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About Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1909)
C2.J CORVALLIS DAILY GAZETTE Published every evening except Sun day. Office: 259-253 Jefferson street, corner Third street, Corvallis, Oregon. PHONE - - - 10 Address all communications and make all remittances payable to the Corval lis Gazette. In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always give old as well as new address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY Delivered by "carrier, per week $ 15 Delivered by carrier, per month 5 By mail, one vear, in advance 5 00 Bv mail, six months, in advance 2 50 By mail, one month, in advance 50 CORVALLISWEEKLY GAZETTE Published Every Friday Entered at the postofEce at Corvallis, Oregon, as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, in advance $2.00 Six moths, in advance. GHAS. L. SPR!!iGEB, Editor and Publisher. TRAVELERS' GUIDE Arrival and Departure of Trains UNION DEPOT, CORVALLIS R. c. LiNVir.i e. Aent . Arrive Southern Pacific . Depart 11:30 a m. Passenger 1:30 p ni. 5:4op. m. Kreight 6:4o a. m Corvallis & Eastern 11a. m. Passenger east li:i5a m, 8:35 am. " " - 6:30 a. m. x--2nn m.. " west 2:15 p. m 4:35 p. m " east 6 p. m 8: p.m. " " 1:40 p-m Sunday Trains 1:15 p. m. 11:15 a- m Dailv exceot Sunday. All other trains dailv. CORVALLIS P0ST0FFICE Opens 8 a. m , closes 6 p. m. Sundays and holidays, opens 10 a. m., closes 11 a. m. - Mails Close For Portland 5:30, 10:30 a m, 12 m 5:30 Dm Albany 5:30. 10:30 a m, 5;30 D m 7, 10 a ni, 12 nl Washington and 10:36 a m, 12:30 Eastern states 5:30 p m California a and 10:30 a m, 5:30 pointB SnuiAi p m Philnmth aad points West 12:30 p m Monroe 1:30,5:30 pm MeMinvllle and We tside points ' 12:45 p m Mill uity ana 7am " way o.jits ' 5:30 a m Philomath and 5pm Alsea 8-45 a m" 10 a 111 Monroe tage 2pm 5pm Philomath stage 9am Mails Open From 7. 10 a.m, 12 m. 10 a m, 2, 5 p m 10 a m, 5 p m 11:30 a m 10 am 12 m NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. All subscribers to the Semi . weekly Gazette who may desire to take the Daily edition instead of the weekly, and have paid in advance for the latter, can have xne va.uv delivered by earner to their city address and what ever amount is due on their subscription will be properly credited ahead. STRANGE SIXTH SENSE. How many senses have you live or six? A prophet has. aris en in the person of Frederick Fletcher, lecturer to the West- minscer Salons;. London, to call the sixth sense blessed, to trace its psychic origin,, to expound its rationale and to set forth how you and I, Tom, Dick and Har ry may come into the mysterious powers of second sight, clairaud ience,' telepathy, psycb.ometry and kindred miraculous gifts. The everyday memr of the human race at present knows the world by means of his five senses sight, touch, smell, taste and hearine. sens1 fat- can auiiment certain powers which in the human race are not fully active. However, as Mr. Fletcher notes, there exist in the savage and civilized races individuals who show quite normalv a similar de velopment to that of some spec ies of the animal kingdom, the ability to minutely visualize by an extension of the sight organs or to hear when the auditory nerve is usually unresponsive, showing additional, although oft times rudimentary, powers. This extension of the ordinary senses marks the beginning of the psychic, or sixth sense. It produces a more advanced and elaborate method of cognition than the everyday person has. By psychic development a sensi tiveness is produced that makes one responsive to extremely sub tle vibrations which otherwise would leave no impression. The psychic $ rson is called sensitive or mediumistic, apt and appropriate descriptions, sug gesting the possession of a sup ersensitive nervous system which is a . medium or channel through which rarefied forces may flow. It denotes a nerve or ganization impregnated with ex ceedingly subtle etheric vibrat ory substances and existing un der great tension. Undoubtly this condition at present is abnormal, for physical bodies are not sufficiently forti fied or attuned to withstand the strain of the imposed condition. When this developement tends toward visualization it is called clairvoyance or second sight, Clairaudience signifies the add ition of power of hearing and an ability to hear sounds to which our ears are ordinarily unre sportive. - Psychometry intensi fies the sense of touch and by its employment any'harmonious or diseodant vibratory influences of an object become perceptible. The senses of taste and smell under the psychic conditions are both accentuated, and, although ho designation has been assign ed, an object placed on the ton gue not only reveals a particular taste but conveys mental impres sions which may be unpleaantor otherwise. Telepathy is the power of mak ing or producing etheric waves by which communications may be transmitted from one brain to another. It is really the men tal wireless telegraphy, and ut ilizes similar etheric currents to thosa produced by the scientific apparatus It appears reina'fa'ble td many people that the pfWSent develop ment of the sixth, r psychic sense, should manifest itself more in the illiterate and tfriedu cated than in the intellectual Among the peasantry of Russia Italy anc Ireland it is common so common that many of the cus toms and superstitions have a- risen through it. Some animals also seem to have second sight In all these cases, however, the psychic- power is likly to te un conscious and tne involuntary action of a 'Congenital psychic sympathetic svstem," whereas ntelloctual persons psychically develoDe 1 haveervritrri? rwfir t.hpi r owers. And' thesfe- powers, oper ate through the specif kr organs made at the Felger tannery west of Philomath so that cars can run to the mill for loading. When the track is completed the capacity cf ttie mill will be greatly increased, new improved ma chinery having already lean bought and simply awaiting shipment until the1 com pletion of the track.- The new rail are already on the ground and as fast as the little mounds of earth can be razed the "spikin" will begin. Thus one by one new and important industries are being adcred and payrolls started. ' With all these new links of railroad reaching out on the west and south of here the Southern Pacific will soon be compelled to close the link on the south and run throngh train to Portland. . The citizens have waited for many years with ear to the ground intently listening for some noise in this direction and the time is now at hand when all should continue to warm the wax in their ears until this city get? results. This arrangement is heartily acquiesed 1 work. This is an opportunity for per- in by President ; Kerr pmd the college sons who are unemployed and for the students who want work to get it and 0,-l4-W,-MlC! TTrt,i-. mill ln.t .1.1. .l.n. ' c.twiuj.imi3, nau Will aclCUb Lilc CaCl for this particular day. This year the services will be on Sun day, June 13, and Dr. Dyott, pastor of the First Congregational Chuich, Port land, will preach the baccalaureate sermon. Clean Up Help Wanted. all who will help are requested to com municate at once with Mrs. E. R. Bry son, 242 North Seventh street, phone 186, and they will be given employment. In this connection it is also thought that permanent places can be secured for quite a number of capable young men to care for lawns during the summe Cocs Bay Tooth Picks. The committee appointed by the La-1 dies' Auxiliary to canvass the city on j - behalf of the plan to make Saturday, The largest fir logs ever seen on Coos May 22, a general clean up day is meet- Bay were brought from the Beaver Hill mg with the statement" that it is dim-' camp of the Smith-Powers Logging cult to obtain help to do the necessary Company. Each log was 24 feet long and measured eight feet five inches at the small end. There are 16,000 board feet in the two logs, enough to build a seven-room house. Toggery Displays Medals . The handsome display in the Toggery windows of the medals to be awarded at the Interscholastic Track meet on Saturday by OAC will make every con testant in the entries do his best to be a winner. The display shows artistic taste in the arrangement and will prove an attraction to every college boy and the host of visitors. ata Monroe The big excursion and picnic Satur day, May 22, which will be given to celebrate the union of Corvallis and Monroe and to formally open the Cor vallis & Alsea River Railway, promises to be a most enjoyable outing. ." , The excursion train will leave the Corvallis C. & A. depot .at 8 a. m. and returning leave Monroe at 5 p. in., thus giving all day to those who participate in the pleasant event. The address of welcome at Monroe will be made by Rev. E. H. Belknap and President Kerr, of OAC, will re spond with an excellent talk. - There will be speaking, singing, basket picnic, barbecue, baseball games, band concert and other attractions, the Corvallis Ma rine Band having made all arrange ments for giving the excursionists a day of pleasure at a cost of 75 cents for the round trip. College Day Provided For Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wells, parents of Chief of Poljce Wells, left on the boat today for Oregon City, where they will reside in future. For the past 57 years they have made Benton county their home, locating here in 1852 and they will be greatly missed by a wide circle of friends, all of whom believe they will again return to these-; familiar scenes. Mrs. Pearl Smith, their daughter, ac companied them on the trip today. Baker's Bargains. I have for sale some of the best busi ness properties in Corvallis; also choice residence property. Call and investi gate. R. F. Baker, Office 111, Second street, Corvallis, Oregjn. 5-4-8 The Corvallis Ministerial Association at its meeting yesterday afternoon set apart what is known as " Baccalaureate Day to be hereafter designated in each year as College Sunday, when -all the churches in the city will worship at the Armory both morning and evening. A PORTION OF THE CASCADE COURT. The Palace of Oriental Exhibits forms one of the twelve mammoth dis play buildings first completed by the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Its lines are in pleasing contrast to the-Agricultural and Manufacturers buildings, with which they are grouped, and their position overlooks the beautiful formal gardens and water display of the Cascades and Geyser Basin. The exhibit placed within the walls of the Oriental building consti " tutes oue Cf the most gorgeous displays of Far Eastern art and manu factured articles ev6f shipped from the Orient, and is bewildering in beauty and extent. Not 'a country of Asia is without representation, and ' treasures of old and modern art, fiGvei' before permitted to leave the lands in which they were created, will be 6n for the first time in the land of the Occident. The matter of arrangement 6f the Oriental exhibit has been placed in the hands of the most competent and artistic men at command and its display will be worthy of the magnificent collection; ' About the Oriental building are gathered the great buildings housing the United States exhibit and the Alaska, Hawaiian and Philippine dis plays. One of the largest bandstands Is within close distance, and from its doors the most noted musical organizations of the world will be heard daily. .. , -. . Everything new and up to date. Rigs furnished on short notice. Call and give us a trial. Cor. Madison and 3d L. F.GRAY, Manager OF THE Subscribe for the Gazette All the News All the Time in the Corvallis Gazette from perfect, easily'd.eceived.and often needed to be supplemented. of tne sixth sense,, which are the Our sight does not perceive1 un- Pnea gland andi the- pituitary aided by the ultra violet rays- of ' body long mysteries tier the an atomists and phvsicians: -Chic ago Tribune. Railroad Out To Noon Mill ngm;, wnne tnere r may exist many known' sounds to which the human ear is totally deaf. The ant can see where we are blind, because its organ of vision is susceptible to finer etheric. vi brations than purs. Many an imals also possess a greater in stinct and sensory development than is displayed by men, be cause, aided by a sensitive sym- pathelic nerrous . astern thej'T".' - Grading is now progressing rapidly on the newrailroad running from the C. & E. railroad west "of Philomath to the the Noon Lumber Companv's mills on Woods week. The distance is between .Jand. four miles. The road will be ... . 1 Circus-M enagerie-Hippodrome- IV d West lOOStartiirio;, Superb, Sensational and Stu pendous Surprises 30 Champion Aeri alists 20 Champion Acrobats Per forming At Once . & 10 Champion Equestrians j& 20 Marvelous Acts a i wilt- i i iTiH m n; nn rkx ."Niniiv y-ii-- Warriors, by Special Permis- !oi U. S. (ioverniheat UhUitf&U Indian Lif e-- fif Great Will! mmimmm iCB .-3T?)!KM " 4&!fikf Movmc in Sorsemfeip-Danc Majestic March mg-Battle mfWW' n. i-jJ W 1 - ? i Cl . -f - xar ceni aneen oj i 1 1 i- mi SI V m v CLOWNS' SEE THEM WHILE YOU -. CAN. .1 IUUU "T, VILD BEASTS FROM 9 f5 1,000 Shimmering - banners-10:30 A. M.-Free Eito on Setfw Lot .6 Afriva! of Parade- 10 Acres of Water proof Tests'-Coiu-' .Daily-'ifcfternocn, Nigfet. GIANT PlTSFOSMr-: ING ELEPHMTS FRff HORSE Sif . CONGRESS OF BEAUTIFUL mmn Yankee Doodle Spectac alar Tournament , , SPECIAL RATE ROUND TRIP EXCURSIONS ON AU RAILROADS :: SEE TIWET AGENTS. Also directing the tour of ARMOURS . World-Famous $25,000 Dapple Gray Prize Winners ; The' greatest equine globe trot ters ever known 500 GREAT BIG CIRCUS STARS 500 A white city of perfect tents where novelties of rare excellence are pre sented THE ARMOUR GRAYS The most attractive feature ever seen with any circus ; :lls!ssi : Family. Marie steers, Flora Bedeni Rhoda feoyaFs Menage MaVVels ''.GLOW&& : In .great numbers Par&cJe of mar- velcUis beauty Two3 fetfomsti. -f daily ; at 2 aiidi 8: pV as. Doors . open one? eeirlfer - , Papkard Shoes Inion Made and every pair warranted Sold By . : A. K. RUBS CORVALLIS, J . OREGON " Dealef in ail MBfl's Furnishing Blacklede & Everett Suctesors to Hehkle & BltfrWedge FUNERAL gTQRS and LICENSE!? ERSOERS Carry a coifljtfete line of coffiHS and caskets in all colors and sizes? sitso ladies' men's an'i childten's butSal robes. Calls atten5ed to., day atid night. Lady assistant HJBA'JIHS fiffi SHIPPING A SPECIALTY. Call at Bladder's furuiture store . Both phoaes: . ATTORNEYS j. F. YATES. ATTORNf!tfAT-LAW. On3ce Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg. Only set of abstracts id Bentou County PHYSICIANS . j -TT iT r- G. R. FARRA, M. D., fSYSiCIAN AND Surgeon. OfiBce in Burtielir Block, over Harris' Store. . Residence ibrer Seventh and Madison.-.. Office hours:- 8 to 9 a. ta.: t to i Bi m. Phones: Office, 2128, Residence, 404. J. fi. liORRIS, M. D , PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Corner Third and v'o'e Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Offic? hours': 9 to 12 a. m.; I to 4 p m ; 7 to 8 p. m. Phone in both office and resi dence , seats; No Advance wv Prices See the aniMfr mi i hear thgfste1 on Sale Show Day at Giim V. T. EOWLfif ,- M. 1)., PHYSICIAN and SurgeoD. " Kpeciifl attention given to the Eye. Nose tma Thi-oav. Office in Johnson Bide. Indf. 'pftone at of- tice ana tesidence. . ; UNDERTAKERS m; s: "bovkeJ funeral:, dire . of anff Licensed Embalmer. Sue-' . cesser to Bovee s. Bauer Corvallip. ' Oregon. Did. Phop 45. Pell Phone ' 241. Lady'attendant when desired. HOMES FOR SALE & Wormam's Drug Store 1" WE HAVE SEVERAL' PARTIES who are looking for homestad locations -relinquishments, also some good ibcr claims. - If voa'know. of anv d homesteads or tisfeber claims it "ay you to write us. Address '1X REALTY COMPANY, 225 VaiU 'n BuildiK. Portland." Oregon.-