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About Northwest labor press. (Portland , Ore.) 1987-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 2006)
...New Medicare drug plan costs taxpayers $32.1 billion (From Page 8) month for the first year. However, the subsidy program seems to favor employer-sponsored re- tiree drug plans over union-sponsored plans. That’s because the subsidy is a tax-free grant given directly to the “plan sponsor.” Union benefit trusts are al- ready tax-exempt. But companies pay taxes on ordinary income. That means that all other things being equal, a large company would get a bigger rebate sponsoring its own plan than contribut- ing to a union plan. It’s not clear the subsidy will work in any case. In 2005 the Kaiser Family Foundation sponsored a survey of 300 large employers that provided retiree drug coverage. About 10 percent said they intended to drop coverage in the first year of the new program. An equal number planned to supplement govern- ment-sponsored plans with additional coverage. Expectations of remaining in the subsidy program dropped each year for the next few years. Kathryn Bakich, head of National Health Compliance for Segal Company, the largest benefits consulting firm in the U.S., said it was impractical for unions and employers to change what they were doing in the first year, be- cause details of the new plans weren’t announced until September 2005. “Most of our clients are taking the subsidy,” Bakich said. The Medicare Modernization Act leaves almost no private health care en- tity unhelped. After the employer sub- sidy, there is gravy for others lower on the food chain: rural hospitals, medical equipment manufacturers, auditors, ac- tuaries, doctors. In every case, the vi- sion is to use government regulation, and taxpayer dollars, to assist the pri- vate sector. “There are certainly contexts where the private sector is markedly more effi- cient,” says Yale University political sci- ence professor Jacob Hacker. “But in this case. essentially what the govern- ment is providing is insurance, and when it comes to insurance, there’s a very strong rationale for the govern- ment to be the primary insurer because it’s so much better at spreading these risks and doing it in a more efficient Medicare drug program mindbogglingly complex By DON McINTOSH Associate Editor There’s a new government benefit available for senior and disabled citizens who are eligible for Medicare — subsidized prescription drug coverage. That’s the good news. The bad news is: The program is insanely mindbogglingly complex. In a nutshell, here’s how the new program works, from the beneficiaries’ stand- point: Senior and disabled citizens who are eligible for Medicare — and who don’t have existing drug coverage — have until May 15 to sign up for a Medicare-ap- proved private insurance plan. Participation is voluntary, but if they don’t sign up by May 15 and later want to join, they face a late penalty of higher premiums. The penalty is 1 percent each month. Medicare says the new drug coverage will pay about half the cost of drugs for the typical senior. Though some plans are more generous than others (and may have higher premiums) plans have to offer at least a basic minimum benefit. The minimum benefit looks like this: Beneficiaries pay the first $250 (a deductible). From $250 to $2,250 they pay 25 percent of drug costs (a co-pay). From $2,250 to $5,000 they pay 100 percent of the drug costs (this is termed a coverage gap or “donut hole”). And for costs above $5,000 a year, they pay 5 percent. Formularies — lists of covered drugs — also differ among plans and can change at any time. But the plans are required to offer at least two drugs in each of 43 ther- apeutic categories. In Oregon, there are 71 Medicare-approved private prescription drug insurance plans to choose from; in Washington, 73. Each plan is different, with different monthly premiums, deductibles, co-pays, different drugs covered, and different pharmacies participating. Some plans are “stand-alone” plans that go with tradi- tional Medicare. Others are “Medicare Advantage” plans that have added a drug benefit to a set of other benefits. Medicare Advantage plans are like government subsidized HMOs. But they replace “traditional Medicare” so you can’t have both at the same time. In the Northwest, the average premium cost of a new Medicare stand-alone drug plan is $32 a month. That would be in addition to the $88.50 monthly premium for basic Medicare. By visiting the Medicare Web site and plugging in preferred pharmacy and the list of prescription drugs currently taken, seniors can narrow the list of choices down to just 6 or 10. But then, a 2005 poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 73 percent of seniors had never gone online at all. So they’ll need someone else to do it for them — relative, friend, co-worker, neighbor, or government-provided volunteer. way.” HMOs and PPOs have lost credibil- ity as efficient ways to finance health care, adds the Urban Institute’s Beren- son. “Health plans have failed in the pri- vate sector,” Berenson said. “They’re passing on all the cost increases mostly to workers in the form of increased co- payments. And in the face of that record, Congress goes and says we now plan to raise taxes, on the rich or any- one else, to pay for the program. In fact, the Bush Administration has been dis- mantling old taxes and breaking all pre- vious records for running up deficits. That means that the overpriced drugs it’s subsidizing for today’s seniors will be paid for, with interest, by tomorrow’s taxpayers. The bill will eventually come due. Teamsters Dental Center 1890 NE 162nd Ave. Portland, OR 503-257-9836 Teamsters Dental Center has been providing dental care to union members since 1979. The center was established with two goals in mind: • Providing dental service of high quality to our members • Reducing cost & co-pay to members & their family Family & Cosmetic Dentistry OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Open Saturdays • Crown & Bridge • Nitrous Oxide • Root Canal Therapy • Fillings/tooth restoration • Dental Implants • Extractions • Invisalign (braces) • Conscious & Unconscious sedation For your comfort we provide TV with headphones in each operatory After 26 years, we are proud to say that the Teamsters Dental Center is still going strong. We have just completed an extensive remodeling project, and are continuing to update our operatories with the latest that dental technology has to offer. All of our doctors are highly trained and we provide a full spectrum of dental services. By providing a broad range of services at our location we are providing our patients with the convenience of not having to travel to expensive specialists. All employees are members of Teamsters Local 162 and we take great pride in the fact that we are union-oriented. We support all different locals and their members. Over the years, we have developed great working relationships with insurance companies like BlueCrossBlueShield, Oregon Den- tal Service and OTET. Because of these relationships, we have been able to keep our fees 15% to 20% lower than other dental offices. We pass these savings on to our patients through lower out-of-pocket costs. $100 credit to all new patients This credit is good for any dental treatment in our office. (Offer good till March 31, 2006) Cannot be combined with any other offer Compare Our Prices (Turn to Page 10) PAGE 12 want them to solve Medicare’s prob- lems.” Last year, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the new Medicare drug benefit will cost taxpayers $32.1 billion in 2006. That outlay is expected to triple in seven years. But unlike original Medicare, which was largely self-funding, the drug ben- efit is a new expense without any plan for new revenue. There is no equivalent NORTHWEST LABOR PRESS CREDIT OAC Hours: 7 am - 6:30 pm JANUARY 20, 2006