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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 2000)
2 0 J» *t ’ maicû 1Z.2QÛQ TruMi'inews NEW STORE. MORE SHOES. FOR MEN & WOMEN. North Portland Veterinary Hospital AUSTRALIA T hirty gay men and lesbians marched in Syd ney’s Chinese New Year parade on Feb. 6 carrying a big banner reading Asian Lesbian and Gay Pride.” “You could see people looking at the banner, then looking at us, then back at the banner, try ing to put two and two together,” marcher Kha Hien Huynh told the gay newspaper Capital Q. Crowd response ranged from ambivalence to overt support, the marchers said. “I think people appreciated the fact that our presence was something different, ’ Huynh said. “Things are going to change from now on.” R odney Croome, the most well-known gay activist in the Australian state of Tasmania, was named an inaugural recipient of the Tasma nia Day Community’ Service Award in February. The honor was presented by Gov. Guy Green and announced in the state Parliament. Green thanked Croome for “foster ing greater respect for the states gay and lesbian com munity and playing a major role in reshaping Tasma nia as a more toler ant, open and diverse communi- Like any family member our pets need good healthcare. A t North Portland Veterinary Hospital, we provide the very best medical care along w ith big doses of tenderness and compassion. ty- 285-0462 2009 N.Killingsworth A N e w D e n ta l R e s e a rc h S tu d y a t R u s s e ll S tre e t C lin ic Are You HIV POSITIVE? Do You Have Tooth Pain? Do You Have These Symptoms? Do you have a persistent tooth ache, intermittent tooth pain, or swelling in your mouth or face? Have you been told your tooth needs a root canal? Participate In A New Free Research Study You may qualify to participate in the Oral Health Enhancement Study being conducted by the Russell Street Dental Clinic, a part of OHSU. Volunteers must be HIV posi tive, 18 to 65 years of age and have at least 20 teeth. Benefits Participants will receive free root canal treatment, free CD4 counts and viral load blood tests, free check-ups, and $125 for participation. Participants will also be helping to improve the quality of life for people with HIV. For more information, call: ( 503 ) 494-6300 HSL OliOON H iA LTH Where Healing Teacbmq and Discovery Come Together %» eqml o p n t fin ifiimaú* wokam *etM\ Tasmanian Pre mier Jim Bacon Rodney Croome added: “This is tmly a sign of how far we, as a community, have come.” Said Croome: “This is an award for all Tas manians who are devoted to the ideals of inclu sion and tolerance, but most of all it is an award for the states lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans gender communities. 1 salute my brothers and sisters for their endurance and courage in trans forming this island community into a safer and happier place for all minorities.” BELARUS T he only gay bar in the former Soviet repub lic of Belarus was closed Feb. 21 due to a lease dispute with the gov ernment, which owns the building that housed the club. The owners of the bar, which was named Oscar, say the closure was actual ly a matter of simple homophobia and they are planning a lawsuit. Officials from the Belarus Lambda League for Gay and Lesbian Freedom commented: “We believe this incident to be a demonstration of flourishing homophobia, legislative highhand edness and despotism." CA N A D A O n Feb. 21, the House of Commons ap proved a measure that grants same-sex couples all the federal benefits received by com mon-law opposite- sex spouses and extends to gay and straight common- law couples many marriage rights that neither group currently has. T he Feb. 21 vote was 161-60. T he legislation will rewrite 68 federal statutes in areas ranging from pensions and insurance to income tax and prison visits. The bill now moves to the Commons justice committee, which will suggest improvements prior to a third and final vote. Then it will advance to the Senate. C orrections Canada will let some prisoners undergo sex-change operations, Canadian Press reported Feb. 17. The new policy will settle a human rights complaint filed by a trans inmate. he Canadian Medical Association is urging medical schools to develop anti-homopho bia programs in the wake of a McMaster Uni- versity/CMA study that found lesbian and gay physicians-in-training are afraid to come out of the closet. The researchers also urged schools to hire faculty to be role models for lesbian and gay stu dents and to set up gay support groups. T F IJ I he government is preparing to undo the 1997 constitutional prohibition of discrim ination based on sexual orientation. New legislation will neutralize the clause by banning gay sex and same-sex marriage. “We need to reinforce the country’s values on society— those held by the majority of mem bers of the public," said Attorney General Anand Singh. “A s far as the Fiji Islands is con cerned, we are not going to legalize marriage between two persons of the same sex— no gay marriages in Fiji.” The nation’s Human Rights Commission is opposing the government’s plans. T Music M illennium R e c o r d s , T a p e s N W Portland 23rd & N W Johnson (503) 248 -0163 and C D ’ s S in c e 1 9 6 9 E a s t Portland 32nd & E Burnside (50 3)231-8 9 26 Rock* Folk* Jazz* Country* Soundtracks* Soul* Gospel* New Age* World* Bluegrass* Blues* Easy Listening* Oldies* Local* Cajun/Zydeco* Lounge* Rap* Broadway Cast* ____ ___________ Classical and Much More!