Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1925)
PAGE FOUR WANTADS WE BELL LATE MODEL, HIGH cst grude typewriters ut low prioes aud on easy terms. We also handle all makes of adding ma chines. Every machine is thor oughly rebuilt and guaranteed. Boy a machine and pay like rent. >11 Royal Sales Co.. Inc., 500 Oregon Bldg., Portland, Ore. tf sn(2) COl^AGEJlROVEJiENTINEL^JJONDAICJAinJARYl^lMS a Christian Church Elects *-------------------------------------- Neighborhood News a> State May Help in the Officers for Year Building of Bridge LONDON » REMOVAL SALE (Special to The Sentinel.) At the annual meeting of the An effort is under way to secure < Jan. 10.—In spite of the receut help from the state in the erection Christian church held January 11 the following officers were elected zero weather, California poppies of the proposed new Hendricks for the year: Elders, Clem Sarff, j and big red daisies in full bloom bridge at Eugene. The state has N. W. White, W. A. Hemenway were picked by Mr. Lyons from helped erect a number of bridges constructed across county lines and and Roy S. Hands; Deacon«, Bert his garden last week. Another case of diphtheria has it is thought that the court may Burrows, G. W. McFarland, Albert developed in thia neighborhood. OLD BAGS WANTED—NOTHING Hull, Alfred Beidler, O. W. Hays, i be able to get funds for the Hen- leas than 2 feet square. Must be W. G. Massey, N. G. Buell, Fred I Glen Banton has been suffering dricks bridge although it is strictly | clean and of material that will ab from that malady several days, a county project. sorb gasoline; coline; old underclothing, Beidler, D. H. Reinpie, Alfred | but is now greatly improved. Representatives of the state high flannels and the like preferred. Can White and E. A. Hughes; Deacon Clara Powell, Lovelie Abeene and way department were in Eugene not use old socks, mercerized or esses Mesdames • Brown, Plaster, | Mrs. Ivan Abeene are all sick with hard surface good» or small pieces Caldwell, Walker, Younk, Hambrick, last week making estimates of the of any kind. We want the best rag» Finnerty, Taylor, Beidler, Buell, Scarlet fever. cost of the structure. While this and pay the best price, 6 cents the Small, Hands and Hughes; Trustees, I The logging crew at the W. A. cost i» usually estimated at be- j pound. The Sentinel. tf Bert Burrows, Claude Plaster, G. W- Woodard saw mill began operations tween $75,000 and $80,000 it may again Jan. I, the mill starting GUARANTEED HOSIERY, SAM McFarland and Alfred Beidler; ' be possible to reduce it as low as Jan. 6. pies your size free to agents. Clerk, Roy 8. Hands; Treasurer, $65,000 by shortening the main Write for proposition paying $75 N. W. White; Assistant Treasurer,! Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ewing and channel span and replacing some of weekly full time, $1.50 an hour William Hayes; Pianists, Veta children started to Alpine Satur the trestle approach at the north spare time, selling guaranteed ho Plaster and Mrs. O. W. Hays; Bible i day to visit their son Earl, but end with a fill embankment. siery to wearer; must wear or when within a few miles of their replaced free. Quick sales, repeat School Superintendent, Clem Sarff; destination they encountered such orders. International Stocking Assistant Superintendent, D. H. muddy roads they had to turn mills, 6234, Morriston, Pu. nl0jllc2 Remplc; and Secretary and Treas back, after being assisted out of urer, W. A. Hemenway. canz 12J4 a mud hole with a team. WILL DO SEWING, MENDING hard wheat or darning at my home. Mrs. A very enjoyable afternoon was Openlr: Tailor Shop. Nettie Jones, 128 south Fifth spent by the needle club at the stroet. jl-12p(2) Max Sc! vurtz has arrived bere home of Mrs. B. A. Pruett Thurs- ...85c 8c Beans, (white) per pound......... Lard, i/2-gallon Pail................... from Portland and will establish a day. The next meeting will be WILL DO WASHING, IRONING $1.70 Lard, 1-gallon pail-.................... 7c tailoring shun in a room upstairs with Mrs. A. 8. Newton Jan. 22. New directors of the Cottage Prunes, (nice ones) per pound. or mending at my home. Prices in the La ", son building, over Smith 25c Grove Cannery elected at the regu Folgera tea, im pound package 52c Coffee, (can any brand) pound. reasonable. Mrs. Nettie Little, 504 THE FLAPPER’S PRAYER. & Shorts He expects to be lar meeting held this forenoon arc ..... 5c south Tenth street. j5-15p(2) ready for business by the first of Matches, per box......................... 25c Soap, (White Laundry) 7 bars. C. A. Stevens who succeeds G. W. 33c I want the lights to brightly shine, McFarland, Frank Sly who suc Honey, pint jar.......................... 9c Milk, per* can............................... WILL SACRIFICE STANDARD February. I want the men, I want the wine, ceeds N. E. Glass, and George O. make piano in this vacinity to I want the fun 1 without the price, Knowles, elected to succeed him reliable party. $10 per month will I want to be 1 naughty and yet be self. The new directors were elect handle. Write Tallman Piano Store, nice, J I want the thrill of the ed by the unanimous vote of tho pò ™ VALUE Orogon, for particu- Salem, first long kiss, stockholders. The three old direc j812-15p lurs. i want the ! things the good girls tors who continue in office *are miss, NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO M. M. Wheeler, Charles Bales and L 90c I want the arms, the heart of a Claude Sehrack. Picnic hams, (nice ones).......... 2l/2 pound Schilling baking powder... 98c placo your order for baby chicks man, from high producing White Leg- Organization will be completed 50c Stock salt, 50 pounds....... .<• Margarine (Gem nut) per pound....... 23c A. R. Spearow, Presbyterian min And yet be single if I can. horns, O. A. C. or Hollywood inter this afternoon when the directors I 25c here, just received an offer Macaroni, Toilet paper, 4 large rolls ...... 4 pounds for ....................... 25c So dear Cupid, give me advice strains, all Jayors of large eggs. from meet and elect a secretary and the Melrose Athletic club, of 25c Yeast, per package.................................. 5c Raisins, bulk, 2 pounds for...... Write or phone for price list. Mrs. New On how- to be naughty and yet be president. The present secretary is i York, to pole vault in the Waldo Miller, Disston Rte., phone nice. Grant Tower and George O. 10c Salad Oil, Cocoa, bulk, per pound ....... — (quart Amazo) ................... 44c IFI2. jll-llj(2) Melrose games in Madison Square I want to do what other girls do, Knowles is president. Garden, New York City, January Tease and cuddle up, bill and coo, It was voted at the meet FOR BALE—JERSEY COW, A 28. The club offored to pay all Blacken my eyes and powder my ing today to raise the capital stock number-1, gives 3 gallons milk a expenses for Mr. Spearow’» trip. nose, of the cannery from $20,000 to Tho local minister replied that Show my dimples above Buff day, for $60. Also have 20 — $30,000 but there was some question owing to abnoucu from his work Orpington and Rhode Island Bod Rouge my cheeks and as to the right of the meeting to hens, large varioty for sale. M rs. here during the past year he would lips, take this action. Some held that Sarah E. Kerr, 39 Nellis Place, be unable to attend tho athletic Carry a silver flask on my hip«, because the meeting was not called phone 77-L. jl2-15c contest in New York. Mr. Spearow Tango a little and shimmy a lot, for that purpose the motion to is a well known athlete throughout Park my corset when the weather increase the capital would be il NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S 8ALE ON tho United States having repre is hot, legal while others held that inas EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE. sented this county at tho Olympic Per 100 pounds $2.50 I want to bob my hair and smoke much as the gathering was a regu games. 35 pounds for....... $1.00 At less than cost Per box............ ......... 50c cigarettes, lar meeting it had power to de Notice is hereby given that by Ride in auto at night and visit cide the matter. virtue of an execution and order of Court in said County on the 6th Cabarets, This question will be taken up by sale in foreclosure issued out of the day of January, 1925 and said I’lay the gnnio and not get caught, the directors and reported on at a Circuit Court of Lane County, execution to me directed com Be a leader in church, Sunday later date when the issue will be Oregon, on the 8th day of January, manding mo in the name of the school and all. decided. 1925, in a suit wherein on tho 8th State of Oregon, in order to satisfy I wax taught ia college that We have so many items that it is impossible to list them all, so have de I am a day of January, 1925, in said court said judgment, interest, attorney’s cided to have descendent of the monkey, It. R. Meeks and Inez M. Meeks, foes, costs of suit and accruing And I am a modernist in belief, hi« wifo, recovered judgment costs to sell the following described and this makes me all hunky. against the defendants Angele M. real property, to-wit: Rido_________ and swim, golf and skate, Bargain counters. Come and look them «ver. Perini and Laura Perini, hi« wife, - The.... West—One-—Half -of- -the Take the fence instead of the gate, for the sum of $500.00 with interest Northeast quarter of Section 14, Break all records, ape, but one, thereon at 8% per annum from Township 21, South of Range 4, And be good and true when the Juno 19th, 1924, and tho further West, of Willamette Meridian, in game is done. sum of $75.00 attorney’s foes und Lane County, State of Oregon. Uniform motor laws on the Pa Beginning at the Southwest cor i don’t like popper, but I do like the costs and disbursements here cific coast and better anti-theft spice, ner of the Northeast quarter of in in the sum of $23.20, which I want to be naughty and yet be laws for Oregon are to be pro judgment was enrolled and dock Section 14, Township 21 South posed in the coming legislature, ac nice. Range 4 West of the Willametfe eted in tho Clerk’» office of said senator cording to J. * 8. " Magladry, ' J Cupid’s Answer. Meridian of Lane County, State of Oregon, ruuning thence East 645 The advice I givo is long and from Lane county and director of ir the Oregon State Motor association. feet, thence South 14 degrees 15 true— Senator Magladry has just re- minutos, West 253 feet; thence You can’t eat pie nnd have it too, West 582 feet; thence North 245 If you want the men and want the turned from California, where ho feet to place of beginning contain investigated traffic regulation stat wine, ing 3.50 acres of land, more or it is yours to pay while you love utes. He propose» a joint Oregon JL Barber Shop Where Your Cash Buys More less, all in Lane County, State of Washington-California committee to and dine; Oregon. If the first one yield» the first be named to handle the uniform Now, therefore, in the name of law proposal. moment ’» bliss, BOB, Curt and the State of Orogon, in compliance “One proposed law that will be Why the next onii must be a longer with said execution and 'order of ye llair taken up with the Oregon legisla □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□nnnna States will be exhausted in the kiss, He Had His Doubts, sale in order to satisfy said judg If you want the arms of tho man tors is to provide for a certificate near futuro unless vigorous steps An elderly man was persuaded by I ’ «... * ■ .................... J Barber work in general ; incut, interest, attorney's foes, cost of ownership to prevent ear theft. of heart, toward reforestation and conserva- I one of his ......... sons to go with him ______ a tion are taken. special attention to children. of suit and accruing costs, I will it is his to give a eertain part, This law is in force in California a to a boxing exhibition. '□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ on Saturday tho 14th duy of Fell ¡ » you want the things the good and it has resulted in the cutting * * * I The son paid for two $2 seats. 630 ■ Main P. S. Bukowski, Prop. ■■■o ruary, 1925, at the hour of one This week marks the close of I One necessary step toward con- down of motor thievery about 50 Il— —, ■ girls miss, “Now, dad,” said the son joy o’clock, in the afternoon of said Then you’ve got to be wiser than per cent, it is estimated,’’ Mr. | the duck season. Local sportsmen servation is to hold lumber pro fully, “you’ll Beo more excitement day, at the Southwest front door " are not reporting very much luck. Magladry said. most girls, Sis; duction down to the actual needs i for your $2 than you’ve fever aeon of tho County Court House, in Eu • • • “The law provides that each car of the country. Long distance hauling, piano gene, Lane County, Oregon, offer So watch your step is my advice. owner in your life before.” when he applies for a li The days of duck hunting in the ’ But you can’t be naughty and yet moving a specialty. The old man grunted. for sale and sell for cash, at public | cense much show evidence of own | Willamette valley arc not what I Mrs. R. L. Stewart and daughter be nice. ‘.‘I’ve got my doubts about auction, subject to redemption ns' The certificate provided they used to be. Old timers can ! Margaret left Thursday for Eugene Any time—any where Go to it kid, with your grease and ership. ‘Two provided by law, all of tho right,! by the state must be signed when , tell stories of “pot shots” that to visit with Mrs. Stewart’s sister, ; that,” he said gloomily. paint, j dollars was all I paid for my mar title aud interest of said defend | ♦ c w x u 4 wtx > x n 4 *x wc.l • I <» rx . I XX. " It • I ix M .. s. . 1 I .. * 'I « I' To make you look just what you the ear is transferred and when sound incredible to the younger' Mrs. M. G. Dunn. riage license.”—Exchange. I nnts, Angele M. Perini, and Laurn| the license ia transferred the cor- generation, ain ’ t, If you know what you want, use ' Perini, hi.- wife, Massimo Perini 1 Shimmy and drink to your heart’s tificate must be shown to prove j a wanted to get it for you. xxx Say it with printers ’ ink. xxx | aud Ha el Perini, his wife, Pete legal transfer from the former1 Lane county wax once a popular content, Chestnut Brothers, proprietors Mostachetti and Angelina Mosta ! stopping place for the migratory owner, ” the senator stated. (Across stivet from 8. P. depot) I chetti, his wifo, and First National Be hugged and squeezed till your -i ■ - ■■ water fowls in their search for a ribe i are bent, COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON I Bank of Cottage Grove, a corpora Saleabooks for merchants—The j warmer climate. The Willamette, Park your clothes on a hickory Sentinel. • xxx■ and other streams were sometimes STORAGE AND GENERAL j lion, and all persons claiming by. limb (through, or under them or any or | thick with them. TRANSFER But don’t you ilare to go in to A BOOKKEEPING, STENOGRAPHIC, OR j either of them in and to said Lodge Officers Installed swim, Office phone 6, SECRETARIAL COURSE | premises. The following n«W officers of J Now it is only the occasional Bathe if you will on the dcwey Residence phono 155 1. FRANK E. TAYLOR, At the Eugene Business College. the Eastern Star were ¡»stalled last I three or four birds flying about green, ?J Sheriff of Lane County Friday evening: Worthy Matron. ■ in search of safety rather than T This school has modern equipment, efficient teachers, Oregon. jl2F9(M)j But you can't use mud and come Blanche Short; Worthy Patron, inviting water that provide sport out clean. and the rates are reasonable. . . _ gumjpj. The game you play is a man’s long Clint Spriggs; Associate Matron, for the Ari fer further infermetiou NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF Mabel Smith; Secretary, Velma suit. AUTOMOBILES FOB STORAGE Since Eve first ate the forbidden Harrell; Treasurer, Mariotte Ham Even _ game laws and closed sen J. A RHOADS ant; Associate Conductress. Jennie sons have proved inadequate to fruit, Proprietor Notice is hereby given: that the For whatever you got you 'll pay Beidler; Chaplain, Eva Hill; Mar protect the birds. A. E. Roberts, President shal. Sylvia Griggs; Organist, Bessie following described personal prop 992 Willamette St. Phene 666 Eugene, Oregon. the price— erty, to wit: But you can’t be naughty and yet Sutcliffe; Axia. Dove Trask; Ruth. The chamber of commerce is Myrtle Woods; Esther, Ina Godard; [ early’ recognising that the great FURNITURE MOVING Ono (1) Ford Bug, California be nice. Martha, Myrtle Williams; Electa. stand of timber near Cottage T= license No. 875,023—1924 and one Exchange. AND STORAGE Ruby Wynne; Warder, Marguerite Grove is to be the cause of a con (1) Overland car model 75B, car i No. 55480, motor No. 16708 will Mr». E. !. E. Arthur, who was hero Lebow; Sentinel, Nelson Durham. siderable civic growth. It is es- be «old nt Sheriff'« sale at public timated that one-twentieth of the visiting from Portland, gave a Piano Moving n Specialty Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Arthur and standing timber in the United auction at the hour of two o'clock vocal nolo at the vesper service Phone 99; Rea.. 189 J P. M. on the 31st day of January, Sunday at the Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mr*. Roy Romaine, of States is to be found in the Portland, are guests at the N. J. | country tributary to this section. 1935, nt tho Woodson Gnrnge, Cot 0. F. CVkthcart, of Scapoose, is Nelson Jr. home. Mr. and Mrs. • • • tag» Grove, I.anc County, Oregon, here on a bu«in<MM trip and it also Ramains will return home tomorrow to tiic highest bidder for cash, to Lumbermen are generally pre visiting at the homes of hi« sister- accompanied by Mrs. Romaine'« satisfy the following liens, accrued in laws, Mr». F. M. Hambrick and mother, Mrs. A. W. Kime. also of dieting that 1925 will be a sue interest and costs: O. K. Wood- Mrs. G. W. McFarland. He ex- Portland, is here visiting Mrs. caaaful year, A large volume of son. Claimnut, vs H. W. Arriola lumber was purchased in 1924 but pects to rot ura home tomorrow. W W. McFarland, and Mr«. D H. it was not large enough to bring Defendant, the owner or reputed Get you winter coal from owner Bede, editor of the Sent Elbert Heuienway. who will visit with purchase« up to production. of the Ford Bug aforesaid; Cheat nut Transfer. nnd O. E. Woodson, Claimant, vs inel, left Sunday for Salem where relatives ia that city. Mr. Arthur • • • Rock Spring’s Utah coal by Guy Krunkle, Defendant, the owner he will be reading clerk in the will remain here with the Nelsons With iaerveaed demand from the coming aeratoti . during the . house and with Mr* Raymond Grube. sack or ton. or reputed owuer of the Overland farmer« aa<i railroad« mill men ex 1 of the legislature. ear aforesaid. pert to be able to correct this An eight pound daughter was 1 The live wire print shop is al Dated and first published thin 1 Intra Thursday to Mr. and Mrs., ways ready to help ia the prep condition this year. ♦ Sth dav of Jnnnnrv, 1925. W. W Wells. aratioa of advertising and printing FRANK F. TAYLOR, Exports are predicting that the Our experience u»»y be Sheriff of Ijine County. The tonic for the bnstnena world copy. m supply of timber in the United^ xxx; worth something to you. Oregon. j5-12(M i j —live wire advertising. The building I how occupy has been leased and I must move in 15 days. I am not going out of business, but would rather sell my present stock at a sacrifice than to move it. My future plan will be announced later. Sale T^ill Start January 15 Cannery Elects New Directors for Year at Meeting Spearow (liven Offer to Attend Meet in New York Sugar Lbs. $1.00 Schillings 1 Lb. 43c $2.35 Flniir WHITE L0AF rlOUr Each 67c Brooms 19c 19c Preferred Stock Fancy Main Com Preferred Stock Solid Pack Tomatoes SPUDS CANDY COOKING APPLES BARGAIN COUNTERS Uniform Motor Laws hy Lane County Man 9c 19c, 29c and 39c If You Need Groceries This is Your Opportunity T mperia T t Phone 163 TRASK’S CASH GROCERY We Deliver D SIDELIGHTS | Chestnut Transfer a Company ENROLL TODAY for City Transfer Co. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE K nowles & G raber Coal! Coal! HARDWARE CHESTNUT TRANSFER Cottage Grove