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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 2000)
O F r id a y Submissions should be sent to Feast your eyes and ears on Return of the Light a multimedia celebration of the winter solstice through Dec 21 in the planetanum at OMSI. featuring the magnificent voices of the David York Ensemble This is truly a unique expenence— buy your tickets in advance, and get there early for seats oppo site the choir. (Call for times and pnces 1945 SE Water St 503-721-0262 www FeedYourEars com.) jU S t OUt Calendar, P.0. Box 14400, Portland, O R 97293-0400; or faxed to 503-236-1257. Deadline is 15 days before issue date ju s t OUt and th ird Friday o f each month. The Forest Group holes up for a Game Night (503-491-5147.) A ll addresses are in Portland unless otherwise specified. The Portland Bisexual Alliance plays host to Welcoming Congregations at Laughing Horse Books (7-9 pm 3652 SE Division St Bi-Line: 503-775-9717.) The Portland Bisexual Women's Group has a theater party and attends A G ay C h ris tm a s C a ro l at Theater! Theatre! (8 pm. 3430 SE Belmont St Call Mindy at 503-772-7940 to reserve a ticket.) ' Further south, the Rogue Valley Gay Men's Chorus presents its h Holiday Extravaganza at the Cadi! W lac Cafe. Your admission includes refreshments. (3 pm. 207 W Eighth St.. Medford $3. 541-488-4002.) |§ Get a big helping of Holiday Spirit! dunng the Portland Gay Men’s Chorus concert through Dec. 17 at Reed College's Kaul Audi tonum. (8 pm Saturday and 2 pm Sunday 3203 SE Woodstock Btvd. $12-$20 from Fastixx. w Calling all Vancouverites to attend the North Bank Tavern Christmas Party, featunng a gift exchange with a $10 limit. (4 -7 pm. 601 W Sixth Ave.) There's another lovely lesbian named Lynn in Portland who wntes and sings songs, but this one plays piano. Check out Lynn Thomas at her regular gig every Sunday at Hobo’s. (7-9 pm. 120 N W Third Ave. 503-224-3285.) Join the Live and Let Live 12-Step Recovery Club for its 20th anniversary cel ebration, a clean and sober event at Helensview High School. After a number of speakers have their say, an ’80s-themed disco dance will get under way. (7 pm. 8678 NE Sumner St. $2-$5. 503-238-6091) Those outdoorsy Lesbians Enjoying the Sciences are taking part in the Sauvie Island bird count today. Call Karen to join up; no recounting will be involved1 (503-289-3605.) Hang some holly on your tiara and join the Imperial Sovereign Court of the Raintree Empire for its Holiday Show C.C. Slaughters plays host to a Tea Dance every Sunday afternoon with DJFJ. at the North Bank Tavern in Vancouver. (9 pm 601 W Sixth Ave $7 or $5 with toy or canned food.) (3-9 pm. 219 N W Davis St. 503-248-9135.) Flame on every Sunday at Ohm during its new Queer Night, and enjoy music by DJ Tronic. (9 pm-2 30 am. 31 N W First Ave. $5.) All women and children are invited to Sister- Spint's Festival of Lights celebrating win ter traditions at the Musicians' Union Hall. (6 pm 325 NE 20th Ave 503-736-3297.) Fabulous dining for a great cause— make a reservation for one of the splendid din ners that makeup the eighth annual Dinner Rosetown Ramblers roll out the fun during their skating party at Oaks Park. Please bring a donation of nonperishable food for Esther's Pantry. (7:30-930 pm. Foot o f South east Spokane Street $5. 503-234-9944) at My House for Our House Tonight's delight is “ Feliz Navidad," a Mexican Christmas dinner at a lovely West Hills home. (7 pm $60 a per son Get a brochure listing all the dinners or make reservations at 503-736-9276 ) f Calling all football fans—the C.C. Slaughters softball team plays host to a Football and Pizza Party every Monday night. Team man ager Steve Williams will be spinning pizzas using his secret recipe. (6-9 pm. 219 N W Davis St. 503-248-9135.) If fe a Set your alarm and W JE S K join the Adventure * Group for downhill skiing at Mount Hood \ Meadows (7:30 am 503 452 5680 \ www adventuregroup org. ) Or if you prefer cross-country skiing, head up to Trillium Lake with the Adventure Group (9 am 503-452-5680 www adventuregroup org.) Get crafty with the Lesbian Garden Club and help make a holiday swag (2 30 pm Call 503-284-2613 for location ) Join ISRC Prince XX / Shelley and / Princess XXV / Poison Waters / (pictured) at f this Silverado for Adventures in Hangovers III on Jan. 1 " host to a Holiday Open House featunng gifts for your pets, gift certificates for future pet adoptions, tours of the fabulous new shelter and, of course, plenty of furry ones ready to go home now Please also consider donating to the shelter residents, who always need high- quality dry pet food, toys, litter, treats, towels, blankets, etc. (10 am-7pm 1067 NE Columbia Blvd 503 285-7722 www oregonhumaneorg) every Saturday morning for the Fun Run/Walk along Portland’s waterfront, fol lowed by a brunch. Meet at the former River Queen Restaurant parking lot at 9 am for a two- to six-mile run or walk open to all skill levels. (Don 503-224-6747. ww. adven turegroup org.) © StTBTDAY Darcelle XV plays host to La Femme Magnifique Christmas Show, featuring festive performances by holders of this title, including Perla, La Femme International (8 pm 208 NW Third Ave. 503 222 5338 ) Club (formerly PPAA) (8-9 pm lessons. 9 pm-1 am dancing 618 SE Alder St. $5, $8 with lessons ) Sip a latte with the Radical Faerias during the weekly KoffaoKlatch from 9 am until whenever at 3 Fnend? Coffeehouse (201 SE 12th Ave 503 235-0826 ) Are you fa-la-la-la la-ed out? Try the sounds of Winter Sky. the Aurora Chorus m concert, featuring music and poetry cele brating the dark of winter as a time of reflec tion, yearning and hope (4 and 7 pm Parkrose Hiah School auditonum, 12003 NE Shaver St $15 at the door, $12 in advance from In Other Words, chorus members or 503-721-0262 www concordchoirs org ) Don’t forget the four-leggeds this holiday sea son' The Oregon Humane Society plays Get your weekend off to a rousing start catch up with the Adventure Group Celebrate the Return of the Light with Jubilate!, the women s choir of Corvallis, Shine those boots and head off to Crystal's Queer Country Jam at Portland Metro is published on the first at its holiday concert featuring music honoring the winter solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa. (7 pm. First Congregational Church, 4515 SW West Hills Road, Corvallis. Free.) The Portland Polyamory Circle meets to discuss dealing with family. Gay, bi, straight— all welcome. (7 pm. Call Laury at 503-285-4848 for location)