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About Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1909)
COXVALLIS DAILY GAZETTE Published every evening except Sun s'. Office: 259-263 Jefferson street, rner Third street, Corvallis, Oregon. - - - 213 Idress all communications and make ill remittances payable to the Corval lis Gazette. fn ordering changes of address, sub s' ribers should always give old as well as n w address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILV I .'livered by carrier, per week. 15 I i livered by carrier, per month .50 I v'mail, one vear, in advance 5 00 1 v mail, six months, in advance.... 2 50 I v mail, one month, in advance 50 CORVALLIS WEEKLY GAZETTE Published Every-Friday Entered at the postomce at Corvallis, Oregon, as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, in advance $2.00 Six moths, in advance i-oo middle of the day after a refresh in shower. The hours of the sun are the hours of heated air. Therefore the air should be excluded from the house. It does little good and only serves to warm a room that might be kept cool with the windows atid shades down. If there is a breeze from a point of the compass where ' the sua does not enter the house, hen open the door in that dir ection. At other parts of the house either close the windows or the shutters, making thein securely tight, and pull down the Hol- and shades. This method is better than keeping the, windows open and the awnings down. It is not only the sun,-but the hot air it self that you wish to keep outof the room. CMS. L. SPRINGER, Editor and Publisher. TRAVELERS' GUIDE Arrival and Departure of Trains UNION DEPOT, CORVALLIS K. c. LiNvll.i e, Agent Arrive 11:30 a 5:4op. Southern Pacific Depart m. Passeng.T 1:30 p m, m. ' Freight 6:40 a. m, Corvallis & Eastern II a. in. 8:35 a m. 1:20 p 111. 4:35 P- m 8:35 p. m. Passenger east a " 'west " east Sunday Trains 1:15 p. m. Daily except trains daily. Sunday. n:i5 a m. 6:30 a. m 2:15 P- m 6 p. m 1:40 p. tn 11:15 a. m All other CORVALLIS P0ST0FFI0E Opens 8 a. m , closes 6 p. m. and holidays, opens 10 a. m., a. in. Sundays closes 11 Mails Open From 7, 10 a.m, 12 m. 10 a in, 2, 5 p m 7, 10 a m,12m 10 am, 5pm - il:3 am X' . 50 a 111 ,12 m 7am 5pm 10 a m 5pm Mails Cl:se For Portland 5:30, 10:30 a in, 12 m 5:30 u m Albany 5:33, 10:30 am, 5;30 p m Washington and 10:36 n m, 12:30 Eastern states &:w p m California a and 1C;30 a m, 5:30 points South. pm Philomath and points West 12:30 pm ; Monroe 1:80, &:30 p m MoMinville and We Iside points 12:45 p m Mill City and wa.y ro.nts 5:30 a m Philomath and Alsea 8-41 a m Monroe atage 2 p m Philomath Btage , 9 a m National Grocers Elect Officers. WHERE PEOPLE LIVE LONG. If you want to live to a ripe old age, say 80, 90 or 100, you need, not bother about advertis ments which are solicitous to tell you how to do so free of charge. All you have to do is to move to the county of Norfolk, England. Its a disgrace to die before you are 80 over there, and there is really no occasion for it. Winding up a busy week with an elaborate banquet, the visit ing grocers and their families have scattered for home, declar- the 12th annual convention of the National Association, held at l ortianu, was toe most suc cessful ever held. The Ohio delegation, 52 strong, ran things in its own sweet way, when it came to the election of officers and selection of a convention city, late Saturday afternoon T. P. Sullivan, of Chicago, .pro. gramme candidate for the presi- dencj', was handed the coveted honor, and Ohio decided that Springfield, 111., should have the convention" of 1910. This was a violation of all precedent, in that Illinois gets both the presidency and the next annual gathering. The .Ohio delegation thought of this, but it -did'nt worry them particularly. ' '' ' Besides the election of Sulli van to the presidency, the fol lowing other officers were chos en: Vice-President, John W. Lutz, Minnesota. Secretary, John A. Green, Oh io (reelected.) Treasurer, Henry W. Schwab, Wisconsin (re-elected.) National director, A, H- Barth Colorado. Quite a stong representation of the delegates from the Middle West; East and South will re main over for the Rose Festival, this week. of the lectures will be illustrated with stereopticon views. Many! teachers and Etudents are mak ing inquiry about this 'course, for hesides being very entertain ing, the lectures are admirably adapted to review work. Hop Exp arts Inspect Crop Not content to rely implicitly upon the reports of conditions of hopyards in the state, as given by . the hopdealers, and to satisfy their own minds as to the real conditions and prospects of the 1909 yield, four of the oldest in point of experience, and most prominent hop growers of the Independence district are making a tour of the most extensive and productive hop-producing section of the Willamette Valley, by automobile. As a result of the first three days' in spection, they have come to three im portant Conclusions: The yield for the, R if j -f entire state will not. eyreed 45 tn Kft nor ; cent of last year's crop; with very few ' Lulu sPanSler is unequslled as Katis- exceDtions all of the vards are sufferir, r ' Ba- ner msuy win convulse you witn from lack of proper cultivation and ; cimiauun. "veiy quality oi county, state oi uregon TALK OF THE TOWN : Mrs. W. H. Walker is quite ill this week. : Mrs. Reavis and Miss Frank Hout left this morning for the Rose City. . . Miss Lillian Earnest, an OA.C student leaves today for her home at Two Riv ers. W. L. St John and family and Mr. and Mrs,- L.-W. Holgate' leave today for a vacation at Tillamook. Mrs. Effie Smith is prepared to do dressmaking at 242 Eighth street, cor ner Jefferson. i 6-10-6t Mrs. Eddie M. Spauldingleft last night for Portland, where she wili spend the week with relatives and friends. Jack Porter, as Nanki Poo, will dis play a robust tenor of pretty quality in the Mikado Monday night, His is a' voice fresh and unstrained. Ko Ko well Farnsworth as Ko Ko is delectable. To see him is to laugh. He will be in the Mikado Monday night Have you secured your seats? now. SUMMONS. . In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Beutou. . A TJ T.nrV-p Plain tiff ! VS. ' Jennie K. Alexander, Jesse T. Wilkins, Mabel H. Wilkins, Defendants. To Jennie E: Alexander, Jesse T. Wil kins, and Mabel H Wilkins, defendants above named; In the name of the. State of Oregon; You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cour. and suit on or before the i8rh dav of June, 1909, said date being six weeks f om and after the first p .blication of this Summons. Tne first publication of tbis Summons being on the 7th day of May, 1909, and the last publication hereby being 011 the iS;h day of June, 1909, and if you fail so to answer for want'thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above-entitled court for the relief as prayed for in plaintiff's complaint now on file in said court, to-wit: ' that said de fendants and each ol them be forever barred and enjoined from asserting any claim whatsoever in or 10 the following described premises or any part thereof adverse to this plaintiff by decree of the above-entitled court, to wit: Lot one (1) in Block Thirteen (13), County Addition to the City of Corvallis formerly the town 01 Marysville), Benton Contractors and Builders attention: and. as a. result of the ,,n voice ana mscnomc aointy i,uiu bpang- favorable prospects of realizing a half ; ler cannot be surpassed, She and Ko of an average crop, those growers who i Ko wiU fiurnish the f?n and dancing at did not contract their crops early in; the Mikado Monday night, the season at a small margin -of profit, ' Mr. Masey, the new candy man, has stand to realize a good price for their, rented the new Hout building, next door products. That bv such decree it be declared and adj udged that said defendants and each of them have no estate, title or ln-terest-whatsoeverin or to said real property above described,, nd that the title of the said A R. Locke, plaintiff, in and to the said premises is good and valid and in fee simple thereto and that said plaintiff Date Set For 'Ja Henkle & Davis' store and is having have such other and further relief as the room fitted to suit his taste as a "Jfy seem me cou" me ana equit- I . 1 : i f . awe .-cauuy i eam yiur. ix. . Th;s summons is served upon you by Masy is said to De a nne candy maKer publication by order of Hon. E. Wood- , 17 ' and he is now busily engaged at the old ward Judge of the County Court of the ,HerrV JT lr-f dock building in preparing his opening btate ot Oregon, tor the County ot Ben- . -tii tt -ii , . ton, made on the 4th day of May, 1909 At a meetiner of the executive i-nm. 1 . directing publication thereot once stock. cation and it the little bunch of sweet ness now displayed at the stores is a J 1 . C I- 3 i - T 1 1 .1 for the rhirrl ,al f; u ! lrue anipie ui ins pruuucs n snuuiu, " -"-- .i-.i. l v iaii. L,I1K . 1 "tv':-' '1$ 1 1 Foundation work, sidewalk and curbin a specialty Manufacturers of cemea blocks, plain and fancy cement brick, porch columns, cement flues, jardi nieres, etc. Dealers in cement, plaster and lime. First and Adams Sts. Phone 2318 Corvallis, - Oregon Che City Stables Everything new and up to date. Rigs furnished on short notice. Call and give us a trial. Cor. Madison and 3d mittee of the Salem Board of Trade.. which is in charge of the arrangements dates decided upon for this year's big cherry fair and carnival are July 15. 16r and. 17, and all of the committees have been selected for the different depart ments and features of what promises to be the biggest show of its kiud ever attempted in the state or Northwest. The committee on finances reported success beyond anticipation and no ex- no doubt will, be well patronized. For Rent 840 acres, 1 1-2 miles from Summit. 700 acres fenced in five pastures run ning water between each pasture, fair buildings, 72 bearing fruit "trees-will lease 5 years straight. Also have for pense will be spared in the offering of sale 220 goats and 4 good Jersey cow3. premiums, m which several new classes t . . D. F. Young. week for six successive weeks in the Cor vallis Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed and published weekly in Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon. J. F. YATES, ' , Attorney for Plaintiff. tate of first publication, 7th day ot May, 1900; date of last publication, 18th i day of June, 1909. L. F.GRAY, - Manager will'be created, and for special features of entertainment. Sale of Thoroughbreds. 203 N. 14 St., Corvallis. . 6-4-4 t w. I I I f BUSINESS COLLEGE II II WASHINGTON ANDTENTH STS. I I II PORTLAND. OREGON IJL J!, write for catalog MTht BeXool that Plata FeMa Good Position Dissolution of Partnership. . Notice is hereby given that the co- Fawcett and Ireland will hold a sale partnership heretofore existing between of f uil-blooded Shropshire sheep and . - c- Senger and A. C. Freeman has thoroughbred horses, beginning Satur . this day'been dissolved by mutual con- The people of that part of the world look upon death as a bad habit before one becomes an oc togenarian, and an . unavoidable one after the centenarian stage has been reached. During last year a number of Britons passed away at ages ranging from 80 to 96 years leaving behind a goodly number of their own age who were not yet ready. ' ; There is something strange, after all, about this longevity business. These Norfolk people live for the most part in houses which are anything but modern in their accommodations; they do not know what sanitation means, and they all -seem io be . afflicted with rheumatism sooner or later. But they live; the cen sus proves that. Does open air and hard : physical work, with the simple life, answer the ques tion as to how they do it? day, June 12, at 10 a. m. at the Farm ers' Feed Stable, Corvallis. This is good opportunjtv to secure spm&4as. stoc?pJ ' -'' ' 6-10-D. W. It Money To Pay Warrants . Notice is hereby given that there is money on hand to pay General Fund Warrants endorsed to' November 22, 1904, and all endorsed street warrants. Interest will stop on date, June 5. 1909. . Z. H. Davis, 6-5-10-17 City Treasurer. sent. All outstanding bills will be paid "by said A.- C. Freeman and all accounts owing said firm to' be paid to said A. C. Freeman, 'who will ' continue" .the biisi , ness at 320 Second street. v ." I . ' O. C. Senger, 6-4-2t A. C. Freeman. ' Prof. W. F. Gaskins wishes to meet all people of the city, who sing, at the Presbyterian Church, .Wednesday even- same from this . ing at 7 o'clock, especially the members of the various church choirs, to prepare the music for the Baccalaureate service at the Armory next Sunday. s & Colbert We Make Concrete blocks ot all kinds. Concrete bricks, fancy and plain,, Concrete tile and steps, Concrete window sills and caps. We Sell High grade Cement and Lime in any quantity. Phone Ind. 3181 413 Second Street South CORVALLIS - - OREGON 1 Daily Gazette 50 cents per month Why not take it. , Succeed when everything else fails, gj In nervous prostration and female S weaknesses thev are the supreme H remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. CORRECT BANKING. Ev'er since the First National Bank of Corvallis was organized, its officers have continuously advised it's customers in correct and lawful methods of banking. This bank has no new theories to offer upon the subject of over draft checks, because from the beginning, as early as 18S7, and ever since it advised its custom ers not to over draw, but .when they desired loans to apply . and borrow on notes and proper se curity, in the regular way. The managers of the First National Bank of Corvallis have been pio neers for 22 years in promulgat ing the thought, "do not over DIIAW. KEEP THE WINDOWS DOWN. While fresh air is necessary and all very. well at every season, there are a few weeks in the year when one wants to live dur ing half of the twenty-four hours with most of it excluded. All windows and doors should be left open in a house from sun set to sunrise, or opened in the Interesting. Lectures. The School And Home, an illustrated educational inagazine published in Portland by R. F. Rolinson, superintendent of Multnomah County schools, states that a most attractive ser ies of lectures under the general head of Acient Histoy is to giv en by Prof. J. B. Horner, before the summer school of the Oreg on Agricultural College.' Many 1 20 Per Cent SCOUNT In order to clean up our We will erive 20 per cent discount until all are sold a.kruss Dealer in all Men's Furnishings CORVALLIS, - - OREGON Keep It In Your Mind NE thing we want to impress on your mind; it's more important to us, for the present moment, than to persuade you to buy your clothes here; because if you get the idea we're driving at, you'll buy them here, not because we want you to, but because you'll want to. It is that this store is a quality and value store; and that whatever you buy here is guaranteed to be right, satisfactory in every way; and if you don't find it so, you are to come and tell us, and we'll do whatever we need to do to make it so; money back, new goods in exchange, or anything you say that's fair. We sell Hart Schaf fner & Marx clothes because they're the kind . of goods that justify that kind of a guarantee; and we mean to have every thing else up to that standard. . Suits $20.00 to $30.00 Blackleg & Everett Successors, to Hcnklc & Blaokledge FUNERAL DIHECTDBS and LICENSED EMBALMERS Carry a complete line of coffins and caskets in all colors and sizes; also ladies' men's and children's burial robes. Calls attended to dav and night. Lady assistant. EMBALMING FOR SKlPPtHG A SPECIALTY. Call at Blackledge's furniture store Both phones. ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W. Office Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg. : Only set of abstracts in Bentoti Connty PHYSICIANS G. R FARRA, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Office in Burnett Elock, over Harris' Store. Residence corner Seventh and Madison. Office hours: 8 to 9 a. m.; '1 to 2 p. m. Phones: Office, 2t2S, Residence, 404. J. B. MORRIS, M. D, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Corner Third and Mon voe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. ni.; I to 4 p. m ; 7 to 8 p, m. Phone in both office ani resi dence. , W. T. ROWLEY, M. 1.., PHYSICIAN and Suraeon. Special attention given . to the Eye. Noee and Throau Office in Johnson Blair. Ind. 'phone at of fice and lesidence. UNDERTAKERS M. S. BOVEE, FUNERAL DIRECT or and Licensed Embalmer. Suc cessor to Bovi & Bauer Corvallip, Oregon. Id. Phone 4s Bell Phone 241. Lady attendant when desired. Taunton & Burnap . Cement Contractors Makers of Best Cement Walks in Town All work guaranteed first class. Corvallis, Ore