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About The Baker County press. (Baker City, Ore.) 2014-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 2017)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2017 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS — 9 Local & Entertainment Chaves CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Richard emphasized that the model for their call center could be replicated across rural areas, possibly helping to make up for jobs lost during the decline of the timber industry. Walden suggested that rather than moving jobs from rural Oregon to Sa- lem, Brown might consider “moving them the other way.” Kathleen said, “We were building a call center niche for rural Oregon.” Richard said right now, OHA’s budget calls for 179 new positions. “They want new ones,” said Kathleen, “that are doing what we were doing at double the cost—and why?” “There’s no logical reason,” said Richard, who stressed that the manage- ment at OHA with whom they work “are working hard” but that they exist in a system in which their hands are tied. Walden said, “Well deci- sions are made at the top.” Walden then pointed out an economic ratio used in business development wherein if one job is lost in a rural area of Oregon, it’s the economic impact equivalent to 150 jobs in the Portland metro area. The Chaves pointed out the domino effect of $2.5 million lost here. One example is the taco shop located in the Baker Tower, where their call center is also located. According to Kathleen, when their 54 employees quit coming to work, the taco shop lost about one-third of its gross sales. Walden said, “I’ve heard this chatter forever.” He referred to the political- speak about building bridges between eastern and western Oregon. “But you put that up against the actions and they never equal out.” Richard imagined out loud that with nearly every state agency having a call center, what economic ben- efi ts might happen to rural areas if only those centers were moved to places like Baker City. This Monday, the Chaves were able to speak with Lynne Saxton, Director of the Oregon Health Author- ity, by phone for roughly half an hour. They had a prior meeting with Saxton about two weeks ago. Kathleen writes in an email Monday, “She (Sax- ton) asked us to educate her about the capabilities our company, Chaves Consulting, Inc., possesses. She was very aware of the outstanding work our 54 people had done for OHA over the past year but was not aware of the work we’d done throughout the State for the past 32 years in Oregon and other States, including other contracts with OHA and DHS. She told us that after under- standing the breadth and depth of our capabilities and the proven excellence of our rural workforce, she was going to see what other possibilities we could compete for within OHA or DHS. “Last week we had additional discussions with Senator Ferrioli and Representative Bentz dur- ing their monthly Webinar conducted at the Baker County Extension Offi ce.” Before the loss of those 54 jobs, Chaves Consulting employed 75 individuals. While the future of those, or similar positions in Baker City is still up in the air, the Chaves say they are grateful for the support from both the community and from elected offi cials thus far. Walden said Brown is traveling to D.C. at the end of the month, and that he has a meeting scheduled with her. Walden concluded, “This is the poster case for bad government behavior in management. They get rid of a private sector competi- tor that does is better and more effi ciently and at lower cost in exchange for doubling the cost for the government sector. And this is why the people can’t afford the government we have today. That’s why we don’t have the resources to do the basic services that are necessary.” Bebe’s word search The Littles’ crossword puzzle Two arrested in dispute On February 8 at about 4:15 p.m., deputies from the Baker County Sher- iff’s Offi ce responded to a Domestic Dispute that occurred at 140 E Wash- ington Street, Apartment Number 1 in Huntington, Oregon. During the investigation, Deputies discovered that Yesenia Lopez was trying to force her way into the residence. William “Bill” Schisler (09-11-1951) in the process of trying to keep Lopez from entering the residence received a bloody nose. Lopez did not reside at The the residence. Prior to entering the residence, Lopez used a shovel to bash in a window of a car that was parked at the property. Lopez had been consum- ing alcohol and was at- tempting to get to her child who was in the residence. Lopez received lump on her head and red marks on her back resulting from the altercation. Deputies learned from William Schisler (12-14- 2011) that during the al- tercation, Derrick Schisler struck him in the eye while trying to throw a punch at Lopez. William Schisler had a red mark and swell- ing around his eye. Williams Schisler is the son of Derrick and Lopez. At the conclusion of the investigation, Lopez was arrested for Assault IV Domestic in the presence of a Minor, Burglary in the First Degree and Criminal Mischief. Derrick Schisler was arrested and charged with Assault IV Domestic in the presence of a minor. Both subjects were trans- ported and lodged in the Baker County Jail. Baker County Press Subscribe Today! Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Email address: Phone: E-Only $29.95/yr. Print (Delivery) $39.95/yr. Print (Mail) $49.95/yr. 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