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About Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1909)
CORVALLIS WEEKLY GAZETTE Published Every Friday Entered at the postotfice at Corvallis, Oregon, as second class matter. . SUBSCRIPTION One year, in advance Six moths, in advance RATES $2.00 . 1. 00 CORVALLIS DAILY GAZETTE Published every evening except Sun day. Office: 259-263 Jefferson street, corner Third street, Corvallis, Oregon. PHONE 210 t32'1i,l21Sa'$4ai3aSaia4a'i''i I SHE LET HIM GO A S'.ory of. Address all communications and make all remittances payable to the Corval lis Gazette. In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always give old as well as new address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES daily rtier, per weeK..., c. rrier, per month,,., ir in advance...-. HiMiths, in advance. , n. nth. in advance.- CHAS. L. SPBiNGER, Editor and TRAVELERS' GU1UE Arrival and Departure of Trains UNION DEPOT, CORVALLIS R. C. LlNVILi E, Agent Arrive Southern Pacific Depart , 11:30 a m. Passenger i:3P m 5:40 p.m. Freight 6:4oa. m " Corvallis A Eastern 11 a. m. 8:35 a in. 1:20 p m. 4:35 p. m 8:35 p. m. Passenger east " west " east a Sunday Trains 1:15 p. in. Daily except Sunday. . trains dailv. n:i5 a m. 6:30 a m. 2:15 p. Hi ..." 6 p. m 1:40 p. m 11:15 a. m All other CORVALLIS P0ST0FEI0E Opens 8 a. m , closes 6 p. m. Sundays anil holirtavs. ooens 10 a. m., closes II a. m. Mails Open From 7, 10 a.m, 12 ni. U-.6M & m 10 a 111 12 m. 7 a.m 5pm loam 5pm Mails Cl:se For Portland 5:30. 10:30 a m, 12 m 5:30 d m Albany 5:30, 10:bt v.. , 6 t ui Washington and 10:50 1 a. V:tX) Eastern states f Et p a. California and 10:?C 1 , 0 points Soath par Philomath and points West 12.CC . Monroe 1:30,5:30 pm McMinville and We 1side points 12:45 p m Mill City an J " . -way TMi.nts 5:30 am . Philomath and ,. Alsea 85 am Monroe stage 2 pm Philomath stusre 9 a m MUNICIPAL TICKET Mayor Virgil E.Watters. Police Judge George W. Denman. . Chief of Police-J. D. Wells. Treasurer Z. H. Davis. . , . Water Committee J. M. Nolan, Evan McLennan. Councilman, First Ward, F. 0. Gray. Councilman, Second Ward C. V. Johnson, William Bogue. . . Councilman, Third Ward-G. V. Skelton. Punderson Avery To Run For Mayor Punderson Avery, who was one of the citizens placed in nomination for Mayor at Wednesday night's public meeting, announces that he will accom pany Virgil E. Watters in the race for the office as an independent candidate at the election next Monday. This decision on the part of Mr. Av ery, it is authoritatively stated, is due to the request of a large number of his personal friends. 5-13-3t NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. All subscribers to the Semi weekly Gazette who may desire to take the Daily edition instead of the weekly, ami have paid in advance for the latter, canliave the Dailv delivered by- carrier to their city address and what ever amount is due on their subscription will ' be properly credited ahead. Special Church Notice. Especial notice is hereby given to all members of the Baptist church and con gregation that Rev. P. C. W. Parker, corresponding secretary o'f Oregon State Convention, will occupy the pul pit next Sunday, May 16, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School opens promptly at 10 a. m. B. Y. P. U. at r7 p. m. Prayer service and Bible study Thursday evening at 8 p. m. 5-ll-5t The union picnic, excursion and all - around big time at Monroe, Saturday, May 22, will be the greatest event of the season. Everybody should arrange '"tO gO. -. , . . ,. : Father's and Daughter' '" iff Obstinacy, f J. 4? 4. . "S $ By SHIELA .ESTHER DUNN. Copyright, 1909. by American Press Asso ciation. "Goodby, Nan. tm tired of loafing around the daughter of a man-who has lots of money." "Dad's money's mine too. 1 can manage him." Not much It isn't. He'll cut you off with a shilling if you marry me. He's a very determined man." "And I'm a very determined girl.". "What shall I do?" "Go ask dad." "I haven't the cheek not even funds enough for a marriage fee." "I'll go with you." We went to the old man together. If I hadn't felt her hand on my own it was steady- as a rock 1 should have collapsed. Strange, too, since-1 got a promotion iu the Spanish war. A cur rent of force running through my arm into my body enabled me to say it all. No," growled the old man when I had finished. ' "I'm goius to marry him anyway. dad," said Nan. "if you Co you'll not get a cent of my money." "You'll think better of it some time." "You think so? I tell you by all that's holy if you marry that galoot I put my money into a hospital." He brought his fist down on the table with such force as to upset a pitcher standing on it, the pitcher breaking on the floor. "And I tell you, dad, you won't do any such thing." With that she turned and marched me away. I felt like a dummy, and 1. was one. . I'd simply talked like "a phonograph wound by Nan. The strug gle was between the father and daugh ter. I had nothing to do with it. I was simply engaged to a "girl who had a battle to fight. , . They lived together after that, as be fore, and I could see no evidence of bitterness in either or any disposition of either to yield. I felt very despond ent about the matter, because Nan was determined to force her father to con sent to our marriage and wouldn't marry me without that consent. I wanted her to give up the money or give np me. She would do neither. When I spoke of the former she said: "What do you take me for? Dad's got a couple of hundred thousand and no body to use it but me. I've got top much common sense for that." ' "Well, then, I'm going to" ; "Oh, come, now, don't talk like a fool! Be sensible. Leave it to me." A fellow who had always looked upon girls to be petted ana cudaiea and managed wasn't likely to be pleased" with .this way of putting it, and I grumbled. But somehow I didn't have the sand to break with Nan, and away down in my heart I knew that if she was to marry me, who had nev er laid up a cent, she was right in her position. Of husband and wife the one having the right way will always lead. Nan and I weren't married, but she was so strong willed and practical that there was no more romance between us than if we had been married ten years. But I was a man and had been a soldier. The time came when 1 was ripe for mutiny. One morning I told Nan that I wouldn't stand in such a contemptible position any longer. She wouldn't marry me and live on my small salary, and she wouldn't consent to a breaking, of our engagement. proposed to go to her father and tell him that I was out of the squabble. Don't make a fool of yourself," said Nan. "He'll only laugh at you." Paying no attention to the warning. I hustled off to find the old man, "Mr. Sprigman," I said, "I have ar rived at the' conclusion that your daughter isv wrong and you are right about this proposed marriage. I have come to tell you that I don't want her with your fortune so long as she won't marry me without It "Making a virtue of necessity, eh?" he sneered." " - "I don't mean It that way. I mean' "I told Nan she was trying to marry a fool.1 "I may be a fool,- but I'll not remain in this position any longer." "You won't have to." "Have to! Of course I won't. I'm a free man." "Oh, don't talk, bosh!" "I don't understand you." "Young man, since Nan's " crazy qnough to want -you, don't you go through life with her balking her. You won't be able to balk her any way, though you're trying to do it now. She's the only person I ever met who had a stronger will than mine, and that's naying a good deal, consid ering the obstinate women in the world. You tnirttv you're ' going to slrqke her, -do you? la fiat event I want you O understand I'm with her. She's rrorth twenty such- as you, but if she wants you she's got to have you. I consent to the marriige. 'Now, get away from ber If you can." - Nan must have been listening, for she opened the door, came in, went to her father and, put" her arms around his neck. ' ' "Dear old dad," she said, "I knew you'd stand by me when the time came. And I knew you'd find out In time that Dick is a real manly sort of r fellow." , - - - MRats!" said the father, caressing her. "You've done the business your self. You sent him to me knowing It would drive me In the opposite direc tion. Besides, you wanted to give me an excuse to back down.'! "I didn't send him, dad, but I let him go." - National Educational Association. County superintendent Mack has ' re ceived official notice, that the Executive Committee' of the National Educational Association announces the selection of Denver, Colorado, as the place of meet ing for the forty-seventh annual con- i vention, July 5 to 9, 1909. The railway lines have made reduced round trip fares which .will be in effect from ail points on the 0. R. & N. and S. P. lines in Oregon, on July 1; These tickets will carry a limit of ten days from date of s"ale, with final return limit of Octo ber 31, and include stopover privileges in both directions within those limits, The fare to Denver from all points on the O. R. & N. going and returning direct lines, not through California will be $55.00; and going direct, . returning through California to Portland, only $70.00. Any Benton county teacher who desires to attend the convention can get all particulars from Mr. Mack. BE BEADY TO PAY T'P Notice to Subscribers to the Adverstisins Fund You are eachv and all hereby uwu Ul "is""-""" wi a,J ILastPublication June 11, 1909. CAeuunve . cuiij mitiee lo nave to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before the Coun y Clerk of Ben ton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, ou the 25th day' of June,. 1909. Claimant names as witnesses : Walter J Sisson, of Monroe. Oregon, R. R. No I ; Ebb it Wilson, of Monroe, Oregon, R. R. No 1; Ransom Oakes, of Monroe, Ore gon, R R. No. 1; James Oakes, of Mon roe, Oregon, R. R. No. I. Benjamin L. Eddv, Register. l'lrst Fumication May 14, 1909. Mighty. Mean Burglary , Perhaps the most sensational attempt at burglarizing that has occurred in Corvallis in many years happened last evening. The room -of pretty Miss Dorothy Talcum was the scene of the tragedy. It seems that while all were at supper the burglar deliberately en tered the room of the young lady in some mysterious manner and. made away with her new picture hat. No clue cf his whereabouts has yet been found. Any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the guilty party will be liberally rewarded. No: tify the '.'Case of Suspension" at the Opera House tomorrow night. Gone To Ireland. Robert Kyle, an old-time resident of Bellfountam, is starting, for the old home in Tyron, Ireland, 40 miles from Bellf ast, where he will make an extend ed visit with the folk3 at home. He left there 32 years ago and this will be his first return. His father is still liv ing and is now 86 years old, but hale and hearty "and will be greatly pleased to see his son once more. " Mr. Kyle will visit Liverpool, Glasgow, and Paris all of which will make an exceedingly pleasant trip. Subscribe for the Gazette . All the News All the Time in the Corvallis Gazette V. charge of the advertising of our City and County and the hand ling of. the funds subscribed monthly for such purpose, through the 'election of the fol lowing nine men to-wit: M. S. Woodcock, B. W. Johnson, J. M. Nolan, Virgil E. Watters, John F. Allen, N. R. Moore, G. A. Robinson, F. L. Miller and A. J. Johnson, the former having Been elected as Chairman and the' latter as Secretary and Treasurer.' G. A. Waggoner has been elected by this executive committee as Advertising Mana ger and with instructions to make al' collections on monthly subscriptions, beginning on May 1st, all subscriptions are payable in advance. We trust all will be prompt with their monthly pay ments and thus greatly aid the Committee in their work. By order of the-Committee, A. J'. Johnson, 4-27-4t Secretary. Baker's Bargains. I have for sale some of the best busi ness properties in Corvallis; also choice residence property. Call and investi gate. R. F. Baker, Office 111, Second street, Corvallis, Oregon. 5-4-8 Finest line of wall paper ever manufactured now being shown at A. L. Miner's store 107 North Second street. tf NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the matter of the ecate of Precious Shedd, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under signed as executor of the last will and testament of Precious She.d. deceased, has filed his final account as such execu tor with the clerk of the county court of the state of Oregon for Benton County. and the said court has fixed Monday, the 17th day of May, 1909, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon as the time, and the county court room in the courthouse in Corvallis., Oregon, as the place, for hearing any and all objections) the said account, and for settlement thereof. Dated this April 16th, 1909. Jesse L. Caton, Executor of the last will and testament of Precious Shedd, deceased First Publication April 16, '09. Last Publication May 14, '09. Do You Own A Hyomei Inhaler? Basket Social at Monroe. At Monroe, the terminus of .the Cor vallis & Alsea Railway, the Uniformed Forresters of Monroe Camp No. 9795, M. W. A., will give a big-basket social on Friday, May 28, at 8:30 p. m. in Wilhelm's Hall. Everybody is invited. Admission free. A splendid program is being prepared for the occasion, and an enjoyable time promised to all who are at hand. TJ. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . Department of the Interior, S. Land Offiee at Roseburg. Oregon, May 11, 1909 Notice is hereby given that Albert F. Oakes, of Monroe, Oregon, who, on Au gust 2, 1902, made Homestead Entry No. nfcfgi S. R. 03357, tor Ej of SW. Sec tion 4, Township 14 South, Range 6 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention' to make Final Five YearjProof, If you have a little Hyomei inhaler (pronounced High-o-me) in your home you have a treasure. Into this hard rubber inhaler you can pour a few drops of Hyomei and, presto, you have the best little physician for catarrh, coughs, colds, bronchitis, croup, and asthma, the world has ever known. When you breathe Hyomei you bring the healing virtues of the mountainous forests to your home. You get the very same healing, antiseptic air that you would breathe if you resided in the for ests of pine and eucalyptus of inland Australia, where catarrh or consump tion was never known to exist. If you have a Hyomei inhaler in your home, get a bottle of Hyomei for 50c, If you have not an inhaler, ask for a complete outfit, which costs but $1.00, and includes an inhaler, a bottle of Hy omei, and simple instructions for use. Hyomei is sold and guaranteed by Graham & Wells to cure catarrh, as thma or bronchitis, or money back. It will relieve a cold in five minutes, and will break It up in five hours. It gives most gratifying relief to consumption sufferers, and is sold by leading drug gists everywhere. Notice of Election Corvallis, Oregon, May 3, 1909. Notice Is Hereby given that the annual Election for the City of Corvallis, Ore gon will be held on Monday, May 17, 1909, beginning at 9 o'clock A. M. and continuing until 6 o'clock P. M. of the said day at the City Hall of said City lor tne purpose 01 electing, A Mayor to serve for the period of two years; Two members of the Water Committee to serve for the period of five years; a Police Judge, Chief of Police, City Trea surer, each to serve for the period of one year; first ward one councilman to serve for the period of three years; second ward two councilmen to serve for the period of three years and one year re spectively; third ward one councilman to serve for the period of three years. Tie Common Council cf the City of Corvallis has appointed W. H. Savage, of the first ward; S. L. Henderson of the second ward; and Geo. A. Robinson of the third ward to act as Judges of said election and A. L. Stevenson and Harper Mecklin to act as Clerks of said election. Dated this 3rd day of May, 1909 Geo. W. Denman, Police Judge First Publication, May 4, 1939. Last Publication, May 15, 1909 . CIk eity Stables Everything new and up to date. Rigs furnished on short notice. Call and give us a trial. Cor. Madison and 3d L. F.GRAY, Manager - A' ' Th.4 Circus-Menaerk-HippodromC'Wild West 100--S tart ling, Superb, Sensational and Stu pendous Surprises 30 Champion. Aeri alists & 20 Champion Acrobats Per forming At Once 10 Champion Equestrians & 20 Marvelous Acts at One Time & A Band of Sjoux J Warriors, hv Sneeial Permis- j 4w , -j IT- ill A sion of U. S. Government- Tjfoir Illustrate Indian Life Horsemanship-'Danc-Vj W$fP$ ing tsattie scenes j of Great West .rfS-- . fate mgmikWs xrZM, : "WILD Qhf WEVERY 3xm Jut - - pHw JU4 M tun. IfAETH 1 CLOWNS FREE EET PARADE Moving Hi Majestic March Under Irrides cent Sheen of a 1,009 Shimmering Banners--10:30 A. M.Free Exhibition on Show Lot on Arrival of Parade- 10 Acres of Water proof Tents Come -Rain or Shine2 Shows Daily-Afternoon, Night. DOUBLE HERD OF GIANT PERFORM ING ELEPHANTS Ml tlORSt SHOW CONGRESS OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN Yankee Doodle Spectac-,- alar Tournament Also directing the tour of ARMOURS World-Famous $25,000 Dapple Gray Prize Winners The greatest equine globe trot ters ever known 500 GREAT BIG CIRCUS STARS 500 A white city of perfect tents where novelties of frare excellence are presented THE -'-ARMOUR GRAYS The most attractive feature ever seen with any circus ....The K3 Marie Meers, Flora Bedeni Rhoda RoyaPs Menage Marvels CLOWIMS In great numbers Parade of mar velous beauty Two performances daily at 2 and 8 p. m. Doors open one hour earlier Packard Shoes Union Made and every pair warranted Sold By A. K. RUSS CORVALLIS, - - OREGON Dealer in all Men's Furnishings Blacklectee & Everett Successors to Henkle & Bla kledge FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMERS Carry a complete line of coffins and caskets in all colors and sizes; also ladies' men's and children's burial robes.- Calls attended to dav and night. Lady assistant. EHBALMIH6 FOB SHIPPIKG A SPECIALTT. Call at Blackledge's furniture store Both phones. ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg. Only set of abstracts in Bentou County THEM WHILE YOU CAN. ALL RAIUQAOS SEE TICKET AGENTS. SPECIAL RATE ROUND See the animals and hear the big band Reserved seats on sale Show Day at Graham mPricevsance & WorthamV Drug Store fnpTce PHYSICIANS G. B. FA ERA, M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. . Office in - Burnett Block, over Harris' btore. .Residence corner Seventh and Madison. Office hours: 8 to 0 a. m.; 1 to 2 p. m. Phones: Office, 2128, Residence, 404. J. B. MORRIS, M. D, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Corner Third and Mon roe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 4 p m ; 7 to 8 p, m. Phone in both, office ani resi dence. VV.T. ROWLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Special attention given to the Eye. Nose and Throau Office in Johnson Blats. Ind. 'phone at of fice and tesidence. UNDERTAKERS M. S. BOVFE. FUNERAL DIRECT- 1 T . J Y7 1 , or anu iiueDseu .cmoumer.' one cesser to Bovee & Bauer Corvallis, Oregon. Ind. Pho 4s ?ell Phone 241. Lady attendant when desired. HOMES FOR SALE WE HAVE SEVERAL PARTIES who are looking for homestad locations or relinquishments, also some good timber claims." If you know of any eood homesteads or timber claims it will pay you to write us. Address .(ETNA REALTY COMPANY, 225 Failing Building, Portland, Oregon.