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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 2000)
October I news 6 . 2000 • ju st out 23 New purchase Joys from the Ojo Cali- ente Water Park, a pub lic swimming area. PAN is the party of Mexican President elect Vincente Fox. “This has noth ing to do with us,” PAN National Pres ident Luis Felipe Bravo Mena said. “We reject and repudiate it. This (view] corresponds to the partic ular input of some lower-level city employee. In no way can this he attributed to the party. 1 strongly deny that this comes from the Nation al Action Party. The decision made at the water park is the work of an individual, and if any doubt remains, 1 can say that 1 feel that this is absolutely reprehensible. We do not believe in any type of discrimination and reject it.” The sign, meanwhile, was removed by order of Mayor Luis Armando Reynoso Femat one day after about 50 gays picketed City Hall demanding the firing of Director of Regulations Jorge Alvarez Medina, who had approved the sign. The protesters— from the groups Lesbian and Gay Pride, Foundation Against AIDS, the Falcons and In Search of Gay Rights— chanted: “Alvarez, fag, paint yourself like a girl already” and “In my bed I am the master.” “When we went to the ballot boxes to deposit our votes, we were never asked for our sexual orientation,” said Juan Sanchez Mayner, Aguascalientes Association of Proudly Gay Makeup Artists president. “This situation takes us hack to ancient times. Really, this is deplorable.” aftemœn of unauthorized semi nars in a city park, then marching to a downtown monument and unfurling a huge rainbow flag. “The authorities continue to exercise (their] repressive machine, which deprives sexual minorities repre sentatives of the possibility to openly struggle for their rights,” said Edward Tarletskii of the Belarus League for Freedom of Sexual Minorities. 100% equity loans Pre-qualification by pbone or fax Refinance/cash out Pre-approved loans Residential, com m ercial & investm ent property Office 297-9900 he 15,000 people who get anti-HIV 1 treatments from Argentina’s govern ment health care system are not receiving a steady flow of the drugs, the International Gay &. Lesbian Human Rights Commission reports. “The companies responsible for sup plying government health centers with AID S drugs— including Indinavir, 3TC , d4T and other anti-retrovirals— have repeatedly failed to meet their contractual obligations,” the group said. w r Colleen Weed m available when you are! ” “/ Evenings/Weekends ARGENTINA 78Ò-1561 N JÊ& A ppointm ents at your convenience MORTGAGE A d v o ca te s 9 9 0 0 S. W. Wilshire Street • Portland , Oregon 9 7 225 We make the impossible possible. While we can't promise to save you every time a deadline changes, we can usually find a solution - like digital printing. With digital printing, you can have a finished four color printed piece - in no time at all. Use it for rush reprints of your product sheets or a quick run of your brochures. With digital printing, you can afford to print without huge runs or long lead times. So the next time you need anything from copies to full-color printing, come to the experts at PIP Printing. 424 NE Broadway * Portland, OR 97232 503.281.8666 * Fax 503.249.1440 • • \ P/P PRINTING The Right Printer. The Right People.® UNITED KINGDOM ord Waheed Alii, the only openly gay mem- ^ her of Britain’s House of Lords, and his lover, multimillionaire media tycoon Charlie Parsons, would like to have children, London’s Sunday Times reports. Parsons created the hit television show Sur HIV-positive people receiving medica vivor. Alii was appointed a life peer by Prime tions through the public health system in Buenos Aires have faced increasingly frac Minister Tony Blair in August 1998. tured drug dispensation schedules and acute shortages of drugs that require strict adher DELARUS A uthorities in Minsk, capital of the former ence and dosage regimens, the commission Soviet republic of Belarus, banned the gay said. “Long lines, hours of waiting and allot pride parade and all other pride week activities ments of [generic] drugs of dubious origin, Sept. 8. parceled out in plastic bags, propelled AIDS According to Swedish activist Bill Schiller, who was in Minsk: “Uniformed police arrived at activists into the streets to protest,” the group the inauguration performance already in . said. “Dispensation of drugs, at one time monthly, now requires patients to present progress, ordered the lights shut off and gave participants only minutes to evacuate the build themselves at the dispensary as often as every ing. Police then followed the festival partici three to five days.” People interested in working to help pants through the street to another club, which had received police orders by phone to shut its improve the situation should send e-mail to j n dix)rs, trapping the other customers inside.” The next day, the police shut down the pride Compiled by R ex WOCKNER, who fuxs reported organization’s office and the entire building in which it was located, closed another festival site /or the gay press since 1985. He has a bachelor's where performances and art exhibits were degree in journalism from Drake University ard scheduled and canceled the gay film festival, started his career as a radio reporter. which already had begun. Gays protested the actions by holding an I THE NEW B O U T I Q U E S • Vi.,. » 1 H H tv- vicuna FRENCH QUARTER 0 ^ - N O K T I IK A S T I'O K T I.A N I) AC W ■ w fi; i’ K A I t l, D I M T N I C T ¡y KITOKNK »:*« I N 1444 NW V NK HHOAOWAY 5 0 . 1 - 2 N 2 - N 2 OO 1 4 TII A T H O Y T 5 0 :< -2 2 »*;iN 7 0 F I F T H M TH KKT FITH I.IC M A H K K T 5 4 I -.44 .»-H 1I04 { c a t a l o g at w w w . f r e n c h q u a r t e r l i n e n s . c o m } «M0P*