1 If You Live on the West Side — there’» no need to tear down town for what you may need in the general grocery line. We’re right handy on your way home; or, if you happen to think of some­ thing at the last moment before a meal, it will take one of the ehil- only a moment to make the trip to our store and return with the de­ sired article. T h e S t o r e W h e r e Yo u r D o l l a r Doea Ita Dut y E A D S 'G R O C E R Y ON THE WEST SIDE Do Your Glasses Harmonize With Your Features You don’t want awkward “ all - eye - glasses’’ looking glasses. We have made a study of facial characteris­ tics, and select the size, style and shape of eye-glass most becoming to the face of the wearer. There is a “ knack and know how" about proper eye-glasses fitting and ad­ justing that we have long ago discovered. PHONE 9 M r. and Mrs. Ralph T eeters are here from A storia v isitin g a t the home of Mr. Teeters* parents, Mr. and Mrs. George T eeters. Ralph is recovering from au operation for appendicitis. Dr. W. H. Vose, of Eugeue, j uouuces he w ill be at O regou H otel every second aud fo u rth S aturday, 11 ! a. m. to 5 p. in., prepared to tre a t dis | cases of the eye, ear, nose and th ro at, aud to fit glasses. d2tfc G randm a V aughn, who was injured recently in a fall, believes th at this fall has put back in place her hip jo in t which was m isplaced by a previous fall. »She is g ettin g along quite nicely. Miss Elise Price spent the week end in C orvallis. E quitable Life. E. K A rthur. f24tfc C harles I «eve no w rites from Sum ner, W ash., th at he has been laid up for some tim e w ith au a tta c k o f sciatic rheum atism . M. I.. Tom pkins returned T hursday of last week to the so ld ie rs’ home at R oseburg, a fte r a visit of a couple weeks here. h tu rn ed »Sunday from A shland, where Advice and service free. Charge» they had been visiting Mrs. Tillot s o n ’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. not high. Spray, Long &. Cru son's Service Garage. fl7tf Alien. Talk w ith E. E. A rthur about a Mr». E sther C »rlntedt w»» called to lit»* insurance policy. Agent for E q u it­ A lbany T hursday of last week by the able. f24tfc scriou» ¡line»» of a niece. Mrs. W illiam N orm an, of D rew, is v isiting at the home of her pareuts, Mr. and Mrs John B artels. Mrs. Gerald C ounts returned Thurs WE ARE NOW CUTTING day from S pringfield, where she had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B rat tain. Motorcar repairing. Promptness and efficiency at Spray, Long & Cru son’s Service Garage. H7tf Miss G ertrude C arter, who had been v isiting her sister, Mrs. W illiam B arth's, returned F riday to her home in Portland. M rs. Pet S anford w as in Eugene Friday on business. Galloway w rites insurance. C. M. P ark e r apeut F riday in D rain on business. Mrs. S. S. Lass well and daughter M ary E lizabeth weut to P ortland Sat urday to spend a week w ith Mrs. I .ass w ell’s p areuts, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. B aufield. M oving and storage. Phone 99. City T ran sfer. n o v lltfc Mrs. M. M. W hite, of H alsey, who had been visitin g her m other, Mrs. M alissa H teuuett, retu rn ed home .Sat urday. Mr and Mrs. J. A. W right, Mr. and Mrs. E rnest Aim es, Mrs. M. F. W yatt, J. E. Youug, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. W illis, Mr. and Mrs. Seldou Powell and N ora i^ueeu were visitors from here in Eugene »Saturday. T H E NEW O V ER LA N D , acknow l­ edged by thus«' who kuow to be the best value for the mouey ou th e mat ket today. Demount ratio n s by up point uient, duy or night. O verland Garuge. j'iHft* Mrs. J . H. B ennett and little grand daughter, N ellie Stiles, went to Med ford T hursday of last week to visit at the home of Mrs. B en n ett's daughter, Mrs. VV. M. M attox. Ou her retu rn next week she will visit at Rice H ill ut th e home of another daughter, Mrs. A. J . Fogle. •Second hand goods bought, sold aud exchanged. 1. B. M orris, ut bridge. I t Mrs. Ray W right aud daughter, of Roseburg, spent F riday night with Mrs. W rig h t’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sm ith Bailey. Miss Erm a W arner, of Eugene, vis ited during the week at the home of her brother, Iv an E. W arner. P iano tu n in g and repairing. F irst class workm an. All work guaranteed. Reasonable charges also on repairing. Phoae 312 or w rite R. F. C allahan, Eugene Music Shop, Eugeue, Ore. jl3 tf IT 1H G(X>D B U SIN ESS to have your b attery cleaned and reinsulatcd onee a year. O verland (im age. j27tfe Ceeil Caldwell arriv ed F rid ay night from P ortland for his vacation. Mrs. W illiam Rhodes retu rn ed from I’la S aturday. Mrs. W. C. W ilkins, of Y oucalla, s pe a t S aturday w ith her »¡»ter, Mr». •lames Allen. M oving aud storage. Phone 99. City T ran sfer. n o v lltfc Lillie and V irgil Horn left »Saturday for M arshfield, w here they will m ake th eir home. Jan ies E ngland was up from »Salem to atte n d the fu n eral of John W alker, Ins brother in law, and rem ained fo r a v isit of a few days. Obi rags w anted at 5 ceuts the poiiud. Must be large and clean, sueli as obi underclothes, old clothing or soft m aterials, sueh as old blankets, etc. The Heutiuel. tf | George Bohlmaii is recovering from a severe illness. Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Lnueks are re ­ covering from atta ck s of iufluenza. A llison’s b arb er shop has been tr e a t­ ed this week to a steel ceiliug and panelled beaver board walls, greatly im proving its appearance. GREEN GROUND BONE 4c lb. MAKE THE CHICKENS LAY TH E EGGS City Meat Market Wholesalers and Retailers W oodson B rothers have sold a F ord ro ad ster to Lincoln T aylor, a touring ear to W. K. Johiisou aud nnuther touring ear to K. V. A rden. New pianos, |2 5 cash aud $18 a m outh. Eugene M usic .Shop, Eugene, Oregou. J l3 tf V erne G aroutte bus m oved his turn ily from the city out to the mill. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lasswell, of Y oncalla, were here T uesday night to uttem l the T anglefoot club and re uuiiaed u n til the next tiny at the home of Mr L ukswc U ’ s b ro th er, 8. 8. Lass well. D O N ’T LKT ’ER KNOCK, i t ’s too costly. lad us fix it. All general re­ pairing, including fender and rad iato r work. O verland G arage. j27tfe Among visitors from here in Eugene M onday were Mr. and Mr». Claud A rne, Mi»» G race B lackw ell and 11. A. Galloway. Mr». Prank D ana w as here from Eu gone Tuesday visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. C. D yolt. C hristian Neivneo church, corner of Jefferso n avenue aud Hecoud street Sunday service» ut 11 a. in. W edues day scrvice* u t 7 :JO p. in. tf W illiam llu u p t w ent to RoaOburg Tuesday on business. John Sm ith, who w eut to a Eugene hospital lust week fur treatm en t for rheum atism , returned Sunday and w eut to work Molality m orning. M oving aud storage. Phone 99. C ity T ran sfer. n o v lltfc F. M. lin m brick w ent to Eugeue W ednesday on business anil to visit w ith relatives for a few days. Mrs. K. T. B lakely aud d aughter left W ednesday for a visit o f a few days w ith relatives in S pringfield. M etho d ist church.— R egular services next »Sunday. Forenoon subject, “ W hat the Uhureh N eed s.” E vening subject, “ The Man in the S tre e t.” Erw in J . Lea, of B erkeley, C alif., son of Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Lea, of this eity , was m arried recently to Miss May Lueile Donald ulso of th a t city. Miss M arian W hite had as her guest over the week end Miss Dorris Hikes aud Miss (^uiutella Reed, U. of O. st udeuts. OSTRANDER & M cQUEEN ii— FOR HIGH GRADE PHOTOS Flour, Cereals Monroe Photo Studio COTTAGE GROVE Kodak finishing, printing, de­ veloping, enlarging. Open on Sundays front 10 to 3 o’clock. u Feeds and Seeds SOME GOOD OATS ON HAND AT PRESENT All the m em bers of th e *H. L. Muckiu fam ily except Mr. M ackin have been, sick during the past week and Mr. M ackin has rem ained a t home ia care for them. G ottfried G raber has been confined ( Successor to J. F. Spray) to the house during the week an d prob- ably will not be out for several days yet. Jam es Sm ick, of C anyonville, is a p aring of running expenses to put it guest a t the home of his cousin, ivi-s. back on its feet. So says L. E. Bean, N elson D urham , w hile the crew with speaker of the Oregou legislatu re and whieh he is em ployed are doing bloek E u g en e’s candidate fo r governor, on signal work on th e S outhern Pacific. hi» retu rn from the other side of the w here he has been tigh ten Mrs. E. H . K ing and son, of W hite m ing ountains up his cam paign org an ization and fish, M ont., are v isitin g at the home feeling out public sentim ent. of Mr. K iu g ’s m other, Mrs. E dgar K ing. C ard o f Thanks. Mrs. Jack Lew is and tw o daughters, We wish to th an k our m any friends Mrs. Carl Cellers and Miss M illicent, who w ere so prom pt in rendering aid, w ent to P ortland T uesday for m edical as well as co n tribu ting w ith kindness treatm en t for Miss M illicent. to our relief during the loss of our M rs. C. H. H efty w rites th a t she is house by fire tw o weeks ago. FR A N K PEO PL ES, retu rn in g to N ew port from A da, w here f24e RUBY F. PEO PL ES. she spent several m onths. Mrs. A. J . Gowdy atte n d ed a special tf m eeting of the presbytery a t A lbany It pay9 to read the w autads. last week as delegate from th e P resb y ­ te ria n church here. Mr. and M rs. F red W igle spent the week end in Coburg. • R egular cornua ¡cation Wed Mr. and M rs. J . W. B uckley expect evening, M arch 1, 1922, to return soon from P ortlan d to again - X j A g A t - nesday at 7:45 o ’clock. M. M. de m ake th is th e ir home. ' * greo. R efreshm ents. V isitors C harles B runeau is up from P o rt­ and member» arc urged to be prescut. land, w here he has been fo r a long L. N. P H E L P S , tim e undergoing treatm en t fo r his eyes. By order of W. M._________Secretary. F rank Jones and Mr. an d Mrs. Joe Jon es, who had been v isitin g a t the WOOD B ID S W A N TED . C. 1». S a rff home, retu rn ed T hursday o f la st week to th eir home in Albany. Sealed bids w ill be received up till F ran k Jones is the fa th e r of Mrs. 7:30 p. m. S atu rd ay , M arch 4, fo r fu r S a rff and Jo e Joues a b ro th er. nishing 100 cord» of four foot wood, Charles Brow n, accom panied by his one-half to be delivered on or before niece, E lizabeth Allen, retu rn ed T hu rs­ Ju n e 15, 1922, and balance on o r be day of last w eek from W ashington. fore A ugust 1, 1922. Bids fo r eith er M iss Allen had been curing for her old grow th o r second grow th split fir uncle, who has been ill. The physician or for slab wood w ill be considered. thought his health m ight be b en efitted The P o ttag e Grove C annery reserves the by the clim ate here. right to ueeept or reject any o r all B. A. W hitten le ft M onday for the bids or an y part of any bid. f 17 24 COTTAGE GROVE CA N N ERY . iu d ustrial accident com m ission’s hos p ita l in Salem . He sustained a severe ly fractu red leg several w eeks ago when a truckload of lum ber fell onto him w hile he was em ployed a t the W estern Lum ber & E xport com pany’s mill. Mrs. S. L. M ackin, of th is city, was well acquainted w ith M ajor J . G. Thor nell, one of those killed in tin* recent balloon explosion a t N orfolk, Va. W. A. B urns retu rn ed y esterday to P o rtlan d , a fte r a visit wdth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Burns. W arren M abie was taken to a Eugene hospital W ednesday su fferin g w ith rheum atism an d influenza. M rs. H. E. Allison arriv ed yesterday from Roseburg and is v isitin g her par eats, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. F iester. Mrs. F iester is sick. N. J . Nelson J r. is back on the job, To bring their suits and cloth­ ing to us for Cleaning aud a fte r a severe a tta c k of influenza. Mrs. V erna M ast w ill N|>end the week Pressing. Suits that have the end a t C orvallis w ith her sister, Miss stuff in them will be made to Allie Phillips, and w ill take in college look like new. This kind of festivities. work can only he done proper­ Economy Feed Store W. H. B lair retu rn ed S atu rd ay from Ixtwell, w here he and Mrs. B lair had been at the bedside of th eir son F rank . Mrs. B lair left for P ortlan d Treat 'em rough if you want to, from Eugene. but bring them here for the re­ Do not try to beat a new spaper. You pairs that such treatment makes m ay w ant a nice o bitu ary notice some necessary. Spray, Long <& Cru- day. •** fl7tf F rank Knox and th ree daughters son’s Service Garage. Mrs, M ary E lliott left Tuesday for were in P ortland over the week end v isitin g Mrs. Kuox in a san itariu m a visit w ith her daughter, Mrs. G. L. there. She is doing splendidly and G rigsby, at W nitsburg, W ash. »She was accom panied by her son, E arl lshm ael. gaiuiug rapidly m w eight. O PTIC IA N O PTO M ETRIST Mrs. E lliott has not been feeling well fo r some tim e. F actory ou Premin®« M rs. Roy W elch, of K elso, W ash., C ottage Grove Oregon spent the week end at the home o f her p arents, Dr. and Mrs. D. lv. Woods. You m ay ta k e a chance but not the loved one. E quitable L ife. E. E. A rthur. f24tfe Mr. and Mrs. N. W. W hite and M rn. H. A. Mont pith in horn»* from d au gh ter Miss Inez have been su ffer iittpiuliiig her m other, Mrs. H. H. I Mott, ing w ith influenza during the past who is in a Eugeue hospital. week. Miss Adelle had to give up her Galloway for Insurance, till M ain, tf sehool duties to care for the sick ones. M Lula Kilwunlx, of Springfield, The children of A lfred W hite also have w ho hut! been v isitin g Mr. and Mrs. been sick. Sherm an W ilkins, returned home Mon »Seventh Duy A dv entist C hurch, w est duy. M ain street. Services every S aturday W. K. Ju d k in s returned to his home •Sabbath school, 10 a. m .; church ser in Eugene F rid ay , a fte r visiting with vice, 11 a. m. 1’ipyer m eeting W edues his d au gh ter, Mrs. 1. E. W arner. Our Fault less Bread is our «lay, 7.30 p. in. Persons desiring iufor M ake it snappy. List it rig h t, eel I m at ion cull 101 J . mainstay, but we wish to em­ it quick. Tell iue w hat you w ant, get phasize that We are also in the T uesday Among visitors from here in Eugene it right aw ay. J . M. Durham , realto r.* ere Mrs. ¡¿eon DesLurzes pastry business. VVe solicit spe- aud d au gh w ter, E lizabeth, 11. J . eial orders in this line. If you .Shinn and C. M. Alice Shinn. wish something special for a Lee Roy Woods »Sr., of Eugene, was party or entertainment, we can coufiued house during the past supply anything you may want. week w ith to th th e e grip. IS YOUR G EN ERA TO R doing its d u ty f D o n ’t let it shirk an d ruin your b attery. We clean and p ut them in C o t t a g e G r o v e shape a t u very sm all cost. O verland j —71 fc E l e c t r i c B a k e r y Q trtft. Hugh M urray was in Eugene F riday. Dr. H. W. T itu s attend ed a m eeting of the S outhern W illam ette D ental so Mr. an d Mrs. Claud Hehruek and Mr. ciety Eugene S aturday night. Mrs. am i Mrs. B laine A ddison, of l«oruiio, T itus iu accom panied her husband lo r a and Mr. am i Mrs. A. M. Moore, o f this week end visit. eity, spent the week end a t Goshen D avid P itc h er has collected the w ith relatives. See th e C ottage G rove V uleanizing bounty on a bobcat. W orks about p u ttin g those dam aged Do not neglect to file your income tires in eonditiou. It m eans som ething tux retu rn by M arch 15th. T here uro From the best meats we can to you. f l7 tf several im portant changes in the law. buy, we offer you the choicest H erbert W. l»ombiird can prepare your G. M. M arksbury m otored to P o rt­ income cuts, at price» no more than tux retu rn . O ffice, upstairs, land S aturday. His sister, Mrs. (). M. F irst N atio nal Hank building, C ottage you have paid for lea» quality'. M iller, who had been th ere aelectiug a Grove, O regou. (»*) Get your forenoon delivery or­ m illinery stoek, retu rn ed home w ith Mr. and Mrs. W arren E dw ards have him. der» in as early as possible. arrived in Eugene to m ake th eir home, Our boy goes to school. a fte r a honeym oon of several weeks. T. C. W heeler w as in Eugene Mon lay ou business. A m arriage license was issued Mon day to Thom as J . t^ueeiier, of »Saginaw, My motto is ‘ ‘ Better Chicken». ’’ and Williams & Dickson, Props. 1 hatch only from one and two- ! Grove. G race M. P leuurd, o f C ottuge ly with modern machinery, and Bean Is V ery O ptim istic. year-old hen» which have free Miss Bessie Mooney aud Miss M arian E astern O regou, o ptim istie over leap­ range. O. A C and Hollywood W hite left W ednesday to a tte n d a sec­ ing price» in cattle, w heat, »hcop and this we have. C. M. Hh i mi was in P ortland on ta ria l school in San Francisco. Miss wool, look», how ever, tow ard h change business the la tte r jmrt of last week. strain». Large heua, large re Hess, sister of Mrs. W. J . W hite and W illiam O stran d er Nr. left Hu i day egg», make husky chicks, bigger aunt of Miss W hite, who hud arrived ill »fate ad m in istratio n aud u drastic for Tuesou, Arir.., to visit his son fries, pullets lay bigger eggs. here from W ashington, aeeom panied '««m Jr., who is in the governm ent To bring their suits and cloth­ When you are through with the youug women to San Francisco and nospitul there. ing for Dry Cleaning. No fab­ m ake th at her home. Miss Mooney them as layers they bring you m had ay been *>r Koyal J- Giek, IMIS Wiliam ric too fragile, for our method em ployed at the W hite P h ar more mouey. Order now for et te street, Kllgene, Ore. Glasses m aey and her place is being taken by of handling. You can always Battery teiting and overhaul­ eorreetly fitte d . No ease too March April and May chicks W ilma W hile. he dressed prettily without a d ifficu lt. C harges reasonable. flO tf ing. Spray, Long & Cru »on j2oti and help to raise the standard M ims Mrs. C harles C handler w as up from great outlay for expensive V irginia Bosley spent the week end Mr. and Mrs. J . P. G raham , of P ort of Cottage Grove eggs. Eugene to spend th e week end a t the clothing if you let us keep the in »Salem w ith Miss Irene W alker. laud, are recovering from atta ck s of home of her sister, Mrs. G. M. Scott, PLUMBING spots and dirt out of that you Mr and Mrs. L. E. Ti Hot son re t h e ^ j j r i p ^ ^ ^ and rem ained over for the session o f J. F. SPRAY, PROPRIETOR the T anglefoot elub Tuesday night. have. AND GENERAL M. H. .Anderson is nuother influenza REPAIRING victim . Mr. am i Mr». H. I* G odard m otored Cottage Grove Mrs. O. W. R aap continues to iui done on »hurt notice. Shop rear to Eugene Man liny. First National bank, opposite prove. Cbickeu», bog», veul an d ra ttle w ant Mr. aud Mrs. J. M. D urham and city jail. ud a t th e P eople'a M arket. tf th eir d au gh ter, Mrs. A. A. Richmond, have been am ong the sick ones of the 'I John O gden, of f’lin past week. We will move to our new location Saturday evening, Feb­ ton, Mr. Ind., and am Mr». i Mr. anil Mr». Wui. Boyd, ruary 25, and will lie open for business Monday, February 27, of U niversal, Ind., arriv ed here Mon Recording th e sick people this week (building formerly occupied by .InhnNoii & Co., 1st door went and are v iaiting a t th e Sam New is like g ettiu g out copy for a city of Elite eolifeetiouery) aud will be only too glad to meet old day eomb home. They expei't to loel.il* directory. N one of th e cases seems s rious. here. and new customers. born Tuesday Mra. J . H. Volga more, o f Com stock, . WK STILL HAVK SOME REAL BARGAINS IN URO- who aeeidentnlly »hot h erself about a to A Mr. still and born Mrs. child Edw w in as Redford. CKRIKS, AS ul'R SALK WILL CONTINUE IN PROGRESS y ear ago, ha» reeently been having Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Dunn were »ome trou b le from »ome o f the »hot up from }$ugene W ednesday v isiting at UNTIL SATURDAY EVENING. « h u h wax not ex tracted . the home of th eir daughter, Mrs. G. M oving anil aturage. Phone 99 C ity C. D yott. Dr. D yott has been coufiued Yours for a Clean, Better and Larger Store, T ran sfer. n o v lltfc to his bed fo r tw o weeks but is recov­ nicely aud will go to Eugene to Mr. an d Mrs. Thus. B lair, of Lowell, ering accom panied by Mrs. B lair'» brother, undergo a m inor operation. Mr. and Mrs. J . O. I A rson, who had Thox Boyd, o f L ew iston, Id a., m otored up from lxiwi ll W ednesday to visit at m ade an extended visit at th e home of T h e S t o r e T h a t A p p r e c i a t e * Y o a r T r a d e {¡¡the home of Mr B la ir’s p arents, Mr. Mrs. 1 «arson s sister, Mrs. A. W. Swan •on, returned M onday to A lbany, jjja o d Mr*. W. H. Blair. D. J. Scholl ims CHOICE MEATS People’s Market M oving Smith-Short Grocery A. F. & A. M., Attention Try Our Pastry Men Wanted Cottage Grove Hatchery Women Wanted Fixit Shop Laundry Just Received Another Car of Good Yellow Corn. Get Our Prices Run Advancing in Price. Buy Now! J one s & Eaton