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About Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1909)
VOL. I. NO. 3 CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1909 price five Cents STUPENDOUS COLONIST IE HARRIMAN LINES TAXED TO THEIR UTMOST CAPACITY. Teachers Get Reduced Rates THOUSANDS OF HOMESEEKERS Final Rash of Travel to the Pacific Northwest Has Never Before Been Equalled and Oregon Gets a Large Share of Settlers. J. H. Ackermari, state superintend ent of schools and director of National Educational Association for Oregon, has issued a circular letter to the teach ers of Oregon, relating to the annual convention of the association, which convenes in Denver, July 5, and holds four days, in which he states that the railway lines have made reduced round- trip fares which will be in effect on July 1. . VAUDEVILLE IAT OPERA E . LIVE REALTY MARKET Benton County Transfers Show "? Demand for Property Y. W. C. A. GIRLS ARE GETTING ; READY FOR PLAY. - o: D i-l r1 The increase in business at the Cor- PLOT IS TYPICAL COLLEGE ONE vallis postoffice continues - with each month, the gain being most marked during April, when the receipts were $1420.04 as against $1150.65 for the same month last year, or nearly twenty-five per cent. Postmaster Johnson is much pleased over the showing and hopes that the same proportion, or more, will be ' maintained throughout the entire year. - The Cast Includes the Best Talent and the Entertainment Promises to be Decidedly Novel in Its Laughable Situations. Many Every bit of Harriman equipment that could be jarred loose from Omaha to the Coast was pressed into service for moving homeseekers to the North west. The last, grand final rush is now on for the present season, and -as evi dence of it No. 5 on the O. R. & N, came in to Portland last Saturday with 15 coaches or close to 900 colonists for various Darts of the state. Sundav morning No. o arrived in three sections containing 26 coaches filled to the vestibules with future citi zens of Oregon. The total addition of new and productive population in these two days over the O. R. &'N. alone reached an aggregate around 2200, a two-day record never approached in the history of colonist traffic in the North- . WPST.. And the rush is not over as yet. The operating departments of the various lines in the Harriman systems have Tseen tearing their hair to get passenger equipment back to the Missouri River points fast enough to accommodate the overwhelming tide of new people. As was expected, - Monday and Tuesday showed records not much below the ilguiea 4.U1 iMimudj turn hjuiiuajr, auu flux is being made all along the lines. ' Saturday was the last day for the sale of the extra-low, one-way colonist rate, and that afternoon the last of the heavy rush this way left Missouri River points. These will arrive here this week, but that does not by any means indicate that the season is over, for the belated ones will come drifting in for nearly a week to come. The record for the banner year of 1907 has been completely snowed under already, and it is not improbable that 60 or 70 per cent gain over last Spring will be shown when the final figures are in. ' ' ' Coming G. A. R. ent Corvallis will be called upon next month to entertain the annual encamp ment of the Department of Oregon, G. A. R. , the veterans having decided to meet here June 2, 3, 4, in advance of the Rose Festival at Portland. This will be an occasion at which to show to the fullest extent the hospitali ty for which Corvallis is noted, and while there is nothing: selfish in this city wanting all the praise it can re ceive from these many visitors, it will be pardonable for the people here to so treat the visitors that they will have only commendation for their reception when they recall their stay in Corvallis. The preparations being made by Ells worth Post and the Women's Relief Corps insure a royal reception to the veterans and in this they wuTbe assist ed by the city authorities, the Commer cial Club and the Merchants'? 'Associa tion, the following reception and enter tainment committee having beenap- pointed by these respective bodies: C. UVWohnaoBJX-A.. OabonvW,, EjOs born, W. E. Smith and Professor C. E. Bradley. : . CORVALLIS LADY HONORED Mrs. Frances A. Helm Will Represent Order Eastern Star Mrs. Frances A. Helm has been hon ored with the appointment as Grand Representative of the Grand Chapter of Illinois, Order Eastern Star, her com mission having ' been forwarded by the Grand Chapter of Oregon to St. Mary's Chapter of this city and was presented at a meeting of the local Chapter held last night. Mrs. Helm is one of the .Past Grand, Matrons ot Oregon, an honor which Mrs. Rose Wilson, also of this city, has had. At the meeting last night of St. Mary's Chapter, five candi dates were initiated and the " work was followed by a banquet which was en joyed by the many members present. Bourne.Urges Coe. senator Bourne is strongly urging the appointment of Dr. Henry Waldo Coe, of Portland, as Minister to Mexico. He has filed a written indorsement of Dr. Coe and has appealed personally both to the.President and the Secretary of State in Dr. Coe's behalf,, though it is not understood he is doing so with Dr. Coe's consent. Among those close to the Administration, it is considered probable that Henry L. Wilson, of Washington now Minister to Belgium is likely to be given the Mexico mission-. Minister Wilson is a brother of ex Senator John L. Wilson. . Timber Acres Plat. G. F. Anger, of Multnomah county, has filed a plat of "Timber Acres" for the approval of the county court. "This land is located in the east half of the east half of section 34, . township 13, south range 8 west, " and contains 16 lots of 10 acres each.- It is in the Al- sea Valley in the neighborhood of Grass Mountain, three miles west of Alsea store. The court will give the proposed plat careful consideration before it is approved for record. New Telephone Directory The Home Telephone Company has just issued a new and complete directory of all its subscribers in Benton and Linn counties. The book is handily arranged all the towns being represent ed and Manager Lowe now hopes that as numbers can be called for the s vice will be much improved. Annual Sessions Proposed. The coming session of the State Grange, which convenes at McMinnville next Tuesday, will consider the pro posed plan of holding annual sessions of the Oregon Legislature, one session to be devoted exclusively to the introduc tion of bills and the next session to the passage or rejection of the bills former ly introduced, no new measures - to be presented except under an emergency. A typical modern vaudeville will be presented by the Y. W. C. A. on May 15th, in the Opera house, says the Ba rometer. It is to be something nifty and new, full of college spirit and de- cidedly different from the usual evening entertainment. It bids fair to be a credit to the Association and its friends, The entire- program is not to be pub lished but, from what can be learned of it. all iudge that it will prove to be highly entertaining. One of the principal features is to be a college play, representing college stu dents and professors in typical college pranks. One professor, especially, is found to be in several interesting situa tions. He' finds it very hard to adjust himself to the surroundings, but re ceives plenty of help from his trouble some students, He ieels mischiet ; m the air and is determined to find it, in which he succeeds beautifully, as do all college professors. ... Mrs. a. H. Carter, who was so suc cessful in coaching the actors for the Philadelphian play,- will coach those who take part in this one. The cast so far ' anounced is as fo Dorothy... Mattie Wells Mildred..... Rilla Thompson Alice j. Beulah.Beeler Harold . C. F. DeSouchet Tom.... .....Peggie Cady Jack......:..'. .:..E. B. Williamson Miss Ophelia ." ..............Lena Wilson Prof. Emilins Edgerton....'..Alex Dodge Kathleen I....,.."...... ...Ielleen Leech Jonas........ ....,Ray H. Roberts HAWLEY IS A BOOSTER Doing Good Work For State of Oregon in the East Big S. N. Lilly to Corvallis Lodge No. 14 A. F. & A. M. 8.286 acres near Corval lis $825. - . E. A. Miller et al to C. D. Farrand, 120 "seres South West of Philomath' $25-00. Joseph Calwitus to W. Evan off, 163.- 88 acres in Alsea, $1000. Martha Avery to N. B. & P. Avery, .Ul acres near Corvallis, $10. SB. Bowers (By Admin.) to W. E. Frost, 320 acres in Kings Valley, $9000. W. E. Frost to S. A. Foster Lumber Co..' 320 acres in Kings Valley $9000. Richard Dunn to S. A. Foster Lumber Co. 1160 acres in Kings Valley, $500. K. L. Bush to S. A. Foster Lumber C0.5I2O acres in Kings Valley $500. Sarah Bush to S. A. Foster Lumber Co: 160 acres in Kings Valley, $500. K. L. Bush and R. Dunn to S. A. Foster Lumber Co. -880.95 acres in Kii.'gs Valley $500. :,Melissa Henkle to J. J. Howser, lots 1 &2 Bl. 8 Corvallis $5000. John H. Brown to James P. Wilson lots 13 & 14 Bl. 19 Job's Add. Corvallis $M. . Geo. S. Goodman to D. J. Mitchell, 80 acres in Alsea $10. W. H. Smith to W. B. Smith lot 104, Bt: 27 Philomath $10. ' Geo. H. Dyer to Frank P. Peek 22 3-4 acres in Alsea $550. . )iW. S. McFadden to H. C. Threlkeld ef al, lots 4 5 6 bl. 11 . North College Hill Add., Corvallis $900. Byington Frantz et al to Cecil Price, SS&68. acres near Hoskins $10. . - J. 1 - :: (Continued on page three) FRUITGROWERS TO ORGANIZE PLAN PROPOSED FOR THE MEET ING NEXT SATURDAY MUTUAL BENEFIT WILL RESULT Booster Waggoner and FruiQilnspector Roberts Will Present the Advantages of Such an Organization to Benton County Orchardists. of the greatest benefit to the fruit growers of Benton county goes without saying, it having proven its advantages in every" other" section of the state where such associations are now estab lished. There could be no tetter time than at the coming big meeting to carry out this idea and every effort will be made to accomplish it.- Should Hold A Fall Fair J At the bigjhorticultural and agricul tural meeting which will be held atthe court househereJ3aturday,iMayJ3,Um der,the direction of the Commercial ClubjandCounty Court, aconcerted effort. willlbemade to perfect a perma nent organization of the Benton County FruitJGrowers 'Association. g . After the address on "Organization"' which will be made by W. K. NjrweU, president of the State Board ojEfrtorti culture, a short recess' is to be pro posed for the purpose of giving all present an opportunity of signing a call for such an association and a date will then be fixed for meeting and elect ing officers and getting the project into definite working order. That such, an organization would be -There seems to be no good reason why Benton county should not hold a fair this fall and thus make a public .1 : 1 .. c i 1.1 j , uiapiajf ui me icillctiiviiuie proUUCCS - which are raised in this section and of showing to the outside world that the resources of this particular part of the Willamette Valley cannot be excelled anywhere in Oregon. All that seems necessary to put this project into practical execution is get ting together and determining that it shall be held and that it will be a credit to the intelligent and progressive peo ple of the county.- Make if a three or four day affair and have special days for the most important features, such as educational, household and racing and so arrange that these days draw exceptionally large crowds. It is not too . late in the year to get every department in the most present able shape. OtheJ counties in the state are now busily engaged preparing for their fall fairs and Benton should not be backward in doing the same good work. R. C. Linville, the popular agent at the Union station, has several Corvallis people booked for Eastern trips this summer. S-I8$4i---45TH --AHNIVERSftRY : SALE-.-45TH ,190? Letter List. The following letters remain uncalled for in the Corvallis, Oregon, postoffice for the week ending May 1, 1909: Sarah Arnold, R. , M. Ellis, Mrs. Annie Mayes, Messrs. Sitton & Wise- carver, Mrs. Britta Williams,. Mrs, Robert Yeager. . - B. W. Johnson, P. M Notice of Election Corvallis, Oregon, May 3, 1909. Notice Is Hereby giventhat the annual Election for the City of Corvallis, Ore gon will be held on Monday, May 17, 1909. beginning at a o ciock a. m. and continuing until 6 o'clock P. M. of the said day at the City Hall of said City tor the purpose 01 electing, A Mayor to serve for the period of two years; Two members 01 the Water Committee to serve for the period of five years; a Police Judge, Chief of Fohce, City Trea surer, each to serve ior the period of one year: first ward one councilman to serve for the period of three years: second ward two oouncilmen to serve for the period of three years and one year re spectively: third ward one councilman to serve for the period of three years. The Common Council of the City of Corvallis has appointed W. F. Savage, of the first ward; S. L. Hcn ierson of the second ward: and Geo. A. Robinson of the third ward to act as Judges of said election and A. L. Stevenson and Harper Mecklin to' act as Clerks of said election. Dated this 3rd day of May, 1909 " Geo. W. Denman, Police Judge irst .Publication, May 4, 1909.. Last Publication, May 15, 1909. ' Representative W. C. Hawley is an ' Oregon booster" in the accepted sense of the term. He is boosting his Con gressional district and the entire state, and his quiet campaign of advertlsment has already turned toward Oregon a number of Easterners who have gone to him seeking information. Mr. Hawley's office is well stocked with literature about the various farm ing communities of Oregon, and for this literature there has been considerable call during the past winter. Just how many of Mr. Hawley's callers have so far taken up residence in Oregon he does not know, but quite a number, with others in a mood to go out and build homes. Among the latest of Mr. Hawley's converts is an official of the House of Representatives, who has tired of public, office and intends to go back to the farm.' Through the activi ty of Mr. Hawley ' this man is now planning to bring his family and his brother's family out to Western Oregon to locate in some one of the rich agri cultural districts. Speaking of his advertising work, Mr. Hawley says it is- surprising the num ber of people in or passing through Washington who want facts about Ore gon and her resources. Scarcely a day passes but one or more such persons put in an appearance. It was the f rer quency of these calls that induced Mr. Hawley to lay in a stock of literature. LaVOGUE SUITS, COATS FOB WOMEN Regular $12 50 Suits, Now $ 9.95 , ' 14.00 " 11.25 - " 18.00 " ' - 14.25 20.00 ". " 15.85 " 22.50 " " 18.50 25.00 ' " 19.75 " 30.00 " . " 24.85 35.00 '' " 29.50 LIEN'S CLOTHING AT Anniversary Sale Prices Regular $12.50 Men's Suits, now $ 9.95 15.00 " " " 11.90 18.00 " " " 14.25 20.00 " " " 15.85 1 22.50 " " " 18.50 25.00 " " " 19.75 " -SOOO " " " 24.85 WE HAVE NEVER FAILED To Make Good Every Promise F. W.- Hinman, who is employed at the Toggery, is arranging to visit Chicago. - -i . County Court in Session. The Commissioners Court of Benton County met in regular monthly session today. Quite a budget of important business is ready for consideration at this meeting, one item being the award ing of the $200 offered for the capture of the thieves who robbed the treasur er's office in March. There are several claimants for this . award, among them being Chief r of Police Wells, JST. Solo mon, the Portland pawnbroker, and the detectives of that city, who came in on the train this morning to' personally press their claims. v . BARGAINS IN THE DRESS GOODS Right at the time when you want them most we reduce the prices of our high grade dress goods com prising broadcloths, Panamas, henriettas, wool taffe tas, French serges, etc., at the remarkable reductions: Regular 50c Dress Goods, now 33 C 60c 75c $1.00 " 1.25 1.50 ' " ' 1.75 2.00 Special prices on wanted Pongees. ' u 47c " " 5Sg " " 78g " " " 98c " " " $1.19 1.42 " " 1.68 all silks, including the much EVERY ARTICLE EN THE STORE REDUCED IN PRICE CONTRACT GOODS EXCEPTED Agents STANDARD PATTERNS FREE A pattern with sub scription to Designer and Fashion Book. ESTABLISHED CORVALLIS OREGON Post Cards 1 Entire Line 1 C Local' Views, Oregon Scenes - 50,000 to choose from.