Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1909)
tions. But a careful investigation of greatly benefited by the'Department of the matter, after having heard every Agriculture. A year ago the depart discussion in connection therewith, ex ment sent, through Mr. Hawley’s sug- . cept the private conference between gestion, an expert to Medford. By the parties, reVeals no good reason warning the farmers of an early frost, why both enterprises should not he was able to save many thousands of Extensive Tract of Timber Will Congressman Hawley Discusses proceed uninterruptedly; provided, of dollars’ worth of apples. He said the course, that Cottage Grove thinks well Get No Bidders Today. Water Shed With Citizens. only fault he had to find with Oregon enough of the manufacturing of 173,- ians was that they offered their land 000,000 feet of lumber at this point to too cheap. He said people had no con temporarily locate its intake pipe out fidence in cheap land. Because the INTERESTS NOT TOGETHER people of California and Washington WATER SHED FIRST THING of reach of all possible contamination of the water. were putting high values on their land When the initiative was taken by the they were drawing the population. His trip to Cottage Grove he counted There Appears to be No Good and Suf lumber interests to secure this timber Representative of Lumber Company there was no water right to interfere, a “red letter day.” The spirit of in- ■ ficient Reason Why Both Projects and Citizens Congrgate in Attempt but in the intervening time the coun dustry and hustle, as shown bv the lo to Solve Question of Vital Im Should Not be Carried Forward cil has, and wisely too, filed upon Layng cal business men, was very highly com portance to All Concerned. fi the People So Elect. creek, and its application having been mended. And the number of new granted, it practically, holds the key So dwellings and business blocks were in the situation. And although the tim It is not likely that the 173,000,000 Congressman Hawley, representing dications of progress. The arrangements for the reception feet of standing timber in the Umpqua ber interests, represented by A. B. this district, visited Cottage Grove on and dinner were Under the management forest reserve, advertised for sale by Wood, has disbursed a considerable sum Tuesday and spent a few hours with a in perfecting its arrangements unless congregation of business men and other of a committee, composed of Messrs. the United States government, will be it gets positive assurance that it will F. D. Wheeler, Dr. J. O. VanWinkle. sbld today. And it is pdSbible that the citizens at the commodious rooms of the be protected it will drop the matter Commercial club. The distinguished F. B. Phillips, B. Lurch and M. M. sale will of necessity have to be post without further action. If the water gentleman came hither on an invitation Veatch, and that it satisfactorily dis poned indefinitely, if not declared off. shed asked for by the city, embracing from Mayor R. B. Job, the primary ob charged the duties incumbent upon it This will be unavoidable unless satis sixty-five square miles, is granted, ject being to deal with matters in con all who participated can attest. The factory arrangements can be made with there seems a probability that settle nection with the proposed water sys dinner, served under the personal direc the city of Cottage Grove to locate a ment will be effected between the two tem in securing a sufficient territory tion of Landlord Westbrook, was one temporary intake for its proposed water interests, and both enterprises consum- for a water shed reserve, and to offer of epicurean art. The menu follows: line above the mouth of Junietta creek mated. In the meantime there is un Lobster Salad in order to. get away from contamina certainty regarding the one. Congress suggestions along that line. Fried Halibut a la Mayonaise tion of the supply. While the city man Hawley will give aid in securing A meeting was held,, presided over by Oyster Stew council, from all outward appearances, for us the requested area, and it is Mr. H. O. Thompson, in which repre sentative citizens participated, and the Roast Young Turkey, Cranberry Sauce has shown a disposition to protect the earnestly hoped that it will be secured. Mashed Potatoes timber company in its logging opera The sale of the timber may be effected question was pretty generally discuss Asparagus Tips tions, no official action in the matter at any time after today, if the govern ed, the sentiment prevailing that ar Apple Pie Custard Pie has been taken, without which the large ment so elects. rangements should be so perfected as not to exclude the contemplated timber English Plum Pudding, Brandy Sauce investment would not be made. The Nuts, Fruits, Cafe Noir question of how to obviate the difficulty purchase and subsequent logging opera . Cigars has been widely discussed in public tions. Mr. Hawley could see no reason The following gentlemen were pre meetings, aldermanic sessions. and on why the city of Cottage Grove should Notice is given that subscriptions not go up Layng creek further than sent at the banquet: A. B. Wood, R. the curb, yet no solution of the prob the point of intake for its water sup M. Veatch, Chas. VanDenberg, Dr. lem has been arrived at. The city has .will be received at the office of the ply. The government, he thought, Kime, Dr. Van Winkle, B. K. Lawson, voted bonds in the sum of $100,000 for undersigned Company, or through would grant the request for sixty-five Geo. Atkinson, C. H. Burkholder, Ben a pipe line from Layng creek to this the Security Savings & Ttust*Com- square miles as a water shed, and a Lurch, J. F. Spray, Wm. Johnson, Her city, some eighteen miles, and while pany, Trustee, Portland, Oregon, board flume to the present intake loca-' bert Eakin, T. 0. Wheeler, Lew A. no estimate of its cost has been made it for $800,000.00 First Mortgage 6 tion would not interfere with logging Cates, J. I. Jones, J. H. Chambers, J. is roughly figured that the improvement per cent'bonds of the Portland Ce operations. He inquired if it would C. Johnson, F. B. Phililps, David will need every cent of money to be de ment Company, of Portland, Ore make any difference in logging opera Griggs, H. H.. Veatch, Henry Venske, rived from the bond issue. In fact gon. These bonds are $500.60 tions if the water shed is granted, and W. H. Abrams, Dr. Job, F. D. Wheeler, Engineer Roberts, has said that $200,- each; will/be sold at par or face the privilege given to place a tempor J. S. Benson, Chris. Hazelton, F. G. 000 would do the job better than half valtie, plus accrued interest. A ary intake above the mouth of Junietta Conley, John Bartel, Fingal Hinds, he amount. To carry the water tem bonus of 100 per cent common creek, and Mr. Wood replied that there Rev. Sutcliffe, H. 0. Thompson, Dr. porarily from a point above the mouth stock of the Company will be given would be no objection by the logging Woods, John Woodard, Rev. Adams, of Junietta creek, a distance of three with the boriSs, to-wit: $500.00 of and a quarter miles, would necessitate stock with each $500.00 of bonds. interests, provided, conditions remained Rev. Elkins, Jos. DuBruille. an additional expenditure of approxi the same. But if the water was not Subscriptions may also be ten taken above the city would object to The committee named above requests. mately $15,000. To make this-sum avail dered through either of the follow The Sentinel to extend to Landlord able for the purpose a special election any operations in that area. ing named banks of the City of The. congressman suggested that the Westbrook, in its behalf, its hearty ' would have to be called to again amend Portland, to-wit: sale of timber in the forest reserve be thanks for the most excellent manner in the charter, and still another to vote B ank of C alifornia postponed for a few days after Novem which he served the dinner on this oc the bonds. C anadian B ank of C ommerce casion, assuring him that not only the ber 19, in order that the government With this understanding of the situ F irst N ational B ank menu was fully appreciated, but the forestry department might have bppor ation the question naturally arises: H ibernia S avings B ank careful attention given to details as tunity to receive maps of the territory Will the proposed enterprise, although H artman & T hompson , Bankers well. applied for, and act upon them. gigantic in its scope, prove sufficiently L add & T ilton B ank It was brought out during the discus remunerative to Cottage Grove from a M erchants N ational B ank AN APPRECIATED SURPRISE. sion that the first base of operations financial standpoint to warrant this exr U nited S tates N ational B ank would be on Crazy creek, just inside Woman’s Club Unexpectedly Partakes penditure? On this point the dissent or may be tendered through the forest reserve, and these opérations ers are largely in the minority; in fact BANK OF COTTAGE GROVE of Bountifnl Luncheon. might have a tendency to contaminate The regular meeting of the Woman’s it may be said without fear of exagger Cottage Grove, Ore. the water of Frazier creek. Club was held at the Commercial club ation that public sentiment is practi Mr. Hawley asked if December 1 rooms last Saturday afternoon. As the cally unanimously favorable to permit FIRST NATIONAL BANK Cottage Grove, Ore. would be too long a time to postpone members approached the parlor, which ting the prosecution of the contemplat FRUIT GROWERS’ BANK opening bids. is the accustomed place of meeting, ed operations. It is realized by the Creswell, Ore. My. Wood replied that the sale had they were confronted with this notice: masses that our great need at this time been authorized and advertised, and “Owing to certain circumstances which is outside capital; men who will invest YONCALLA STATE BANK Yoncalla, Ore. if no bids were received it would be in have arisen the ladies’ club is requested money and. createja tin-pail brigade in The following well-known men the power of the forestry department to meet in the manager’s office.” our iriidst; legitimate industries that to postpone, and sell later if it so de Naturally the women were very curious, will increase our population and send are the officers and directors and cided. It was likely, he thouhgt, that but no one could explain. After an in coursing through all channels of local more prominent stockholders of the no deposit of money would be made for teresting program, consisting of a gen commerce the cold cash distributed by Portland Cement Company: the Nov. 19 sale, and consequently it eral discussion of Booker T. Washing them to the breadwinner for his toil. A man M oore , President, ex-Gen. Mgr., Colorado Portland. Cement Co., Denver, would be unnecessary to ask the depart ton’s book, “Up From Salvery,” Mrs. Thousands of dollars are being annually Colo. Ex-Gen. Mgr., Union Portland ment for a postponement. F. H. Rosenberg leader, Current Events expended by this community to herald Cement Co., Ogden. After a considerable amount of dis with Mrs. H. A. Miller leader, and each abroad throughout the length and T heo . B. W ilcox , Vice President, Pres., cussion, participated in by Aiderman member responding to roll call by giv breadth of this great commonwealth Portland Flouring Mills Co., Portland. Bartel, Dr. Woods, Mr. Kern, the may ing a quotation of patriotism, Mr. Con the resources, advantages and possibil A lex . N ibley , Secretary, ex-Treas. Grande Lumber- Co., Perry ¡Oregon. or and others, Mr. Lawson offered a ley, manager of the Commercial club, ities of this immediate section. We L. Ronde A. L ewis , Allen Sc Lewis, Portland. resolution requesting Congressman announced that the ladies might view bend every energy to induce immigra C. W. N ibley , Pres., Union „ Portland Hawley to co-operate in securing a the lumbermen’s exhibit in the parlor. tion to our productive soil, and rejoice Cement Co., Ogden. Utah. water shed reserve as indicted by the The exhibit proved to be a darkened when we get a new c6nvert from the A. L." M ills , President, First National Portland. maps shown. This was unanimously room, beautifully decorated with chry East, yet a careful comparison of the Jos. Bank, N. T bal , Attorney, Portland. adopted, it having previously been stat santhemums and dainty luncheon tables relative merits of the two lines of en W. F. B urrell , President, Burrell Invest ed by Mr. Lawson that with this ac set with fine china and cut glass. ment Co., Portland. deavor will readily convince any intelli complished he thought there would be, ' The place cards were dainty thanks gent person of the advantage in secur J. C. A insworth , Pres., United States Na tional Bank, Portland. no difficulty between the city and the giving post cards bearing the ladies’ ing a single industry employing two W. W. C otton , Attorney, Portland. lumber interests. He said that lum maiden names. Mrs. Geo. Hall and hundred hands. But the lumbering G eo . L awrence , J r ., Manager Lawrence bermen had been given no official assur Mrs. Delure Hemenway proved to be operations will not be permanent; the Harness Co., Portland. ance that they would be protected, but the clever hostesses who had planned timber must be removed within a stip P aul C. B ates , Manager Aetna Life In surance Co., Portland. if the water shed was granted the prob this pleasant surprise as a reception to ulated period, says some one. All of irt M inor , Attorney, Portland. abilities are that the city would protect the new members. After luncheon was which is very true. But the people are ,W C has . E. L add , Pres., Ladd Estate Co., the timber company. Portland. served all ^present congratulated Miss still with us, and the probabilities are C. S mith , Pres., Hibernia Sav Nixon, (Mrs. Hall) and Miss Wallace, a large proportion of them will remain, A ndrew ings Bank, Portland. ENJOY A FINE BANQUET. (Mrs. Hemenway) upon the success of either taking up lands and building per W. A. G ordon , Pres,, W. A. Gordon Co., manent homes for themselves and fam their delightful surprise party. Portland. Prominent Citizens Dine With Distin ilies, or following other vocations avail E. L. T hompson , Hartman Sc Thompson, WILL ELECT NEW OFFICERS. Bankers,.. Portland. guished Man, at Hotel Oregon. able at the time. The writer, from T om R ichardson , Manager, Portland long experience, is sure of his ground Commercial Club, Portland. The business men of Cottage Grove Commercial Club Has Important Duty when he urges that every effort be T., W. S ullivan , Chief Eng., Portland to Perform Nov. 29. tendered Congressman Hawley a ban R. R., L. Sc P. Co., Oregon City. On Monday evening, November 29, made to locate the timber industry. It quet at the Hotel Oregon at 2:30 o’clock J ohn C. C utler , ex-Governor State of means the distribution of nearly $2,000,- the Commercial club, will elect officers Tuesday afternoon, following a recep Utah, Salt Lake City tion and meeting at the rooms of the for the ensuing year, and there should 000 in five years, and even if *the base J ohn P ingree , Cashier, First National Bank, Ogden. Commercial club. Thirty-four covers be a full attendance of members. As of operation^ is twenty miles distant, R omney , Vice Pres., Deseret Sav were laid on two splendidly arranged much of the club’s success depends upon not a man, woman or child can arrive G eorge ings Bank, Salt Lake City. tables, and the dinner was served in its president, that office should be fill at or depart from these operations C. L eonardt , Pres., Southwestern Portland six courses. It was rather an infor ed with great care. Qualification is without passing though Cottage Grove. Cement Co., Los Angeles. mal affair, the only speakers being Mr. the .first thing to be taken into considj The lumber company cannot acquire O. C. B eebe , Cashier, 'Lions Savings Bank & Trust Co., Salt Lake City. H. O. Thompson, president of the club, eration. The other officers to be elect vested rights in the forest reserve; T hos . R. C utler , Pres., Utah-Idaho Sugar and Congressman Hawley, the former’s ed are first and second vice-presidents, when its contract with the govenment Co., Salt Lake City. remarks being of an introductory char secretary, treasurer and six trustees. expires it must vacate; the city does A document giving full particu Mr. H. 0. Thompson has declined to not now, and neither will it for twenty lars concerning the Portland Ce acter. \ Congressman Hawley spoke for a half accept re-election to the office of presi years need a greater supply of .water ment Company and its bonds will be __________ \ hour on matters pertaining to the First dent. than is obtainable above the mouth of mailed or may behad upon applica Congressional district.; He said it was Junietta creek, so there can be no justi tion to the WALTER PITCHER HURT. his purpose to be thoroughly informed fiable objection on this point. No PORTLAND CEMENT CO., regarding the needs of his district, and Ugly Gash Cut in Forehead, and Re" other interest^ can come into this terri that was the purpose of his trip to Cot quires Several Stitches. tory, and even if the supply at any fu 607-609 Lumbermens Building tage Grove. He felt that he was the Walter Pitcher; residing with his pa ture period should be found inadequate Portland, Oregon. servant of the people, and not only de rents on a farm two miles from town, at any particular point, more could be OR sired to champion such legislation as on Tuesday met with a painful acci secured by an extension of our water BANK OF COTTAGE GROVE his constituents desired, but also to do dent. While driving a team, a protrud right with reference to the number of Cottage Grove, Ore. every other thing that would be of the ing limb “whipped” back, and striking feet. If the lumber industry would in FIRST'NATIONAL BANK * greatest benefit to the most people. him in the forehead cut an ugly gash. any way stint the city’s supply of water Cottage Grove, Ore.. Among some of the things he was in He came to the city to have the wound or tend to contaminate that supply, FRUIT GROWERS’ BANK terested in he named more harbors, an dressed, and the surgeon found it nec The Sentinel would not for a moment Creswell, Ore. increased fruit crop, and a denser popu essary to take several stitches in or urge an equitable adjustment of pend YONCALLA STATE BANK, lation. The fruit industry had been der to close it. ing differences to permit logging opera Yoncalla, Ore. GIVEN ANOTHER ROUND SÄLE NOT POLLED OFF Holiday Goods don - t delay com«* s covers ¿7HADSEN, the Jeweler Notice Children delight in wading through all the puddles on ihe sidewalk and they would rather walk in the snow beside the walk, , than anywhere else. This is hard on the shoes—no shoe will stand it in definitely. All you can do is to get the strongest shoes you can buy, without getting them too coarse and heaVy. ycurity School Shof |rorßoys For Girisi! These shoes are made of the best leather, especially selected. The boys shoes are made by the welt process—the best known method of fastening soles and uppers together. The girls shoes are made in both welt and turn soles. They are made on good fitting lasts and will not hurt the feet or injure their shape. Both boys and girls shoes are dressy and attractive looking with wonderful wearing qualities. , Security Watch with Every Pair .. Each purchaser of Security School Shoes is entitled to one of these hand some watches for only 50 cents. There isn’t a dollar watch on the market aS good. It is guaranteed for one year. We couidn’t afford to make this offer except as an inducement for you to try Security School Shoes. Bring the children in and let us fit them out with a pair of Security Shoes—they will prove a revelation to you in shoe value for childrens shoes Rees-Wallace Co. “WHERE YOU DO BETTER.” There’s Lots of Satisfaction in knowing your house is equipped with modem and sanitary plumbing. Ii you are thinking of having work of this kind kind done, we would be pleased to give you esti mates on the work and material. FOSTER P. PHILLIPS, Plumber FASHION * STABLES POWELL & SHORTRIDGE, Props. Courteous Prompt and Treatment Reasonable ' Rates to All. TRAVELING COTTAGE GROVEL, MEN A ORECON SPECIALTY.