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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 2000)
march 17.2ÛOO» INSTRUCTION musical enjoyment for all ages FOR RENT FOR 2 VICTORIAN 2BR HOMES, both close-in, min utes to Lloyd Center or new Natures. Both a gardeners RENT WANT TO Saxophone and Clarinet Lessons SHARE and cooks delight! Range, refrigerator, dishwashers. Basement, patio, landscaped, nice! Only female cat OK. Responsible, long-term tenants only $795 (Irvington and Eliot); and $775 (Sabin). (503) 244-5515. (3/17) IRVINGTON/NE —Two hedroom/one bath apt. five-unit building available in early June. Quiet, trees, garden. New appliances/microwave. Heat pump/AC. Oftstreet parking. Bicycle storage. Laundry. Close to Broadway, MAX, bikeways. $745. Call Jack, (503) 335- 0294.(3/17) ROOM FOR RENT IN NE PORTLAND. Large, private room with bathroom, walk-in closet, and outdoor deck, available March 1 in stable lesbian home. Close to bus lines, pets negotiable. Call (503) 421-3999 for more info. (4/7) QUIET, MELLOW APARTMENTS. $460-$560, VANCOUVER, Two bedroom houses. Both have one and two BR. Nonsmoking, cats OK. 7 minutes drive to Powell’s Books, in Raleigh Hills. (503) 292-6890 or 557-0444. (4/7) refrig, stove, washer and dryer, large yard. One is $600 a month plus all utilities. The other is $650 a month plus all utilities. Call (503) 231-8464. (3/17) Unfurnished bedroom with southern exposure, hard woods and large closet in 4 bedroom house. 1908 remod eled and landscaped yard. One block from bus. 10 m in utes to downtown. Available April 1st thru September 30, 2000. $300 month + deposit, 1/4 utilities average $80 a month. Call Oscar, (503) 288-4669. (3/17) CHARMING COTTAGE, 1100 SF, 2 bedrooms, 2 bonus rooms, eat-in country kitchen, fireplace, hard woods, detached one-car garage, basement, front porch, new reffig/stove, private setting in outer SE Portland. Nonsmokers, no pets. References and credit check required. $l,000/mo, plus security and cleaning deposit. Call (503) 761-0185. (3/17) 3 BEDROOM, N O RTH EA ST Irvington-Heights Victorian home. Dishwasher, R&.R, basement, fenced yard, garden shed. Walk to: N atures, Starbucks, Hollywood Video. Only adult female cat OK w/ fee. No smoking. Looking for responsible, long-term tenants only. $875. (503) 244-5515. (3/17) PRIVATE SE T R A D IN G POST. Rustic 1BR w/loft in house. Separate entrance, kitchen and bath. Totall remodeled bath w/terracotta tile and cedar. New berber carpet in BR. Yard, garden, courtyard w/fireplace. Nonsmoking, pets negotiable. $595/m onth includes util ities. 6315 SE Raymond. Krista (503) 788-1619. (3/17) SWEET ONE BR HOUSE, quiet NE neighbor hood. No smoking, pets negotiable. $680/m onth + deposit. Available 3/25. (503) 287-3540. (3/17) WANT TO S H A R E JUST YOUR AVERAGE LESBIANS look mg for a third queer woman to join our Laurelhurst pet-free, veg etarian home. Near Laurelhurst Park, MAX, a million bus lines. $316.66 a month + 1/3 utilities + small refund able deposit. Move in around April 1st. Call us! We’re cool! Sarah or Lisa: (503) 236-0062. (3/17) HOUSEMATE WANTED to complete large N. Portland home. Prefer lesbian or gay male. $225/month + deposit. Call Ray, (503) 735-2640. (3/17) MT. TABOR AREA. Beautiful 3BR/2 bath apart ment, huge. Living room, family room, dining room, kitchen, pool. Male or female. $350/month includes util ities. (503) 771-3373. (3/17) HOUSEMATE WANTED, MT. TABOR AREA. Hardwood floors, w/d, cable TV, fireplace, built-ins, gym in basement. Close to bus and shopping. $475/month includes utilities. Helen (503) 253-7892. (3/17) N eeds Part-Tim e D e liv e ry D riv e rs GBF SEEKS FEMALE TO SHARE 3BR home in NE. Large basement room, separate entrance, washer/dryer, storage. Pets negotiable. $350/m onth includes utilities. (503) 285-3112. (3/17) SE AREA, GWM COUPLE with small dogs, will ing to share home with a GW M who will help clean, cook, and do gardening for 1/2 his rent. Barracks style sleeping area and complete run of the house. Call Ron after 7:00 Pm, (503) 775-7042. (3/17) 2 PEOPLE, PREFER LESBIAN OR GAY C O U PLE, to share 5BR house with lesbian couple. 3BR, own bath, own phone. Quiet neighborhood, close to new Nature’s. Pets negotiable. $700/month. Available May 1st. (503) 240-0905. (3/17) HOUSEMATE WANTED, stable and responsible, to share nice older home. N Portland, close-in. Separate phone line, cable TV. $400/month includes utilities. $100 cleaning deposit. Ralph (503) 240-7165. (3/17) C lassified ad deadline 4 p.m. M arch 30. HOME SERVI CES NNMHHHHMMHI ju s tr r m ROOMMATE WANTED , rp.everything. Contact Katy at 503 - 236-1252 282-4829 RG & Repairs SERVICES Ascent Tree and Yard Care 707 NE Liberty St. ? Setting up Iwtli your unto and home insurance with American Family can save you up to 2»(< oJI your premiums. Call Today r= - ^ = = = = x M a t t Form an 503 52 6. 29 99 , w , __ is worth a call. >K Auto, Home, Life & Business “Your Independent Insurance Agency” B P□ &□ R K il M fax / p h flM I o ne 23 pd A ve .. P ortland , OR 97212 C C M 9 7 I0 0 CONSTRUCTION BOEH CONST INC. All phases home remodeling Kitchens • Baths • Decks • Windows Residential • Interior • Exterior Ron Gaylord (503) 774 1810 /, '/ /v F ree E stim ate s Licensed • Bonded • Insured • CCB HandyWOrkS #126869 318-5544 665-2297 C C B #121953 Lic/Bond/lns to advertise call (503 ) -1253 AMERICAN FAMILY I N S U R A N C E Richard Knittle interior & exterior —all size jobs Kitchens • Bathroom» • Older Homes Expert Bonded, lice nsed A insured # 1 0 6 0 8 5 ________________ _____________ Free Estimates Don Gate* Phone: 267-1520^ C C S 0 14017t ]Home Repairs, Remodels and Maintenance Your complete satisfaction is my goal I! m Call your Family Agents KEN MAJOR office 503-281-5880 cell 503-752-3780 503 254 3191 Residential • Service Upgrades • New and remodel • C.C.B 108091 Vicki Coons Se Habla Español Urban K. Hutchins Mr. Handy A company that supports our community with rates that respect your relationships Eddy K. Hauff ' licensed and Bonded CCB#97068 Emad mrhandy@teleport com -Flooring -Windows -Electrical -Plumbing -Sheet Rock -Ceramic Tile 235-1037 or 449-6207 titty _ R eeni G oldin (5 0 3 ) 7 7 4 -5 0 4 8 Mike “ N o Jo b T o o Small" 309-8733 Ornam ental Pruning Tree Removal Stump G rinding R oof & G utter Cleaning CCB# 130403 Lic.Bond.lnsured. 17 Years Exp. ( When saving yourself some money. AUTO HOME BU SIN E SS HEALTH LIFE Home Renovation* HOME W W O ( TOM FITZPATRICK m W A ftO O 4-6 h o u r s per route DESIGN/BUILD HISTORICAL RESTORATION UNIVERSAL DESIGN 6, s la v ic b o y @ v o ic e stre a m .n e t Need help? Let me load up and haul away all your unwanted junk, yard debris, or whatever... Reasonable rates, flexible schedule Call Sandy 645-8011 or email y rd e n e r sondy@worldnet xrtt .net Is your social group or orga nization linked to jiis to u t? K IT C H E N S ‘ BATHS • A D D IT IO N S • R E M O D E L 2629 NE 1st & 3rd F r i d a y s Meg Grace » 236-6314 2 5 years of study Bliott, Powell, Baden & Baker, Inc. H O ME SPRING CLEAN UP A il skill levels General Contractor KRñFT9rX\ñN APPROPRIATE Remodel • Painting • Roofing Decks • Finish Work • Interlor/Exterlor office 503-281-5363 cell 503-702-3464 F^N2VJñTI2N d P ^5T ?F m T i°N (503)232-2295 am mm HI5T?RKnLLy fi F R ^ IT n ¿ 7 o y -\t£ r CCBS131S20 Licenced. Bonded, ft Insured Î3 rMTCH*iN2 n F7TTH5 3531 NE 15th Avenue, Suite A Portland OR 97212