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About Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1909)
VOL. I. SPECIAL IE OF CITY C 1C QUNCIL & A. FRANCHISE HELD UP ORDINANCE COMMITTEE BY BONER WANTS BMU Cement Sidewalk Ordered Constructed On East Side of Second Srteet From Adams to Jefferson to Replace the Present Plank One. The special session of the city coun cil, held last Thursday night, was a busy and important meeting, consider able interest being taken by the public in the matter of the franchise asked for by the C. & A. Ry. The ordinance committee, to whom this petition was referred made only a partial report, the matter not only hav ing been fully considered, so that no vote was taken. The city attorney, E. R. Bryson, suggested that police, Judge Geo. W. Denman, be authorized to act with himself, in preparing certified cop ies of the franchise already granted to the Willamette Valley & Coast Railway . Co., for the purpose of having the same examined by C. A. Woodcock, of Eu Ef( ne. and an opinion rendered as to whether it contained a "common usage" clause by which the city could order the present tracks of the Southern Pacific to be used also by the C. & A. road on First and Washington streets. This suggestion was, on motion, ordered, and action will be postponed until the opin ion of Mr. Woodcock is received. A petition was presented by George A. Waggoner, acting for the Booster Committee, asking for the free use of the city Duiiamg on maaison street as ! .fiffice JfOK- publicity, work and-the jii play of Benton county products. Re- lerreu iO me tuxeei wmi power to act. The police judge was instructed to notify the property owners on the east side of Second street, between Adams and Jefferson streets, that the present board sidewalk had been condemned as unsafe and that they must at once con struct a cement sidewalk in conformity with the ordinance governing same. The privilege of erecting a building for the storage of ice on ground be . longing to the city and now used as an approach to the creamery, was asked for by H. W. Kaupisch. The petition - was referred to a committee and as Mr. Kaupisch is willing to agree to vacate the property whenever the city -may re quire it for public use, the application ,will probably be granted. The matter of opening Thirteenth street, between Jackson and VanBuren, and also a street east of the Cherokee strip, was referred to the street com mittee, the mayor and the city attorney. The petition of the Corvallis .Flouring Mills, presented by attorney J. Fred Yates for August Fischer, to construct a pole line from his electric plant, across the river to First street, north of Madi son, was referred to the fire And light committee with instructions to report &t the next meeting. In the matter of the petition of the M. E. church people for the priyilege of constructing a double width cement sidewalk in front of the church property on Madison and Fourth streets, the street committee was given power to act. A committee was appointed with -'" power to act in the matter of the peti tion for and remonstrance against the opening of an alley near the Union de pot, in block 38, Morehouse addition The VaaBuren street sewer was or- . dered extended 180 feet west of the present termination. Changes in Lumber Company. Treaver As Superintendent The Board of Education of the Cor vallis City Schools, at a recent meeting, decided to engage L. R. Treaver, of the Monmouth Normal School, as superin tendent for the coming year. Mr. Treaver is one of the most ex perienced and capable instructors in the state. He was formerly superintendent of schools at Salem and Pendleton be fore taking charge of the Nqrmal at Monmouth, and it is only because the continuance of the latter institution is still unsettled, that his services were made available for other work. He is highly endorsed by State Superintend ent Ackerman and many other promi nent educators, and Corvallis is most fortunate in having secured him. Superintendent Fulkerson, who has made an enviable record here during the past two years, has at all times been in hearty accord with the board. He has had several excellent offers from other places, but has not definite ly decided what he will do. He may make his home in the country for a time for the benefit of his health. sua 11 SPORT AT RACE TRACK To New Charter Be Published EXCITING EVENTS WITNESSED BY ENTHUSIASTIC CROWDS. CGiMLLIS HORSES WINERS Quarter-Mile Dash and .One Mile Har ness Races Captured by Tortora and Kiger and Big Money Changed Hands on the Result. TALK OF THE TOWN O. J. Blackledge transacted business in Portland Friday. George Flagg, of St. Helens, was a Corvallis visitor Saturday. , John Osborn, of The Dalles, is visit ing his sons, James and David Osborn, in this city. Deputy Sheriff McGinnis was out in the Philomath heighborhood Saturday looking after official business. Mr..-and Mrs. O. J. Blackledge and family took a spin in their auto Sunday to' Bellfountain, returning Monday morning. Ralph Allingham was a recent visitor from Shedds. He formerly lived here and his old friends were pleased to see him again. The big roller broke through the mill race bridge while being taken out to the race track last week and had to be ;jaqkedup bjefOT The racing events at the Corvallis Driving, Park Saturday afternoon drew one of the largest crowds to the city that has gathered here in a long time and the clean sport furnished lots of excitement for the enthusiastic specta tors. - The first race was a quarter-mile dash between Gene Tortora's bay colt and George Brown's gray. The horses both got away in fine shape and the plucky little colt of Torra's to came in under the wire a dean winner amid thunderous applause. The harness race, distance one mile, best two in three, was captured by John Kiger's "Pilot Lane" against Mc- Elroy's, of Eugene, "Wing and Wing" in two straight heats, the crowd going half wild over both races and several thousand dollars changing hands on the result, both horses being heavily Backed by their favorites. '.. This racing event clearly shows that CorVallis can support a good track and frequent events. The scene at the park was full of life and interest There were hundreds of stylish turnouts, the ladies being a largely in attendance, while the gatherings of autos from Eu gene, Albany, :' Salem, .. Independence Now that about all the sections in the new city charter have been xarefully considered and approved -by the com missionfappointed for the work of re vision, it has been deemed expedient that the instrument be published in some fijjsni so that the people may become thoroughly conversant with alUof all.its prsvisons before it is submitted'tothe vcrs for final action. .Just what form this publication will take, whether in the newspapers or as a pamphlet, has jiot yet been settled, buj it will appear in such shape that the public will have every opportunity to give it all the consideration it requires. 3. hat Corvallis needs a new charter in order to carry out the'policy originated f or its great growth, no one disputes, ani it is hoped-that the new one to be submitted will be in every way satisfact ory so there will be no f uther delay in perfecting the proposed civic improve ment. TALK OF THE TOWN EXCITING FIELD DAY AT COLLEGE SATURDAY Miss Bertha Beck, now living near Albany, is visiting at the Logan Beck home. Miss Beatrice Baker is outf rom New port visiting ?her father at the Hotel Corvallis. Fishing parties are now all the rage and some fine catches of trout are be ing made. SKsass v-4-g-. Miss Betty Thorpe substituted last week for Mrs. Gertrude Strange in the public schools.. Miss Nora Thomson, the genial sten ographer at. Kline's, spent Sunday at Jefferson with her folks, - C. H. Hoyt, of Jefferson, and a for mer 0. A,K C. student, came over in his motor Saturday. t see the races. Corvallis THo-p Nn -14 A" V- lirsH -A M twill hold its next regular communis oTfamKeck, fr - cation Wednesday evening, May 5. DAG. CLASS MEET WON BY JUNSORS 10. Mew tona. Ejection THE FORTY-FIVE TO FORTY-FOUR Track Team and Old Stars Take Part in Contest and Smash Records in Discus and High Jump Events Smithson Again Winner , Saturday one of the inter-class G. O. Bassett and Dr. I. W, Harris have bought the entire holdings of H, C. Mahon, president of the Sunset Lumber Co., iu the Occidental Mill & Lumber Co., the transfer of Mr. Ma hon's interests having been made in Portland last week. . Mr. Bassett, the efficient manager of the Occidental Company, will remain as practical di rector of affairs and the - capacity and business of the' plant will be greatly increased. - The big body of timber opened up by the C. & A. Ry. will be cut by the Moore mill, which is being removed for that purpose, and the mill in this city will also be run to its full capacity to1 supply the . great demand lor building material. ' Elmer Taylor and his mother are here from Lobster, having been called by the serious illness of Ephriam Grier, who is quite sick with diphtheria and paralysis. The Boys' Club had ' a regular jolli fication Friday evening in the ' parlors of the M. E. church. The lads filled up on ice cream and cake and thoroughly enjoyed the evening. W. L. St John sold 75 acres of the John Vineyard property out at Moun tain View Friday to a Mr. Harris, of Philomath. The buryer will utilize the timber on the place for firewood. The Corvallis & Alsea River Railway is now arranging for a daily tram ser vice to start May 10. It is the inten tion to start a southbound train out each morning, returning to Corvallis in the evening. Walter Foster, the crack basketball player of former OAC teams, who has been playing with the Los Angeles team for some time, is visiting Corval lis friends. "Shorty" met with a glad welcome from the boys at the college, The Black Eagle Mining Company was represented here last week by the president, R. F. Shier, and a F. Wil hams, who .brought with them some fine samples of ore and were endeavor ing to interest Coryallis people in the stock of the company. J. M. Nolan & Son are receiving con gratulatory telegrams from the promi nent business and manufacturing firms of Chicago. 2few York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, .Rochester, Danbury, Brock ton and other points upon the celebra tion of their silver anniversary. Several important business changes were made during the past week in the enterprising little city of Philomath. C A. Woods bought the meat .market of S. W- Gibbon & Son and they have purchased the .general store of Jerry Henkle. MrHenkle has been a prom inent business man of Philomath for many years and has won the respect and ' esteem of the entire community All would be pleased to have him .locate in Corvallis. would have done credit to many a large city. The band was in attendance, and the entire enclosure was bristling with life, showing that the people all enjoy good clean sport. . So successful was this race that plans are now being made to put the track in thorough condition and to maintain it during the summer, the expense to be borne by subscription which will be raised here. - - Arrangements are now being perfect ed for another race next Saturday be tween George Brown's gray and an other horse of Gene Tortora's. NEARLY HALF CENTURY Kline's Department Store Has Forty- Five Years Record William Green, living 8 miles west of Philomath, has sold his ranch of 240 acres to an eastern man who expects to plant the entire tract in apples at the earliest practical moment. This splendid addi tion to theapple industry of the county, would indicate what kind of a report has been made by the experts sent out from New York and other eastern states to test the adaptability of Oregon soil, The consideration in the deal was $7,000 and the . juicy consideration to the real estate man went to Mr. Case of Port land. - Forty-five years ago the Mercantile house of Kline opened for business in Corvallis, Lewis G. Kline having arrived here in 1864, from Cincinnati, Ohio, and started a country store, the place being then a small village. Year by year with the growth of the city and county the business has grad ually increased until 'now it is one of the largest department stores in this part of Oregon and has the proud rep utation of being the oldest business house, under one continuous name and management in the Willamette Valley. S. L. Kline hawing entered the store in 1807 with his father, and because the sole owner of the big business in 1884 a quarter of a .century ago. One feature af Kline's that has made it a household convenience is the fact that every thing required for the family and home, except fresh meat, can .he procured right under one roof, thus saving the trouble of having to visit several different places to complete necessary purchases. Another feature that adds to the pop ularity of lines.and especially among the farmers and their families, is the policy oi always taking everything in the way of farm produce, at the very highest market price, in-exchange for any merchandise desired. The high standing of this well known firm in the business world and the pat ronage it receives from so large a pro- . ( . i i n , . - . portion oi tne people oi uorvains ana Benton county are the results of always promptly meeting every obligation and the caretui attention paid to the needs of the - buying public, the first bring eonnaence ana the latter increased bu siness. , With nearly half a century of unbro ken business success to point to the house of Kline has every incentive to look forward to the realization of a full century of commercial life and prosper ity. May it achieve ' that - enviable record, Measles are now prevalent' through out, jhe city, many children and some grovm folks being ill with the malady. lana to visit nis parents, ne not; having stepped foot on the ould sod for forty years.': -?'. - ' .- , -" C. E. - Sheffield, a prominent real estate man of Newport, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wilkins the last of the week. George Cathey will be graduated at the Portland Medical College this week and his parents are now there to wit ness the exercises. A. Gustavson has sold his 30-acre tract of land lying west of the College grounds and known as the Elgin tract to Virgil E. Waiters. . Arrangements, are now being made by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Com mercial Club to have a "Clean Up" day some time this month. 0. V. Hurt, a prominent merchant of Waldport, and an old-time resident of Corvallis, was in the city Saturday, greeting his many friends. W. H. Pfouts has again taken up his residence on Kiger's Island, after living down hear Salem for a time. He says he is glad to get back again. A. Stegerwald believes in having good horses and then fitting them up in .good harness. He donated $75 for two sets at Ammy Cameron's Saturday. The position recently vacated by Ar thur Keady at the OAC printing office. is to be again filled by OttoF. L. Herse, and his many friends will give him a hearty welcome back. , The regular meeting of St Mary's Chapter, No. 9, Order Eastern Star, will be held Tuesday night, May 4. All officers and members are urged to be present as initiatory work will be had. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Millhollen were over from their farm in Linn county last week visiting Corvallis friends and renewing their acquaintance at the col lege, they both being graduates of the OAC. Athletic field at 0. A. C. afternoon was the scene of closest and most exciting meets ever held at the college, the Jun iors winning the honors in tne annual contest against the Sophomores by the close score of 45 to 44 points, The winners in the various class events were as follows : 100 yards Howie '10 ; Startzoff, '12 ; Siemens, '10. 220 yards Howie, '10 ; Siemens, '10 ; Breithaupt '10. 440 yards Thompson, '10 Shad duck, '11 ; Blanchard, '09. 880 yards Blanchard, '09 ; Shadduck, '11 ; Griggs, '12. Mile Griggs, '12 ; " Brown, '10 ; Watson, '12. 120 yard Hurdle Calif, '11 ; Price, '09 ; Hawley, '11. 220 yard Hurdle Asbahr, '11 Calif, 11; Price, '09. High Jump-Shadduek, '10 ; Haw ley, '11 ; Hamilton, '10. Broad Jump Startzoff , '12 Crews, '10 ; Breit haupt, '10. Pole Vault Armstrong, '11 Olson ; Connell. Throwing Hammer Smith, '09 ; Luper, '10 ; Graham, '09, Discus Keck, Groth, Davis. Putting Hamiltpn. Re layWon by ttsjors ; Seniors second ; Sophomores third ; FresniHSU. fourth. In total points the result waff SS Al lows: ; - Juniors 45; Sophomores, 44; Seniors, ' The Sophomores have " protested against the relay race being given to the Juniors, and if this protest is al lowed by the athletic board the final result will be Sophomores 44, Juniors, 40, . In the contest between the college track team and a team composed of several of the old OAC stars, among whom were Smithson, Heater, Swann Owing to a supposedly legal teshinc ality in the recent special election wh'c'i the voters of School District No. 9 held and decided to issue bonds to the am ount to $30,000 for the purpose of erect ing and furnishing a new High School building, the election will have to be held over again, and the Board of Edu cation has fixed Saturday, May 22, from one to four o'clock P. M. at the county court house, as the time and place for holding such special election. The opinion finally handed down by the Attorney General, that the ballot should specify how or where the bonds should be sold, will in the new election be observed and this time it is expected that there will be no question raised as to the legality of the proceeding. In the coming election the voters will be asked to dedide not only upon the bond issue but also upon the question of empowering the board to purchase such additional land as may be required for school purposes. It is certain that the people are all in favor of the bonds being issued and that the question will be given a practically unanimous vote on Saturday, May 22.- TALK OF THE TOWN John Bell, of Oakville, transacted business in Corvallis last week. Miss Pauline Kline was the guest of Albany friends one day last week. Miss Myrtle Langley is out near Mon roe visiting at the home of Jesse Por ter. Charles Bowen, who lives in Gilliam county, is visiting his mother at Mon roe. Cosper Dixon has just bought a threshing machine of parties in Oak ville. Miss May Gerhart has been visiting relatives and friends in the Monroe section. "R. A Miller- the insurance man. I .mW finciTiocc f r-i r f rn f-nn a tear days and Graham, the score was College, 41; old stars, 22. The college records were broken during the contest, Enberg throwing the discus 118 feet 10 inches, and Chapman winning the high jump at feet 9 1-4 inches; Smithson won the 120-yard hurdles and the 100-yard dash, finishing the latter in 10 seconds, and Heater the broad jump, at 21 feet 4 1-2 inches. The Corvallis Marine Band will give a free open air concert on the court house lawn, beginning at 7;30 Friday evening. This will be the first appear ance of the band in the new uniforms which have ust been received. Ice cream and cake will be served during the concert and all the people are cor dially invited to be on hand. C. A. Williams, Assistant Adjutant General, Department of Oregon, G. A R., was in the city from Portland Friday , looking .over the preparations that were being made lor the coming encampment in June. William Rich has returned to Corval lis from Newberg, where he had located a month ago with the intention of open ing up a real estate office. Like all re turning wanaerers ne says there is no other place quite so good as Corvallis, - The OAC ifliiitary iiand will give the first concert ou its valley tour in Al bany, Monday,' May; 10. Ray .Tracy was over -m that c.ty Friday and made the necessary arrangements to secure the. opera house.' ihxt point on t.hpiVfinte will rtroV. Free Open Air Concert. John Turner visited --at' the Frank Francisco home, out near Plymouth last week. Mrs. Gertrudee L. Strange is sick at the Caleb Davis home with a severe attack of neuralgia. Ammy Cameron and family are en tertaining Mrs. Etta Boyd, of Dallas, who is in Corvallis on a visit. Another new arrival in Corvallis is -B. B. Riggs, of Emmett, Idaho, who is looking over the city with a view to locating here. ; Mrs. Eliza Sharp has returned to her home in Linn county. She was accom panied as "far as Albany by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Verna Sharp. Active work was begun at the brick yard last week by Robert Holroyd and the kilns will be kept going now to turn out the large quantity of brick required for the extensive building operations in progress throughout the city. Arsenate of lead for spraying fruit trees at Jack Dawson's Poultry mar ket, i 5-3-2t H. A. Darrow has sold his confec tionery store on College street to George B. Hedges. Wanted to Rent A small improved farm, well stocked, with an option of buying. Address 326, 12th street, Cor vallis. 5-3-lt Forrest Smithson received an ovation from the student body when he arrived here for the May Day meet. A fine new house will be put up on Fourth street by W. G. Lane, who has bought two lots in that location from W. L. Sharp. Forty-five Agricultural Colleges out of forty-seven use and endorse Zeno- leum Sheep Dip. At Jack Dawson's Poultry Market. .- 5-3-2t A fine silk umbrella was left at the Presbyterian church Easter Sunday. The owner can have it by calling on J. W. Crawford. There were two burials in Mahon cemetery at Monroe last week, one be ing Mrs. Amanda Richardson " Judson, who had died in Washington, and the I other a Mr. Bowers, of Monroe. The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Com mercial Club will hold an informal rreeting at the -Club rooms Wednesday ffternoon. If is hoped that all the ltdiss will be present, the object of the bemg to get better acquainted. The First National Bank OF CORVALLIS (No. 4301) Report of the Condition of The First National Bank of Corvallis, at Corvallis, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, April 28, 1909 RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts - , t&W.fiS of Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 7,865 SO U. S. Bonds to secure circulation Bonds, securities, etc- BankmK-bouse.f arniture and fixtures Other real estate owned Due from National Banks-not reserve agents Due from State Banks and Bankers Due from approved reserve agents unecits ana otner casn items. Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper currency, nickels, ana cents Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: specie 50.000 00 99,400 86 31,0S 82 1,333 58 . 109,831 S3 21,998 20 123,296 9 3.H1S 75 3,236 00 " 164 51 81,987 25 870 00 82,857 25 -Legal-tender notes Redemption fund with TJ. 8. Treasurer 5 per cent, of Circulation 2,500 Off Total ; ; $738,232 36- . . LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid - oa 10,000 w 16.238 18 . 4S.895 00 7 4 National Bank notes outstanding Due to State Banks and Bankers Individual deposits subject to check496.119 54 Savings Deposits 47,671 41 Demand certificates of deposit 61,128 54 Time certificates of deposit 1,100 0 Certified, checks , 462 00 i .'ashler's checks outstanding 2,968 91 Liabilities other than - those above stated - 13,003 35 Total.. -J738.232 36 State of Oregon, County of Benton ss I, Geo. SE. Lilly, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Geo. E. Lilly, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ist day of May, 1909. , ; - - E. R. Bryson, Notary Public. Correct Attest: E. F. Wiles, M. S. Woodcock, . . ' Ji. li. WILSON, Directors;