Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1925)
COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1925 PAGE FOUR J/ ■ Neighborhood News| WANTADS *-------------------------------------------- * for a visit of a few days in Port- lajid. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fisher and Mrs. Naruh Fisher spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Heath at Mount View. Mrs. Pearl Plaster and children left Saturday for Girbaldi for an indefinite visit. M rs. Olive Berry was a Eugene visitor one day «last week. Mrs. J. C. Coats was a visitor at the George Miller home Sunday. Children Found Dead Had Relatives Known Here Tailteann Game» ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■> Early Polo Game» The Tailteann games which have It la ■ long vIstH back to the hl» been successfully revived in Ire toric day when, In 1871, two cavalry MOUNT VIEW. WE SELL LATE MODEL, HIGH land are »o called In perpetnatlon teunis played the first polo game oa ent grade typewriter» at low of the name of Queen Talite, who English soil with a billiard ball and Wrr. H. A. Hage» price, aud on easy terms. We also (Special to The Sentinel.) tradition »ays reigned over Ireland boek»y Micks; to Prospect park handle all make, of adding ma some hundreds of yean before Brooklyn, when the elder Bennett Feb. 4.—Mr. an<i Mrs. J. R. Coo- Phones: — Two children, Nina and — Mary I Christ. chine». Every machine is thor I ley and Eliza,la*th Cooley were Being childless, she adopt- and Foxhall Keene staged the first Office ■ Martin, grandchildren of a Marcelling brother j e(j a youth named Lugh, who soc- game on American soli In 1876. Yet oughly rebuilt and guaranteed. Buy I guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. 30 of Mrs. James Ostrander, fornier ( eeeded to the throne at her death, those two events have made pole Manicuring a machine aud pay like rent. Res. Royal Sale, C#.. Inc., 500 Oregon J. E. Dunnivan in Cottage Grove. resident here, now living in Eu ln grateful memory of his foster truly taternationaJ. The tactics ol Facial Massage 118- Y ■ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bales went Bldg., Portland, Ore. tf-sn(2) gene, were found dead in Lox mother, King Lugh organized an those early player» of the eight lei Shampooing . M ’Aonach kAvia/»h TVi Ilf zxann" T’ __ »hat fa Tell»»'« I to Eugene Saturday to see Mr ' Taliteenn — that Is Talite's have bean profonndly modified un Angeles yesterday after having Eveninks ■ Bobbing OLD BAGS WAN TED-NOTHING I Rales’ brother, U. S. Bales, who is each Irish tU the tame has now become t . .by ■ been missing from home since festival—to whtf 1 Hair Tinting less than 2 feet square. Must be in a hospital there recovering from his Mar ath- eetenee. In which the peny has grad chieftain brought Appoint- August 23. The bodies were dis ! letes, his beet bor «men, hts most nelly some to share the honor» with French Paper Curl clean and of material that will ab ment ■ MOUNTAIN. BLUE covered covered by brush in the expert harpists. T is festival once his rider sorb gasoline; old underclothing, an injury receivefl at Rujada. Mr. and Mr«. C. A. King and flannel» and the like preferred. Can suburbs of the city and indications established, wns continued for ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■I (Special to The Sentinel.) Sales books. 1*lte ~Bentinel. x ■ family attended a birthday party not use old socks, mercerized or nearly 2,000 year». Than It lapsed. Feb. 4—Miss Gladys Whipps nre that the girls were strangled to be revived by the hard surface goods or small pieces at the home of Mr. Davis, of Cot Free State Mrs. Ostrander is now visiting of any kind. We want the best rags tage Grove, a former neighbor in spent the week end in Cottage in California with Mr». Carrie government. and pay the best prico, 6 cents the Ogema, Sask. Grove with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson amr» -i*» in -------- Lovelace, her sister-in-law, grand y/'fj pound. The SentineL tf P B O F E 8 8 I O N A I. 0ABD8 Mrs. Roy Van Hchoiack, of Ru- Whipps. - Evetta and Garwood Brockman mother of the children. The two i HOUSE FOR SALE—TO BE RE jada, visited last week at the home little girls were visiting at the and Loberta and Frank Miller vis- H. W. TITU8, D. M. D. moved from lot on south Sixth of her husband ’s sister, Mrs. Harry ited at the home of Thena Miller home of Mrs. Lovelace and had Dentistrv street. Elbert Bede. jlfitfp E living. started back to the home of their Modern equipment. First National Mr. and Mra. J. C. Wright and Sunday evening. building. Hours. 6 to 13 and Louis I.ayng ,of Walden, is cut mother, Mrs. Paul Buus, when they Bank FOB SALE—TWO McCLANAHAN family, of Walker, and Mr. and disappeared. Mrs. Lovelace had I to 6. Evenings and Sundays bv incubators, 220 egg size, one Mc Mrs. J. W. Fisher and Mrs. Sarah ting wood for George Duerst. nnpointment. Office phone. 10: res- 4 Mr. an<l Mrs. George Cannon .watched them go to the corner to I i '■•neo phone, 184-J. Clanahan brooder, 52-inch, for $10 Fisher, of Thornton Corners, visited catch the street car for their home each, and six Hollywood cockerels. . Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. ami son Ray and granddaughter HERBERT W. LOMBARE* O. E. Biggs, 714 north Douglas Heath. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Snau Lorrie visited Sunday nt Yoncalla and saw that they were safely Attorney st Lia street. f2-5p(2) er, of Walden, spent Sunday with with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cowan. started on their way. The oldest Firat National Mank Building of the girls, May is 12, and Nin„ Cottage Grove, Ore. Phone 04 is 8. BOARDERS SOLICITED- FIRST Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Miller. Mrs. Amanda Sears was a Cot Council to Discontinue class lx>ar<l nn<l room, pricoa No definite trace of tho children DB. O. E. FROST reasonable, at 1308 east Main tage Grove visitor, Saturday after had been found after they hail Office in Lawson building street. Mrs. J. E. Loucks and noon. Auto Camp Now left their grandmother before the Phono 47 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hands have Mrs. Olive Livingston, phone finding of the bodies yesterday. Cottage Grove Oregon In City Park 185-L. f2tfc boen sick «luring the past week. The remains were identified as Mrs. J. R. Cooley visited Mr«. GA VEN O. DYOTT, M. D. those of the children by Mrs. Love COW FOR BALE—FRESH ABOUT Claude Arne Thurs«lay. Physician and Surgeon lace by means of clothing, after the Tho auto camp maintained in March 1. Abner Gilchrist, ti Mrs. Lutheria Dowcns and son Evenings by appointment bodies were located by two men, miles south of city on London Walter entertained a number of the city park will be di .continued who raw a bit of cloth protruding Suite 3, Kem Bldg., Cottago Grovo. during the coming summer accord f2 5 P (2) Entrance on north Sixth street, just road, phono 39F16. the neighbors at their homo Natur ing to action taken at the meeting from a bn«h pile. There were no off Main. day evening. Those present were of tho council Monday evening, indications of a struggle. WILL DO WASHING, IRONING Mrs. Amanda Hears and family, DB. W. E. LEBOW The father of the girls, Eddie or mending at my home. Prices A petition was read from the Mr. and Mrs. George Lay ng anil Dentist Lions Club and from the Keepers Martin, was located in Hoquiam, reasonable. Mrs. Nettie Little, 504 Office Fifth and Main. Hours, 8:3€ family, xMins Mary Hnauer, Henry of the Den south Tenth street. f2-12p(2) requesting that the Wash., soon after they disappeared. to 12 and 1 to 5:30. Evenings and Snauer, Miss Bernardino Schneider auto park be discontinued and th< A neighbor told of seeing tw<s Sundays_ u-, Phones; by appointment. Phones.- WANTED TO TRADE—ONE AND and Mine Margaret Raymond. city park bo used for playground children answering the description office 35, residence 161-J. one-fifth acres fine soil, 7-rooin work instead, On motion this pe of the Martin sisters riding away DR. H. A HAGEN LYNX HOLLOW. house, olectric-lighted, full size ce from a school playground with two tition was granted. Licensed Drug loss Physician ment basement, 2 blocks from High men in an automobile and two The Keepers of the Den is Phone 30. Ostrander Building, (Special to The Sentinel.) School, Ridgefield, Wash., for civic organization of women ol playmates said they were playing Feb. 4—George Strong, from th« tho city and hns been working on with the girls after they left 6.30*6 Main Street, Cottage Grove about a 5-room, modern house in this city. Address “X”, care of Houthern part of the «tate, was tho plan of establishing a play their grandmother, but avide from D. A. FORBES, M. D. Mentine! office. flptf(2) a guest in the Win. Slater and (ground here for some time. Other this police have been unable to Physician and Surgeon Culls answered day or night A. B. Wolford homes last week. organizations such as the Lions pick up any clue which might lead HAVE THE FOLLOWING FOR Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Estos, of Club, the commercial club, the to the solution of the mystery of Dr. Kime’s old office. Phones, Office 34, Residence 199-J. nal«: 1924 baled cheat hay aud tyilk Creek, wero visitor« with cows freshening from February. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Dresser Wed American Legion and Legion Aux their death. The two children had H. J. SHINN with them (15 cents, taken from iliary will help to improve the Leslie Hull, phone 37F5. j29f5p(2) nesday of last week. Attorney at Law and park and make it suitable for a a baby sister’s bank, according to Notary Public HOUSE FOR RENT AT 809 1 Mrs. K. Y. Porter and daughter first class children’s playground, reports. Practices in all eourta. Thirty years south Sixth street. Room for car Ruth visited in the Grover Hhceley It is expected that a playground of experience. Bader building, Cot in barn. Mrs. 8. A. Hill, Curtin, home Sunday. tage Grot e, Oregon. supervisor will bo provided during Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pentico left The Firot Meeting Ore., phono 12F15. f5p the summer months. Saturday for Eddyville to be gone "Your wife is very beautiful, Die FOR SALE—BUICK fl TOURING two weeks visiting with relatives you fall In love at first sight?" "No. I met the Indy through i car, 1918 model, in good running there. Young Girl Attacked collision. She ran her enr into mine order. Also have a good 18-inch The Wolford and George Strong with all her good looks I was i disc harrow. Both very cheap. families were guests in the Harry By Angry Cow trifle peeved over the episode."— r Claude Arne, phone 1F4. f5-18p(2> Strong home Sunday. The occas Lou.sville Courier-Journal. sion was Harry Strong’s birthday Luise Hoffman, three year olil CLEAN FURNISHED ROOMS $2 anniversary. daughter of Mrs. Gorette Hoffman to $.3 per week. First class board Mabel Neal underwent an open» was attacked by an an angry cow in connection if desired. Good tion for appendicitis in a Goshen at the Hoffman home a few days eats and a home place—close in— hoApitnl last Fridny, ago anil narrowly escaped serious 2 blocks north of Post Office. 1,3(1 Mrs. Ellen Lajoie, of Wendling, injury. It is thought that the north 8th street. f5-llp(2) nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Jackson, of soft mud in which she fell when spare! is now being delivered AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, Spokane, Wash., visited relatives the animal rushed at her was all at the ' homes of sub here last week. wagons, and harnesses. Spring is that saved her. scribers in Cottage Many* pooplo from here attended ilrawing near an«l work of all kinds Mrs. Hoffman was driving a Grove daily. should hooii start. We will hold tho funeral of Meltha Pontieo, stake to picket the cow and the txry vay best buy in tank our next and largest horse sale of held in Cottage Grove Thursday of little giri wns with her at the the year on Tuesday, February 10, Inst week. time the attack occured. The The Th Fonatoti family gave a ehilil 1 was playing when the am- 1925, at 3rd and Lincoln Sts., Eu is Lane county’s biggest gene, Ore., There will be about 65 party last Saturday night. ma I rushed at her. Mrs. Hoffman and best daily news Cody Pentico aud James Thurs drovo the cow away with the ax head of horses sold without reserve paper. to the highest bidders; consisting man left for Eddyville last Hatur with which she was driving the of some of the very best young day. stake as toon as sho saw what had mares and geldings that are raised happened. Tho child probably in this valley, all well broke and LONDON. covers the news of Lune ventured too close to the small in good order, weighing from 1100 county fully and inter calf which was near the cow and (Special to Tho Sentinel.) to 1750 pounds each; also several estingly. thus angered tho creature. You would look askance at almost any investment Feb. 4—F. II. Stringham who cheap work homes of all sixes and that offered you 25% to 50% on your money, but ages will be sold at this sale. All conducted preaching services here Fair Offer of this stock will be guaranteed four evenings last week, left Nat yo» cati earn that amount ou your money by was bu» A flashily drowsed youth . to be ns represented when they urdav for Grant« Pass, and later covers the news of the purchasing your . printing in quantities. • ' ‘ ,___ 2-— All the ring around the foreman of a con are sold. Every horse aud team expects to go to California. world by Associated work except the actual printing has to be done to structlon gang in hopes of plckinj will be hitched and worked to Mrs. F. A. Gore wns quite up a toft job us timekeeper. Oore who was Press Leased wire. produce one sheet of the completed job. The buyer’s satisfaction. Wagons nnd ill several days last week has re “1 have nothing like that left.' type has to be set, the proof has to be corrected, harnesses of nil kinds. Halo «tarts covered, and with her daughter. said the hunky foreman. “You aaj the press has to be made ready for printing before 10 a. ui. sharp. This sale yard Virginia, will leave Thursday for you need work. If you need work - - ’t you try hodcarrying?' a sheet can be printed. After this work is done, vhy don and barns are conveniently located San Diego, California, for an in W* “I ain’t strong enough to enrrj the only expense is for the paper stock and for for buyers that have to ship their definite stay. of them hods." is delivered at your the operation of the printing press. By ordering stock. Just 1 block from stock Thomas Orr went to Eugene on one "Now look here, lad, ni mak< door daily in Cottage in quantities you save paying more than once for yards, where you can ship either a business trip Monday. you a fair offer. If you'll really g< Grove for 50 cents a north, south, east or west. If yon the preparatory operations. Mrs. James Powell, Mrs. Roy to work I'll call four bricks a load.’ month. are in tore« toil in stork I earnestly Ewing and Mrs- Jack Cherry, of —Louisville Courier-Journal. ask you to be here on this sale Woodard’s mill, were caller« at the Instead of buying 500 statements at $4.60. buy date. (’has. Taylor, Owner; J. K. John Small homo Tuesday. Salesbooks for merchants—The 1000 at $6.55, and possibly add the second 1000 Grovr, Auctioneer; U. H. National A physician and nurse from Cot Sentinel. xxx | at _ 2000 _________ _t $4. C‘- If you buy statements _______ in lots of 500 Bank, Clerk. f5c tage Grove were at the school house at four times during a year the price would be £. Tuesday and administered the anti $18.40. r If you • buy — 2000 at one time the price is toxin treatment to about forty $10.55. children. There wore quite a num her that did not take the treat ment. Quality reductions in the prices of other printing Bert has rented the are in the same proportion. There are no antis, of Mrs. W. T. FOR HI NT-GOOD SIZED GAR Foreman if or buts about making 25% to 50% on your Newton move his family age at 141 south Third street. money this way. ('all at address or nee Clyde Lawton here so< at Hotel Bartell. f5 12c(2) * Sanitary Beauty ■ Shop ■ _/"T Cn taster aexxleiution^rnore power ITS A BUY » The ne w wintertad QnwnT is a buy-it snaps jour motor ovex auidus^ accdczztEs fast er in_____ an the hills cJVew The best buy intown 25% to 50% The main edition of The Eugene Guard where you want it, there's power to You’ll find something new in gasoline in the new wintefkea Crown -in Zfe The Eugene Guard INTEREST The Eugene Guard On Your Money 4 0 The Eugene Guard The main edition of The Eugene Guard q Today’s News Today K nowles & G raber q « H is a good Investment to buy a year's supply of stationary when yen are ordering THORNTON CORNERS Myttery of Sound Board The sound board of a piano, al- though It Is actually a thin sheet of llr wool. 1» a wonder not fully un doratoml In It» effects. Most peo ple know that every note has a com piste and very elaborate set of vl brattons which gtve It Its pitch and character, and all these separate seta are reproduced In the sound hoard quite Independently. Even tn comparatively simple music, them are frequently thousands of vibrations going on In that thin brittle wood, which we can hear hut cannot see; and with all the cross ing and rveroaatng of the vibration lines which must tske place there Is never any coufuaion. and It it possible to select any group of vi brations an the one to which we can pay the moat attention Perhaps eveu »till mom wonderfid 1» the fact that the piano maker can make the board susceptible to different kinds of vibration without knowing how lie doe« It. Nave two bit» by paying ea»h. Bookkeeping charge of 25e on all account» under II. The Sentinel, x (Special to The Sentinel.) Feb I “ * w Footer wh Mr«. Georgi' admitted to a Eugene hospital last week. K. 11. Dustin, of Harrisburg has purchased tho O. H. Shaw piaci ___ and ha ?» rent ml it to Frank Cooley, of Cottage Grove, who has moved hi« family into the houm*. Mr. and Mra. O. L. ¿mith ami family, of the Grove, were dinner gucutii Saturday evonin|t of Mr an*I Mr* C. A. Dodge. Mrs Olive Berrv h»ft HARDWARE Cottage Grove : : Oregon ENROLL TODAY for A BOOKKEEPING, STENOGRAPHIC, OR SECRETARIAL COURSE At the Eligcne Buaineaa College. This school has modern equipment, efficient teachers, and the rates are reasonable. .ilk for fori her WOOD Any Kind Any Time PRICES RIGHT Terms Cash F 3 You get your dividend ■■ when you pay for the [ I The Sentinel Qorreft Quality Printing EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE Quimby Bros. A. E. Roberta, President 9!>2 Willamette St. Phone 666 Eugene, Oregon. I’bon» IM4. =i i *