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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 2000)
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The government ac cepted a proposal from the Justice Ministry on Nov. 29. Discussions will begin in Parlia ment this month, and an affirmative vote is expected in 2001. Most mar riage rights and obligations are expected to he included except for access to adoption. In the Netherlands, meanwhile, gays will gain access to full marriage this January under the same laws that apply to opposite-sex couples. Couples who previously registered under the partnership law will be allowed to convert their unions to ordinary marriage. F JAPAN fter a hard fight, Tokyo gays got one tepid sentence in the city governm ent’s new hum an rights guidelines. “A variety of issues for homosexuals have arisen recently,” the 69-page document states. The inclusion of the sentence, however, guarantees homosexuals will he considered by the government as it formulates measures to tackle human rights issues. The reference was inserted after an outcry from gay activists who had participated in hearings to hammer out the guidelines. A VIRGIN ISLANDS ll 17 Christian denominations in the British Virgin Islands have passed resolu tions denouncing Britain’s plan to force legaliza tion of gay sex in its Overseas Territories before the end of the year. Almost two years ago, the Foreign Office told Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Montserrat, and the Turks and Caicos Islands to repeal their sodomy laws so the United Kingdom will not he in violation of European human rights laws. None of the islands did so, and the repeals now will be imposed from London. “Homosexuality has been the cause of the downfall of many nations in the past, and it will be the downfall of the territory,” said the Rev. Vincent David of the British Virgin Islands Sev enth-day Adventist Church. A NORWAY ongtime Norwegian lesbian activist Karen- Christine Friele, 65, has been awarded the Order of St. Olav by His Majesty King Harald VII for almost 40 years of gay rights work, London’s Gay Times reports. Receiving the order is the equivalent of being knighted. Friele is credit ed with getting Norway’s ban on gay sex repealed in 1972, and she was instru Karen-Christine Friele mental in the process that led the nation to become the first to ban dis crimination based on sexual orientation in 1981. In 1979, it was revealed that her lover was Wenche Lowzow, an outspoken anti-communist in the Conservative Party. Lowzow became Nor way’s first openly gay member of Parliament. L 206-329-8781 OR 888-329-8781 ( toll free ) *N O T VALID DEC. 21. 2 0 0 0 TH RU JAN. 01. 2001* T HUNGARY he European Court of Human Rights has let stand a Hungarian Constitutional Court decision that bans gay organizations that do not restrict membership to people older than 18. The court said the ban reasonably could be regarded as necessary in a democratic society for protection of morals. “The decision is not only deplorable at its core— LGB youth groups can now be banned by law— but also is had news for the four age-of-consent cases currently pending before the court, one from the U.K. and three from Austria,” said Helmut Graupner of Vien na’s Lambda Rechtskomitee. The European Court of Human Rights is the court of final appeal for citizens of the 41 nations that make up the Council of Europe, which was founded after World War II to strengthen democracy, human rights and the rule of law. AUSTRALIA he government of the Australian state of Victoria, where Melbourne is, introduced laws to Parliament on Nov. 23 that will give gay partners the same rights as common-law hetero sexual couples in areas such as medical treat ment, superannuation, property transfers and wills. The definition of “spouse” will be rewrit ten in at least 45 laws. “Human rights necessarily involve a respect for the equal dignity of all persons without dis crimination,” state Attorney General Rob Hulls said. “Lesbians, gay men, intersex and transgen der people have historically been denied their human rights. This bill is an important step in addressing that historical injustice.” “Superannuation” is a system of compulsory salary contributions made by employers and employees to long-term investment schemes run by finance companies. The funds are accessible at retirement and can be transferred to an heir upon death. T EL SALVADOR nother El Salvadoran transvestite was shot to death by occupants of a passing car Nov. 19 in San Salvador. It was the 22nd such killing since 1998. “Walquiria” was hit five times and died at the scene. A ffiend, Orlando Sanchez, was hit three times and is recovering in a hospital. According to the International Gay & Les bian Human Rights Commission, the police are riot interested in anti-gay murders. “The record of the Salvadoran police and criminal justice system indicates a disturbing reluctance to fulfill A