Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, May 15, 1970, Image 1

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    Cafeteria draws chicken-lickers, cop-outs
r , --
(UKU ( l I
by Larry Jones
With today's inflation eating away at our
pocket books, the newly remodeled Ashland High
School cafeteria could become the most popular
stake out on campus.
In exchange for a few coins, this gigantic lunch
box can offer the good ole American "goodies"
which seem to satisfy everybody at bargain prices.
Due to a lack of refrigeration, other popular
beverages could not be bootlegged.
To provide entertainment during the eating
hours, a juke box was installed. Such "biggies" as
"Don't Panic in a Boom Town," "Never Spit in
Somebody's Face, Unless His Mustache is on
Fire," and "The Kentucky Colonel Licks His Leg"
are available on the turntable. For the benefit of
the faculty, "Waltzing Matilda" and "The Yellow
Rose of Texas" have also been installed.
This new cafeteria truly has its advantages over
the average restaurant. The upstairs balcony and
the four dark corners down below teem to provide
a romantic type of atmosphere and to create new
extracurricular activities.
There are, of course, some draw backs to the
remodeled lunch area. Not a single machine hands
out doggie bags for those students who want
leftovers the next day. Also, since the cafeteria is
off limits for most of the day, cop-outs have found
it hard to sneak a cookie or a cracker behind the
back of that sneaky and sly truant officer prowling
the school grounds. But in general, the cafeteria
seems to be a place of happiness, with little
complaints arising.
Maybe Ashland High students ought to think a
moment before they cop-out for their lunch break.
This cafeteria provides almost everything to satisfy
human appetites. From now on, spend your lunch
hour in the place where it is truly at. Save gas, save
money, and save time by eating at today's
cafeteria today.
asHuana mn school
Vol. 17, No. 8
Ashland High School, Ashland, Ore.
Senate Allocates $200
To AHS GO-19
The Student Senate at Southern Oregon College has
approved a $200 to the Ashland High chapter of GO 19. At a
meeting monday night the senate passed a resolution,
sponsored by SOC'i Student Body President, Mike Smith, at
the request of the AHS group.
The funds will be used for' bumper stickers, flyers, and
literature for the canvass scheduled for tomorrow.
FRI., MAY 1$, 1970
Promises, Promises
Officers Elaborate On Views
by Sylvia Roderick
In all campaigns ranging from
the presidency of the United
States to the presidency of
Ashland High School, candidates
make big campaign promises,
but very rarely tell how they
plan to fulfill these boasts.
This proved to be the case in
the recent AHS student body
elections. For this reason the
Rogue News would like to not
only formally present the new
student body officials, but also
some of their ideas on what they
plan to do for the AHS student
body and how.
The biggest problem noted by
all six of the officers was the
apathetic attitude of the student
body and the lack of school
spirit. Each had their own
method of curing this ill, but
basically all agreed that it was
due to a lack of participation in
school activities.
Probably the most likely
candidate to promote spirit is
Diane Jensen, yell queen. She
indicated that a pep club was of
utmost importance and holds
top priority in the squads list of
projects. The head yell leader
also said that "the pep club will
start projects shutting out school
apathy along with giving the
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-First Vice
activities and to "encourage
students to support teams in all
Possibly the candidate that
made the biggest boasts was Bill
Ellis. He promises got him
elected second vice president of
the student body. Ellis stated
throughout his entire campaign
that second vice president has
been a "token" position for too
long and he planned to make it a
"job not an office."
Ellis would like to see a
"committee set up to review
students ideas on ways to
present classes and possibly
getting some new classes." He
went on to say that in recent
years there have been problems
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team the encouragement they
need and deserve."
Jerry Scannell, student body
president, stated that he planned
to follow in the footsteps of his
predecessors, but had a few new
ideas for improving the school.
He plans to institute a "full scale
plan to promote school spirit
through such techniques as
building up clubs" and involving
as many people as possible in
school activities.
The man in charge of clubs is
the first vice president Harley
Dixon. However, he felt that his
primary interest should be to
improve not only pep
assemblies, but assemblies in
general. He also felt that it was
necessary to get more
participation and involvement in
with a lack of participation in
school activities. However, "no
one to my knowledge, has gone
out to find out exactly why this
is so . . . finding the cause ... is
the first major step in solving
Linda Brown, student body
secretary, would like to see some
changes made within the school.
She plans to concentrate her
efforts on "creating an
atmosphere which will create a
desire for the students to
participate and react as a student
body and not as individuals with
conflicting ideas."
This, in her opinion, would
result in "spirit and enthusiasm
which will unite our school."
A member of the executive
council who in past years has
tended to be overlooked is the
student body treasurer. Next
year Terry Benham plans not
only to handle the student
body's funds, but also to be a
"representative voice" for the
students, just as the other
members of the council are. Miss
Benham felt this could best be
accomplished by being in
attendance at student council
meetings and making it known
to the AHS student body that
they "can haye more voice in the
running of their government
than they have in past years."
Another point that the newly
elected officers decided upon
was that if any of these plans
were to be acted upon and
completed they as
representatives, would need the
backing and help of the entire
student body.
CHEERLEADERS-L to r., Rene Wintela, Debby Revel,
Becky Warren, Diane Jensen, Debbie Edwards, Susan
Travis and Cindy Dale.