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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 2000)
January 7 . 2QQQ » jM t M L 4 7 C lassined ll w * / ♦ I T ffR com puters, 48 counseling, 48, 49 dentistry, 49 fitness, 49 for sale, 49 gifts, 49 hairstylists, 49 h ea lin g arts, 49 h e a lth care, 50 h elp w an te d , 50 anim als, 47 attorneys, 47 bodyw ork, 47, 48 business o p p o rtu n ities, 48 career counseling, 48 catering, 48 cerem onies, 48 chiropractors, 48 com m ercial space, 48 h o m e im p ro v e m en t, 50 h ousing, 50 in stru c tio n , 50 in su ran ce, 50 ja n ito rial, 50 m usic, 50 ph o to g rap h y , 50, 51 public a n n o u n c e m e n ts, 51 real estate, 5 1 ,5 2 real e state loans, 52 services, 52 spirituality, 52 ta tto o s, 52 trav el, 52 x xx, 52 v o lu n teers, 52 ju st friends, 53 & M ' I ACCOUNTING Medical Malpractice & Personal Injury Attorney ...................... .................................................. ................................................. » W o r k in g T o w a r d A J ust S o c ie t y ANDREW E. T O T H - F E J E L A T T O R N E Y AT L A W BANKRUPTCY • P ersonal & B usiness • R epresenting D ebtors a n d C reditors 621 SW Morrison, Ste 1300, Portland, OR 97205 Animaf Tfiotograpfiy 2 7 3 - 0 1 14 ¡Honor your p e t’s Cove w ith a quality portrait Capture their unique heauty and charm forever ¡Ho pet too (urge or smaCC (503) 579-3925 “Peggy A “Terri e-maif: HAiO-C) M I TH E PET SET QuickBooks® Professional Advisor Quality Service • References All your bookkeeping needs: Monthly Bookkeeping Set-Up, Customize, or Troubleshoot 1411 S.W. 14th Avc. Portland, OR 97201 Glenda F. Chaite Telephone 261-1355 (503) 241-4051 BALANCE SERVICES V Ly n n H a n d lin ea , l tc , c f p Phone: 76 1-9 26 7 Spitaieri/fHandCin >:• Bookkeeping and Tax Service, Inc. ■ Business & Tax Planning / Preparation ■ Certified Financial & Retirement Planning ■ Full Service Bookkeeping 11916 SE Division Portland, OR 97266 Ta x e s * B u s i n e s s C o n s u l t i n g Accounting • Real Estate Taxation for businesses and A. individuals N e s t o r 1 Cer tified Public Acc oun tan t telephone: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 4 5 - 8 0 9 0 W M BÍRSM ir CAT SITTERS, IN C . m Bonded • Insured • References Since 1995 O rvg on S ociety o t C « tf» d M ile A ccountants A m « « » k W * * . o 4 CmSAmi Pubfcc A ccou n t« « » K T S a L r / V i £**tooih ScULuUf, ßu&ineAA. S& uuced My Goal is to Help You Reach Yours Mitgd M cM ullen Small Business Specialist • Bookkeeping 503/235-2988 • Consulting • Tax Planning ' I V \íV ■ . I fo o d w o i -v 503/2 7 1 0 SW M adison S tm H , _______ f Call 23 6 1253. Free Consultation No Fee Unless You Recover 295-1940 12th Floor, 621 SW Morrison M, **■ ' - Corinne J. Lai 520 SW 6th, Ste. 825 Portland, OR 97204 a ( 503 ) 226-6945 Willner Wren Hill & U Ren, LLP GEOFFREY G. WREN Attorney at Law 111 SW Naito Parkway Suite 303 Portland, OR 97204 503/228-4000 • F a m ily Issues & A d o p t io n ANIMAIS Promote your business here! In te g rity , E xperience & R e su lts • Wills and Probate Accident & Injury Claims Divorce & Custody Unmarried Couples Criminal Law & DUI Insurance Law Litigation, State & Federal Wills, Estates, Trusts Incorporation Business Transactions Real Estate AIDS Issues Personnel Policies Workers Compensation Discrimination Wage and Hour Employment Law Conservatorships necessity A ttorney at Law • Business Law , Corporations, LLCs /b- A t t o r n e y s 1M? N.E, Sandy BlvdV 503-731-8/74 H a la G o r e s 'Ve>f*u visit ca X cam ific U litti" Serving SE / NE Portland since 1988 DO G T R A I N I N G 8 P L A Y C A R E • Positive, specialized training methods •Small group classes — puppy to advanced levels • Portland's first dog daycare • Private lessons, trick training and more for unmarried ( 5 0 3 ) 2 3 3 -5 1 5 5 FAX: 503-761-9341 Looking out for y o u r best interest. Susan l i CLEOPATRA'S an absolute couples ." “Estate planning is D I S Socializing in Git Bathing • Dog and Git Grooming • Pet Supplies • Cat Boarding IN Provide for your partner • Real Estate & L it ig a t io n Personal Injuries/Accidents Workers’ Comp./Social Security Employment Law & Discrimination Civil Litigation BODYWORK Denise L Stern Attorney at Law Arbitrator Mediator • 50 3 /2 3 1 -9 3 4 0 • Westmoreland Office N Y ea rs E x p e r ie n c e M e m b e r . O r e g o n a n d W a s h in g to n lia r s Protect Your Relationships ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Domestic Partnerships Wilts it Trusts Powers o f A tto rn e y Elderly Parents M edicaid Elisibility Mark M. Williams The BODYWORK heading is for state- licensed massage therapists only. LMTs do therapeutic, nonsexual massage. Look under the Electrolysis. Healing Arts, and Services headings for advertisements previously found in this section. STEVE KOEHLER, LMT. 13 years helping Portland’s gay community relax. Strong, sensitive, intu itive hands. Affordable massage. Outcalls only. Same day appts. (503) 220-9755, pager. (2/18) BODYWORK FOR MEN: single or duo, incall or outcall. All hours. (503) 805-6141, Chris; or 705-7614, Jim. Couples welcome. (2/18) Massage • Stress & Pain Relief • Flexibility, Circulation • Relaxing Swedish ATTORNEY AT LAW • Soft & Deep Tissue • In office $40 per hour 503 . 224.6229 Lee Paul Serenethos, LMT Bennett Hartman & Reynolds 851 S.W. 6th Suite 1600 Portland, OR 97204 1977 NW Overton S*„ Porltond Validated Parking 503 464 1044 Laurelhurst Massage Therapy Rick S u llivan L.M .T., P.T.A. S e n s ib le A d v ic e f o r Q u e e r Ju stice Lake Jam es P erriguey, Attorney 503.231.1311 LAKEá>RDROP.COM M ake love, not war. Available 7 Tkup a 'Week, in JUST FRIENDS Afternoons & Lvtnings Voice Personal Ads 'rítase ( ail: 2J1750S WWW laurethurstmassage com • a n la