Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1925)
COTTAiïE^lROVE^ENTINEL^^lONDAY^J^EBRt^^^^^l^I^ PAGB THREE jit in Klamath Falls and other if Mr. ami Mrs. Norton Pengra, of southern Oregon cities, Friday Eugene, spent yesterday at the home of Mrs. Pengra’s sister, Mrs. evening. Above all else a man of the people, Ralph Hand, well known wrestler, Jo. W. Hays. has moved to Medford and expects i I Mrs. *G. F. Gillispie returned | When you come shopping here for your Groceries it is very human in his weakness to make his home there in the this iporning from Harrison, Ark., easy to decide what to buy. for you do not have to think and capabilities— future. where she attended the funeral about the quality—it’s always good, or about the prices— Forest Fire—common enemy of i Karl K. Mills returned from of her father, R. C. Vaughn. they’re always consistently reasonable. I the Portland auto show Saturday Roy Watkins injured his left the Pacific Northwest will be with a Willys-Knight sedai which hand while working in a sawmill studied by U. S. Forest Rangers in ¡ can be converted into an am | at Comstock last Saturday ar.d it group meetings during February bulance. He expects to use this i1 was found necessary to amputate and March iu Oregon ami Wash To Honor the Anniversary of His Birth ington, according to Assistant Dis ear for emergency calls and acci- the index finger on that hand. This Bank Will Not Be Open PHONE 65 dents. Mrs. Harry L. Grube has re trict Forester A. O. Waha, of Port The meeting! will be in Thursday, February 1'2 Mrs. Barker Stewart went to turned, from Portland where she land. J) Portland Sunday to visit her I has been taking medical treatment charge of Wm. B. Osborne, fire As such, his many achievements have signifi specialist on the District Office daughter, Mrs. Harry Shearer, who for some time. i room aided in carrying out the cant lessons for each one of us. staff. They will be held at Ta ia receiving medical treatment H. A. Hagen attended the meet | circus idea. Th i hostesses and Our moral and religious life will be safer; coma, Seattle, and Okanogan in there. Mrs. Stewart expects to be ing of the state association of guests both came dressed for the our cities, states and nation will be more Washington and at Portland, Eu gone about a week. chiropractors held in Albany last ! gene, Medford, Baker, Pendleton, secure; the blessings of God will be vouch Mrs. H. A. Miller entertained occassion. A circus program was Galloway, insurance, 511 Main. M Saturday. safed to us and our posterity—so long as we and Bend in Oregon. AH forest the Joker club Friday evening at given following the dinner, Dane- B. W. Shaw, of Eugene, is work A new $800 electric cabinet ha« supervisors and district rangers its regular meeting. cherish the life and emulate the example of The rooms ing was enjoyed for the remaining ing with the Farmer’s Union store. been received by H. A. Hagen and in tho two states will attend one of wero prettily decorated with pink of tho evening hours. Abraham Lincoln. ♦ ♦ ♦ . The past week has seen the has been added to his officer equip the group meetings. earnations and ferns. Five hun The King’s Daughters, a Sunday Willamette river rise to its highest ment. The conference will bo informal dred, the usual diversion, was en point in any of the numerous Earl Fullmer went to Corvallis and will be devoted to fire-fight joyed followed by the serving of a school class of the Baptist church, floods of the winter of 1924-25 Saturday to attend the basketball >ng technique, bringing together delicious two course luncheon. Mrs. held their social afternoon last In fact the rise has been such that game between the University of the best experience of the actual C. H. VanDenburg and Miss Eunice Wednesday at the home of Mrs. the west bank of the river at Oregon and O. A. C. men on the fire linee. There will VanDenburg, of Eugene, members Carr. Devotional study was held Harrisburg began washing away be a thorough analysis of the prin of the club, were present. Mrs. first and the remainder of tho Mrs. C. E. Jones, who has been BANK A STRONG and consequently last Friday eve spending the week with her friends cipal factors governing the action G. O. Knowles, Mrs. H. K. Metcalf time was pleasantly spent socially. ning the remainder of the bridge here, will return to her home in of forest fires; also a discussion I and Mrs. J. P. Graham were addi Dainty refreshments were 'served. “Economy it one of \the finest and highest false work gave way. It is quite Roseburg, Saturday. Mrs. Jones, of methods, practices, and policies, tional guests for the evening, The virtues. It begins by saving money ’ ’—Lincoln Three thousand people read The likely that damage will result to who was a house guest of Mrs. with plans for action under gen club will hold its next meeting t What have fields across the river, but people Carrie Hemenway, attended the eral and specific conditions. February 20 with M rs. O. M. Sentinel each week. you to tell this vast throngf xxx have been able to get their stock Rebeka lodge here Friday night. ‘ ‘ Our rangers have many duties Miller. to safety, ahead of the rise. Ferry She has been a member of thin besides fire fighting,” said A. O. ♦ ♦ ♦ service has not been maintained order 30 years. Waha, Chief of the Office of FOOD SALE. An afternoon five hundred club land where he expects to remain there for two weeks. Operation. “Under present con known as the O. L. H. club has Ladies Aid of Christian church R. L. Long left Friday for Oak- ter soim time. Scholl’s kryptoks make you land, Calif., on a business trip. ditions, however, we recognize our recently been organized with Mrs. will hold a Food Sale, February 14, «--------------------------------------------- ® important responsibility to inter D. H. Hemenway, Mrs. H. A. ami will present a Valentine with The fire department was'called see. (m) Ho expects to return Wednesday. pret correctly our past experience Miller, Mrs. J. P. Graham and Mrs. each purchase sold. f9-12p About 35 men are now employed out’ Friday afternoon for ,a flue A war department representative Miss Katherine Mendenhall, in fire control, and to proceed G. O. Knowles as charter members. by the Ellsworth Lhmber company at the home of J. W’. Glass. There was in ftarrisburg Thursday in teacher in the Eugene schools, promptly to take tho steps our A regular meeting was held last in its sawmill which started opera was no damage done as the flames vestigating a report that someone CARD OF THANKS. spent the week end here with her experience has indicated are neces Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Hem- tions a few days ago west of town. did not spread. We wish to sincerely thank our had been using dynamite in the parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Men sary. If people who start forest enway. Pussvwillows wero the at- many frionds for their sympathy The mill is cutting approximately It pays to list your property Curtis Island vicinity to change denhall. fires would recognize their respon tractive room decorations. At the and aid given us during our recent 2500 feet of lumber a day. with Hall & Lang. the river’s course. It has gotten Mrs. W. J. White returned yes sibility, our field men would have close of the card session a delicious bereavement, tho death Oscar Vaughn expects to take a of Meltha W. E. Lebow has purchased the out that the two parties were from Portland. Mr. and more time to do other constructive two course luncheon was served. Pentico. Tho floral tributes were position with the Ellsworth Lum- property on West Main street be "cought in the act” and the terday Mrs. ’ White went to that city work in tho interests of for A basket of fruit was tho center greatly appreciated. ber company this week. He has longing to Mrs. Frances Gray and authorities were promptly notified. given up his former place with expects to make his residence there Not much more work is needed to Thursday on business and to visit cstry. Until every man does rec piece of the table and Valentino MR. AND MRS. WALTER PEN with their daughter, Miss Wilma ognize his personal responsibility place cards were used. The re TICO AND HON CODA. the Anderson & Middleton com- after the first if April. divert the river’s course at this White. Mr. White went on to however, we must continue to freshments helped to carry out tho MR. AND MRH. 8. W. HOWERS, pany. place, it is said, and if it wero di Clyde Kerr, who ent his right Washington to attend to business spend time and money in protect Valentine scheme. Additional guest i E. J. Leum and son Cyrus with foot about three weeks ago may verted many of the farms in the affairs. ing the mature forests and the for the afternoon wero Mrs. H. H. Bernard Brainard motored up from be forced to have a toe amputated island vicinity would suffer great Notice 1 young tree crops from humnn caro- Veatch, Mrs. F. E. Dickson, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Nelson Jr. They unless the wound shows improve damage. Portland Friday morning, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: lessness. ’ ’ and son Clara Burkholder, Mrs. Currie i Robert Lee returned Hat encountered much water on the ment within the next few days. I will not be responsible for any Hemenway, Mrs. R. R. Meeks and urday evening from Portland, highway, the stretch from Junction So far the bone has failed to bills or debts of any kind made Mrs. C. E. Joues. The latter is of where Robert Lee underwent a City to Eugene being the worst. by my wife, Mary J. Class, after kuit and physicians expect to de Roseburg and was a house guest medical examination. Mr. Nelson February 5. 1925. Her present cide this week whether the ampu of Mrs. Carrie Hemenway. W. O. W. basket social Fri brought back two Willys-Knight post office address is unknown to sedans DeLuxe. ♦ ♦ ♦ day evening, February 13, at . tation will be necessarv or not. Karl K. Mills mo. Datod February 4, 1925. Karl K. Mills and N. J. Nelson the hall. Everybody invited. drove one back for him. The Missionary Study club met f5-9-12p A. F. ‘ CLASH. Jr. attended the automobile show Work is progressing rapidly on Monday evening with Mrs. A. Mrs. Hazel DeLay and small A. L. Woodard, who was in son, who were visiting with Mahlon in Portland last week. Portland last week on business, has the Bank of Cottage Grovi build Ralph Hpearow to continue with its John Brund has returned from C. Bressler for some time returned received word that his Ford which ing and it is expected that the study of “China’s Challenge to This society was was stolen Tuesday evening on rooms to be occupied by the Trask Christianity.” home yesterday. Mrs. DeLay is Dunsmuir, Calif., where ho has been visiting at the home of his one of the Portland streets has Cash Grocery will be ready within especially fornted to take up thia a sister of Mr.. Bressler. son, William. been found, The car was parked tho next two or thre" weeks. Work work and hqs divided the subject Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Helliwell in front of the church while Mr. will not start on remodeling tho into six lemons, Mrs. F. E. Men Get you winter coal from W. 0. W. basket social Fri motored up from Roseburg and Woodaard was attending church, part of the building to be occupied denhall is leader of the discusión, Chestnut Transfer. Everybody invited, visited for a short time with Mr. the hall. meet evory He expects to go to Portland soon by the bank for abort three weeks. The society will and Mrs. Albert W. Helliwell Fri day evening, February 13, at WELL, I'LL BE Rock Spring’s Utah coal by The bank will take over half of Monday evening lit tho Spearow and get the car. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kime and day afternoon. sack or ton. DOGGONED! the space formerly used by Wynne home. R. R. Meeks, who recently run F. C. Houser has returned from daughter, Mrs. Roy Romaine, resi ♦ ♦ ♦ I’ll have to hurry back and a nail in his foot, has been con- & Kime and Trask Cash Grocery Dexter, where he has been working, dents of Cottage Grove for many will take over the other half. Mrs. L. L. Harrel, Mrs. Andrew years, arrived here Friday eve- get that loaf of Faultless fined to the house during the week. and expects to remain here for Whito’s Pharmacy will move intd Brund and Mrs. C. A. Beidlor en some time. He is recovering from ning and were visiting with I bread that wify told me not Mrs. Lora Finnerty is in Eugene friends and attending to busi- : to forget. She said there visiting at the home of her grand the part of the building formerly tertained the Constellation club an attack of the grip. occupied by Goff’s shoe shop. C. J. Thursday afternoon at its regular would be nothing with ness interests over the week Mrs. Clarence Spencer. Breier company will enlarge their meeting held in the banquet room Ray Nelson, auto electrician. end. Mr. Kime is now a practicing which to make toast for daughter, She will go on to Albany for a physician in Portland but expects breakfash if I forgot it. visit with other relatives before quarters by occupying the space of the Masonic temple. Potted Ninth and Main streets. where White’s Pharmacy now- is. plants were tlje room anil table She ’ ll never let me buy any M return here the first of March. The Curtin school which closed returning here. Mrs. Finnerty was New floors are being placed in decorations. The diversions were other kind. last week on account of diphtheria, He left here for Portland last July accompanied to Eugene Saturday this part of the building at the fancy work and social conversation opened again today. There have and was engaged in practicing by her daughter, Mrs. Bert Bur present time and store rooms and and a tempting two course lunch J. A. RHOADS been no new cases reported in the medicine here before leaving. He rows, and tho latter’s two dough- other features are being added eon was served. Now members Proprietor will resume his practice here. past woek. Religious services tors, Millicent and .Terrene, who by the carpenters. taken in at this meeting were Mrs. which were being held there were Have 300 tiers of last year’s spent tho day there, returning that O. W. Hays, and Mrs. LaHolls postponed. Miss Lenora Hubbell, 16-inch slab wood, $4 a load. Quim evening. Stewart. Mrs. Archie Proctor was G A. Sanders, Prop. FURNITURE MOVING Love or Money? who is teaching there, spent Ian by Bros. Phone 124L. j22f9p(2) Martin H. Anderson left this Guy: Would you marry the man an invitod guest. weejc at home. AND STORAGE Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aubrey morning for Berkeley, Calif., on a ♦ ♦ ♦ who loves you or one who could Miss Adelaide LaCasse has re business trip. A. D. McCormack, formerly em were visitors in Eugene over the give you a town and a country turned home from Aberdeen, Wash. A good attendance was out Sat ployed in the Ellsworth sawmill week end. There will be a supper and con urday afternoon to the regular will return to his former home in Piano Moving a Specialty. Fuller Brushes lighten work gregational meeting at the Presby house, a car, and jewels. Mrs. O. M. Miller went to Port- Medford, which he expects to make land Sunday on business. She M —cost little. Phone 124-J. terian church next Thursday eve Girl: Well, love is desired, but meeting of tho Community club Phone 99; Res., 189-J his residence. f2-23p ning. Committees have been ap those other things you mentioned held at the home of Mrs. W. L. expected to be gone about a week. G. B. Arnest. are absolute necessities. — Every Darby. A business session was hold Mr. and Mrs. Frank Longcoy, of pointed to report at this meeting Mrs. Roy Hhort, daughter of Mrs. Ora Read Hemenway, who body’s Magazine for February. at which the problem of the mov TT Mrs. O. O. Veatch who is recover is teaching school in Springfield, Kent, Ohio, and their son and his on ways and means of remodeling ing of the Rest room was taken I t ing from an operation in a Port spent the week end at the home wife, Mr. and Mrs. Al Longcoy, of the present church building. Coburg, spent Sunday with the PROFESSIONAL CARDS up. No definite action could be land hospital, returned from Port of W. A. Hemenway. taken until the question had come N. J. Nelson Sr. family. land Friday evening where she had Galloway writes insurance. up before tho council, Following H. W. TITUS, D. M. D. been with her mother. Mrs. Veatch Mrs. Ella Tiller went to Oak- the business session the hours were Dentistry Mrs. Autin Lindsy visited with | ridge this morning to visit with is recovering as well as could be l Barber Shop Modern equipment. First National spent socially and a delightful expected although she may not be her mother, Mrs. W. H. Davis, '’ | her sons, Thurman and Sherman Bank building. Hours. 9 to 12 and luncheon wits served. Thursday and Friday of last week. able to come home for some time Tiller. 1 to fl. Evenings ana Sundays bv Dorothy Lindsy, daughter of Mrs. ♦ ♦ ♦ nupointment. Office phone, 10: res yet. W? ROB, Curl and Charles Reese was in Eugene Lindsy, i 'ence phone, 184J. is staying with her grand ’ J f The Keepers of the inter h er | today on business. You can work on a scooner too, One hundred and eighteen mill* mother and returned with 1 tained tho Lions club at ye Hair HERBERT W. LOMBARD You don’t have to be a sailor Miss Ruth Olson, of Creswell, reporting to West Coast Lumber mother for a short visit Saturday. dinner Thursday at PI Attorney at I. ta But when it comes to making clothes was a weak end guest of Mr. and men's Association for the week Mrs. Leotine Morelock Lusk Tho hall was transformed into a Barber work in general ; First National Hank Building You have to be a tailor. Mrs. James A. Rentle. ending January 31st, manufactured Cottage spent Friday in Eugene. Grove, Oro. Phone »4 gay country circus scene with the special attention to children. Let Max Schwartz, the tailor, be 103,998,678 feet of lumber; sold club’s colors, gold and purple, pre C. E. Powers was here Friday I James Mills Jr., of Portland, your Jailor. j26-f26p(2) DR. 0. E. FBOST i /> t 1 es wv City , X —~ visiting « z, ■ 4-. ». «... 4 V. ! sepnt the week end at the home 92,104,234 feet; and Shipped 98,636, 630 Main P. 8. Bukowski, Ptop. dominating in the lolor scheme. from Junction with 646 feet. of his uncle, Karl K. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kem re friends. Office in Lawson building Animals and balloons about tho New business wax 11 per cent turned from Portland Thursday Schon is your home optom- ol£y Neb,on for Radio Sup’ below production. Shipments were Cottage Grove Phone 47 evenihg after spending several days Oregon 7 per cent above new business. days in that city. etrirt. (m) , Charles - - • a student - - _- at the - Heck, GAVEN 0. DYOTT, M. D. Thirty nihe per cent of all new A. Laffoon has returned to Ash- J. J. Preo returned from a vis University of Oregon, was home Physician and Burgoorf business taken during tho week over the week end. Evenings by appointment was for future water delivery. Miss Virginia Willis, of Com- This amounted to 35,506,444 feet, Suite 3, Kem Bldg., Cottage Grove. Entrance on north Sixth street, just | stock, who was in an auto accident of which 25,740,970 feet was for off Main. ' December 19 south of the city, re- domestic cargo delivery; and 9,- DR. W. E. LEBOW 1 turned to the Cottage Grove high 765,469 feet export. New businesH § Dentist school this morning to resume her by rail amounted to 1728 cars. □ Office Fifth and Main. Hours, 8;3< □ studies there. Forty-four per cent of the lumber to 12 and 1 to 5:30. Evenings nnc □ □ J. Q. Willits has received word shipments moved by water. This Bunday« by appointment. _________ Phones: |of the recent death of his brother, amounted to 43,. 58^56 feet of office 35, residence 161-J. i O. P. Willits at his home in Keo- which 28,717,570 feet moved coast DB. H. A. HAGEN , kuk, Ia. Vr. Willits has not seen wise and intercoastal; and 14,641, Licensed Drugleee Physician his brother for over 50 years. 286 feet export. Rail shipments J*hone 30. Ostrander Building, 63«H Main Street, Cottage Grove W. 0. W. basket _____ social _ Fri totaled 1,684 cars. day evening, February 13, at Local auto and team deliveries D. A. FORBES M. D. □ the hall. Everybody invited. totaled 4,757,790 fe<-t. Physician and Burgeon Unfilled domestic cargo orders Miss Beth Bede returned to Calls answered day or night Salem today with her father, Elbert totaled 130,502,639 feet. Unfilled Maternity Work a Specialty I Bede, who • ia acting as reading, export orders 108,65«450 feet. Un Df. Kime’s old office. Phonos, clerk in the «täte house during filled rail trade orient 5,320 ears. Office 34, Residence 1W-J. In the first five weeks of the the prevent legislative aeaaion. H. J. SHINN year, production reported to West Have some old growth fir cut Attorney at Law and Notary Poblie last summer, $2.50 a tier. Quimby I Coast Lumbermen ’• Association has Bros. Phone 124L. j22fOp(2) 1 I wen 462.6O7,<47 fe<t; now husi new Practices ia all courts. Thirty years In the Radio Game Since 1911 428,718,660 feet; and shipments of experience. Bader building, Cot C. F. Frnnklia, of Chehalis, tags Grove, Oregon 476^66,438 feet. Wash., «pent the week end at the homo of his niece, Mrs. O. W. DR A. W KIME Hays. What a Relief Specialist in Otetetiaa Marvin Smith left this morning | -¿Undent: "Why don’t you laugh I Will return March 1 from Portland for Portland on a |MM>inc*s trip.' at the prof’s johe-T*’ Will care for confinements at hie PHONE 46 He expcuta to retwu tb«- lattor • MMk One- 'T don’t have to, 1 home if desired. HperieJ nurse if j part of the weeh. am getting kiehed ortt Best week.” ' requifSd. Rangers Meeting Is to Study Control of Fires IT’S EASY TO DECIDE— ABRAHAM LINCOLN McQueen’s Grocery SOCIETY BANK OF COTTAGE GROVE I Tales of the Town Carpenters Busy on Bank Building Coal! Coal! CHESTNUT TRANSFER City Transfer Co. The Cottage Grove Electric Bakery I mperia ! \ Production in Lumber Continues Above New Orders J D DELICIOUS RADIO RCA Super Het. RCA Regenoflex Cold Meat Specials Genuine Radiotron Tubes Baked or Boiled Ham and a fine va riety of other Cold Meat Specials that—served with a tasty potato salad -will make an inviting Sunday evening meal. Ray Nelson Quality Market