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About The Baker County press. (Baker City, Ore.) 2014-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 2016)
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2016 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS — 9 Local & Entertainment Fire Marshall talks holiday fire safety With Thanksgiving just a few days away, State Fire Marshal Jim Walker is reminding Oregonians to keep fi re safety front and center when cooking and preparing holiday meals. “When friends and fam- ily gather at this festive time of year, don’t let it be marred by tragedy,” says Walker. “By following a few fi re prevention tips, you can keep yourself and loved ones safe.” From 2011 through 2015, there were more than 4,000 cooking-related fi res in Or- egon causing nine deaths, 228 injuries, and more than $37 million in property loss. Cooking safety tips: Keep a close eye on your cooking; never leave cook- ing food unattended. If you leave the kitchen, turn off the stove or set a timer. Keep your cooking area clean, including stovetop, The burners, oven, and exhaust fan. Keep anything that can catch fi re - oven mitts, wooden utensils, dishtow- els, and food packaging away from your stovetop. Wear clothing that will not dangle onto stove burn- ers and catch fi re. Keep pot and pan handles turned inward on the stove to avoid bumping them and spilling hot foods. Heat cooking oil slowly and never leave it unat- tended. Have a “kid-free zone” of at least three feet around the stove and areas where hot foods or drinks are prepared or carried. If you have a cooking fi re: Always keep a lid nearby to smother small grease fi res. Smother the fl ames by carefully sliding the lid over the pan. Turn off the burner and don’t move the pan until it is completely cool. Never pour water on a grease fi re; it can splatter the grease and spread the fi re. In the event of a fi re in your oven or microwave, turn them off and keep the doors closed. When in doubt, get out! Call 9-1-1 after you leave. Make sure you have smoke alarms on every level of your home, outside each sleeping area, and in every bedroom. Test smoke alarms monthly and replace them if they are 10 years old or older. Turkey fryer safety: The OSFM agrees with the National Fire Protection Association in discourag- ing the use of outdoor gas- fueled turkey fryers that cook the turkey in hot oil. The improper use of deep fat turkey fryers can lead to devastating burns. Baker County Press Subscribe Today! Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Email address: Phone: E-Only $29.95/yr. Print (Delivery) $39.95/yr. Print (Mail) $49.95/yr. Inside Baker City City Limits Only Outside Baker City City Limits Only 1. Make check payable to: Black Lyon Publishing, LLC 2. Mail the check with this completed form to: PO Box 567, Baker City, Ore. 97814 To pay by credit card, please visit www.Th Bebe’s word search The Littles’ crossword puzzle Across 1- Sun-dried brick; 6- Primo; 10- Mine entrance; 14- Kitchen gadget; 15- ___ arms (angry); 16- Nota ___; 17- Deduce; 18- Small amounts; 19- Eastern nanny; 20- Yellow fl ower; 22- Actress Kidman; 24- Middle of QED; 25- Capable of being evaluated; 26- Pester; 29- Bern’s river; 30- Rat-___; 31- A soldier; 37- Do-over button; 39- Peeples or Long; 40- Medicinal plant; 41- Fertilize an animal; 44- Coconut-husk fi ber; 45- “___ Tu” (‘70s hit); 46- Girl in a Beach Boys song; 48- Brand of facial tis- sue; 52- Reverse, e.g.; 53- Repetition; 54- Ceylon, now; 58- Dedicated to the ___ Love; 59- “The Farmer in the Dell” syllables; 61- Starters; 62- Scottish refusals; 63- Slaughter of base- ball; 64- Greene of “Bonan- za”; 65- “___ quam videri” (North Carolina’s motto); 66- Sgts., e.g.; 67- “As You Like It” for- est; Down 1- Kind of rock; 2- Lady of Spain; 3- “Carmina Burana” composer; 4- Yeoman of the guard; 5- Mistakes; 6- Examine account books; 7- Aussie gemstone; 8- Pen point; 9- Catch; 10- Fiber obtained from a banana plant; 11- Brit’s discharge; 12- Counting everything; 13- Snicker; 21- Pinch; 23- Anatomical pas- sages; 25- Morocco’s capital; 26- Last name in spy- dom; 27- Up and ___!; 28- Grating sound; 29- Assumed name; 32- Building addition; 33- Person who deco- rates; 34- A party to; 35- The wife of Geraint in Arthurian lore; 36- ___ avis; 38- “Lovergirl” singer ___ Marie; 42- Female black grouse; 43- ...___ saw Elba; 47- Monetary unit of Saudi Arabia; 48- Basic monetary unit of Denmark; 49- Horne and Olin; 50- Tools for duels; 51- Beethoven dedica- tee; 52- Vulgar; 54- Drive away; 55- Geeky type; 56- Welles role; 57- Solemn assent; 60- Monsters, ___;