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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 2000)
28 J « ** * november 17.2000 O Ju st out Happy tormenting continuât at the Portland Cantor Stage production off The Cripple of Inishmaan through Nov. 26 uï lO O L lt. is published on the first and third Friday of every month. The deadline for submissions is 15 days prior to publication. O U t & a b o u t is a free community service of ju s t out Listing for events and announcements that are specifically relevant to sexual minorities in Oregon and southwest Washington is provided free of charge. The calendar features events up to three weeks beyond the date of publication. Bulletin Board listings run for up to two months from submission date. outreach listings of up to 25 words (not including contact information) are pro vided free of charge to organizations and groups specifically serving the sexual minorities community. All listings are subject to editing, and inclusion is subject to space limitations, relevance and receipt by deadline. Listings expire twice a year (in May and November), and submissions run from the date received until the next scheduled expiration date. Listings are automati cally deleted upon expiration. To ensure uninterrupted listing, please submit updat ed information at least a month pnor to the expiration date. Send listings to: Just out (attn- Calendar) PO . Box 14400 Portland, OR 97293-0400 Fax submissions to (503) 236-1257 or e-mail to Submissions cannot be accepted over the phone. Please type your announcements and include full contact information. Art on Alborta holds a last Thursday gallery walk every month from 6 to 9 pm. so mark Nov 30 on your calendar and stroll along Northeast Alberta Street between 14th and 30th avenues, where you'll find 21 gal leries full of art. Maps are available at the galleries. Be sure to check out the lesbian-owned gallery Plain Jana at 2936 NE Alberta St., which is featunng a mixed-media collaborative show by Jenna MacGdlis. Joya Mena she and Linda Peters through Nov. 28. Two other gay-owned galleries are Matrix Gallary at 2315 NE Aberta St., showing mixed-meda works by Richard Schemmerer through Nov 27. and Our Dream Gallary at 2209 NE Alberta St., presenting paintings by Anthony Jeffrey through Nov. 27 And fmatty. yet another spot. ONDA Studio and GaWary at 2215 NE Alberta St . is also now wholly gay-owned. Through Nov. 28 they're showing sculpture and mixed-media pieces by Nancy Pobanz. She works manly with materials she gleans from the earth, including natural bark papers and inks. C.C. Slaughters is showing acrylic paintings by Mary Hauar through Dec. 5. with 10 percent of all sales do nated to Project Quest Open daily at 219 NW Davis St. Portland Art Museum presents two new shows— Oregon’s 20th C entury in Photography and In Search o f the Prom ised Land: Paintings by Frederic Edw in Church— through Jan. 3. (1219 SW Park Ave. 503-226-2811. www Portland Institute for Contemporary Art pre sents the group show C ounter Canvas through Nov 26. (Noon-6 pm Wednesday-Sunday. 219 N W 12th Ave. $3 nonmembers, members free. 503242-1419.) Artists Repertory Theatre presents A in 't M isbehavin', the musical revue based on the work of "F ats' Waller, through Dec. 17. (Reiersgaard Theatre. 1516 SW Alder St. $15-$26. Call for times. 503 241-1278.) M etro: AIDS Sc HIV AIDS Prevention Tsarn offers educational materials and free condoms and lends out HIV books and videos for residents of Columbia County. (Information line 503-397-4651 J (1 1/00) Late NHe Catechism contin ues its one-woman, every-nun show m which students are ques tioned and chastised in the best Catholic tradition through Nov 26. (8 pm Thursday- Saturday. 2 pm Sunday at Mam Street Theater. 904 SW Mam St $24 50-S29 50 from Ticketmaster) Portland Center Stage pre sents The C ripple of Inishm aan in the Newmark Theatre of the Portland Center for the Performing Arts through Nov. 26 ( t i l l SW Broadway. Call 503-274-6588 for times and tickets) Profile Theatre Project presents Arthur M iller's The Price through Nov. 19 at Theater' Theatre1 (8 pm Thursday-Saturday; 2 pm Sunday 3430 SE Belmont St. $12-$20 503-242-0080.) ¿} 5 ^ j ° “ 9 o °- triangle productions! presents A Gay Christm as C arol with Scrooge as a closet ed homo and Judy, Liza and Bette as the ghosts. Nov. 24 through Dec. 11 at Theater! Theatre! (Call for times. 3430 SE Belmont St. $10-$17 from 503-239-5919 or Fastixx.) BULLETIN BOABP | To register your domestic partnership, bnng $60 cash to the Multnomah County offices at 501 SE Hawthorne B!vd between 8 am and 4 45 pm weekdays. Call 503-248-3027 for details. (11/17) Lesbian writing group. Plotless in Portland, meets 7 pm every other Wednesday at different homes throughout the Portland/Beaverton area. From poets to essayists, fiction wnters to journal keepers, both novice and published writers welcome. Call Judi at 503-245-3391. (1/3) Gal Pals hold a Spaghetti Dinner on Nov. 18 and a W hite Elephant Exchange and Dinner on Dec 16. For more information visit the Internet site www /RodeoDrive/B0006204454/3346/ GAL-PAL.html. call Patti at 503-646-0490 or e-mail jeha- son@ (12/15) Brody Theater presents D iabolical Experiments through Dec. 2. (8 pm. 1904 NW 27th Ave. $8 503-224-0688) Lesbian Support Group offered by YWCA Counseling Center on Wednesday evenings with a slid ing fee scale. Contact Beth Richman M.S.W. at 503-294-7401. ext. 2017.(1/3) Imago Theatre presents M oliere's classic The Im aginary Invalid through Dec 16. (17 SE Eighth The SW Washington Socialites hold their annual free Thanksgiving dinner for the homeless and the less O —tre a ch AIDS A HIV Ave $14-$18 from box office. 503231 9581. orFastixx.) ADAP/CHIPi The AIDS Drug Assistance Program and the Community Health Insurance Program pay for health insurance premiums, prescription drugs and insurance plan deductibles and co payments for eligible people with HIV/AIDS. Programs of the Oregon Health Drvision and Ryan White CARE Act Titles I and II. (8 am-5 pm Monday-Fnday ADAP: 503-731-4029. CHIP: 503-731-4576 Outside Portland: 800-805-2313.)(11/00) Cascade AIDS Project provides nonmedical ser vices to people whose lives are affected by HIV and AIDS in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Spanish language assistance available (CAP Portland offices: Suite 310. 620 SW Fifth Ave 503-223-5907. Washington County 503-693-3234. Clark County. 360-735-9170.) (11/00) Clackamas County AIDS Rabal Effort is a commu nity-based organization providing HIV/AIDS prevention education and support services. (3300 SE Dwyer Drive. Suite 306. Milwaukie. OR 97222. 503-653-8738.HU/00) Clackamas County Public Health Division offers anonymous and confidential HIV testing and counseling to anyone. Se habla español. Interpretation services available Call for scheduled and walk-in testing times (Oregon City 503 655-8471 Milwaukie: 503-655-8735 Sandy. 503-722-6660.) (11/00) fortunate Nov 23 at the Northbank Tavern, 106 W Sixth St. in Vancouver. Dinner and delivenes from 11 am to 3 pm. If you'd like to donate or even help out, call 360 695 3862. (11/17) The WomenStrength Program sponsored by the Portland Police Bureau is recruiting women interested in volunteering to teach women's self-defense classes. No expenence needed; they will train you next March and April Women of color and bilingual women especially are encouraged to apply. Please call 503-823-0296 by Dec. 11 to request an application. (12/1) Volunteer* of America Family Center offers free support groups for survivors of domestic abuse, includ ing a group that uses wnting as part of the healing process, as well as groups for moms, queer youth and women also dealing with other recovery issues. All groups are ongoing and have child care. Call Ari at 503 771-5503 (12/15) In M arch of.... We are interested in exploring some of the mysteries around us—metaphysics, spirituality, conspiracies. UFO-type phenomena and much more—in a friendly, casual home setting. All ages, interests and queer orientations are welcome from 7:30 to 10 pm on alternating Thursdays. Call John at 503-239-6820. (12/15) Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans Prids Celebration is looking for several hundred volunteers. If you'd like to help with next year's celebration, call 503-295-9788; wnte to PO Box 6611. Portland, OR 97228; or e-mail (12/15) the Lesbian Singles Boomers Fun Club, for those bom before 1959. Activities under consideration are; barbecues, star gazing, camping, dining out. rafting, day tnps and more. Call 503-281-0296 or 503-282-8475 or e mail (11/17) Help form a GALA mixed chorus Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans and allies are invited to sing from 3 to 5 pm Sundays at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Salem, 5090 Center St. NE. Call 541-754-4144 or e-mail (11/17) Gay Men's Figure Drawing Group meets the fourth Saturday of each month; sketchers and models welcome. Call Philip 503-493-3761. (11/17) Free ongoing support group for men with HIV/AIDS meets from 12:30 to 2 pm Wednesdays in Northeast Portland. Sponsored by OHSU and facilitated by Myriam Coppens. LMFT, CNP. Call 503-494-7031. (11/17) Famed lesbian author Leslea Newman is seeking stones for Pillow Talk III. an anthology of lesbian erotica to be published by Alyson Publications. She is looking for submissions from women who identify as lesbian or bisexual. Obtain guidelines first from PO Box 815. Northampton. MA 01061, or (11/17) Out 'N About, a group for queer youth ages 13-20 in the Corvallis area, meets 7-9 pm Thursdays at First United Methodist Church, 1165 NW Monroe Ave. Call 541-752-2491 or e-mail outnabout@gay com. 0 1 /1 7 ) The Lesbian Community Project is forming a new group, First Wednesday Social is a potluck for HIV+ people and their friends (Contact Phifip at 503-493-3761.)(.11/00) Friends of People with AIDS Foundation offers assistance to those with HIV. Services include 72-hour food boxes, emergency travel and lodging, entertain ment, pet care, clothing, household goods and crema tions. (503-283-8535) (11/00) H.E.A.L.-Portiand (Health, Education, AIDS Liaison) offers information about alternative views of AIDS causation and HIV testing. For information and a free packet, leave your name and address. (503-227-2339). (11/00) The HIV Day Center, a program of Ecumenical M inistries of Oregon, offers social activities, support groups, peer support, professional counseling, massage, haircuts and home meal deliveries. Hot meals are avail able at the center at 9:30 am and 12:30 pm Monday through Friday. (Drop in. 9:30 am-2 pm Monday-Friday 2941 NE Ainsworth St. 503-460-3822 ) ( \ 1/00) HIV Health ServicM Center. Multnomah County Health Department, specializing in the treatment of HIV disease since 1990. A full-service medical clinic, including on-site pharmacist and nutritionist, medication manage ment. mental health services, weHness program and case management. Se habla espariol. ASL and foreign lan guage interpretation available. (8 am-5 pm Monday-Fnday Fourth floor. 426 SW Stark St 503-248-5020) (11/00) IFARA (International Foundation fo r Altemativo Research in AIDS) provides treatment education through the TIE (Treatment Information Exchange) program. Weekly meetings are led by profes sionals in a specialized area of treatment. (HIV treat P y k e S T oWatch Q x ttfo r by-Alison BecMd 4 V