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About Portland challenger. (Portland, Oregon) 1952-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1953)
Friday. March 6. 1953 Page Three PO RTLA N D C H A LLEN G ER Fashion Show Theme Chosen Kay’s Notations Kathryn H. Bogle, Social Editor A regional conference for professional and volunteer work ers of the Camp Fire Girls’ organization brought Miss Sarai Greene, of Seattle, to Portland this week for a three-day period. Miss Greene, a professional worker in girls’ organizations for many years, is also a member “ ! of the American Association of ples in for cocktails on Tuesday Group Workers. evening at the Johnsons »esi- „ . .. . „ dence to meet Captain Clark. While in Portland. Miss Greene . visited briefly with Mrs. Phil Eighty Years Young Reynolds and other Portland The Pioneer Birthda* club cel- friends. She was registered at ebrated the 80th birthday of Mrs. the Hotel Multnomah where the ! Morrison last Thuisday -it the home of Mrs. E. J. Richard conference was held. son. A candlelight prayer service Following the sun from Florida, , , , , . . r, was led by Mrs. Eleanor Baker, to Mexico, to California is Mrs. I , L ___ club chaplain. Ervin Flowers. Notes from her to Songs and readings by other her friends here at home say that club members completed the pro she will turn her steps this way gram. Afterwards, supper was in another fortnight. served to 24. / Many Portlanders were sad The evening also marked the dened to learn of the death Fri end of the club year. Mrs. M orri day in Los Angeles of Mrs. Jessie son, retiring president, is suc Coles Grayson. Mrs. Grayson ceeded by Mrs. Everett Bouie. made a successful career in mov- Saturday evening Mr. and ies in Hollywood. ... T .... . When she lived in Portland MrS* JosephWard were hosts at their home for bridge. The men with her family many years ago, Mrs. Grayson was known for her were winners in a contest for lovely contralto voice and her high scores against the ladies. George Jordan this week re leadership in the civic and social ceived appointment as substitute life of this community. The Past-time Pleasure club teacher in the Portland Public had extra guests in when they schools. First appearances were entertained recently at the home at Kennedy, Couch, Holiday and of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Banks. Boise grade schools. Among the diners when B'nai Sharing the evening’s diversions Brith observed National Broth of dancing and watching T V were erhood Week last Sunday eve McCoy Barnes, Curtis Deskins ning, were Mr. and Mrs. John and the Ulysses Plummers, the Scoft Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martins, the Howard Ellises Ulysses Plummer. Dinner, served and the Wilbur Marshalls. A chance meeting in Tokyo, kosher style, was in Neighbors Japan, afforded a very pleasant of Woodcraft building. interlude for Nick Banks Jr. of Vows Exchanged the USAF and Walter Byrd who Mrs. Hazel Burton and Robert is in the navy. The boys live next Herndon Sr. pledged their troth door to each other when they are Friday evening in a simple cere at home in Portland. mony performed by Rev. Jesse Mrs. Nesbith Frazier and Mrs. L. Boyd in the parsonage of Beth Roy Holmes, of Seattle, were el AM E church. Portland visitors last week. They Attending the couple were Mr. were guests in the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Herman Plummer. Oth Earl Winslow. er persons present were members Happy Birthday! of the family. From Tacoma came Mrs. V. For her wedding Mrs. Herndon Alma Boone and her daughter, wore a white-flecked navy blue Miss Thelma Boone to visit Mrs. ottoman suit softly designed and Boone’s long-time friend, Mrs. a smart white cloche. An orchid Clifford Dixon. was her corsage. The visitors added to the spe After a wedding supper held in cial observation of Mrs. Dixon’s a downtown restaurant, Mr. and birthday when other close friends Mrs. Herndon left for a few days’ gathered at dinner with the honeymoon in Seattle. Flowers’ clan on Saturday eve The newlyweds have taken an ning at Mrs. Dixon’s residence. apartment -at 1326 N. Benton On Monday evening Mrs. Lloyd street in Portland. Flowers entertained Mrs. Boone Mrs. Eva Page has returned and Miss Boone. Popular athlete, Art Shepherd, (Continued on page 4) has re-entered college and is completing his education at Lewis SEMLER'S and Clark. Sporting Goods Mrs. Janice Joseph of Seattle, here to visit her mother, Mrs. Photo Equipment Julia Shelton, was taken sudden- 500 S. W. 3rd & Washington lyill and was rushed to a local AT 4565 hospital where she was confined for several days. Mrs. Joseph has improved sufficiently to be flown to her home this week to com plete her convalescence. An interesting visitor to Port land this week was Capt. E. L. Clark, an army physician from 1 fo r quick, satisfactory results Meridian, Miss. Captain Clark, who is expecting to leave soon why not use the Portland Chal for duty in the south Pacific zone, spent his two-day stopover lenger classified ad column. We as a guest of the Leon A. John can sell it for you I sons. The Johnsons and Mr. and Mrs. 1 Richard Neal invited several cou- j ! W e Can Sell It The Friendly Store Watch Repair New s In Brief ! “ Fashion Picture of ’53” will be the theme of the second an- I nual fashion show sponsored by i the Portland branch of the Na tional Association for the A d vancement of Colored People, an nounced Mrs. Vicki Jackson, chairman of the model’s commit tee for the event. Also announced were the names of the models who will wear the fashions in the show. They are as follows: Clara Allen, Lilly Mae Beavers, Marie Brooks, Mary Bell Dawson, Jessie Mae Johnson, Norma Marks,, Juanita Robertson, Juanita Thomas. Tracy Winslow, Rose Marie Brock, Lucille Powell, Doris Da vis, Harriet Johnson, Joan John son, Emma Bryant and Muriel Leftridge. The show is scheduled for the Masonic Sunken ballroom April 4 at 8 p.m. Unihank Explains State of Negro Principal founder of the Port- land Urban league, Dr. DeNorval Unthank, spoke on “ The Negro in America To day” Wednes day at the Y W CA. He spoke under the aus pices of Port land Bahai as sembly. Dr. Unthank is a graduate of or. unihank the University of Michigan and received his med ical degree from Howard univer sity. He has worked on the Port land interracial committee for more than 20 years. He was the first Negro to prac tice medicine in Portland. BIRTHDAY CLUB MEETS The Birthday club with 16 members met at the home j f Mrs. Lorene Overton on Friday, February 26. The hostesses were Mesdames Lucy Richardson, Josephine Mor rison and Emma Nelson. Guests present were Mesdames da Free man and Floy Penix. The group enjoyed a lovely evening and refreshments. By William Wright C h aU en K er S t a f f W r it e r Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown left Portland recently to settle in Charleston, W. Va. The young married couple left via United A ir Lines. Mrs. Brown is the ex-Donna Proctor. She is the daughter of Mrs. Prentice L. Price. Mr. and Mrs. Obie Hardy, little Prentis and Ray Proctor were at the airport to see Mr. and Mrs. Brown off. Mrs. William Taylor and her infant daughter. Phyllis, have returned from a visit to her former home in Chicago. Mrs. Lionell Hamm, sister of Mrs. Taylor, and her two small daughters returned with Mrs. Taylor to visit the City o;f Roses. Little Eddie Collins and his sister Elaine celebrated their sixth and fourth birthdays with a party at their home, 32 N. E. Monroe street, Sunday, Febru ary 22. Eddie was six Saturday and Elaine was four Sunday, just a day apart! A host of little friends helped the youthful duo to celebrate and enjoy ice cream and cake. Frank Collins, a member of the Vancouver A v o n u e Baptist church, died February 21 at Per- manente hospital in Vancouver, Wn. Dr. Robert Joyner, second Negro to practice medicine in Portland and now practicing in Seattle, is home following a week's stay in a Seattle hospital. Dr. Joyner was ordered to the hospital by his personal physician for a check up. Dr. Joyner received a cal! to the army early this year but has been deferred until April. Visiting in Portland with her 3632 N . Bus. T U 9154 W illia m s Res. M U Neighborhood Shopping Center Open tron. 6:36 A M 2 00 A Vi Daily hood Service 2 11 ‘ N 1U 4S6o ENO AUGM ENTS F ilm s f o r S a le - F ilm s D e velo p ed With or Without Appointment For Dependable Service Call 122 NE Failing MU 5735 NEAL DRUGS Prescription Specialist 2341 N. Williams MU 7552 Shoe Bargains for the whole family SAV-MOR SHOE STORE D e liv e r y MU 3713 2526 NE Union MU 5329 FOR FRIENDLY SERVICE Quality Cleaning y\ S&H Green Stamps V 5831 Pick Up & Grand Opening MELODY Amusement Record Shop Come in and see us Progressive Blues Populo- Children's Western 2713 N. Williams to Baltzegar's Photos I ’ ittuburKh Products 21 NE Eroadway W illia m s P U B L IC JOHNNY'S Paint and W allpaper STORE Lac-A-wonica Cledners dnd Dyers IT ess W h il e IT W a lt I'ickup and D e liv e r y Y o u r Clothe.s A r c Insured A gain st Fire and T h e f t sister, Mrs. Evelyn Allen, is Mrs. Hermione Perkins of Detroit. She flew out two weeks ago lor the birth of Mrs. Allen’s baby girl. . . Back in Portland follow ing an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. Lionel Rollins, in Si. Louis, Mo., is Mrs. William C. Graves Jr. She took her 22- month-old son, Darryl, with her on the trip. TR 4574 6 Hour Service at Shop Delivery Service WE OPERATE OUR OWN CLEANING PLANT Call GArfield 3964 41 / // FAMILY CLEANERS 424 N. Broadway Arthur A. Cox, Licensed Mortician With: - The Zeller Funeral Chapel 0KE6OM BROADWAY AT Terms Williams Ave. At Stanton St. Day or Night TRinity 1155