Image provided by: Ashland High School; Ashland, OR
About Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-???? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1969)
Thespians Uiniveil l - tight p.m. is set as curtain time for the Ashland High Drama Guild's productions of four one-act plays. This year's stagings range from subtle comedy to real-life drama. Mr. Don Vondracek, director of the group, indicated the plays would have "a little something for everyone." The names of the four productions are. The Still Alarm, Overtones, The Wall and Trifles. The Still Alarm is a comedy which involves how two men act when the hotel they are in is burning down. The men are played by Jon Olson and John Perry. The bellboy is David Phelps. Neil Ampel and John Conlin pose as the two firemen. Overtones is a unique type of production. It revolves around two women and the conflict within their inner selves. Donna Brackman, Betsy Hester, Janet Inslcy and Diane Kir by star in the play. The third staging of the evening will be The Wall. The plot centers around a young patriot who is captured by invaders and sentenced to be shot. John Perry poses as the old man, while Vicki Ragland plays the patriot's mother. Kathy Pennington is the victim's betrothed. Rounding out the cast are Mike Pollard as the sailor, and Rick Hagerman as the cripple. Kenn Conger and Jon Olson portray the soldiers. The final production is entitled Trifles. Here, a murder Forensic Squad Victorious For the third consecutive year, Ashland High's debate squad has triumphed in capturing the coveted grand sweepstakes trophy at Linfield College. Only 4V4 points separated the AUS squad from second place Hillsboro in the hard-fought contest for the cup. Ashland also won the Senior Division CJED CJED U tvif 1 'san nM n The AHS debate Squad gets ready for the long trip to Linfield. They returned victorious and were able to bring home the Grand Sweepstakes trophy again. Elks Pick Six Seniors Six Ashland High School seniors have been chosen as winners in the I Iks Most Valuable Student Contest. First place winners are Kris Keil and Dave Galati. Fmily Hungerford and bdd Wight are second place winners, and Bob Lewis and Kathy Pennington placed third. Prizes are $100, $75, and $50 respectively. The awards were based on scholarship, leadership, service to the school, personality, and financial need. Winners were chosen on the basis of their school record, letters of recomendation, a personal statement, and a brochure of other exhibits. Miss Keil has participated in debate, ski team. is commited and several seemingly inimportant "trifles" point out the guilty one. Neil Ampel poses as the sheriff, while Mr. and Mrs. Hale are played by John Conlin and Terry Benham. Rick Hagerman is Mr. Henderson, and Fey Snively takes the part of Mrs. Peters. Diana Cettling (left) and Tracy crew. prepare John Conlin for a 18 Year Old Vote? See page 3 Vol. 16, No. 6 Sweepstakes trophy by 3'A points over second place Medford High. After the tournament's finish, AHS irons totaled nine, but several speakers placed without receiving trophies. First place trophy winners were Jeff McCollum in oratory and Kenn Conger in serious interpretation. Second place t: The difficult task of readying technical aspects is being capably handled by Mr. Bob Eiflert, with assistance from Kathy Shepard and Cynthia Dodge. Adults and students alike are urged to attend these productions February 21 and 22, in the English building. -Li Ettinger, part of the make-up dress rehearsal of "Trifles." ASHLAND HIGH SCHOOL, brass went to Kirk Davies in salesmanship and Kathy Hill in both extemporaneous and impromptu. TicpiA also went to the teams of Cathy Riffe -Alice Dale and Kathy Hill - Kris Keil, who tied for second place in oxford debate. Third place winners included Alice Dale in extemp, Jeff McCollum in after-dinner speaking, and Kris Keil and Cathi Galati in interview. Steve Asher was a finalist in salesmanship. A total of 72 schools from all over Oregon fielded 1,000 entrees in the tournament. Six other schools were expected to compete but did not enter due to weather and transportation problems. Nostalgic Recap The Linfield tourney brings to a close the regular debate season for the AHS squad, totaling four meets of a scheduled six. Ashland has represented itself admirably, racking up an impressive arsenal of trophies. The squad's tournament successes this year include Grand Sweepstakes at the South Coast girls' track and gymnastics. She ranks first in the senior class scholastically. Galati is president of the school band, and participates in the dance band. He ranks fifth in his class. Miss Hungerford is active in IRL, student council, and she is co-editor of the Rogue News. She is fourth in the class. Wight is active in Dixie Band, dance band, Honor Society, and he ranks 18th in his class. Miss Pennington is student body secretary, and vice president of AFS. Lewis is active in football, wrestling, adn baseball. Miss Pennington and Lewis both rank 19th in the class. Aels Teraiglnifl ft 1 ., ,,.. ,. 1 I I Four Thespians, (left to right) Mike Pennington, Vicki Ragland. and John Perry, from "The WalL" tyj mum ASHLAND, ORE. Invitational meet, numerous trophies from the Pacific University tourney, several impressive wins at SOC, and Grand Sweepstakes trophy win at Linfield. Tournaments at Lewis and Clark College and Albany were cancelled due to weather problems. Now our squad looks forward to district competition at Eagle Point March 1, 8, 14. and IS, to determine state competitors. State Competition at Corvallis, April 17, 18, 19 will close out this year'a activities UP ON THE NEWS Boy of the Month for Feb. is Dave Galati. He was chosen for his out-standing contributions to the debate squad and his leadership as President of the AHS. school band. The Drama Guild will present four one act plays Feb. 21 and 22. at 8:00. The following plays will be performed: THE WALL. OVERTONES. THE STILL ALARM, and TRIFLES. College Bound? College application forms can be picked up in Mr. Silver's office. Get them filled out now before you forget!.' A reminder of SSS standings: Seniors are out in front with 7; juniors have 4; sophomores are trailing with 2. There is a slate wrestling meet at Corvallis Feb. 21 and 22. Good luck wrestlers!!! Let's not make things worse than they already are. Start putting our garbage cans to better use!!! 0 There has been no word. yet. as to whether or not girls can wear pants to the after-game dances, so don 't 3 Pollard, Kathy rehearse a scene FR1..FEB. 21. 1969 JUNIORS SPONSOR MARDI GRAS DANCE The junior class a sponsoring a Mardi Gras Computer Dance to be held at Ashland High School on March IS. Come to the dance at 8 p.m. and find your ideal mate, matched by Ashland High's own computer according to questionnaires. Or, if you've done your own matchmaking, come to the dance and find out who matches up with who. Admission for everyone is 75 cents.