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About Oregon mirror. (Portland, Oregon) 19??-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1962)
Page 4 Wednesday, June I 3 , 1^62 THE OREGON MIRROR Ask Probe of Black Muslims' Chicago School C H IC A G O .- - A n inves tigation of a school operated by the Muslims here was urged by a sta te legislator last week. Urging th e investigation of the University of Islam , Temple No. 2. located in a southside area densely populated by Negroes, was S ta te Sen. A rth u r G ottschalk of nearby P a rk Forest. G ottschalk asked a m eeting of the Illinois School Problem s commission to look into the m atter. CLASSIFIED FOR RENT - INCOME PROP ERTY. 3 kitchen apts. furnished, 1 five room unfurnished. Reason able rent. Definite income. 13e- sire good tenant with reference. Call AT 8-4671 FOR RENT: 5 room apartment, living room, dining room & kitchen furnished. Adults only. AT 5-4671. 1810 N. E. 1st Avenue. 1 BEDROOM APT. for rent. Fur nished and all utilités Pd., $65 N. E, 9th. Ted Baugh, FOR RENT: Kitchenei. Apart mo. ments, furnished. 307 N. E. Fargo. AT 8-4092 AT 4-5915. HOUSE FOR SALE 3205 N. Houghton St., 6 -year old home. Near school. 4 bdrms, In a statem en t prior to the ot 75x100 - 1,000 sq. ft.. Low meeting, G ottschalk indicated he 3. I. note available. Will settle thought the position of the Mus or Equity. MOVE RIGHT IN IRVINGTON lims to he dangerous, saying: ---- CALL -3U 5-7587 — “If they can get by with this, INSURANCE A G E N C Y j ’ou could get a w hite suprem acy group to teach suprem acy of M rs. A. A. Cox was all sm iles w hites and hatred of Negroes. If Auto Insurance For Rent------- as she displayed h er catch of trout there is no law th a t bans teach while fishing at Sunset Lake with ing of hate in private schools, there • State Filings 3 room apt, furnished red worms fo r bait. M rs. Cox ought to be.” stated thpy w ere biting very good, • Financing Available 643 N.E. Monroe The Muslims have been accused and as usual she had a te rrific of teaching N egro suprem acy and strik e by a large bass that got hatred of whites. The Muslims, Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Call AT 1-9267 away. however, have repeatedly denied 19 N. E. Broadway Room 3 the charge, saying that they only seek to teach Negroes financial ATIanfic 8-4092 responsibility and race pride. ^lllliillllllllllllllillllllllllllllllilllll II llllllllllllllllllllllllliiii!l||||!|||||||||||iiillllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllll||||||||||||!l|||||||||||||||||||i||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||iH “ You must have the wrong house, mister ...we have a ( j I England Gets First Negro Magistrate NOTTINGHAM, England.— —This city of 312,000, w ith 9,000 colored im m igrants, now has the first Jam aican m ag istrate to be appointed in B ritain. Eric Irons, a form er Royal Air Force corporal and the fa th e r of five children, was sworn in along with five o th e r justices of the peace M ay 13. Justice Irons has lived In the city since 3947. He is m arried to an English woman and occupies a council house. A fter serious race riots in N ottingham four years ago, he *vas appointed the city’s Faison officer for colored im m i grants. Since then he has a r ranged education courses to help colored people settle in a new country. dryer.” Even before his appointm ent. Justice Irons helped newcomers find accommodations. When an im m igrant w as in trouble the word w ent around: “See Mr. Irons. H e’ll fix you up.” GREYHOUND CZRACm TONIDHTZJ Enjoy Oregon s most p o p u la r s p e c ta to r s p o rt.. . GREYHOUND RACING. M u ltn o m a h Kennel Club — Post Time 7:45. Acres of FREE Parking! Funtastic Fairview Park via B a n fie ld E xpressw ay K I T C H E N A PPLIA N C E ts® ' Mod«l 411 These FOUR B E N E F IT S really count in automatic drying: Automatic Dryer NOW ONLY $1 ■ per week 110 Veit or 220 Volts (after small down payment or trade— model 1 El ) -1 Controlled "natural" drying with exclusive ' • Twin Air Streams. Combines sun-like heat and fresh clean "breeze” ... drying clothes soft and fluffy. O Gentle tumbling within the satin-smooth, snag-free drum, protects your most deli cate garments. O Hushed drying— so quiet yo j hardly realize it’s running. No rattle, no grind, no loud annoying hum. A Service-free dependability has made more than a million satisfied owners. It's Ameri ca's "m ost wanted" dryer. ... and Hamilton gives you all of them 1 K IT C H E N A PPLIA N CE Hamilton ... m ~M U, proved best in over one million 1015 N. E. BROADWAY American Homes! ., AT 8 - 5 9 2 9 HOURS: M f 4 4 M Fri., HBaBRnmmnwiuniiiiitiiiiiinniiiiniiiiiiiiHimiiiiiiiiitiimttiiit 44 4« REG. S 5 2 9 .9 5 CLOSE OUT 8 5 0 P O U N D C A P A C IT Y S 3 2 9 .9 5