Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1925)
PAGE FIVE ÌD>Y, JANUARY 14. 1926 ces an Open-to-AII, “Everybody Wins nd Big Cash Commissions ictive participant is guaranteed a prize or a liberal Bash commission. Read this announcement care fully—-every word of it—then clip the coupons below and send them in today. Remember, a good start Is Lhe battle half won. / kRDS BIG ■ THE WORK EASY COPYRIGHT 1923. THE UNER SERVICE CO. ampaign Closes Saturday, February 27 Just A Few Short Weeks to Win Prizes Worth Thousands of Dollars <■» 'WORTH $1400 "‘Purchased From and on Exhibition With N. J. Nelson Jr., Maliys Knight-Overland Dealer, in His New Building, One Block Off Main, on North Ninth Fourth Prize F ADA “NEUTROLETTE” RADIO VALUED AT $145.00 « THIS LIT AIRE JIMOND IS A 1AUTY You’re Invited To Participate In This Campaign Y 1 ,! Æ ŒD FROM AND TLAY AT THE URR JEWELRY S tore The new FADA “Neutrolctte” is a five tube tuned radio frequency receiver—made more efficient than all other tuned radio frequency receivers because is incorporates the Neutrodyne principle. PURCHASED FROM AND ON DISPLAY AT THF, NELSON ELECTRIC SHOP Costs Nothing to Try .’. T. No salaried employee of this newspaper is eligible 10. In the event of a tie for any one of the prizes, to enter this competition. This does not apply to country a prize identical in value will be given each tying con correspondents. testant. * *** * ’ W—.W~ 11. Participants in this campaign are authorized 2. Any other reputable man, woman or child re agents of this newspaper, but it is understood and agreed siding in this city or surrounding territory is eligible to that they will be responsible for all moneys collected and enter this campaign and compete for the prizes. will remit such amounts in full each day to the campaign 3, Tlie winners of the prizes will be decided by their department. accredited Votes, said votes being represented by ballots 12. No statement or promise made by any representa issued cn subscriptions and coupons clipped from tlie tive or candidate varying from tlie rules and statement papers. This newspaper reserves the right to include appearing through the columns of this newspaper will be advertising an3 job printing if so desired. recognized by tlie publisher« 13. In case of typographical or other error it is tinder- ?. Participants in this campaign are not confined to their own town or community in which to secure votes, stood that neither the publisher nor campaign manager but may take orders anywhere in this section ; or, for that shall be held responsible except to make tlie necessary cor rection upon discovery of same. matter, anywhere in the state lor United States, J4. Candidates who remain ACTIVE to the finish, 5. Cash must accompany all orders where votes are but fail to win one of the regular prizes offered, will be desired. Candidates will be allowed tai collect back sub paid a twenty per cent cash commission on all subscription scriptions and renewals as well as entirely new subscrip money turned in to their account. It is distinctly under tions, and votes will be issued on all alike, stood, however, that in the event any candidate becomes 6« Votes are free. It costs the subscriber nothing INACTIVE, failing to make a regular cash report, he extra to cast votes for their favorite. Votes must be or slie will, at the discretion of the management, become asked for at the time of paying subscription, otherwise disqualified and thereby forfeit all right to a prize or commission. subscribers waive this privilege. il 5. To insure absolute fairness in thé awarding of prizes, tlie race will be brought to a close under a sealed, ballot box. During the entire last “period” <of the cam paign, a ballot box—locked and sealed—will repose in tlie vaults of a local bank, where candidates and their friends will deposit their final collections and reserve votes. Tn this way no one, not even the campaign manager, can possibly know the voting strength of the various candi dates, which precludes any possibility of favoritism and. 3. Any collusion on the part bl candidates to nullify insures fairness ta the minutest degree, competition, or any other combination formed to tlie detriment of candidates or this newspaper will not be 16. This newspaper reserves tlie right to amend the tolerated. Any candidate takinj part in such combination rules and conditions of this campaign, if necessary, fcr stands liable to forfeit all rights to a prize or commission. tlie protection of candidates or this newspaper, 7. Votes are not transferable. Candidates cannot withdraw in favor of another candidate. Should a candi date withdraw from tlie race, his or her votes will be cancelled. Neither will it be permissible for candidates to give or transfer subscriptions to another candidate. Votes on such transferred subscriptions will be subject to dis qualification at the discretion of the management, < 17. This newspaper guarantees fair and Impartial I 9. All votes issued on ballots may be held in reserve treatment to all participants, but should any question arise and cast at the discretion of candidates or this newspaper. the decision of tlie management will be absolute and final. The free vote coupons appearing from time to time in the paper must be cast before the expiration date appearing 18. In becoming a candidate, participants agree to l| thereon. abide by the above conditions. -— $50 in Gold Sixth Prize $25 ‘in Gold For Complete Information PHONE, CALL OR WRITE C. A. Dingledine CAMPAIGN MANAGER Phone 159-J The Cottage Grove Sentinel tomc TA on ------------------------- < Fifth Prize Rules and Regulations FIRST PERIOD 3EC0ND PERIOD THIRD PERIOD Embracing the first three week, (terminating Feb. 6) the following number of votes will be issued on subscriptions: Embracing the next two weeks (terminating Feb. 20) the following number of votes will bo issued on subscription«: Embracing the last week (termin- sting Feo. 27) thn following num ber of votes will bo issued on subscriptions: 1 2 3 4 5 year — years... yean... years... years... mail or carrier vote« I 8.00 . «.00 . 9.00 . 12.00 15.00 3,000 8,000 12, SOO 18,000 25,000 mail or carrier 1 2 3 4 5 year.... years years., years., years.. _____ * 3.00 _____ 6.00 _____ 9.00 ___ __ 12.00 _____ 15.00 mail or carrier votes 1 2 3 4 5 year... ................... $ 300 .. . 0.00 yearn, ......... year* 9.00 yearn.. ..................... 12.00 yearn.. ___________ 15.00 vote« 1.500 4,000 7.500 11,000 15,000 The above schedule of of vote», ____ which _____ __ ia ___ on __ a ________ declining ____ »calc, , .. positively ---------- will . ______ not be ______ changed „__ daring the wovor, a spacial ballot, good for W.OOOEXTRA be issued on every “ chib” of competition. However, 50.000E X T R A votes, will bo "chib 820 turned in. This arrangement will bo ho in effect effeat throughout the entire campaign and ia is to be considered a part of the regular schedule. This newspaper reserves '.he right. if so desired, to include job printing and advertising, in which event the above schedule of votes will obtain and in the same ration of increnso for larger order, up to a limited amount. No subscriptions will bo accepted for loss than ono year, nor for more than five yearn to advance from any one candidate.