Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1925)
¿ < COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1925 PKQ* THREE 1 fr Miss Leota Estes returned Mon the holiday» at Roseburg at the 'day to Sutherlin, after spending home of their daughter, Mrs. Ernest <0--------------------------------------------------- ♦ Christmas here with her parents, Applewhite. Mr. and Mrs. David Estes. Harry Cotter, of Saginaw, visited Presbyterian Church—A. Ralph Chester F. Crawford spent Sun at the C. A. Van Schoiaek home Spearow, pastor. Sunday school at Sunday. day at the William Harper home. 10, forenoon service at 11, vesper ■ Mr. and Mrs. Bub Combs, of service at 5. Midweek services Ray Patton, who sustained seri ous injuries about eight months Eugene, spent Christmas at the Wednesday evenings at 7:30. • • • home of Mrs. Combs’ parents, Mr. ago in an accident at the Ajax and Mrs. Charles Teeters. thing to consider in depositing money in a bank is Baptist Church—Tenth and Adams.; mill, returned Monday from the ac Clara Anderson, of Medford, is Bible school at 10, preaching at 11 I SECURITY. The capital, surplus and undivided profits cident commission’» hospital in Sa staying at the A. 8. Ward home and 7:30. Young people’s meeting are the depositors' ’ protection fund. The lem. He is able to get around for a few days. at 6:30. Prayer meeting Thursday now with crutches. Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. Van Schoiaek, evenings at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tate re of Alpine, visited during the Christ • • • turned Tuesday to their home in mas vacation at the W. P. Van Christian Church, the “home-like” Cannon Beach, after spending Schoiaek home. church—A. J. Adams, minister. Christmas and tho week end with government superintends and examines this bank. Our Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Land were Sunday school at 9:45, sermon and Mrs. Tate’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. down from Rujada last week for communion at 11, Christian eudeu- stockholders and directors are responsible, well-to-do vor at 6:30, evening service at 7:30. J. A. Elliott. business men. This a visit with friends and relatives The local auxiliary of the Ameri- Miss Geneva Bales, of Santa Methodist Church—Rev. J. H. can Legion sent a huge box ot Clara, is visiting her parents, Mr. Ebert, Pastor. Sunday school at home-made cookies Tuesday to the and Mrs. U. 8. Bales. 9:45, morning worship at 11, Ep disabled veterans in Portland as a Mrs. C. M. MeLin spent Sunday worth league at 7, evening service New Year’s remembrance. at the home of her sister, Mrs. at 7:30. Everybody is welcome to has been established over thirty-three years, during which attend all of these services. Mrs. John Wynne Merryman Joe Smith, at Star. time it has served thfe banking public faithfully and School will resume January 5, returned Monday for Bray, Calif., Free Methodist church—Corner of built up a large and prosperous business. The best where she spent Christmas with after a ten days’ vacation. Wrapped up in the days of the New Year Monroe avenue and south Fifth service possible is none too good for our country MisB Nora Ward, of Ashland, her husband, Mr. Merryman ac- street—D. 8. Forrester, pastor, Sun are opportunities for eaeh one to get ahead customers and the people of companied her home for a short spent the holidays with her parents, day school at 10, forenoon services in lift—to reach some of the goals every Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ward. visit. at 11, evening service at 7:30. ambitious person aims for. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van Schoiaek Prayer meeting at 7:30 Thursday Mrs. Lydia Stouffer and Miss Belle Burkholder returned Sunday and son, of Rujada, visited a few evenings. Energy, honesty, skill, experience—these * * • to Corvallis, after spending last days last week in Dorena. you need. But they are not all. Christian Science Church—Corner I week here. if Jefferson avenue and Second You need the confidence and the. support Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Damewood Repairing Leaky Spark Plugs street. Sunday services at 11 a. m. were shaded with the pink paper. membership drive, of which Roy of money in bank—a reserve of strength returned Sunday from Arlington, Spark plugs having a removable Wednesday services at 7:30 p. m. Potted plants were in nooks of the Loonard was leader, entertaining that will help you when your chance comes, Wash., where they spent last week center wire sometime» leak compres at the home of Mrs. Damewood’s sion at this point. Often the reason is if it is getting the home you want, or a Seventh Day Advontiat Church— hall and beautiful oriental rugs the winning side, which was headed aunts, Mrs. J. L. I,ingo, and Mrs. that the insulator has chipped away West Main street. Services every were on the wall and floor. Punch by Miss Mary Snauer. The evening share in business, or more land, or new Carl Penland. where the flange on the wire seals Saturday. Sabbnth school at 10 was served from an attractive hours were pleasantly spent in equipment, or other things that cost money. church service at 11; prayer meet booth throughout the dancing and playing games. Refreshments of Earl Edwards, of Ute, la., has against it. This trouble can usually be tug Wednesday evenings at 7:30. at tho close of tho evening chicken sandwiches, cake and chocolate You will write your own record in 1925. • • • arrivod to be with his mother, M rs. remedied by slipping a thin brass sandwiches and coffee wore served. were served. May it be the kind you want and hop«1 for Edwards, who is ill. Mrs. Edwards washer, of the nme kind as that used Sunday School services in the ♦ ♦ ♦ —and may the New Year prove the best makes her home with her son, E. J. on top of the plug, over the center Imthnm school house every Sunday Mrs. A. C. Jewell, Mrs. James wire and drawing it up against the at 9:45. Mrs Hugh Trunnel, su Rentle. Mrs. Lilly, Mrs. R. E. Short, ♦-------------------------------------------- Edwards. you have ever had! APPROACHING events porcelain. As such washers are too perintendent; Mrs. Winnie Hagerty, Mrs. C. 8. Roberts, Mrs. N. J. Miss Clara Anderson, of Rose Nelson Jr. and Mrs. Schofield large for this use, they must first be assistant superintendent. burg, spent the week end at the trimmed down with tinners* snips. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Short Stewart were the hostesses. A. 8. Ward home as a guest of entertain tho H. D. 8. club ♦ ♦ ♦ a a ♦ Merchants! Your salesbooks. Miss Nora Ward, who is home Place your order with The About 50 members were present morrow evening. from her school at Ashland for Effective Churn Plunger ♦ ♦ ♦ Sentinel 60 days before you at the Epworth League’s New the Christmas holidays. The work of churning is hastened must have them. xxx Year’s watch party held last eve Mrs. A. W. Helliwell will be Miss Lena Burcham, who teaches considerably by using a plunger with ning in the Methodist church par hostess Tuesday afternoon to the at Mount View, is spending the two blades that rmulve hi opposite lors, the losing side in the recent M. P. G. club. Christmas holidays in Hillsboro. t * 4- >:■ -I rv+vrmw- directions. The plunger is a wooden I I The sewer work on Tenth street rod with three holes drilled through <e- was resumed Monday. it in the lower part for wooden pins. Mrs. W. W. McFarland enter- Steve Hand has arrived from Chicago from Des Moines tained tho LaComus club Tuesday Morristown, la., and is spending I where he had been for a year. I afternoon, Bouquets of red car- ♦----------------------------------------------- <» nations in artistic arrangements Mr. and Mrs. George BerTy the winter here with his son, were about th« rooms and center Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Ballew and | recently adopted a 5-year-old daugh- Arthur Hand. Mr. and Mrs Ed Ear! returned Sat ter from Roseburg. She, has been Miss Forrest Schneider, a teacher ing the luncheon table. Social urday from spending Christmas in named Marie. in the Marhsfield schools, is spend- conversation and neodlework were the diversions and a delicious two- Salem with the parents of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Berry and ing the holidays with her parents, course luncheon was served. Every Ballew and Mr. Earl. | daughter are visiting in Roseburg Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schneider. SAW J member was present. cut ' ; A. C. Curtis, of Aberdeen, Wash., W. R. Earl, of Salem, visited with Mrs. Berry’s mother. BLOCK ♦ ♦ ♦ during the week at the home of his J. N. Hogue and Harold Abeene arrived Monday to spend tho win- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adums sister, Mrs. G. L. Ballew. were Eugene business visitors Tues- ter at the home of his sister, Airs. graciously entertained twelve cou Judson Allen. He is recuperating We may not be able to give you better bargains Starr fixes watches right. tf2 l ,,ay- ples last evening at a covered dish from a recent operation. with the enlarged floor spaee, which we soon shall Mrs. Earl Garoutte is a Eugene Mrs. Jean Morris Ellis arrived GALVANIZED- J dinner. The playing of Mah Jong Len Culver returned Monday have, but we shall be able to give you more of hospital for medical treatment. j yesterday to visit briefly at the IRON BLADES and cards were the diversions end them. We are confident that the New Year is Mrs. Carl Witte underwent an W. A_ Hemenway home. She ex from Portland, where he had been the party continued until the New going to be a prosperous one and we wish one and operation. Tuesday for the removal pects to leave soon for San Fran visiting his parents. i Year arrived. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker, of cisco, as she is going to spend the of her tonsils. all their share of all good things. ♦ ♦ ♦ Dr. Hagen will cure your goiter remainder of the winter in Cali Salem, spent Christmas at the homo The Tanglefoot dug held its last of Mrs. Baker’s parents, Mr. and fornia lecturing. dance of this series Tuesday eve Business houses of the city arc Mrs. Alcinda Hawkins and sister, Mrs. G. W. McFarland. closed today, New Year’s day. The Two square blocks, drilled to fit an ning in Phillips hall. Tho hall was Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mayes were the plunger rod and just wide enough transformed into an attractive Sentinel was issued a day early in Mrs. Matilda Kohl, returned Tues order that the force might enjoy day from Portland, w-here they business visitors in Eugene Tues to fit loosely between the pins, are at drawing room, a fireplace on ono spent Christmas at the home of day. tached as shown. Slots are sawed di side of tho hall giving the room a day’s respite. Nirs. Hawkin’s daughter, Mrs. Tom An 11-pound son was born Tues- agonally in these blocks to receive the a warm appearance. A number Pete Ehn, aged 43 and a native Parkinson. day to Mr. and Mrs. James A. blades, which are cut from heavy gal of beautiful floor lamps were about of Sweden, has been committed Mrs. Dale Hawkins is recovering Lawson. He has been named Ar- vanized iron. The plunger is worked tho room and four largo mirrors from here to the state hospital. satisfactorily from a severe case thur John Gaven. up and down in the usual way. wore hung from the walls, Cur- tains of white tissue paper, artis- Ray Nelson, auto electrician. of influenza. Misses Emilie and Laura Halde Glenn Walker was fined $65 man, teachers, are spending the tically tied with pink bows, were Ninth and Main streets. . Bookkeeping outfits. at tho windows and tho lights Joe and Jim Dinsmore have filed Tuesday, $15 being for a former Christmas holidays at the home of Sentinel. ...... on mining claims in the Bohemia charge of being intoxicated and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris $50 for being intoxicated, destroy Haldeman. district. ing property and operating a car Albert Griffin left yesterday for Fred Shepard, charged with the while intoxicated Monday evening. Portland for a few days’ visit with illicit manufacture of liuqor, was He pleaded guilty to the charges. relatives. taken to the county jail from here George Willett received word Tuesday. The J. 8. Turnbaugh family, of Monday that his Buick, which was Galloway, insurance, 511 Main. M stolen from a street in Roseburg Sumner, Wash., who were return ing home from Medford, Bpent the Mr. and Mrs. Gene Matlock have Thanksgiv ing day, had been found fore part of the week at the home arrived here to make their home, at Maryr ville, Calif. Mr. Willett BY RESOLVING to join in making this the of Mrs. Turnbaugh's sister, Mrs. Mr. Matlock, whose physician has left Tues day to identify the car. H. H. Cotter. greatest year Cottage Grove has ever had. ordered him to get outdoor employ Mis® Ray Godard returned Sat ment, has taken a position with urday to Eugene, where she is ! A. M. Morris writes from Los We have resolved to do our part in such a the Bohemia Lumber company. Mrs. attendii ,g business college, I, after | Aageles that he and Mrs. Moore laudable enterprise. May the New Year start Matlock is a (laughter of Mr. and speadin g last week here with her enjoy the semi-weekly Sentinel auspiciously for one and all and hold nothing and hope to be soon reading The Mrs. W. C. Johnson, of this city. parent* ., Mr. and Mrs. 8. L. Godard. Cottage Grove daily. but happiness and prosperity. See Scholl and see your Ge<»j ge Jacobsen arrived Monday Mrs. E. L. Smith, of Melrose, from. Silverton and is employed in money longer. (t) returned home Saturday, after R. 8. Trask returned yesterday the Walter Woodard sawmill on spending Christmas week with her Mrs. Jacobsen and children, Mrs. A. W. Helliwell, morning from Portland, where he Coast fork. The Marvin Smith and Mrs. Peter had been called by the serious c.hildren will come later. illness of his son Burdick, who Jacobsen family are former reai- Nelson. has undergone an ear operation.. dents. A 10-pound son was born Sun W. T. Jones, H. C. Cox and He left his son much improved. day to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Treat. Mrs. Trask has been in Portland John Sutherland, from the London Woodson Brothers have sold the district, attended the taxpayers’ with Burdick for a week. following cars during the week: meeting in Eugene Tuesday. Dr. Hagen will cure your goiter. Ford coupes to W. O. Denney and Mrs. H. C. Dye and son, of Joseph Alfred Munier, of Eugene, Portland, returned today, after a Miss Mary Ellen Benson; Ford ! and Runk, of this visit at the home of Mrs. Dyo’sj coach to Frank Kelly, Ford roads-1 — J Izal Azalea Bunk, ters t<r-Gilbert H. Oleson and Ern I city, were married in Eugene Tues- mother, Mrs. James Allen. est C.JfBennett, Ford tourings to day, Judge Jesse G. Wells offi- Mrs. Ina Dennison and daughter, Lot «kgner, A. 8. CampbelP and eiating. Ina Claire, who spent Christmas [.George I ------ «— •- Beals. Second Lieutenant Clyde Bur and a few days at the home of E. T. Blakely had received word; cham, son of Mr. and Mrs. a Mrs. Dennison ’» rnother, Mrs. F. W. Burcham, of Silk Creek, has been Jacobo, returned yesterday to theii* from 'his brother, John Blakely, of Portland, that he has sold his j transferred to Fort Sheridan near home in Por'tland. garage business there and will soon; arrive here with his wife and son to locate. Church News THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Can You Open 1925’s Treasure Chest? COTTAGE GROVE BANK OF COTTAGE GROVE SOCIETY Tales of the Town We’ll Greet You Soon In Our Enlarged Quarters Start ’er Right SERVICE OFF Bressler & Son Complete Home Furnishers SUNDAY FORENOON Wishing You a Happy and Prosperous New Year Store Closed All Day THURSDAY January 1, 1925 Smith - Short Groce ry The Store Jhat Appreeiatei Your Trade (Special to The Sentinel.) Dee. 29.—Miss Sarah Riley, of Alpine, has been visiting the past week with her sister, Miss Laura. Mrs. Belle Watson, of Portland, ' visited over Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Van I Schoiaek. She left Friday for Rose burg. Floyd McLia, of Monmouth, is .visiting at the home of his parent», Mr. ami Mrs. C. M. MeLin, during | the holidays. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelly a nd son Harvey spent Sunday at tM 1 Fred Patten home at Hebron. j Ixrt Wagn«r has a new Ford j ►tnariaif ear. • — Mr dnd Mr» B. F. Negley spent 8 to 12 r 1925 TODAY Is New Year's Day Your first resolution should be to make certain of quality meat during the year by getting it from the Quality Market. Whether you buy your meat here or not, we wish you health and prosperity throughout the year. Mountain States Power Company Quality Market