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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 2000)
luary 21. 2QQQ Thinking of Relocating to Palm Springs? You may be able his partner, Luc Legrand, told reporters: "It does n ’t go as far as we would like, but even so it’s the only official recognition of our union, our affec tion, if not of our marriage.” to retire early and ........ vv. .. . . . create an income You CAN .... stream to make C O L O M B IA this life change possible. » a f H Call me! Visit M y Website: w w w .ja c k e lliso n .c o m or Call for a N o-O bligation Consultation JACK ELLISON F I NANCI AL l I 'A t I M I C O t»OtA«f«K CONSULTANT 760.320.9565 • Toll Free 888.434JACK • A SunA m ark.« C O fllAM f NAiD'VfK T 500 S. PALM CANYON OR., SUITE 204 • PALM SPRINGS,CA 92264 • CA INSURANCE LIC »0C 37841 W in 1 Y e a r S u p p l y Draw ing 3-31-00 9 9 % Effective The only I7 7 T F T 1 nil. FDA approved for har growth. Call for details. 503-973-5545 — K i m W e b s t e r m d pc • FRE samples • $50 In rebates R tfM i •W he Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne and its bishop, George Pell, are under fire from gay and lesbian groups for promoting an organization called Courage, which urges gays to turn straight or embrace celibacy via prayer and therapy. The archdiocese endorsed the group, which, in a recent mailing to 300 priests, said gay peo ple are ‘‘as sick as their secrets.” The local Catholic gay group Rainbow Sash Movement denounced Pell’s affiliation with Courage as “shocking and scandalous.” “Another generation of Catholic youth will face years of self-doubt and despair, fight futile struggles against their natural sexual orienta tion, and live with a sense of being defective and disordered. And all this in the name of G od,” said spokesman Michael Kelly. ore than 6 percent of the country’s stu dents in grades 10 to 12 are attracted to people of the same sex, a new sur vey from the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health &. Society has found. A nother 2.3 percent are unsure of their sexual attractions. Researchers ques tioned 3,500 students at 118 schools. They also found that students who acknowledge same- sex attraction are up to four times more likely to binge drink or use illegal injectable drugs. M 2525 NW #408 R ejuvenation Por"a^. ° fl 9fei° MEDICAL C L IN IC " Ç S S " ' The Research & Education Group B E L G IU M G .- « " '" w ü 'í f l i í ^ - HI1//AIDS Clinical Trials in Oregon and SIN Washington . i'i '.V ay men and lesbians began registering Jan. 4 under the nation’s new partnership law, which also extends to opposite-sex couples and platonic cohabitants. The law is mostly symbolic, as it does not offer much in the way of matrimonial rights. Activist Alain Bossuyt, who registered with ealth M inister Virgilio Galvis, who once disparaged people with HIV, appointed three HIV-positive advisors Dec. 29. They are epidemiologist Dr. Henry Ardila, AIDS activist M iriam Cossio, and activist and journalist Rafael Sandoval. In late 1998, Galvis was denounced by Colombian A ID S activists after he said, “It is better to invest fl nds to assist children with diarrhea than people who have HIV, given that they are very costly.” EL S A L V A D O R W illiam Hernández, head of the El Sal vador gay group Entre Amigos (Among Friends), is receiving death threats, reports the International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission. “IGLHRC continues to be profoundly con cerned about the safety of William Hernández,” the group said. “In one call, the person said that he wanted to speak to the executive director, William Hernández, and that he already knew how to reach the Entre Amigos office in order to kill him. T he caller also left an accurate physical description of the executive director. In a later call that day, the same individual warned, ‘Tell that son of a bitch no t to leave tonight.’ The threats were aimed no t only at Hernández but at his two daughters and his father— whose whereabouts the anonymous caller seemed to know in ominous detail.” W ith seven anti-gay killings con firmed in 1999, Salvadoran gay men, les bians and trans people have been subject ed to a campaign of terror, violence and mur der, IG LH RC said. FRANCE n late December, A ir France extended cheap spouse fares to same-sex couples who register under the n atio n ’s new partnership law. “O ur aim is to treat our staff and our clients who have legally registered their partnerships the same as married couples,” said a company spokesperson. O th er French airlines and the national rail road already provide benefits to gay and lesbian employees’ partners. I GERM ANY O ne of the n atio n ’s leading show business personalities, singer Patrick Lindner, has confirmed media reports that he is gay. He • Multiple Site Locations • Currently Enrolling in Multiple Studies nxj What Makes a Gay Soul? USER'S An Educational Support Group for Gay Men on A Spiritual Journey. Monday Evenings in February and March. • Call Today and Find Out How You Can Participate The Research & Education Group, Oregon's only research organization dedicated solely to HIV treatment. Men’s Weekend Retreat Friday Evening February 11th and Saturday February 12. Soal Salon: Weekly Interfaith Spirituality Group. Thursday Evenings in April and May. UNLIMITED ACCESS The R&E Group is a public non-profit organization. s 1 9 95/ mo • s 99°°/6 m o s NO START UP FEES • CALL TODAY 503-240-8200 503.229.8428 • 800.875.8428 Pre-registration required for all programs. For information call: E-mail: 730? N Richm ond A v* • Portland O R 97303 Dale Rhodes, M.S., M A . Spiritual Director bterfrith Spiritual Center 3910 Southeast 11th Ave. Portland, OR 97202 (503) 289-4103