mark with a pen or pen-! Bank building. Hours, 9 to 12 and cit the most considerable things In I 1 to 6. Evening* and Bunday* bv veranda did not worry him much. in San Francisco and had it a story in the Nugget says: them which you most desire to re oopointment. Office phone. 10: res shippeil by water to Portland. At “The Cottage Grovites and Bo- member. Then you may read that i ’••nee phone. 184-J. that time the end of tho railroad liemiaites have returned from Rose Man’s Feathered Friends book the second time oyer with half HERBERT W. LOMBARD was at Eugene so the machinery burg. It is reported that tile Rose Birds are closely allied to the the trouble, by your eye running I Attorney ai Lt* was shipped up to that point and burg people were much surprised British fanner, shepherd and ouer the paragraphs which your I First National Hank Building freighted by team to Adams moun ut the good behavior of our people. sportsman and those who are wise pencils have noted. It Is but a Cottage Grove, Ore. Phone 94 tain when’ it was loaded on pack They had been educated by the in bird lore, rely on their feathered weak objection against this prac trains and taken to the top of Roseburg Review to believe that friend* for Information and warn tice tq say: “I shall spoil my book”; j DR. 0. E. FROST Grouse mountain. This mill was the Bohemia miners were lawless ing. The wryneck Is the woods for I persuade myself that you did Office in Lawson building man’s bird, its hawklike cry In ion is beginning to look operated in a desultory way until and disorderly people, when as a April giving the signal for the strip not buy It as a bookseller, to sell Phone 47 It again for gain, but as a scholar, ‘he lobbies of both hous- 1872 when it was closed down. matter of fnct a better class of ping of oak tree«’ bark. The yel Oregon to Improve your mlud by It; and Cottage Grove ng crowded by lobbyists During the winter of 1877 a heavy people never earned an hone, t low wagtail Is a farmer’s bird, ush If the mind be Improved, your ad GAVEN O DYOTT. M. D. i who are merely just snow broke down the buildings living in n mining district then ering In the time of spring sowings. vantage Is abundant, though your Physician and Surgeon in watching the animals and the plant was idle until 1892 those self same miners who camo As the sandsniper is the angler’* book yields less money to your ex Evenings by appointment companion, the wlieateer keeps the ecutors. There is a certain nt- That year John B. McGee bought out from Bohemia and visited Suite 3, Kem Bldg., Cottage Grove. company on lonely down*. Entrance on north Sixth street, just the lilac hinerv nnd built a new Roseburg last week, and on whom shepherd Even the miller has his bird in the off Main. When Pillory Wat Used mill for treating ores at tho Annie the Roseburg Review on several redwing, called "windmill thnish," The use of the pillory for the mine which had been discovered I occasions has cast a slur not easily since the working of Its wings sug- DR. W. E. LEBOW speaking by Henry Pearson and was operat I overlooked. ’ ’ gests the revolvlng of a windmill’s punishment of evil doers was only Dentist ill, said, ed by him with two associates for Just what the slur which tho sails, while It Is supposed to seek abolished In England during com . Office Fifth and Main. Hour«, 8:3C paratively recent times, and was 12 and 1 to 5:30. Evenings and nt I am some time. Tho mill was remodeled I Review was supposed to have cast shelter by windmill* tn hard weath In active operation In June, 1837 to Sunday* by appointment. Phone*: I Well, an<l used for one year at the old , at Cottage Grove which aroused er. Redwings now arrive in force; The peculiar form of punishment office 35, residence 161-J. the pity 1* that few windmills ar« id laugh, location and then moved to the the ire of the paper here was, is left to keep op the traditional a* has a venerable history, and was DB. H. A HAGEN as when north side of the hill where it not stated. But at any rate it, soclutlon.—London Mall. known before the Conquest, In the L’ ’><>ased Drugless Physician form of an instrument of torture remained for several years. i doubtless was a great relief to all Phone 30. Ostrander Building, called the stretchneck. The pillory Expert Shingle Weavers was usually dedicated to fraudu <130 % Main Street, Cottage Grove In spite of the multiplication of lent dealers, sellers of sham gold D. A. FORBES, M. D. efficient machines to lighten and rings, or counterfeiters of papal Physician and Surgeon simplify labor, shingle* are still bulls, until star chamber tyrants Calls answered day or uight woven (or packed) by hand. No made It a political weapon, where Maternity Work a Specialty machinery hag yet been Invented by many a noble heart was tried Dr. Kime’s old office. Phones, capable of eliminating the expert and tempered. Are You Working for Office 34, Residence 199-J._______ shingle weaver. Examine a bunch 1 YOUR Husband's 2nd of shingle* a* the carpenter take* H. J. SHINN Comforting! them apart for shingling the roof, Attorney at Law and Wife? Timid Passenger—What would and you will see the unique process Notary Public happen, chauffeur. If we should It’s brutal, but the truth— by which the compact bunch ha* hit one of these huge rocks along Practice* in all court*. Thirty years many wives have worn them been woven. Now a wide shingle, the-way of experience. Bader building, Cot going nt this speed? selves out helping their hus now a narrow one. make* the bunch Inge Greve. Oregon. Chauffeur — Why- _ ______ _ * — It wouldn ’ t bands win success. the exact width, and all day long the rock In the least, str, DR A W KIME During the days when every the weaver stands and seizes damage I ’ m sure. Specialist in Obstetiin shingle after ghlngle thrown out penny counts, the wife strug from the sawing machine, and with Will return March 1 from Portland gles in the home, giving her out any false moves weave* them *11—her attractiveness, her Lithographing. engraving, steel Will care for confinements at his Into compact bunches. The term vigor, her youth and her vi home if desired, Special nurse if shingle-weaver has been extended dye work. The Sentinel’s live wire required. tality. by custom, till It now applies to print shop is the place. xxx She has the mistaken belief anyone who work* In any depart that by playing charwoman ment of a shingle mill. and doing the terrible drudg ery of housekeeping by an Scriptural Translations cient methods she is show Every year scholars are tolling to They are money makers ing loyalty and helpfulness. translate the Scriptures Into more But when her husband has One of the largest and best blocks in the state. Selected and still more dialect*. Thousands L>«\ gained success, in many cases, are plodding all over the globe to Vrooman Franqacttc strain, well grown, also select line 4 she discovers she ii) the loser. put these translation* in the hands of the commercial layered Filberts. Have a complete He is pink with the flush of of all people's In the Interior* of line of all other nursery stoeks — apple, pear, cherry, distant countries, far up the Ama victory. She is pale and son valley perhaps, or into darkest worn out from loss of vitali prune, plums, small fruits, berries, etc. Africa, where the Bible ha* never ty. Her charm is gone as ;i Our stock is well grown. Our prices are right. Send been, colporteur* are tramping with result of wasted energy. now for prices, etc. Thirty-five years in business. their packs. Motorcars are carry Some other woman who has ft ing the Bible across the desert from conserved her energy takes Damascus to Bagdad In 48 hours, s her plac'. Wife No. 2 gets BL J journey that was once a matter o> CARLTON. OREGON whnt Wife No. 1 worked for. six weeks, and by fastest camel •3E-: mga am ¿.t THAT IS THE GREAT post a trip of nine days. TRAGEDY’ OF THE HOME! 7Áf - lonzaley Q uartet The cost of preventing this Monument* to Applet 1 Following out it* Intention, In cattd in Washington, Pittsburgh, chamber muslo. meet advantage tragedy is small. Modern Monuments or marker* have been Philad« iphia. BuffruA, Providsnos, ously played by such an enaemble augurated N*w Year'* night with electrical appliances^—the elec erected to a few of the most noted I a* the FTonaaley. Wore -.r Boaton. On th* for r and Boston. tric washer, ironer, vacuum *J radio recital by Lucretia Borl Maine pi» To obtain the delicate harmony varieties o.‘ apple. In 1886 a moot, ogram were Miguel Fleta, A BOOKKEEPING. STENOGRAPHIC. OR cleaner and others—is the atid John McCormack to provide Spanish nor of the Metropolitan and rare unity nvceeeary In this ment was built to the Baldwin at solation. SECRETARIAL COURSE the finest music of operatic and Opera. « nd Ml** Lucy Isabelle work la a gift Of genius th Itself. Wilmington, near Lowell. Mass. Tlir Don t waste a day. Come to concert Mara for the radio public, Marsh, ly '1 le soprano, both of w horn For this reason thl* muMo la sel tiral In New Y<>rk was erected lu At the Eugene Business College. the Victor Talking Machine Coiu- nr© also artists of the Victor com- dom played. Th* Flonaaley Quart Kcm's Electric Store and let the town of Camillus. Onondaga pany on January J till presented pany. This school has modern equipment, efficient teachers, us show yon a hundred ways county, on the original site of th. et la world famou* for th* perfect the famou* Flontaley Quartet to Primate apple trees of ’ John T. Th« Fl to eliminate drudgery in the nicy Quartet la a mus ion of combined performance and and the rates are reasonable. the “air” audience. Robert* of Syraeuaat In ItMW Then ical treat ei a uew and super- artistic ideala The Quartet bind« home; let us make yonr Ari ftr ftrthtr itftrtutin followed one to the Northern Spy in Thia noted eOtwmble, which lias I a five oi h-r. The , player»—the It* member* not to play in sole housekeeping rosy. UU2, and the M< lntosh Red In th« never before a pea r<l bit ore the quartet < nslat* of two viellua • work so a* to preserve the perfect Milne year. A monument to th« njlerophone, played four selections, \iola and a ‘cello—have won a unity of their combined playing Wealth' v.,i* erected at Excelsior from it* rapertotrs- in the third unique place In the heart* of The player* are: Adolfo Betti A. E. Roberts, President Minn., in 1912. Victor recital, broadcast from music lovers the world over, The first violin; Alfred Pochcn. aecond 992 Willamette St. Phone 666 Eugene, Oregon. station WEAK New York, and greatest compown have lavished Fellcien d'Arehambeau. viola; ano •even eomtuuulcatlng atatlous lo-, tbulr genius ou the production of I Ivan d'Arehambeau, cell«. Salettbooka. The Sentinel, x «Sottace (brove Sentinel NEW SHIPMENT Noted Stringed Ensemble Broadcasts For First Time In Third Victor Air Recital PLANT GRAFTED WALNUTS J 1 - .r-j I- 7 'k i Z4 7 '/ ' < Pi . ' 4 CARLTON NURSERY CO. ENROLL TODAY EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE KEM’S Electric Store