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About Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1909)
BE BEADY TO PAY FP Notice to Subscribers to the Advertising Fund You are each and all hereby notified of the organization of an executive committee to have charge of the advertising of our. City and County and the hand ling of the funds subscribed monthly tor such purpose,, through the election of the 10I-. lowing nine men to-wit: M. S. Woodcock, B.W.Johnson, J. M. Nolan, Virgil E. Watters, John F. Allen, N. It. Moore, G. A. Bobinson, F. L. Miller and A. J. Johnson, the former having been elected as Chairman and the latter as Secretary and Treasurer. G. A. Waggoner has been elected by this executive committee as Advertising Mana ger and with instructions to make al1 collections on monthly subscriptions, beginning on May 1st,' all subscriptions are payable in advance. Ve trust all will be prompt with their monthly payments and thus greatly aid the Committee in their work. By order of the Committee, . A. J. Johnson, 4-27-4t Secretary. Notice of Election Corvallis, Oregon, May 3, 1909. Notice Is Hereby given that the annual Election for the City of Corvallis, Ore gon will be held on Monday, May 17, 1909, beginning at 9 o'clock A. M. and continuing until 6 o'clock P. M. of the said dav at the City Hall of said City for the purpose of electing, A Mayor to serve for the period of two years; Two members of the Water Committee to serve for the period of five years; a Police Judge, Chief of Police, City Trea surer, each to serve for the period of one year; first wardone councilman to serve for the period of three years; second ward two councilmen to serve for the period of three years and one year re spectively; third ward one councilman to serve for the period of three years. The Common Council of the City of Corvallis has appointed W. H. Savage, of the first ward; S. L. Henderson of the second ward; and Geo. A. Robinson of the third ward to act as Judges of said election and A. L. Stevenson and Harper Mecklin to act as Clerks of said election. Dated this 3rd day of May, 1909 Geo. W. Denman, Police Judge First Publication, May 4, 1909. Last Publication, May 15, 1909. For Sale or Trade A good Studebaker cart and single har ness. Apply 6W jacKson street. 4-9 tf CHILDSOJJLITSSTUDY Juvenile Psychopathic Institute Organized In Chicago. Business Locals. Trunks and suit cases at O. J. Blackledge's. 4-2-tf Demand Ice Cream made by the Palace of Sweets. It's pure. 3 9 tf . Dr. Mentor Howard, the dent ist, Room 8 First National Bank buildi.ig, announces that from now until he is ready to quit he will give 25 per cent off on all crown and bridge work. 22-caret crowns $3.50; bridge teeth $3.50, AH .work guaranteed. 4-6 tf For Sale I am going to Eastern Oregon for more horses about May 15, and will sell, be fore I go, my black, three-year-old single driving horse, and a four-year-old' cow, giving thirty- pounds of milk per day, test 5. Orren Thompson, Corvallis, Ore gon, R. F. D. 2. 4-30-2t His Alternative. It is best to keep one's personal dignity at whatever cost. A he fitting sense of what is due one never comes amiss, even ' within prison precincts. This truth was appreciated by an Irishman whose expression of it is quoted by Michael MacDonagh in "Irish Life and Character." The prisoner, refrac tory and obstinate, flatly refused to work m the treadmill. The man was brought before the governor of the prison for disobe dience. The governor asked him what reason he could give for not following out his orders. "Me go on the treadmill" ex claimed the prisoner, drawing him self up to his full height of offend ed dignity. "Never, sir ! T'd rather lave the jail first !" Obliging. A middle aged farmer accosted a serious faced youth in London the other day. "Young man," he said, plucking his sleeve, "I want to go to Hyde park." The youth seemed lost in consid eration for a moment. Well, he said finally, you may go just this once, hut I don't want you ever to ask me again."- Pick- Me-Up. rafiran! I .J ii i.i iH Millinery and Special Prices on Millinery 10 Per Cent Discount LADIES' FURNISHINGS LADIES' WASH SUITS Big Values Offered This Week ' From $2.76 to $6 Call and see them nderson DELINQUENTS THE SUBJECTS. How is the Timo To see Just the very Purpose Is to Check Youthful Crimi nality Due to Heredity and Environ ment Mental Condition of Children Will Be Investigated, as Well as Their Ancestry. The study of the souls of children that is one of the purposes of the Juvenile Psychopathic institute, organ ized in Chicago by philanthropic citi zens and prominent settlement work ers. Its final objects are to obtain for juvenile offenders proper treatment, ac cording to their mentality and sur roundings, and to achieve a diminution of juvenile criminality by eradicating the contributing causes in individual cases. The organization has employed com petent medical talent, and each child brought into the juvenile court will be examined physically and mentally and his home surroundings and even his ancestry inquired into with a view to determining the cause of delinquency. Among those prominent in the under taking are Miss Jane Addams, Miss Julia C. Lathrop, Mrs. William F. Dummer, 107 Lincoln Park boulevard, and Allen T. Burns. ' The institute, founded because its originators believe that crime among children is due largely to mental con ditions resulting from environment and heredity, was incorporated the other day by Miss Addams, Mrs. Dummer and Mr. Burns. Through the efforts of Mrs. Dummer, Miss Lathrop and a number of others sufficient funds have been procured to carry on the research work for at least five years. Miss Addams said recently that she believed much valuable information concerning juvenile criminology and criminals would be obtained and that the results probably would lead to im portant changes in the methods of han dling youthful offenders. Dr. William Healy, who is a special ist on nervous diseases, has been en gaged to make the psychopathic inves tigation. He will have at least one assistant, who will make special inves tigations of the social and family con ditions of the children under observa tion. The salaries of- Dr. Healy and his assistant have been guaranteed for five years. The work will be in charge of a board of directors, composed of Miss Lathrop and Mr. Burns, representing the school of civics and philanthropy; Dr. Frank Churchill and Mrs. George Dean of the Children's Hospital socle ty and Miss Addams and Mrs. Dona--. mer of the juvenile court committee. ;; "The organization of the Psycho pathic institute is the result of the work of the Juvenile Court society and Children's Hospital society," said Miss Addams. "There are many chil dren brought before the juvenile court who are no doubt subnormal. The Children's Hospital society has . been holding clinics in the court, examining children for physical defects. Now we propose to go still further and study the youthful criminals from mental and psychopathic standpoints. "We intend to examine into the child's mental condition, investigate his environment and the record of his family, thus seeking the causes which brought about his criminal actions. There is no doubt that a great deal of youthful criminality is caused by nervous diseases, subnormality and mental aberration, brought about through heredity or home environ ment. 7 "Through our research work, which will extend over a period of at least five years, we hope to- get at the root of the exact causes that -ifiake chil dren go wrong. Sufficient funds to carry on this work thoroughly already have been obtained. - "Our method of operation? When a youthful criminal is brought before the juvenile court he will be-examined by Dr. Healy. The doctor's assistant will follow up this examination by finding out under what conditions this child lives and learn if possible the complete mental and physical history, of his ancestors. - "We then will be in a position to know exactly the status of the child's case and how to deal with it. In many cases medical science no doubt will be able to correct or overcome at least part of the mental weakness or subnormality which has led the child Into criminal paths. The research- work also m&y result in some impor tant changes in the methods of deal ing with juvenile offenders."r-Chicago Record-Herald. In Ladles' Ready-made Wash Suits Just received at our store; also have in this week , isg Line Ladies9 Oxfords and Slippers The very thing for EARLY SUMMER WEAR LADIES' LATEST NOVELTIES IN UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS and all kinds of new goods coming every week 3 IS Our new suits for prices asked, defy competition and can give you the Highest TsiSored Goods ..COME IN AND SEE.. J. H. H A R R I S I PLAN YOUR VACATION NOW at our expense A CHOICE OF FOUR Paints and Varnishes are the Best. Sold by Graham & Weils To Mark Historic Spot. ( Plans are being made for placing in position the tablet which was recently received at Fort McIIenry, Maryland, and which is to mark the spot upon which the flagpole stood from whose top the national colors floated on the' night of Sept. 13, 1814, inspiring Fran cis Scott Key's "Star Spangled Ban ner." The tablet was cast at the In stance of the government and is of bronze, from the design of Francis B. Wheaton, advisory architect of the quartermaster , general's department It reads: ' , i PPpp 1 XJi J TRIPS The National Ensign, which In spired Francis Scott Key to write THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER ' Was during the -Bombardment of Fort McHenry, September 13, 1814, flying from a pole oc-. cupylng this position. n IS OFFERED YOU CP A TT! 17 DURING ALASKA jLAl ILL YUKON EXPOSITION YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK YOSEMITE VALLEY LAKE TAHOE ALL YOUR EXPENSES PAID . IF YOU HAVE FRIENDS IN THE EAST WHO WANT TO VISIT THE PACIFIC COAST WE CAN ARRANGE IT This is your Opportunity For complete Information address Sunset Travel Club Room 16, Flood Bld'g San Francisco THE DAILY GAZETTE ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME g lamina