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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 2000)
I COMMENTARY uv M arty D av is The IN publication for the OUT population F ounded 1983 • J ay B rown and R enée L a C hance A rt D irector • R upert K innard Vol. 18 N o . 4 D e ce m b er 15, 2 0 0 0 FEATURE N il OWN PRIVATE PORTLAND: Just Out talks to Gus Van Sant and friends about fact, fiction and film P 24 NEWS NORTHWEST • Trans protection OK’d; roundtable candidate comes out of nowhere; business owners come together; Providence proposal peeves patients pp 5-17 NATIONAL • Clinton-Gore no more; don’t ask, do tell pp 19-21 From Y2K to why, oh why. . A glance back and a glimpse ahead hat a year 2000 was.. .a year that started with the fiz the fields of health, finance, law, spirituality, mental and physical zle of Y2K and the potential end of the world and health, real estate and any other area where peer expertise can ben ended with the YOY of George W. Bush. 2000, a efit our readers. We’re working on the format for a series of monthly year that brought civil unions to Vermont and columns and soon will be calling for submissions. I look forward to the first-ever Just Out amateur photo contest and uncivil ballot measures to Oregon. 2000, a year that brought endings to some of our famed, and perhaps undeservedly am excited about presenting your work in a yet-to-be announced revered, celebrity couples and a sad beginning to a time of distrust, frus venue and format. The theme will be broad-based, so start taking tration and anger between the sexual minorities community and those pictures now. Yes, there’s bound to be a category for dogs and their lesbian moms. This contest will feature great prizes and will be Portland Police Chief Mark Kroeker. As we look backward at this year and forward to 2001, I ponder an exciting opportunity to showcase local talent. Just Out will start the new year celebrating the return of the artis the notion that now is the time to make plans and take action against our enemies in the religious right. Lets consider the possibil tic eye and touch of Rupert Kinnard; he has been away from us for a needed health rest and is now as anxious to return to us as we are ity that it is not in our best interest to sit and wait for the next to have him back. He rejoins the rest of the remarkably ballot measure from the Oregon Citizens Alliance or skilled and talented Just Out staff—all of whom put others of similar ilk. Rather, let’s take the positive energies of this past year and build upon them for li x^xL ^O their and souls imo everY issue we Publish. 2001 and beyond beyond tlOW ( 0 0 V/B W0TK tOCJBttlBri I wish each of you the best of the holiday sea- What actions can we, as a united communi W h a t c a n w e h o p e to a c c o m p lish ? Z Z ' T g Z l vPTv S E T S ty, take to be proactive against that which is May it bring you happiness and respite. And sure to be foisted upon us again and again? W h a t ca n y o u d o a s a n in d iv id u a l? i f f / o o /in xL may the new year bring you growth toward How do we establish and build trust with the H o w d o w e m a k e 2 0 0 0 th e y e a r being the person y„ u wish .«, he j n 47 percent of our neighbors, co-workers, fami lies and friends who voted against us on o f th e la s t M e a s u r e 9 ? . _ „, ... , , . PLEASE NOTE: Just Out will be on a holiday break and Measure 9? How do we educate, inform and build will return in three weeks on Jan. 5. trust to the point where there’s not even enough peo ple willing to sign their wretched and perverse petitions next time? Will we ever find total acceptance and respect from everyone in our state? No, probably not, and our goals must be reasonable and achievable, but most importantly we first must set these goals we wish to attain. How can we work together? What can we hope to accomplish? What can you do as an individual? How do we make 2000 the year of the last Measure 9? The start of the new year holds exciting promise for Just Out. We are poised for growth and have the desire, the skill and the staff to OJ continue to bring the finest possible coverage of people, events, organizations and activities for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans- k gendered community. This also will include focus and emphasis upon those friends and allies who work by, with and for us and are an inte gral part of all our lives. Other plans for the new year include bringing in local experts in , WORLD • Gay couples reach the Finnish line; Romanians hate thy neighbor pp 22-23 ENTERTAINMENT & CULTURE FILM • Are you ready for your close-up? p 35 GROUPS • Going out with some nature girls p 37 HOLIDAYS • Making merry p 39 CULTURE • Catching up with Gina and Rebecca P 41 HULIOAYS • Last-minute shopping suggestions pp 42-44 THEATER • Starving artists sing out p 45 COLUMNS „ „ „ „ 1 h e a r ts fyÀPPy YE/&1 M S. OEHAVIOR • Looking for sperm in all the wrong places p 33 REFLECTIONS THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MARC • What’s in a name? p 49 Just o u t Is published on th e first and third Friday o f each m onth. Copyright © 2000 by Just Out. 9 out *í¿» • Girlfriend Productions and Powell’s Books banded together to present Susie Bright, aka Susie Sexpert. speaking on “ Sex in Public: Erotic Representation. Censorship and Sex in the ’90s. J L 1 ■ p à v\ • New York City set an example for Pink Panthers, a lesbian and gay community polic ing group. 2 * j *. typed and double-spaced. Just Out reserves the right to edit for grammar, punctuation, style, liability concerns and length. We will reject or edit articles or advertisements that are offensive, demeaning or may result in legal action. Letters to the editor should be limited to 500 words. Announcements regarding life transitions (births, deaths, unions, etc.) should be limited to 200 words; photos are wel come. D eadline for su bm ission s to the editorial department and for the Calendar is the Thursday 15 days before the next publication date. Views expressed in letters to the editor, columns and features are not necessarily those of the publisher. The d isp lay ad vertising d ead lin e is the Monday 12 days before the next publication date. C lassified ads must be received at the Just Out office by 4 p.m. on the Thursday eight days before the next publi cation date, along with payment. Ads may be placed by tele phone or via the Internet with Visa or MasterCard payment. Ad policy: lust Out reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisement. Compensation for errors in, or cancella tion of, advertising will be made with credit toward future advertising. Advertising rates are available upon request. Subscriptions are $17.50 for 12 issues. First Class (in an envelope) is $30 for 12 issues. Contact Just Out at P.O. Box 14400, Portland, OR 97293- 0400; (503) 236-1252, advertising 236-1253, fax 236-1257; e-mail Visit our Internet site at V* j •îi» »U.» n Æ k Il f W H »:’* hftppcniuv at tau 0*r1 pat* .3 FNBÍ No part of Just Out may he reproduced without written per mission from the publisher. The su b m ission o f w ritten and graphic m aterials is w elcom ed. W ritten material should he - % Panthers Pa v< rx a m p l* fitr a ■ | xV Ictbran untl ;</> 4 <**muntfy p o ih iiti: « frrtitp ■ ♦»*. .ts â . .ü* a i - — j -.v ... < * M ' #«*.8 A r .. s »..... TÂ f» .w«» •+ ** **+•* « » •»«*«* <v*M *te*v • » I » N V «H te»*«*«*.».»- IV « - » v«*i • > > ■ • * » » : In« I k » «kt*. »«••* '* * te KM»«:. Wh.Mk» iwm M im * M m «.« fme thr < » « * .*•:»•* il » t e »»*♦ •V x te * l.v .iw w M»:w M w x*rt» *"•> .1 •;« » :•: K *'te « « '< :« •' » 9 « » v mvAMT A t e s*»;, r é V > v . ;»;/ f.N ■ ; . v m » • A dispute involving Just Out publisher Renee LaChance. past board members and shareholders of the parent corporation Out Media Inc. arose, and a mediation session was scheduled Dec. 1 for those involved. • Gays and lesbians suffered a sickening defeat Nov. 6 when virulently anti-gay U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms. R-N.C., was returned to office. In Seattle, gay two-term Democratic state Rep. Calvin Anderson was re-elected. • Two separate studies reported in the * Marty Davis ENTERUUNM ENT EDITOR • Oriana Green COPY EDITOR • Jim Radnsta S W F REPORTER • Jonathan Kipp CQNfRIBIfTORS • Marc Acito, Richard Bray, Jessica Citti, Meryl Cohn, David Jessup, Timothy Krause, Andy Mangels, Bob Roehr, EDITOR Rebecca Royce, Catherine Sameh, Tom Stevenson, Lynn Thomas, Rex Wockner ADVERTISING DIRECTOR • Meg Grace ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE • Larry Lewis NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE • Rivendell Marketing Company Inc. (212) 242-6863 ART AND PRODUCTION DIRECTOR • Kevin Moore Oct. 11 issue of the N ew England Journal o f M edicine indicated that low doses of AZT work as well to slow HIV and cause few side effects. According to the research, people with AIDS live longer and develop fewer side effects when they take less, not more. AZT. • George Bush betrayed the trust of millions of Southern Baptists by inviting homosexuals to the W hite House for a second time, a high Baptist official charged. The White House invited gay representatives to witness the president’s July 26 signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. • The Portland Gay Community Bowling Association geared up for its 13th season starting Jan. 6. • Great American Youth sponsored the sec ond annual Mr. and Ms. Gay Teenage Oregon Pageant on Dec. 16 at the City Nightclub. • Melissa Sayler OFFICE M ANAGER • Melissa Sayler DISTRIBUTION •Jerilyn Adams, Linda Becratt, Kathy Bethel, Ian Drake, Bonita Mattinson, Pam Novitzky, Merid Schwartz, Ruth Traut, Larry Williams