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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 2000)
October 20. 2000 news k ' m i u h “The G O r leadership has acted with cal lousness toward the thousands of Americans urging federal action against the increasing number of violent hate crimes that have arisen throughout our nation," said Ralph G. Neas, president of People for the American Way, which has worked with the Leadership Confer ence on Civil Rights to persuade Congress to expand federal law to cover crimes motivated by the victim’s sexual orientation, gender or disability. "T h e hate crimes provision has received bipartisan support in both chambers and the unwavering hacking of the Clinton adm inistration. In June and September, Democrats and Republicans in both chambers urged the Senate conference committee to keep the hate crimes language within the defense authorization bill. It is shameful that the Senate conference committee has decided to ignore bipartisan support for an expanded hate crimes law.” T h e provision would have expanded the list o f people already covered under a 1968 federal law and allowed federal prosecutors to pursue a hate crime case if local authorities failed to do so. In a statem ent issued O ct. 5, President C linton denounced the Sen ate’s action, saying its leaders “have turned their backs on legislation designed to send the mes sage that all persons should be treated the same under the law.” he U.S. Supreme Court will not hear a 1 challenge to whether the for mer partner of a lesbian mother is entitled to visitation with the twins she helped raise since birth. At issue was a New Jersey Supreme Court ruling in April that the nonbiologi- cal mother maintains legal rights after breaking up with the biological mother. T he American Civil Liberties Union, co-counsel for the non- biological mother in the U.S. Supreme Court pro ceeding, hailed the O ct. 10 decision as a victory for children, families and equality. “The Supreme Court’s decision not to hear this case certainly doesn’t signify explicit approval of the lower court’s decision,” said Leslie Gxtper, staff attorney at the A CLU Les bian and Gay Rights Project. “But the court’s decision not to intervene left an important vic tory for lesbian and gay parents intact, so we’re very pleased.” The case, M.J.B. v. V.C., revolved around twins who were raised jointly by their biological mother and her partner, known in court records as “V.C.” She and her partner, who began dating in 1983, purchased a home together and com mitted to each other in a religious ceremony. They raised the children together until their breakup in 1996. An appellate court granted V.C. the right to visitation with the twins. In a landmark ruling in April, the New Jersey Supreme Court upheld that decision and out lined broad standards for nonbiological parents, recognizing that “psychological parenthood” could entitle them to visitation or custody of children. The ACLU had argued that when an adult fills a parental role, the children’s bond with the adult should be respected. Several states, includ ing Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Wiscon sin, have legal frameworks for “psychological parenthood” similar to New Jersey's, and other states are grappling with how to protect chil dren’s bonds with people who act as parents. “The U.S. Supreme G turt’s decision not to hear this case tells states that they must resolve this important aspect of family law,” Cooper said. “As we have for years, we will help them do this in a way that strengthens families and ensures equality.” iiM i/ 'N ont/uueA t Fie / l/otiw-adAdter/rat/re to Pet Foods and Suppdies 9 Addf/aturadFoods 9 PeriodRemedies 9 Homeopathic Remedies 9 Pesticide Free 9 Boo is 9 Treats 9 Toys 1408 S E 39th (39th & Hawthorne) Portland, Oregon 97214 ( 503 ) 236-8036 Vv> ^ L n g lis h I ir e p l. n <*s /I gay couple, David Gcxxlhand and Vincent Griski, made history in higher education philanthropy Oct. 11 by announcing a $2 mil lion contribution to their alma mater, the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, during a campus event celebrating National Coming Out Day. Their gift will help renovate Carriage House, a historic cam pus structure that will house the university’s Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgen der Center— one of the oldest and most active in U.S. higher educa tion. The contribution is the first and largest of its kind to directly benefit an LG BT campus community, and it officially kicks off a $5 million fund raising campaign to complete the center’s construc tion and endow its programs. “Our gilt expresses our warm memories of Penn, where our relationship began, and in our belief in the limitless possibilities for les bian and gay people,” Goodhand said. “The university provided an open, safe environ ment that allowed us to grow as individuals and in our relationship together. It is a rare pleasure for us to be able to give back in such a meaningful way.’ ’ i n Vêts - f e a llk u In-Home Estimates Full Installation by Hearth Experts • Gas, Wood & Pellet Stoves & Fireplaces Custom Mantles to Complement Your Home H e a / t t i f n l beat . t i.' Tûe^-SaÛ 10-6 • San 12-6 ^ fa v o r i t e / r ^ Try one... you'll know why! Barbecues, Hearth Accessories & Gifts i t b (>i tt el ect / i c i l y . .. s i nce r > ~ ~ . 2729 NE BROADWAY PORTLAND 5 03 -2 82 -3 61 5 3 60 -2 5 6 -2 4 6 5 HOMESTEADSTOVE.COM rO e $ 5 ° Wicker that’s guaranteed outdoors! Excellence in retirement and financial planning to help you achieve your dreams! • Superior investment choices • Independent financial advisor with no specific products to push or quotas to meet Wealth management «a»:. .*. K Compiled by Cofry Editor JlM RADOSTA, who can be reached at ¡P W ★ CAMPAIGN 2000 ★ ★ - il v m - "' jm m ‘ t 1 e ' W s». 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