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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 2000)
( 503 ) Clo issinea -> 7 » / *» 7 236*1253 promote your business nere Provide for your partner Accident & Injury Claims accounting, 44 animals, 44 attorneys, 44 bodywork, 44,45 ht«ne»typiTtunities, 45 career counseling, 45 ceremonies, 45 child care, 45 chiropractors, 45 r computers, 45 costumes, 45 counseling, 45,46 dentistry, 46 fitness, 46 hairstylists, 46 healing arts, 46 health care, 46 help wanted, 46,47 home services, 47,48 housing, 47 instruction, 48 insurance, 48 janitorial, 48 landscaping, 48 naturopath, 48 photography, 48 psychics, 48 real estate, 48,49 real estate loans, 50 real estate services, 50 services, 50 spirituality, 50 travel, 50 xxx, 50 just friends, 43 ■ — — - I MM......... ............... .................. _ ..........! Ä SEPTEMBER Advertising Deadlines Divorce & Custody - ...... ................. Unmarried Couples Corinne J. Lai Insurance Law A ttorney at Law Incorporation 5 2 0 SW 6th, Ste. 8 2 5 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 4 Business Transactions (503) 226-6945 Wills, Estates , Trusts ...... Üj H = Display ad reservation # = Classified word ads = Issue comes out a 5 10 11 12 Ms 17 BE 19 (An extended list of deadlines is » 24 25 26 available at V * 6 7 ., 8 9 13 14 f f 16 2 0 ® 22 23 27 28 29 30 1 for unm arried couples." Criminal Law & D U I Litigation , State & Federal OCTOBER “Estate planning is an absolute necessity Real Estate 2 3 4 5 ^ 7 A I D S Issues 8 ■ 10 11 # 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SEI24 2 5 ® 27 28 29 30 31 Personnel Policies Workers Compensation Discrimination Wage and H ou r Employment Law fi Conservatorships Medical Malpractice & Personal Injury Attorney r.vnn H an dlin EA, LTC, CFP Phone: foodw oi 761-9267 SpitaCeri/!Hand(in Bookkeeping and Tax Service, Inc. ■ Business & Tax Planning / Preparation ■ Certified Financial & Retirement Planning ■ Full Service Bookkeeping shbats © FAX: 503-761-9341 11916 SE Division Portland, OR 97266 C A R IN G FOR THE C O M M U N IT Y five* 4*« Richard B. Schneider A it o r n e y Looking out for your best interest. Taxes • Busi ness Consul t i ng Accounting • Real Estate Taxation fo r businesses Susan and A. individuals Nestor | Cer ti fi ed Public A cc o un t an t [ «**>- A t t o r n e y s - v at w n t -w m s L aw is w ell versed in the special estate-planning Hala Gores needs o f the gay and lesbian com m unity. O ur practice is focused exclusively on estate planning. W e are profession al, w e understand M arlene E. F indling the issues, and w e arc h ere to help. ATTORNEY AT LAW phone: (503) 241 -1215 fax: (503) 241-1216 e-mail: information^ rbsllc.tom \v\v\Y. Mediation, Adoption, Divorce, Domestic Partnerships, and other family and relationship m atters FREE REPORT! O ne M ain P lace 2 9 5 -1 9 4 0 101 S.W. M ain , S uite 804 P ortland , O regon 97204 e - mail : marfindl @ teleport . com P hone : 503-224-0077 12th Floor, 621 S W Morrison telephone: (5 0 3 ) 2 4 5 - 8 0 9 0 m em b er sh ip : O regon Society o f C e rtifie d P ublic Accountants Am erican Institute of C e rtifie d P ublic Accountants “GAY & LESBIAN COUPLES FACE SPECIAL CHALLENGES IN ESTATE PLANNING' h lassified Deadline: 4 p.m. September 26th (for October 6th issue) Kt*HN44MW 14 mi I m fi CLEOPATRA'S V CAT SITTERS, M: IN C . Since 1995 y What Every Gay and Lesbian Couple Should Know About Estate Planning and Their Rights Each year the American public— gay and straight— spends over $1.5 billion on probate fees. In addition, the Will you may have is com pletely ineffective with respect to illness or disability. Is there a better alternative? Yesl Protect Your Relationships ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ (5 0 3 )2 3 3 -5 1 5 5 ( 5 0 3 ) 2 4 1 -1 2 1 5 Law O ffices o f R ichard B. Schneider, LLC [2455 NW Marshall St, Suite 1L Portland, OR 972101 "Hothl v itit CJ>t CAM 4+icUlhtt" Free Consultation No Fee Unless You Recover Willner Wren Hill & U'Ren. LLP GEOFFREY G. WREN CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE COPY. B onded • Insured • R eferences Integrity, Experience & Results Domestic Partnerships Wills & Trusts Powers of Attorney Elderly Parents Medicaid Edibility Mark M. Williams Attorney at Law 111 SW Naito Parkway Suite 303 Portland, OR 97204 503/228-4000 Personal Injuries/Accidents Workers’ Comp./Social Security Employment Law & Discrimination Civil Litigation A T T O R N E Y A T LA W aOT0BiaB7g________ 5 0 3 .2 2 4 .6 2 2 9 • B u sin e ss Law, C orporations, LLCs Mever & Wvse LLP • Wills and Probate Bank o f Am erica Financial Center 121 SW Morrison Suite 900 Portland, OR 97204 • F a m ily Is s u e s & A d o p t io n Place your JUST FRIENDS Voice Personal Ad online at Validated Parking • R e a l E sta te & L it ig a t io n ........................ » A ttorneys at Law W D omestic P artnerships R eal E state B usiness & C ommercial L aw E state P l a n n in g Denise L Stern B usiness L itig atio n 621 SW Morrison, Suite 1300 Portland, O R 97205 tel 503.228.8448 fax 503.273.9 135 m ww (o meyerwy se. com Attorney at Law Arbitrator Mediator • 5 0 3 /2 3 1 - 9 3 4 0 • Westmoreland Office 14 Years l x ¡ieri e n e e M e m b e r . O r e g o n a n d W a s h i n g t o n Hars o r k in g T o w a r d A J ust S o c ie t y The BODYWORK heading is for state-licensed ANDREW E. TOTH-FEJEL massage therapists only. LMTs do theraputic, A T T O R N E Y AT L A W nonsexual massage. Look under the Healing Arts BANKRUPTCY and Services headings for advertisements • P ersonal & B usiness • R epresenting D ebtors a n d C reditors 621 SW Morrison, Ste 1300. Portland. OR 97205 2 7 3 - 0 1 14 previously found in this section W O O D Y C L A R K E , L M T . Swedish, deep tissue and sports massage. Non-sexual. Outcalls only. (503) 320-2168. (10/20) T IM M U L C A H E Y , L M T . Bodywork that soothes, awakens and empowers. (503) 231- 5755. ( 11/3)