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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 2000)
march 17.2000 M iracit ThM irs/Tsatro Mitegro presents B Paso Blue a sexualy charged and passionate drama about spout out is published on the first and third Friday o f every month. The deadline Dr submissions is 15 days prior to publication. _ I< S u b ou t is a free community service o f Just out Listing for events and nouncements that are specifically relevant to sexual minorities in Oregon and st W ashington is provided free o f charge. The calendar features events „ . ee weeks beyond the date o f publication. Bulletin Board listings run for i to two months from submission date. re a c h listings o f up to 25 words (not including contact information) are pro* J free o f charge to organizations and groups specifically serving the sexual rities community. A ll listings are subject to editing, and inclusion is subject to i limitations, relevance and receipt by deadline. stings expire tw ice a year (in May and November), and submissions run from the date received until the next scheduled expiration date Listings are automati cally deleted upon expiration. To ensure uninterrupted listing, please submit updat- 1 information at least a month prior to the expiration date. Send listings to: vengeance, love, pam and loss o i culture experienced by two generations of men. March 31 -April 29. (C dl lo r times. 525 SEStark St $12 15031236-7253.) Paula Productions presents The Shadow B om . the story of three families (one of them gay) confronting issues of hope and tragedy, through March 25 at the Jack Oakes Theatre. 18 pm. 2820 Sandy Bhd. $10 at the d o o r) Portland Cantor Stage presents Blues fo r an Alabama Sky through March 18 in the Newmark Theatre of the Portland Center for the Performing Arts. (Call for times, t i l t S W Broadway $10439 15031274-6588) Portland Opera presents The Cunning Little Vixen March 25-April 1 at Civic Audrtorium. (7.30 pm. 222 SW Clay St. Tickets start at $25 from the box office or Ticketmaster. 15031241-1802 ) Profile Theatre Project presents Lips a new play about the first female president of the U S. by Constance Congdon. at Theater* * Theatre! through March 26 (3430 SE Belmont St. $10419.15031242-0080.) Theatre Vertigo presents The King Has Gone To Submissions sought fo r anthology on lesbians kissing. W nte fo r guidelines first A.D.. PO Box 613, Salem. OR 97308 or e mail Stone ally©hotm ail com (5/5 ) What Makes A Gay Soul? is the title of a support group for gay men. which will explore such topics as being exiled from religious communities The group wiH meet Wednesdays in April and May at the Interfaith Spintual Center located at 3910 SE 11th Ave The cost for eight sessions is $150 with sliding scale fees avail able. Call (503) 289-4103 to register. (3/17) Playshop for woman w ith WYMPHOV's Enid Lofton begins a four-week session on April 3 at Buffalo Gals, located at 455 W First in Eugene The program uses improvisational comedy techniques to teach a new and fun-filled way to look at life To register call (541) 345-2067 or e mail (3/1 7 ) The Smart Choicaa program of the YWCA is seeking volunteers to assist with after school activities designed to promote the intellectual, social and personal develop ment o f 4th and 5th grade girts A ctivities take place weekday afternoons in NE Portland Women o f color are strongly encouraged to apply. Contact Caroline Oakley at (503) 721-1754. (5/5 ) Tenebrae. a new play by George Herman through April 1 Old Town. If you are interested m becoming a part of this team, please ca l (503) 295-9785 or contact Pam at (503) 940 5373. (4 /7 ) M etropolitan Community Church o f Portland is seeking playwrights to submit their one-act plays for a showcase o f new talent in a GLBT context. One play wiH be produced m the spnng o f 2000. The submissions are due by M ar 15. Call MCC for more information (503) 281 8868. (3/17) Rosa C ity Softball Association is looking for play ers o f all abilities and coaches who are interested in forming new teams Like softball but don't play? Be a manager (it requires tim e and spint) Contact us at (503)203-9160. (3/17) Clark Co. YWCA Sexual M inority Services Project needs volunteers : peer counselors, researchers, group facilitators, program development assistance, etc. Our focus is on women and youth, training is provided Call Uyn Zephyr (360) 906-9142 (3/17) Write Around Portland a local non-profit, is recruit ing participants for its Spnng wnting workshops. If you are affected by HIV. feeling isolated, or if you want to explore wnting with a community, the WRAP workshops Just out (attn: Calendar) P.O. Box 14400 Portland. OR 97293-0400 Andrew Harris and Jami CHatalas get intimate in Triangle Productions’ The Blue Room through April 9 [Fax submissions to (503) 236-1257 or e-mail to justout@ [Submissions cannot be accepted over the phone. [Please type your announcements and include full contact information. VIEW : on Alberta holds a last Thursday gallery walk ery month from 6-9 pm. so mark March 30 on your tendar and stroll along NE Alberta between 14th Ave d 30th Ave. where you'll find 16 gallenes full o f art. jps are available at the gallenes Be sure to check t the new lesbian-owned gallery Plain Jane at 2936 : Alberta St., which is featuring paintings by Carrie right and furniture by Terry Boyl. i Her Image Gallery presents a group show of lists from Zimbabwe through April 2. (3208 SE iwthome Blvd 15031231-3726.) aryhill Museum o f A rt presents its collection of iguste Rodin bronzes through Nov. 15. At the same ie they will also feature Queen M ane and the imanovs. This fascinating museum has beautiful nunds and makes a great day tnp up the Columbia )rqe. (35 M aryhill Museum Dnve. Goklendale. Wa 991 773-3733.) regon College of A rt ft C raft presents 9x9x3 i Exhibition o f Textile Study Group o f New York, con ning of 52 unique art works each housed in a 9 ' x 9" I" box, through March 26 (daily 10 am -5pm . 8245 V Barnes Rd 15031297-5544 ) icific Northwest College o f A rt (PNCA) ers photographs by Marietta Poli through April 1. 241 NW Johnson St., call fo r hours 15031226-4391) »rttand A rt Museum presents Strogenoffi the • face and collections o f a Russian noble m f/y through May 31. (9 am -10 pm daily 1219 SW irk Ave. $13. $11 seniors and students. $6 children. 131226-2811. www portlandartm useum o rg ) »»tland Institute fo r Contemporary A rt 1CA) inaugurates its new facility w ith Fictio nal ties an exhibition o f contem porary w ork by French sts Mane Sester and Alain Bublex (Noon-6 pm Jdnesday through Sunday 219 N W 12th Ave $3 Bn members, members free 15031242-1419) American Heritage Theater Project presents One Flew O ve r the Cuckoo's Nest at the Northwest Neighborhood Cultural Center through March 25. On the same stage later in the evening, they also present the original musical M adw om en's Late N its Cabaret through March 25. (Cuckoo: 8pm . Madwomen: 10.30 pm. 1819 NW Everett St. $12 and $8. reserve at 15031 245-3642.) Artists Repertory Theatre presents Terrence McNally's M aster Class, which explores the life and artistry of opera diva Mana Callas. The play runs through April 23 (Reiersgaard Theatre. 1516 SW Alder S t Tickets are $15-25; call for times 15031241-1278.) Brody Theater presents Out o f Their Minds, an impro- visational take on communication. Saturdays through Apnl 15. (8 pm. 1904 NW 27th Ave. $8.15031224- 0688) Cloud 9 Productions presents Shear Madness, a wacky whodunit where the audience gets to solve the enme. See the show that the Guinness Book of World Records says is the longest running, non-musical play m American theater history. Through March 26. (8 pm Thursday and Friday. 5. 30 and 8 3 0 pm Saturday. 2 and 7 pm Sunday a t Portland A rt Museum s Commandery Room. 1219 S W Park Ave $15432.50 (Portland Art at the Russell Street Theater. (1 16 NE Russell St For times and ticket information call 15031306-0870.) Triangle Productions presents The Blue Room which explores the entanglements of love and sex between a daisy chain of characters through Apnl 9 at Theater* Theatre* (Call fo r times. 3430 SE Belmont $ 1 5 41 7 from 15031239-5919.) White Bird presents A e ro Betty aerial dance theeter at the Performing Arts Center at PCC Sylvania March 30-Apri! 9. (Call fo r times. 12000 SW 49th Ave.. $ 1 8 42 0 Fastixx 15031224-8499.) Uminal Performance Group presents The Hour We Knew Nothing o f Each O ther which features 400 characters who pass by one another without speak ing a smgle word! Plays through April 15 at the Metropolitan Art Studo. (5031229-3979.) (8 pm. 2808 NE MLK B M $10. Women wanting adventure: if you're a single les bian. 35-55. like to play and laugh, let s meet, start a new group, make new friends and plan a winter full of fun! The possibilities are endless. Join us at Touchstone Coffee House at 7631 NE Glisan St. on March 18 from 3-5 pm For details call Patti at (503) 646-0490 or via e- mad: IksshOuswest net (3/17) athartic comics I B c a l f u n d in g f o r t h is p a r t ic u l a r s e g m e n t ^ [OF THE DISH THE DIRT W ITH D IV A SHOW . J a r r in g d iv a t o u c h E f l a m b E a n d f e a t u r in g r t . THE BROW N BOMBER IS PROVIDED IN PART |Y JUST O U T — PORTLAND'S PREMIER QUEER NEWSMAGAZINE. Paddlers Wanted for Amazon Dragons dragon boat team. Races held June 10th and 11th Practices three times a week, date and times to be determined. If inter ested please contact Chnstina at (503) 570-8521. (4/21) The Rose Court Presents a Spring Ball ‘ Sailing throughout time, A Ship of Fools’ Cruise on the Portland Spint Apnl 9th Tickets available March 1st at The Embers and The Egyptian Club. $20 includes buffet dinner and dancing. (3/17) Museum. Tcketm asterl 15031226-2811.) Late NHe Catechism continues its one woman/every nun show where students are questioned and chastised in the best Cathokc tradition. Through May 28. (8 pm Thursday-Saturday. 2 pm Sunday at Mam Street Theater. 904 SW Mam S t $2450429.50 [Tcketm asterl.) The Metro Breast Health Project is seeking les bians aged 35 or over to complete a brief wntten survey and then participate in a guided discussion with 8-10 other women A $50 stipend is offered. Call Debra at (503) 771-7728 fo r more inform ation. (4/21) Do you have a horse’ Looking to get together with women and horses to start a Lesbian Equestrian Group for trail ndes in the Pacific Northwest Call Denise at (503) 654 3865 or Lynn at (503) 777 2339 or e-mail ke)rav@rdrop com. (4/17) Pam M onette and the Sexual M inonties Round Table are looking for volunteers fo r a Citizens Foot Patrol that wB cover the downtown areas of Stark S treet and are fo r you. They w ill be held at Project Q uest on Tuesdays from 7-9 pm Call Ben or Liza to sign up (503) 232-2246 (3/1 7 ) Call fo r contributions: Rainbow Pnde Press is seeking inspirational gay and lesbian stones that m oti vate. inspire and uplift individuals Submissions are open to anyone and should be no m ore than about 1400 words The deadline fo r submissions is March 31. 2000 To submit please mail o r e-mail m aterial along with name, author biography, address and other contact inform ation to: Rainbow Pnde Press. "Journeys Across The Rainbow’ . 6525 Gunpark Drive, Suite 150-117, Boulder. CO 80301 or e-mail: EditorflPP www RainbowPndePress com. (3/1 7 ) Old Lesbian« Organizing fo r Change (OLOC) a national lesbian organization, now has a chapter in Portland fo r Lesbians 60 and older who are interested m changing the social disease of ageism. We meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 1 pm It s a good time to meet, support each other and talk about the ageism in your life, m our community, our state, our country and m the w orld Call (503) 286-3575 or (5031 331-0415 fo r more «form ation featuring The B row n Bom ber and D iva Touche Flam bé by Prof. I.B. Gittendowne ...A GRANT FROM THE I LOVE SIMPLISTIC CARTOONS CORPORATION— A NATIONAL ORGANI ZATION OF OF INDIVIDUALS WITH A FETISH FOR ALL THAT IS SIMPLE. T~ ------ ----------- 1 / ~ ^ I...WE WOULD.,.UH, ....UH...AFTER ALL OF THAT...IVE FORGOTTEN WHAT COMPLEX SU BJEC T WE WERE SUP- J POSED TO TACKLE THIS ISSUE...*™™/ w CATHARTIA IMAGES LTD ., A DIVISION OF THE RUPE ,1 CROUP GRAPHICS IN C . IN ASSOCIATION WITH AREN T y o u CLAD rO U V E NOT UVINC IN MISSISSIPPI r* PRODUCTIONS. PRESENTS THIS EDITION OF *« CATHARTIC COMICS— A CONTINUOUS SAGA BV THE GOOD PROFESSOR LB. GITTENDOWNE. I SUSPECT IT HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH TOUR PARTICULAR FETISH FOR O VERALL...