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About Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1909)
HWffytfyV9ft jit i()fljiginwiiijiipi)iniifiig If IF f I Iff ! lil 1 11 1 JL ill i jj i . i 1 ill f ipiisiery and urnishings EVERYTHING AT RE DUCED PRICES Sale on all Millinery Goods. Must reduce stock at once. Furnishing Goods all go. at special low prices. Call and see us .Anderson Benton County Lumber Co, Manufacturers of all kinds of fir LumSer, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes Dealers in Doors, Windows, Lime, Brtesc; o'emsnt. Shingles, etc Occidental Lumber Co. Successors to Corvallis Lumber Co. ' ' We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J. B IRVING for information . and prices. And take notice that if we have not " got exactly what you want we will get it for you. G. O. BASSET f, Local Mer. WOODS BROTHERS GENERAL REPAIR SHOP Prompt attention given to repairing all kinds of gasoline en gines, autos, bicycles. Plows and axes sharpened, baws filed. All work guaranteed satisfactory and done on short notice Give us a call. ' We can please you. Located back of Beal Bros-' blacksmith shop on Second street. Phone No. 3145 Ind. - Woods Brothers C0RVAlii.? OREGON The Bast Paint There is no betterpaint made for appearance and durability than . , ... " Acme Quality Paint Specially prepared for exterior and interior use. "FLOOR VARNISH THAT WEARS" 'A.- L.. Miner ,f WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE becond Street, Near Palace Theater YOU GET WHAT WE GEf ? . Our books are onen for I fEfl Sm Buyers name given if wanted. We not only nme gf Pp PTice8 bTlt you can satisfy yourseU tf2ZJJI2 absolutely at any time that you get what we flUIMfi'GrM& 1 PROMPT CASH RETURNS &iffliCrEIirj& Ship your produce tons. Write ; v-:;. to us now f or coops, tags, " etc SOUTHERN OREGON OOnniSSIOH Rn V. H. McCORQUODALE. PROP. 95 FRONT ST., PORTLAND, OREGOI ' I OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOO g 15 he Sleeper o Q '.. Story of Ejcapt From : q 0 "Rajjian Uyranny. q OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOu By THERESA C. HOLT. (Copyright, 1909, by American Press Aseo . . - ciation.J Anna Nickalaevna after her day's work she was a schoolteacher in Ber lin climbed the stairs to her" earret The days were short and the twilight had died away. An exile from Russia for the crime of educatins the nensants "she now used her own education as a means to a living in the German capi tal. .-: V , .. . ... Anna Nickalaevna was an ornh.m Her father and mother had died when sne was a enild. sue ; had had a brother,- but he had been conscripted tor we Japanese war. She had heard that he was killed in hatrle " A vmino.- - er sister, Sonia, had disappeared after Anna s flight, supposedly for some po litical offense, and Anna had not heard from her in years. Whether her sister was m a Siberian prison or dead she did not know. One who had been in the prisons of Siberia had told her that ner sister was not there. It was there fore to be supnosed that she As one year succeeded another and none or ner relatives could send anv word of the missing girl Anna at last came to consider her sister dend she experienced that awful loneliness one reeis at Deing tne last of a family The exile opened "the room and was about to strike a light wnen she heard some one . breathing. She did not eive wnv tn frio-hi- ro- because she was made of sterner stuff j ana, second, the breathing seemed come from a sleener. Neverthei ec cTin had always had some expectation of extradition and had kent a revolver in ner Dureau drawer, resolved to die ratner ttian be draseed back tn Pne. sia. Instinctively she pulled the draw er open and grasped the weapon. Then she stood and listened. The breathing was evidently that of one sleenine .another would have inferred thar some one had come into her mom fallen asleep. But Anna Nickalaevna naa Deen nunted In her own country, had made a long and rjerilnns in constant fear of capture from east ern tussia to the border, and ever since she had lived in the of either arrest by Russian agents un der a trumped up criminal charge or spirited away by them illpe-nllv a she listened to the breathing she xormea plans for action in ease the sleeper were an enemy. " But, feeling that the it were was . at a disadvantage and not likely to be easily awakened, she resolved to make some move to find out more about who was in the room. hhe crept toward the bed. where the sleeper lay. Standing at its foot, she stealthily put out her hand to feel. She drew it away quickly. She felt a man's boot. - - -. Anna thought of every , nrohahle or possible occurrence to account fdz a man sleeping in her room. She did not understand how one could have gained access there. The fraulein who rented rooms would only admit men in ease they were of the same family as uer women lodgers. As the 'breathing continued heavily she resolved . linnn further investigation. Going again to the bed, she put out her hand. One cannot, easily move in a straight line in the dark, and this time she struck the other end, for, extending her hand, it rested on a face. She wns relieved that there was no beard on it. . All fear of dancer was now -nne Going to where she kent her marches she took the box and, again approach ing tne pea, stood near the sleener and struck a light. She started. . After all. the sleeper was a woman. One foot with-a man's boot on it extended he- low the skirt if the tattered garment could be called a skirt but the sleep er's face was turned away. The match burned out. and Anna struck another one, bending over to get a different view. A start, a sup pressed exclamation, the burning match dropped to the floor, and acrain all was darkness. Scratching another, she lighted a lamp, and, taking it to the bed, she held it before the face of the sleeper. The first happiness she had known in years was expressed in her own face. . - - It was Sonia, her lost sister. But. oh. that tired, huntpft lnni.-i The cheeks and eves were sunken and the body seemed to be only bones and rags:' Anna gazed, and despite the gladness in her heart she sisrhed ' Tint 3he had been through all this herself and was now strong. Sonia, now that there were no. more wearv nhrht four. aeys under the stars, hidings in vhnts jr snowarirts by lay, would be herself again;, and the ; loneliness that - was breaking down Anna . would be no more. Leaving her treasure to sleen mi ohe opened her larder, put the samovar on the stove and stood ready to fur nish food when Sonia should awaken. men sue went back to the.hed oAd feasted on the loved one with hungry ?yes. :- . . .. . - ;. She did not Intend to awn ken her sister, but she could not help taking ue iihk or putting ner arms about her. Tired and worn as was the fugitive the fear under which she had so long uvu awaiienea ner with a start, Twt the sight of Anna transfigured it t . . , . -. . i. i vy happiness. Without a word the two were locnea in each other's arms. H&w it all came about could wait. ; : The story came later, or a hrif . aopsis Of it. over a COZV snnner and :up of hot, tea. But "it was one of thousands), all. alike ns to their of fering! but -of infinite variety as to VVUen It WAS tnid Anna ooM. ' "Sonia. dear. I have saved n thnn. and marks. . Let us go to that country ivuere tyranny aoes not exist Amer- ca." HARRIS Has Them A New. Line ofVici and Patent Colt. The very latest styles . and marked at the lowest prices. A choice assortment, just the right thing for this 'sunshine weather, in Taffeta and Pongee. V F(r Men and Boys in thp newest patterns and all grades. Prices cut to suit every. pocket book. We are SOLE AGENTS ' 'here' for this Popular Line. H HA R R I S 1SBSL.'. YOUR VACATION NOW at our expense A CHOICE OF FOUR FREE IS OFFERED YOU. QI7ATTI 17 DURING AL ASK A OILII I LuEa YUKON EXPOSITION YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK YOSEMITE VALLEY LAKET ' ALL YOUR EXPENSES PAID IF.YOU HAVE FRIENDS IN THE EAST WHO WANT TO VialT THE PACIFIC COAST WE CAN ARRANGE IT . This is your Op port unity For complete ' - information address Room 18, Flood Bld'g San Francisco THE DAILY GAZETTE S3 ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME