The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, February 24, 1922, Image 7

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If You Live on the West Side
— there’» no need to tear down
town for what you may need in
the general grocery line. We’re
right handy on your way home;
or, if you happen to think of some­
thing at the last moment before a
meal, it will take one of the ehil-
only a moment to make the trip to
our store and return with the de­
sired article.
T h e S t o r e W h e r e Yo u r D o l l a r Doea Ita Dut y
E A D S 'G R O C E R Y
Do Your Glasses
Harmonize With
Your Features
You don’t want awkward
“ all - eye - glasses’’ looking
glasses. We have made a
study of facial characteris­
tics, and select the size, style
and shape of eye-glass most
becoming to the face of the
There is a “ knack and
know how" about proper
eye-glasses fitting and ad­
justing that we have long
ago discovered.
M r. and Mrs. Ralph T eeters are here
from A storia v isitin g a t the home of
Mr. Teeters* parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George T eeters. Ralph is recovering
from au operation for appendicitis.
Dr. W. H. Vose, of Eugeue,
j uouuces he w ill be at O regou H otel
every second aud fo u rth S aturday, 11
! a. m. to 5 p. in., prepared to tre a t dis
| cases of the eye, ear, nose and th ro at,
aud to fit glasses.
G randm a V aughn, who was injured
recently in a fall, believes th at this
fall has put back in place her hip jo in t
which was m isplaced by a previous
fall. »She is g ettin g along quite nicely.
Miss Elise Price spent the week end
in C orvallis.
E quitable Life. E. K A rthur. f24tfc
C harles I «eve no w rites from Sum ner,
W ash., th at he has been laid up for
some tim e w ith au a tta c k o f sciatic
rheum atism .
M. I.. Tom pkins returned T hursday
of last week to the so ld ie rs’ home at
R oseburg, a fte r a visit of a couple
weeks here.
tu rn ed »Sunday from A shland, where Advice and service free. Charge»
they had been visiting Mrs. Tillot
s o n ’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. not high. Spray, Long &. Cru son's
Service Garage.
Talk w ith E. E. A rthur about a Mr». E sther C »rlntedt w»» called to
lit»* insurance policy. Agent for E q u it­ A lbany T hursday of last week by the
f24tfc scriou» ¡line»» of a niece.
Mrs. W illiam N orm an, of D rew, is
v isiting at the home of her pareuts,
Mr. and Mrs John B artels.
Mrs. Gerald C ounts returned Thurs WE ARE NOW CUTTING
day from S pringfield, where she had
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. B rat tain.
Motorcar repairing. Promptness
and efficiency at Spray, Long &
Cru son’s Service Garage. H7tf
Miss G ertrude C arter, who had been
v isiting her sister, Mrs. W illiam
B arth's, returned F riday to her home
in Portland.
M rs. Pet S anford w as in Eugene
Friday on business.
Galloway w rites insurance.
C. M. P ark e r apeut F riday in D rain
on business.
Mrs. S. S. Lass well and daughter
M ary E lizabeth weut to P ortland Sat
urday to spend a week w ith Mrs. I .ass
w ell’s p areuts, Mr. and Mrs. M. C.
B aufield.
M oving and storage. Phone 99. City
T ran sfer.
n o v lltfc
Mrs. M. M. W hite, of H alsey, who
had been visitin g her m other, Mrs.
M alissa H teuuett, retu rn ed home .Sat
Mr and Mrs. J. A. W right, Mr. and
Mrs. E rnest Aim es, Mrs. M. F. W yatt,
J. E. Youug, Mr. and Mrs. C. O.
W illis, Mr. and Mrs. Seldou Powell
and N ora i^ueeu were visitors from
here in Eugene »Saturday.
T H E NEW O V ER LA N D , acknow l­
edged by thus«' who kuow to be the
best value for the mouey ou th e mat
ket today. Demount ratio n s by up
point uient, duy or night. O verland
Mrs. J . H. B ennett and little grand
daughter, N ellie Stiles, went to Med
ford T hursday of last week to visit at
the home of Mrs. B en n ett's daughter,
Mrs. VV. M. M attox. Ou her retu rn
next week she will visit at Rice H ill
ut th e home of another daughter, Mrs.
A. J . Fogle.
•Second hand goods bought, sold aud
exchanged. 1. B. M orris, ut bridge. I t
Mrs. Ray W right aud daughter, of
Roseburg, spent F riday night with
Mrs. W rig h t’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Sm ith Bailey.
Miss Erm a W arner, of Eugene, vis
ited during the week at the home of
her brother, Iv an E. W arner.
P iano tu n in g and repairing. F irst
class workm an. All work guaranteed.
Reasonable charges also on repairing.
Phoae 312 or w rite R. F. C allahan,
Eugene Music Shop, Eugeue, Ore. jl3 tf
IT 1H G(X>D B U SIN ESS to have
your b attery cleaned and reinsulatcd
onee a year. O verland (im age. j27tfe
Ceeil Caldwell arriv ed F rid ay night
from P ortland for his vacation.
Mrs. W illiam Rhodes retu rn ed from
I’la S aturday.
Mrs. W. C. W ilkins, of Y oucalla,
s pe a t S aturday w ith her »¡»ter, Mr».
•lames Allen.
M oving aud storage. Phone 99. City
T ran sfer.
n o v lltfc
Lillie and V irgil Horn left »Saturday
for M arshfield, w here they will m ake
th eir home.
Jan ies E ngland was up from »Salem
to atte n d the fu n eral of John W alker,
Ins brother in law, and rem ained fo r a
v isit of a few days.
Obi rags w anted at 5 ceuts the
poiiud. Must be large and clean, sueli
as obi underclothes, old clothing or
soft m aterials, sueh as old blankets,
etc. The Heutiuel.
tf |
George Bohlmaii is recovering from
a severe illness.
Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Lnueks are re ­
covering from atta ck s of iufluenza.
A llison’s b arb er shop has been tr e a t­
ed this week to a steel ceiliug and
panelled beaver board walls, greatly
im proving its appearance.
Wholesalers and Retailers
W oodson B rothers have sold a F ord
ro ad ster to Lincoln T aylor, a touring
ear to W. K. Johiisou aud nnuther
touring ear to K. V. A rden.
New pianos, |2 5 cash aud $18 a
m outh. Eugene M usic .Shop, Eugene,
J l3 tf
V erne G aroutte bus m oved his turn
ily from the city out to the mill.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lasswell, of
Y oncalla, were here T uesday night to
uttem l the T anglefoot club and re
uuiiaed u n til the next tiny at the home
of Mr L ukswc U ’ s b ro th er, 8. 8. Lass
D O N ’T LKT ’ER KNOCK, i t ’s too
costly. lad us fix it. All general re­
pairing, including fender and rad iato r
work. O verland G arage.
Among visitors from here in Eugene
M onday were Mr. and Mr». Claud
A rne, Mi»» G race B lackw ell and 11. A.
Mr». Prank D ana w as here from Eu
gone Tuesday visiting her daughter,
Mrs. G. C. D yolt.
C hristian Neivneo church, corner of
Jefferso n avenue aud Hecoud street
Sunday service» ut 11 a. in. W edues
day scrvice* u t 7 :JO p. in.
W illiam llu u p t w ent to RoaOburg
Tuesday on business.
John Sm ith, who w eut to a Eugene
hospital lust week fur treatm en t for
rheum atism , returned Sunday and w eut
to work Molality m orning.
M oving aud storage. Phone 99. C ity
T ran sfer.
n o v lltfc
F. M. lin m brick w ent to Eugeue
W ednesday on business anil to visit
w ith relatives for a few days.
Mrs. K. T. B lakely aud d aughter left
W ednesday for a visit o f a few days
w ith relatives in S pringfield.
M etho d ist church.— R egular services
next »Sunday.
Forenoon subject,
“ W hat the Uhureh N eed s.” E vening
subject, “ The Man in the S tre e t.”
Erw in J . Lea, of B erkeley, C alif.,
son of Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Lea, of this
eity , was m arried recently to Miss May
Lueile Donald ulso of th a t city.
Miss M arian W hite had as her guest
over the week end Miss Dorris Hikes
aud Miss (^uiutella Reed, U. of O.
st udeuts.
Flour, Cereals
Kodak finishing, printing, de­
veloping, enlarging. Open on
Sundays front 10 to 3 o’clock.
Feeds and
All the m em bers of th e *H. L. Muckiu
fam ily except Mr. M ackin have been,
sick during the past week and Mr.
M ackin has rem ained a t home ia care
for them.
G ottfried G raber has been confined
( Successor to J. F. Spray)
to the house during the week an d prob-
ably will not be out for several days
Jam es Sm ick, of C anyonville, is a p aring of running expenses to put it
guest a t the home of his cousin, ivi-s. back on its feet. So says L. E. Bean,
N elson D urham , w hile the crew with speaker of the Oregou legislatu re and
whieh he is em ployed are doing bloek E u g en e’s candidate fo r governor, on
signal work on th e S outhern Pacific. hi» retu rn from the other side of the
w here he has been tigh ten
Mrs. E. H . K ing and son, of W hite m ing ountains
up his cam paign org an ization and
fish, M ont., are v isitin g at the home feeling
out public sentim ent.
of Mr. K iu g ’s m other, Mrs. E dgar
K ing.
C ard o f Thanks.
Mrs. Jack Lew is and tw o daughters, We wish to th an k our m any friends
Mrs. Carl Cellers and Miss M illicent, who w ere so prom pt in rendering aid,
w ent to P ortland T uesday for m edical as well as co n tribu ting w ith kindness
treatm en t for Miss M illicent.
to our relief during the loss of our
M rs. C. H. H efty w rites th a t she is house by fire tw o weeks ago.
retu rn in g to N ew port from A da, w here
she spent several m onths.
Mrs. A. J . Gowdy atte n d ed a special
m eeting of the presbytery a t A lbany It pay9 to read the w autads.
last week as delegate from th e P resb y ­
te ria n church here.
Mr. and M rs. F red W igle spent the
week end in Coburg.
R egular cornua ¡cation Wed
Mr. and M rs. J . W. B uckley expect
evening, M arch 1, 1922,
to return soon from P ortlan d to again - X j A g A t - nesday
at 7:45 o ’clock. M. M. de
m ake th is th e ir home.
* greo. R efreshm ents. V isitors
C harles B runeau is up from P o rt­ and member» arc urged to be prescut.
land, w here he has been fo r a long
L. N. P H E L P S ,
tim e undergoing treatm en t fo r his eyes. By order of W. M._________Secretary.
F rank Jones and Mr. an d Mrs. Joe
Jon es, who had been v isitin g a t the
C. 1». S a rff home, retu rn ed T hursday
o f la st week to th eir home in Albany. Sealed bids w ill be received up till
F ran k Jones is the fa th e r of Mrs. 7:30 p. m. S atu rd ay , M arch 4, fo r fu r
S a rff and Jo e Joues a b ro th er.
nishing 100 cord» of four foot wood,
Charles Brow n, accom panied by his one-half to be delivered on or before
niece, E lizabeth Allen, retu rn ed T hu rs­ Ju n e 15, 1922, and balance on o r be
day of last w eek from W ashington. fore A ugust 1, 1922. Bids fo r eith er
M iss Allen had been curing for her old grow th o r second grow th split fir
uncle, who has been ill. The physician or for slab wood w ill be considered.
thought his health m ight be b en efitted The P o ttag e Grove C annery reserves the
by the clim ate here.
right to ueeept or reject any o r all
B. A. W hitten le ft M onday for the bids or an y part of any bid. f 17 24
iu d ustrial accident com m ission’s hos
p ita l in Salem . He sustained a severe
ly fractu red leg several w eeks ago
when a truckload of lum ber fell onto
him w hile he was em ployed a t the
W estern Lum ber & E xport com pany’s
Mrs. S. L. M ackin, of th is city, was
well acquainted w ith M ajor J . G. Thor
nell, one of those killed in tin* recent
balloon explosion a t N orfolk, Va.
W. A. B urns retu rn ed y esterday to
P o rtlan d , a fte r a visit wdth his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Burns.
W arren M abie was taken to a Eugene
hospital W ednesday su fferin g w ith
rheum atism an d influenza.
M rs. H. E. Allison arriv ed yesterday
from Roseburg and is v isitin g her par
eats, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. F iester. Mrs.
F iester is sick.
N. J . Nelson J r. is back on the job, To bring their suits and cloth­
ing to us for Cleaning aud
a fte r a severe a tta c k of influenza.
Mrs. V erna M ast w ill N|>end the week Pressing. Suits that have the
end a t C orvallis w ith her sister, Miss stuff in them will be made to
Allie Phillips, and w ill take in college look like new. This kind of
work can only he done proper­
Economy Feed Store
W. H. B lair retu rn ed S atu rd ay from
Ixtwell, w here he and Mrs. B lair had
been at the bedside of th eir son
F rank . Mrs. B lair left for P ortlan d Treat 'em rough if you want to,
from Eugene.
but bring them here for the re­
Do not try to beat a new spaper. You pairs that such treatment makes
m ay w ant a nice o bitu ary notice some necessary. Spray, Long <& Cru-
F rank Knox and th ree daughters son’s Service Garage.
Mrs, M ary E lliott left Tuesday for
were in P ortland over the week end
v isitin g Mrs. Kuox in a san itariu m a visit w ith her daughter, Mrs. G. L.
there. She is doing splendidly and G rigsby, at W nitsburg, W ash. »She was
accom panied by her son, E arl lshm ael.
gaiuiug rapidly m w eight.
Mrs. E lliott has not been feeling well
fo r some tim e.
F actory ou Premin®«
M rs. Roy W elch, of K elso, W ash.,
C ottage Grove
spent the week end at the home o f her
p arents, Dr. and Mrs. D. lv. Woods.
You m ay ta k e a chance but not the
loved one. E quitable L ife. E. E.
A rthur.
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. W hite and
M rn. H. A. Mont pith in horn»* from
d au gh ter Miss Inez have been su ffer
iittpiuliiig her m other, Mrs. H. H. I Mott,
ing w ith influenza during the past
who is in a Eugeue hospital.
week. Miss Adelle had to give up her
Galloway for Insurance, till M ain, tf
sehool duties to care for the sick ones.
Lula Kilwunlx, of Springfield,
The children of A lfred W hite also have
w ho hut! been v isitin g Mr. and Mrs.
been sick.
Sherm an W ilkins, returned home Mon
»Seventh Duy A dv entist C hurch, w est
M ain street. Services every S aturday
W. K. Ju d k in s returned to his home
•Sabbath school, 10 a. m .; church ser
in Eugene F rid ay , a fte r visiting with
vice, 11 a. m. 1’ipyer m eeting W edues
his d au gh ter, Mrs. 1. E. W arner.
Our Fault less Bread is our «lay,
7.30 p. in. Persons desiring iufor
M ake it snappy. List it rig h t, eel I
m at ion cull 101 J .
it quick. Tell iue w hat you w ant, get
phasize that We are also in the T uesday
Among visitors from here in Eugene
it right aw ay. J . M. Durham , realto r.*
ere Mrs. ¡¿eon DesLurzes
pastry business. VVe solicit spe- aud d au gh w ter,
E lizabeth, 11. J .
eial orders in this line. If you .Shinn and C. M. Alice
wish something special for a Lee Roy Woods »Sr., of Eugene, was
party or entertainment, we can coufiued
house during the past
supply anything you may want. week w ith to th th e e grip.
IS YOUR G EN ERA TO R doing its
d u ty f D o n ’t let it shirk an d ruin your
b attery. We clean and p ut them in
C o t t a g e G r o v e shape
a t u very sm all cost. O verland
j —71 fc
E l e c t r i c B a k e r y Q trtft.
Hugh M urray was in Eugene F riday.
Dr. H. W. T itu s attend ed a m eeting
of the S outhern W illam ette D ental so
Mr. an d Mrs. Claud Hehruek and Mr. ciety
Eugene S aturday night. Mrs.
am i Mrs. B laine A ddison, of l«oruiio, T itus iu accom
panied her husband lo r a
and Mr. am i Mrs. A. M. Moore, o f this week end visit.
eity, spent the week end a t Goshen
D avid P itc h er has collected the
w ith relatives.
See th e C ottage G rove V uleanizing bounty on a bobcat.
W orks about p u ttin g those dam aged Do not neglect to file your income
tires in eonditiou. It m eans som ething tux retu rn by M arch 15th. T here uro
From the best meats we can
to you.
f l7 tf several im portant changes in the law.
buy, we offer you the choicest
H erbert W. l»ombiird can prepare your
P o rt­ income
cuts, at price» no more than
tux retu rn . O ffice, upstairs,
F irst N atio nal Hank building, C ottage
you have paid for lea» quality'.
M iller, who had been th ere aelectiug a Grove,
O regou.
Get your forenoon delivery or­
m illinery stoek, retu rn ed home w ith
Mr. and Mrs. W arren E dw ards have
der» in as early as possible.
arrived in Eugene to m ake th eir home,
Our boy goes to school.
a fte r a honeym oon of several weeks.
T. C. W heeler w as in Eugene Mon
lay ou business.
A m arriage license was issued Mon
day to Thom as J . t^ueeiier, of »Saginaw,
My motto is ‘ ‘ Better Chicken». ’’ and
Williams & Dickson, Props.
1 hatch only from one and two- ! Grove. G race M. P leuurd, o f C ottuge
ly with modern machinery, and
Bean Is V ery O ptim istic.
year-old hen» which have free Miss Bessie Mooney aud Miss M arian E astern
range. O. A C and Hollywood W hite left W ednesday to a tte n d a sec­ ing price» in cattle, w heat, »hcop and this we have.
C. M. Hh i mi was in P ortland on
ta ria l school in San Francisco. Miss wool, look», how ever, tow ard h change
business the la tte r jmrt of last week.
strain». Large heua, large re Hess,
sister of Mrs. W. J . W hite and
W illiam O stran d er Nr. left Hu i day
aunt of Miss W hite, who hud arrived ill »fate ad m in istratio n aud u drastic
for Tuesou, Arir.., to visit his son
here from W ashington, aeeom panied
'««m Jr., who is in the governm ent
To bring their suits and cloth­
When you are through with the
youug women to San Francisco and
nospitul there.
ing for Dry Cleaning. No fab­
m ake th at her home. Miss Mooney
them as layers they bring you m had ay been
*>r Koyal J- Giek, IMIS Wiliam
ric too fragile, for our method
et te street, Kllgene, Ore. Glasses
handling. You can always
eorreetly fitte d . No ease too
March April and May chicks
W ilma W hile.
dressed prettily without a
d ifficu lt. C harges reasonable.
flO tf ing. Spray, Long & Cru »on j2oti and help to raise the standard M ims
Mrs. C harles C handler w as up from
outlay for expensive
V irginia Bosley spent the week end
Mr. and Mrs. J . P. G raham , of P ort
Eugene to spend th e week end a t the
if you let us keep the
in »Salem w ith Miss Irene W alker.
laud, are recovering from atta ck s of
home of her sister, Mrs. G. M. Scott,
spots and dirt out of that you
Mr and Mrs. L. E. Ti Hot son re t h e ^ j j r i p ^ ^ ^
and rem ained over for the session o f
J. F. SPRAY, PROPRIETOR the T anglefoot elub Tuesday night.
M. H. .Anderson is nuother influenza
victim .
Mr. am i Mr». H. I* G odard m otored
Cottage Grove
Mrs. O. W. R aap continues to iui done on »hurt notice. Shop rear
to Eugene Man liny.
First National bank, opposite
Cbickeu», bog», veul an d ra ttle w ant
Mr. aud Mrs. J. M. D urham and city jail.
ud a t th e P eople'a M arket.
tf th eir d au gh ter, Mrs. A. A. Richmond,
been am ong the sick ones of the
John O gden, of f’lin past week.
We will move to our new location Saturday evening, Feb­ ton, Mr. Ind., and am Mr».
ruary 25, and will lie open for business Monday, February 27, of U niversal, Ind., arriv ed here Mon Recording th e sick people this week
(building formerly occupied by .InhnNoii & Co., 1st door went
and are v iaiting a t th e Sam New is like g ettiu g out copy for a city
of Elite eolifeetiouery) aud will be only too glad to meet old day
eomb home. They expei't to* directory. N one of th e cases seems
s rious.
and new customers.
born Tuesday
. WK STILL HAVK SOME REAL BARGAINS IN URO- who aeeidentnlly »hot h erself about a to A Mr. still and born Mrs. child Edw w in as Redford.
CKRIKS, AS ul'R SALK WILL CONTINUE IN PROGRESS y ear ago, ha» reeently been having Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Dunn were
»ome trou b le from »ome o f the »hot up from }$ugene W ednesday v isiting at
« h u h wax not ex tracted .
the home of th eir daughter, Mrs. G.
M oving anil aturage. Phone 99 C ity C. D yott. Dr. D yott has been coufiued
Yours for a Clean, Better and Larger Store,
T ran sfer.
n o v lltfc to his bed fo r tw o weeks but is recov­
nicely aud will go to Eugene to
Mr. an d Mrs. Thus. B lair, of Lowell, ering
accom panied by Mrs. B lair'» brother, undergo a m inor operation.
Mr. and Mrs. J . O. I A rson, who had
Thox Boyd, o f L ew iston, Id a., m otored
up from lxiwi ll W ednesday to visit at m ade an extended visit at th e home of
T h e S t o r e T h a t A p p r e c i a t e * Y o a r T r a d e {¡¡the
home of Mr B la ir’s p arents, Mr. Mrs. 1 «arson s sister, Mrs. A. W. Swan
•on, returned M onday to A lbany,
jjja o d Mr*. W. H. Blair.
D. J. Scholl
People’s Market
M oving
Smith-Short Grocery
A. F. & A. M., Attention
Try Our Pastry
Men Wanted
Cottage Grove Hatchery
Women Wanted
Fixit Shop
Just Received Another Car of Good Yellow
Corn. Get Our Prices
Run Advancing in Price. Buy Now!
J one s & Eaton