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About Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1909)
TALK OF THE TOWN "W. S. Tomlinson, of Wells, was do ing business in the city yesterday. C. F. Chambers is quite sick at his home in Jobs' addition with measles.; Call up the Palace of Sweets for your ice cream and sherbets. Free delivery. 5-6-tf Mrs. 0. W. Robinson, of Mollalla, is visiting at the home of Mayor George .Lilly. General repair shop. All work first class, promptly done. Back of Beal Bros., blacksmith shop, Wood Bros. 5-7-tf General T. J. Thorp is spending a few days with friends at Newpert and en joying the refreshing breezes from old ocean. Go to Dr. .Howard for the best and most artistic dental work. Twenty-two karat gold crowns reinforced with 18 karat goldsolder made and put on in one hour. . 8tf W. R. Boone, W. H. Kerr and Prof. Clyde Phillips went to Newport Friday to remain over Sunday. They are great lovers of sport and fish always bite at Newport. County court is in session today with several matters of importance under consideration one of which is the $200 ward for the capture and conviction of the court house burglars'. The defeat of the University of Idaho track team at Eugene yesterday by the U. of O. boys is a pretty good indica tion that 0. A. C. will win here Monday in the dual meet with Idaho. Dr. Mentor Howard, A. P. Johnson and A. E. Wilkins have been named as delegates from the Odd Fellows Lodge here all of whom will attend the Grand Lodge at Albany next Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday and will be there dur ing the entire session. Dr. Howard don't keep you in the " anxious chair and make you lose your valuable time and punish you a half can always do a piece of work first class in a reasonable time. 8tf An exceeding interesting game of basket ball was played at the college armory last evening between the young ladies of the Seniors and Juniors. The game was closely contested from start to finish with a final score of 15 to 13 in favor of the Seniors. The Corvallis baseball team started across country at early hour this morn ing on their way to Brownsville where they expect to meet and utterly annihi late the team at that place this after noon. The boys know how to play ball and the spirit of home pride is that they may win. The portholes m the sidewalk on Jeff-, erson street oy Graham & Wens drug -4. v . i r-j . '.i i . diwic nay c ueeu planned over so mat it is now safe for pedestrians to pass over it once more. A cement walk would have been more becoming to this prom inent corner but the old boards will pos sibly last another year or two. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Goodman, who went to Lebanon last fall, have return ed to Corvallis and are now comfortably located in the old home once more. On landing in town Thursday they stopped at the public fountain and quenched their thirst with good mountain water, Mr- Goodman remarking it tasted good to him. These good people will meet with a cordial reception by the citizens of Corvallis. A Great Parade By Sells-Floto A street parade, which will be a ver itable horse fair is promised by the Great Sells-Floto, Shows, which exhibit at Corvallis, Friday, May 21. . The pageant will leave the grounds prompt ly at 10 o'clock on the 'day of the show and follow a line of march to be an nounced later. First will come the World Famous Armour Grays, the $25,000 prize .win ners. The band wagon, floats and other paraphernalia .will be drawn by 400 well groomed, well matched dapple gray horses. The "stock is all in .the pink of condition. The raters are of undisputed lineage, the steeds attached to the Roman chariots are particularly beautiful, the Rhoda Royal high school horses are the greatest equines on earth, and half a hundred Shetland ponies will delight the children. When the show comes to this city the work of unloading will be well under way with the rising of the 6un and so there is little chance of the street display being late in leaving the grounds. Alreadv choice locations for witnessing the display are in demand, and the chances are that the streets along i which . the parade will go, will bel lined with admiring thous ands, cheering the handsomest parade ever seen with a circus and the Armour $25,000 Prize Team will be an unusual feature to view. - THE FOilJitE OF TONIGHT'S ATTRACTION Lots of Fun for Everybody at the Cor vallis Opera House. That the Y. W. C. A. Girls' enter tainment at the opera house tonight will be a big affair is an assured fact. The tickets are going fast and the van ous members are in the best of condi tion. The Y. W. C. A. girls have been working hard and faithful and it is only right that they should have the most liberal support. The entertainment consists of five novel as well as interesting numbers in the form of pages. The first, for in stance, consists of various advertising features; the second, picnic scenes and tableaux. But the crowning feature will be the comedy, "A Case of Sus pension. " This is extremely good and will be played by a talented local cast and will last one hour. There will be about two and one half hours of amuse ment. entertainment and music. You should give this your liberal patronage Come out. It will make you happy and will make you the proud possessor of that pleasant" satisfied feeling. The citrtain .rises at 8.p m. 'l ' On account of the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, I. O: O. F. and the Rebekah Assembly being in session at Albany, the initiation of candidates has been postponed by Eastern Star Lodge until some later date of which due no tice will be given. Subscribe for the Gazette All the News All the Time in the Corvallis Gazette Trunks and suit cases at O. Blackledee's. 4-2-tf EJECT How His Strength With ths Pecpls Has Decreased Tha Defeat of His Policies by State Leaders. By FREDERICK R. TOOMBS. fEOITOR'S NOTE. Mr. Toombs is a member of the New York legislature and has suDDorted the governor in all of his fights except on the Hinman-Green direct primary bill. The fact, then, that Mr. Toombs sees a decline In the governor's power is particularly significant. Gov ernor Hughes was the most effective speaker in the Republican party during the last campaign, and his work in New York state and in the west was one oi the deciding factors of the campaign. During his tours many people became in terested in him and in the problems that he was trying to solve. HE recent closing of the session of the New York legislature brought to an end what was probably the most trying ordeal in the career of Charles E. Hughes as governor and at the same time brought him nearer to a point where he must make a choice between his political principles and his political career. " Not every man in high political life is com pelled to make this choice. In politics as outside it a man's principles are of ten a matter of convenience or of ex pediency. Not so has it been with Governor Hughes. Face to face with the issue, he must decide whether he will continue to fight for the establish ment and perpetuation of his state governmental policies, and thus sacri fice his' political future, or whether he will compromise with or surrender to the Republican organization of his state, and thus guarantee to himself the favor of that organization and a political career of bright promise. Governor Hughes came out of the By Forsaking His Principles He Can Satisfy His Political Ambitions Senate and Presidency Possible. Hughes is concerned. Whatever he receives at the hands of the Republic an party in future he must be in a po sition to demand. He has lost strength among the voters. He has been sub jected to a series of important defeats in the last New York legislature. The psychology of defeat is no uncertain quantity. .The public demands a win ner. It demands a winner that keeps on winning. Cunning tongues are ever ready to insinuate that the man who is defeated was not sincere in his cam paign. -- And Hughes had no issue this year that gripped the public as did the race track issue. By forcing the anti-racing bills on the statute books he aroused anthusinsm among a large percentage of citizens not only in his state, but throughout the country, who saw in him a man who dared to fight high power and who could win against heavy odds. His chief issue this year was that the present mode of naming candidates in New York state should be revolutionized. He argued .that po litical bosses controlled nominations for office, even though they could not necessarily control elections. He rec oinmended a direct nominations or primary reform bill and had introduced in both houses of the legislature a measure on this subject which was largely his handiwork. He depended on public opinion and support to force the passage of this bill (the so called Hinman-Green bill) through the legis lature. He went before the citizens of 1 Eaaic$' UJatcfecs need Constant Repairing Their method of carrying them is responsible for the fact. Pinned to the waist or hanging on a chain the delicate mechanism is easily disar ranged. : We pay special attention to ladies' watches, and when re paired by us you will find that they keep iu order longer. - E W. S, PRATT, Jeweler and Optician GOVERNOR CHARLES EVANS HUGHES. Our Shirt Waist Saje Is a Success If you want the newest and best in all the popu-"' L lar moaeis in snirt waists, you will nnd bur stock complete.:; . ' - , ' . Ladies' Skirts We are going to let these speak for themselves: They are so pretty and the prices are so reason able that we don't have to puff - them up. We would like you to call and see them though, be fore you buy then you'll buy here. fSeisfzlG & Davis Taft presidential campaign of last fall with, a national reputation as a cam paign orator. Widely spoken of as the greatest asset of the Republican party in the east and re-elected by a larger majority than h'. 'r-eived two years before, in spite -- ie prejudice cer tain of his reinu measures had aroused, he entered on his second term of office with probably the greatest measure of popularity he had ever en joyed. The legislature convened. Gov ernor Hughes promulgated a long re form program on the lines he has made familiar. The defeat of this pro gram is well known. Today how do we find him? We know that his party organization is violently opposed to him and to his methods and measures. But has he grown stronger with the people? If he has not gained strength, has . he retained his former strength? If he has not retained it, what portion or percentage of it has he lost? What does he want to accomplish for him self or ' for his announced princi ples? - What does the future hold for him in politics? "Would Wot "Hay Politics." ; As a purely political exposition a governor who fights the state organiza tion of his 'party 'can gain but one of two things a ' victory or a compro-; mise. The chances always are that he will attain neither end. To gain either he must "play politics." " Hughes ' h&s not played politics i. e.. he has.: not. created a political machine through his 'powers of 1 appointment and; veto. Therein lies the secret of much , of what will prove to be his weakness In the-Immediate future; .": 'He was renominated , for governor because" the "Republican leaders, state and national, feared the loss of votes that would, result from turning down aH reform governor; ina presidential year in what might; again prove to be We pivotal state;- ut that contingen cy cannot occur again,, so far aa the state with the slogan, "Down with the bosses!" But the people refused to become aroused. While they had grasped the evils of betting on horse races in a . moment the year before, they could not comprehend the full significance of Governor Hughes ar guments on direct primaries- without considerable study. -. Direct primaries proved an academic issue that re quired more time for thought, if it were to be understood, than the aver age citizen could afford. Importance of Newspaper Attitude. But, still more important, most of the newspapers in the populous centers did not feature the news relating to the direct primary campaign. Thus the ; chief means Hughes had of reaching the great mass of the publKlost much of the usefulness It once had. In fact, dozens of newspapers openly condemn ed his direct primary bill, while others went further and condemned the very principle of direct nominations itself. The support of the-New York Times and the New York Sun had previously been of vast aid to the governor. -They circulate among large numbers, of in dependent voters in the city and state.-. Their clientele-is.; what should be termed high class. . But during the last few months these two, papers edi torially have turned flatly against the governor on his biggest issues. Conse quently they weakened his ' ; support among - hundreds- of Hughes voters. Men of prominence outside political fields also attacked the direct nomina tions bill. . Among these men . were President Jacob Gould Schurman of Cornell university and President Nich olas' Murray Butler of Columbia uni versity. Ex-Mayor Seth Low of; New York city; himself a leading supporter of the governor's direct nominations bill, stated- in Albany - before a joint session - of .the ' senate and - assembly judiciary i committees:. -"I do not be lieve this bill- should - be enacted this year, as tt would prevent fusion In the aw "York city mayoralty campaign. ut it into effect next year." Those were some of the influences bat affected public opinion regarding the direct primary bill, and the com- ined influences were suihcient to give many a senator and assemblyman a eason for voting against the measure that would be acceptable to most of Iii: i constituents. ; Corporation Influence. The attitude of many of the newspa pers In opposing Hughes' measures in New York state, particularly in New York city, has' been caused by corpo ration influences. He has regulated die operations of public service and illied corporations in a manner not. to their . liking. The public service com mission has been a spear between the fibs of various street rail way and rail road companies, etc. One New York city street railway company claims that it has had to file 2,000 reports with the commission since the board lias been in existence. The Hughes in surance reform -and banking reform measures have antagonized these in terests and their powerful allies, such as hre insurance compa-nies, etc. He has further attacked telephone 'and te'egraph companies. All these inter ests have influence with political par-- ties, and so with the legislature. Through the aggressive Hughes pol icy regarding the interests of the classes named the governor has arous ed antagonism that will proye too strong for him to successfully combat. for " he has no machine, and -his strength with the voters is 'decreasing throutrh lack of a new appeal of the necessary impressive qualities. A Fatal Compromise. Probably the failure of his direct nominations campaign was inevitable when he decided to make his bill a compromise. It did not provide for simon pure direct primaries. It gave a preference to political organizations, unlike the Wisconsin and other plaSs. Resultant was the disapproval of vari ous civic bodies that, however, sup ported the bill perfunctorily as at least a step in the right direction. The Re publican and Democratic organizations joined In a common cause to defeat the direct primary bill, and when this was accomplished this bipartisan com bination was maintained until several important measures, affecting corpo rate interests were either defeated or emasculated by the devious process of amendment. The great trouble with the govern or's , campaign for direct primaries, which has vitally affected his career, was that he offered the compromise himself instead of forcing his oppo nents to do so. . Men who have voted for every re form measure the governor ever pro mulgated went on record against him on his direct primary bill; also last year the Hughes telephone and tele graph control bill received over thirty votes in the assembly. This year it got but four votes when first voted on and five the second time. , . Eeal "Rulers of State and Country. -The business Interests of this coun try control this country. The business men of the various states control the various states. The business men con trol political parties. When the gov ernor of a state so conducts himself in office as to antagonize powerful busi ness interests and to fill them with distrust of his policies he faces a fin ish fight for his political existence. The stringent nature of certain of the Hughes reforms have caused some of the important business interests to attempt to go to the other extreme and wipe out all state control over their affairs. An interesting indica tion of this tendency was revealed be fore the judiciary committee of the New York state senate a week before the legislature adjourned. Joseph H. Choate, former ambassa dor to England, appeared for the Ryan street railway interests in opposition to the Davis bills extending the power of the public service commission. He condemned the measures unmercifully. Finally Senator George A. Davis of Lancaster, the committee .chairman. In terrupted Mr. Choate, asking: 'Mr. Choate, is it possible that you can nnd notmng good at ail in tnese bills?" "Yes," quickly retorted Mr. Choate. 'I haven't been looking for anything good in them." The political future of Governor Hughes will be determined during the next year. His party organization is willing to stand by him, to renominate him if he so desires or to promote him for a consideration. And that consideration is that he modify his policies, abandon radical reform programs and follow the lead of his organization instead of trying to lead the organization. In the words of a prominent member of the legislature spoken to the writer a few days ago, "If Charley becomes docile he will go higher, for even his bitter est enemies recognize his ability." Will Charley become docile? The only answer will be his legisla tive program next winter, a year lead ing to another state convention, a year of peculiar political significance there fore. Various of the governors impor tant Issues of this year have been smothered by the recent creation of legislative investigating commissions which are to report tp the next legis lature. These commissions are to inves-. tigate direct nominations and the ques- jsm as to whether the jurisdiction of the public service commission shall be extended over telephone and telegraph companies, and they will also investi gate, the matter .of a new charter for the city of Greater New York. If these commissions make reports adverse to the governor's views, will he resign himself to the inevitable, or will he have bills Introduced to com bat the organization leaders and to carry out' his own recommendations? la otter .words, wilie stert another ,ght in which he cannot win owing to tie intrenched power of his opposition? . Suppose the next legislature extends the time in ; which these commissions shall report, so that an excuse 'for not taking action on the questions involved will be forthcoming? And there is also the report of the governor's Wall street investigating committee to be considered. . . As to Senate and Presidency. Should the governor remain content "with the attitude of the legislative leaders next winter on those impor tant questions and drop his direct jjrl- mary issue he need have no fear, for his political future. He will be "taken care of" and can certainly go to the United States senate when. Depew's term expires in 1911 unless . Theodore Roosevelt returns alive from the Afri can jungles and desires that office. The governor ,can thus also gain the favor of Henry W.j, Taft, brother of ' President Taft, who represents the . president in many important political - matters in New York state and whose actual influence politically in New York is not realized by the general public. The presidential nomination seven years hence, . after Taft is re nominated, can be within the reach of the governor If he becomes "docile." At that time he will be in his prime, fifty-four years old. And let it not be overlooked that Hughes is ambitious politically ambi tious. He wants to perpetuate his ideals in the constitutional fabric of his state and his country. He says and believes that "we are a government of laws and not of men." A man of tre mendous constructive ability, of great mental activity and of keen percep tive qualities, he has not subscribed to the political organization doctrine that we are a government of men and not of laws. He may or may not be a man without a party, "because he has everything but the delegates." But the fact remains that he can attach to him self a strong party organization by shaping his course to the political winds next year." Will Governor Hughes choose a ca reer of political advancement at the expense of his political principles? Ho probably answered this question in advance when at the legislative cor respondents' dinner at Albany in April he said, "True, I am a dreamer, but I am" no quitter." If Governor Hughes further demon strates that he is no quitter regarding his announced state policies, if Charley does not become "docile," the organiza tion of his party will defeat him in the legislature, In convention and In cau cus. It has the power to do so. It dares to do so. "The people forget," says a noted lobbyist. The forgetful ness of the people is the safeguard of the politician. i STEAMED OYSTER ORIGINATOR How the Late Georga W. Harvey Won a Salad Dressing Contest. George W. Harvey, who recently died in Washington, was the inventor- of the steamed, oyster and ' host of Washington's famous oyster house, known from coast to coast to politi cians and other visitors to the capital since the civil war. From the Harvey ranges came the first planked Potomac shad. From the Harvey skill the cooking of an oyster became a distinct feature of culinary ability. Everything, from "pigs In blankets" to "a peck of steams," was in his line. Scores of stories are told of Mr. Har- . vey and his place. One of them is to the effect that once when he was in New York he was invited to a dinner contest that had been arranged among all the chefs of note in the United States. The test was the making 'of a French dressing for a simple salad. One after another the celebrated cooks of the country mixed their oil and vin egar and other ingredients with stu dious care. The judges tasted each one and frowned judicially. During the excitement Mr. Harvey drifted quietly out of the room. When it was his turn he carefully poured the ingredients in their chosen propor tions into his bowl and at a certain stage of the mixing as carefully drew from his pocket a small vial of color less liquid. Still" stirring the dressing, he pulled the cork with his teeth and with Intense deliberation added just three drops of the vial's contents. His work of art was complete. The judges tasted. Unanimously they proclaimed Harvey's dressing j:he best. The other chefs endeavored to learn what was the mysterious ingre dient which had supplied the finishing touch, but Mr. Harvey declined to say. On his way to Washington he divulg ed his secret to a friend. lb waa wuij ii ii . u.ut.u .inn. tap,"' he said. "What a wonderful thing is the imagination!" At the time of the civil war Colonel Harvey, with his brother, was con ducting an oyster house in Washing ton. Its distinctive style made It unique, and it was largely patronized by soldiers. When the demand on the waiters and cooks for "raw oysters," "fried oysters" and "oyster stews" got so heavy that the limited capacity of the kitchen could not produce them, Harvey 'hit on a scheme of boiling them In the shell and serving them to the soldiers to be opened with their bayonets or swords. - The evolution from the oyster boiled hi the shell to the steamed oyster was a natural one and in a short time Harvey's was fa mous for Its steamed oysters. Encouraging Farmit. In Korea. His majesty the emperor of Korea has announced his Intention of pro ceeding to one oi xne imperial ueius outside the east gate within a : f ew days and going through the ceremony of tilling a small portion of land for the purpose of encouraging the people In the pursuit of agriculture. ;v .