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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 2000)
» / ê* - fetruary 4. 2000 • J m t M *,2 1 Pîïïïïïïlïl news UGANDA he nation’s first lady, Janet Museveni, demonstrated Jan. 12 that she agrees with her husband’s anti-gay sentiments. “Do not experiment these new sex fashions in town, like homosexuality and others,” she advised. “Please, I warn you youth of Uganda, that it pays to stay pure sexually, respect your life and guard it well.” On Sept. 27, President Yoweri Museveni called for the arrest of all gays for committing “a b o m i n a b l e acts." “I have told the CID [Crim inal Investiga tions Depart ment] to look for homosexu als, lock them up and charge them," he said. “Even the Holy Bible spells it out clearly that God created Adam and Eve as wife and husband, but not men to marry fellow men.” Then, in a Nov. 23 speech to Parliament, Museveni described how gay people are treated in the nation’s Ankole region. “These few individuals were either ignored or speared and killed by their parents. They wouldn’t just go and wed another man publicly,” he said. Museveni’s homophobia has been de nounced by the U.S. State Department, which indicated: “We would view the arrest and imprisonment of persons based on their sexual orientation as a serious human rights violation, regardless of whether such arrests are sanctioned by Ugandan legislation.” T UNITED KINGDOM ay men are better dads than straight men, JF according to a new study by Dr. Gill Dunne of the London School of Economics. After studying 100 gay fathers, Dunne concluded that gay men are more nur turing, caring, committed, sensitive and compassion ate; more likely to main tain strong ties with kids after they split with a part ner; and more likely to he on good terms with their former partner. The men who were studied had become fathers via donor insemination, adoption, foster ing and previous marriages to women. -5 - T he head of the Scottish Episcopal Church, Bishop Robert Holloway, told the British TED ONE Broadcasting Corp. on Jan. 9 that he supports church blessings of same-sex couples. “If we can bless battleships and fox hunts, why can’t we bless a couple of human beings who want to be faithful to one another?” Hol loway said. “Sex is the last hang-up of the church. We have been operating an ethic which is no longer appropriate to our time.” He added: “1 think that gay priests should be allowed to have stable relationships just like straight priests. There are a lot of gay priests, of gay Christians; it’s tough for them to feel mar ginalized, made into some kind of moral lepers, and the Church would collapse without them.” RKSH! • • • • • • • Ch in or N eck: $89.95 U pper Lip: $89.95 B ock: $134.95 Bikini Line: $89.95 U n d erarm s: $89.95 U p p er Legs: $149.95 Low er Legs: $139.95 (Minimum 3 treatments per area usually required) former British Caledonian air steward has leased four jets and will launch the world’s first gay airline in April. The company’s insignia will be the rainbow flag. Freedom Airways 757s and 767s will fly out of Luton and Manchester, England, to destina tions around the world, including Thailand, Australia and the United States. Founder Martin Langham, 34, said the idea came to him when he was flying to the Indone sian island of Bali and a stewardess told him to take his head off his lover’s shoulder. LASER ~ WORKS! A ritain lifted its ban on gays in the military Jan. 12, implementing a Sept. 27 European Court of Human Rights ruling that the policy violated service members’ rights to privacy and family life. “Homosexuality will no longer be a bar to service in Britain’s armed forces," said Defense Secretary Geoff Hoon. “The law is the law. We cannot choose the deci sions we implement.... There is no longer a reason to deny homosexuals the opportunity of a career in the armed forces.... The status quo is not an option.” Like heterosexual service members, gay service members will be prohibited from engaging in behavior while on duty that undermines the “effi ciency or operational effec tiveness" of the armed forces—such as unwant ed sexual come-ons, offensive displays of affec tion or taking advantage of a subordinate. People who have been kicked out of the mil itary for being gay are being invited to rejoin. B ■ Com piled by R ex WOCKNER, who combs sources from around the globe to bring readers inter esting international tidbits. HAIR REMOVAL AND SKIN REJUVENATION CLINICS 5 0 3 -2 4 4 -8 6 0 0 O R 8 8 8 -4 5 2 -1 6 1 0 Yin & Yang 3 1 0 1 - 0 9 SE 11th SE d o s e in Brooklyn Area Rowhouse style condo alterna tives. 2 bedroom refurbished Victorian Era. High ceilings, pock et doors, nook, pantry, formal dining, full basem ent with garage. Reduced to $122,500 to $124,900 Richard Voss. GRI Associate Broker 2 8 6 -5 8 2 6 Office 8 0 4 -9 4 2 4 Cell/VM a Onhjw- 151 PENINSULA REALTY INC. 232-3600 • • • • • • • • Collision Repair Problems Solved Wheel Alignment Tires Oil Changes Service Work State Farm Service First Provider Specializing in Foreign & European Cars Mini-Vans & Sport Utility Vehicles 2454 E. BURNSIDE * PORTLAND, OR 97214 Family Owned & Operated Since 1952 A smart financial plan begins with just 7 numbers: 2 3 8 -6 0 3 6 ___Still feelin Bummed ‘cuz mom liked your brother best? 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