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About Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1909)
WAY TO SIGNA L! :t7b rp rz n n n ' . J TIE "EV'S Professor David Todd Will Use i a Balloon. ' TO TRY TO RECEIVE MESSAGES M l, i li m m I! Millinery and Furnishing Special Sale on All Trimmed Hats ALL PRICES REDUCED Large assortment to choose from. Make your selection early t rson Benton County Lumbar Co Manufacturers of all kinds of Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Spilt. Gedar Shakes . Dealers in Doors, Windows, Lime, Bneac Cement Shingles, etc Occidental Lumber Co. Successors toj Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. G. 0. BASSET JT, Local Mer. 1ST BWBBD Paints and Varnishes are the Best. Sold by Graham & Woiis WOODS BROTHERS GENERAL REPAIR SHOP Prompt attention given to rerairing all kinds of gasoline en gines, autos, bicycles. Plows and axes sharpened. Saws fiied. All work guaranteed satisfactory and done, on short notice" Give us a call. , We can please you. Located back of-Bsal Bros-' blacksmith shop on Second street. Phone No. 3145 Ind. CORVALLIS, OREGON YOU GET WHAT WE GET prove!! " Our books are open for your ' inspection. lELjfaL Buyers name given if wanted. We not only get top prices, but you can satisfy yourself rStSSS absolutely at any time that you get what we tuiBlrFW!-ne PROMPT GASH RETURNS CHBGklEkJS ' ShiP 7ur produce to us. Write to us now for coops, tags, etc SOUTHERN OREGON G0UUI8SI0N GO. VV. H. MCCORQUODALE. PROP. 95 FRONT ST., PORTLAND, OREGON Amherst Man Will Ascend Higher Than Ever Before When Planet Is Nearest to the Earth How Professor Doolittle Would Signal Mars. Professor David Todd of Amherst college does not believe it absurd to plan for communication with other worlds and in an attempt to get sig nals from Mars will ascend in a bal loon to a height greater than usually reached, says a Boston dispatch. He will be accompanied by Leo Stevens, the aeronaut. This plan to surmount natural difficulties will be tried hot later than September, when the .planet Mars is nearest the earth. Professor Todd, speaking of the novel test he has planned, said in part: 'lr life really exists on Mars they have been trying for years to get into conversation with us and perhaps won der what manner of stupid things we are not to respond. Followine this as sumption, I have thought that we might feel their presence if we could get high enough up, away from the noises and the ether waves that sur round us, up in the rarefied regions of our atmosphere with nothing to dis turb the communication. "In mounting high up in the balloon to attempt to intercept any ether waves that may be radiating from the planets I shall be shut into a metal box made of aluminium for lightness and fitted with apparatus to drive out tne carbonic acid gas and supply oxy gen and with air pressure to prevent sickness. In that way I can ascend much higher , than balloons have here tofore gone. We shall take along the wireless receiving instrument and try to Intercept messages from Mars, Ve nus or any other of the planets. "The planet Venus defies the tele scope. All we get from Venus Is a reflection from the planet's atmosphere or gaseous envelope. This very at mosphere of Venus is a sign of proba ble life on the planet. "We cannot presume to send mes sages to Mars on this coming trip, but will only try to receive. The question has been raised of how we should get our grand connection necessary for telegraphy. "There are several answers. We will use what is practicable. If, in the meantime, it is established that a thou sand foot wire hanging from the car with surrounding atmosphere forms a 'grounding,' we will use that." i &y a - ? jl "Wat . .. . l& ni rt w 0-1 s When asked about the practicability of recent plains for establishing com munication with Mars, Professor Eric Doolittle of the Flower astronomical observatory, University of Pensyl vania, said: v " ; "The idea of signaling to Mars with the object of determining whether or not the planet is inhabited is practical and might be easily carried out by the construction of large geometrical re flectors in the plains of Siberia. The triangle, the square and the. circular plane could be used. Were we now on Mars with our telescopes, such a set of figures would-be distinctly discerni ble. If Mars is inhabited lw Intplli- gent men, and if among them there are astronomers watching this earth.' those men would see these geometrical hgures, and they would communicate by constructing similar devices." . Professor Doolittle thonsrht rlmr tho expenditure , of the proposed $10,000,000 tor establishing communication with Mars would be impracticable until it was definitely determined that Mars was inhabited. CLUB TO LIVE ON FRUIT. Society Called the Golden Age Is Formed In London.' A new society club formed in Lon don, called the Golden Age; has been established to advocate a fruitarian system of living for philanthropic, hu mane and hygienic reasons. The club is for men and women who are inter ested in the suffrage movement. : It will be purely social, and bridge md other games will furnish diver sions. A medical" leader in the move ment affirms a man should reach the age of 128 under the proposed diet. Chance For Aeronauts. - King Leopold of Belgium has offered a $5,000 prize fot the best treatise on aeronautics to be brought out this year. ' The Umpire. Who is It, reckless of his fame And deaf to yells of praise or blame, Unmoved by glory or by shame. Hands down decisions on the game? His Umps. Who calmly stands ' where spinning spheres, Projected by the hand that steers The low or high, curved, straight or queers, ' Whiz past his body, face and ears And calls them balls or strikes, while cheers Prom grand stand throngs or bleachers' jeers Do not affect his hopes or fears? ; His Umps. Who faces thousands every day Ranged round the grounds in fierce array. All with a hot desire to slay When he decides a quick, close play Not in accordance with their way. No, matter what they want and say? His Umps. Who wears the diamond like a klnT - i Who has the players on the string? Who carries pennants in a sling? Who simply runs the whole darn thing? ' His Umps. W. J. Lampton In New York Time. '; 1 1 IEEE The eent o. the season. This line of Shirt Waists includes the very latest styles, the most season able materials and the lowest prices. The ladies can find here a selection suited to every taste. Come while this special sale lasts and secure the best bargains. 1 LATEST COLLEGE CUTS When you buy your clothes here you have the sat- isfaction of knowing that you are correctly dressed and that you have saved money on your outfit. LADIES, ; DON'T FORGET . . That our NEW. HOME SEWING MACHINE is a standard make and that you can buy one for S25 to $35. They are equal to machines costing twice the money. J. H H A R RT S YOUR VACATION NOW at pur expense A CHOICE OF FOUR FREE TRIPS ISfOFFERED YOU QFATTI 17 DURING ALASKA 0iil ILL YUKON EXPOSITION YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK YOSEMITE VALLEY LAKE TAHOE ALL YOUR EXPENSES PAID IF YOU HAVE FRIENDS IN THE EAST WHO WANT TP VISIT THE PACIFIC COAST WE CAN ARRANGE IT This is your Opportunity Fcr complete -information address Sunset Travel Club Room 16, Flood Bld'g San Francisco THE DAILY GAZETTE I2a ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME