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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 2000)
the comer of 15th and Agate All are welcome. (Jim (5411484 9894.) (11/99) Gay and Bisexual M en's Group meets every Wednesday. (7 -8 30 pm at 1165 N W Monroe St., Room 121. Corvallis (5411758-8197.1(11/99) Gay Male Statewide Contact Group meets of each month at 3 Fnends Coffeehouse (15031963 1841 or 15031 735-9425 fycpdx@ados com .) (5/00) Lulu'* Pervy Playhouse is a social group for self-identifying women who are into S M Play parties are held on the second Saturday of the month (lul- ulist@hotmailc com, www p s net/wynter/luluspage html, (5 03 123 1-39 92)(05/00) Northwest Gender Alliance is a social and support organization for cross dressers and transsexuals Monthly open meetings and socials. (P O Box 4928. Portland, O R 97208 150316462802 www teleport com/~nwga.) (11 /99) Hollywood Lanes. 40th Ave and Halsey St. (PO Box 80002. Portland, O R 97280-1002. (5031293-0438. BO W Lpdx@ aol com. (11 /99) monthly to enioy the great outdoors, good food and gay camaraderie Find fnends from and In your local area Carpools available. (Damon. P .0 Box 231. Foster. O R 97345. (5411367-2817. Send S A S E for details ) (11/99) G A LA (Gay and Lesbian Alliance) meets at Lane 10:30 am. (1133 N E 181st A ve . Gresham. (5031665-2628 eastrose@ teleportcom .)(5/00) First Congregational United Church of Christ is an open and affirming congregation in the liberal Chnstian tradition. Sunday worship is at 10:25 am and church school for children runs concurrently. (1126 S W Park Ave.. (5031228 7219.)(5/00) Full Circle Temple is a place of worship for women of all ages, offenng workshops, song and drum circles, meditation rooms, altars of celebration, incorporating what you bnng to share. (fO am -10 pm Tuesday- Sunday. 3125 E Burnside St. (5031238-0675.) ( 11/99) Metro: Youth Outside In operates a clinic for anyone who can't qualify for the Oregon Health Plan as well as a needle exchange service. They also have som e transitional housing for youth under 21 as well as for youth who are HIV-f and under 23. They also host V O IC E S (Voices of Individual and Community Empowerment from the Streets), a self-support group for queer youth. (10 am-6 pm Monday-Friday. 1236 S W Salm on St. (5031223-4121.) (5/00) Rosetown Ramblers Portland's gay and lesbian Community College, Eugene. (15411 741-4501. ext The God Connection invites you to celebrate your square dance club, dances at mainstream, plus and advanced levels. (PO Box 5352. Portland. O R 97228 5352 15031234-9944. www ) ( 11 /99) 2 3 3 6 )(11/99) spirituality. All are welcome. (9 am Bible interpretation class. 10 am service every Sunday. 7.30 pm Thursday service 4828 N E 33rd Ave. (5031481-759).)(5/00) Ski Out is a LG BT ski club with outings twice monthly to M t Hood and other destinations Join us for downhill Lane County M en's Health Network offers social events, retreats, workshops and trainings for bi, gay. trans. queer men. Community calendars and mailings Training and networking men to build community from a grass roots perspective. (1966 Garden Ave.. Eugene Grace Space, a newly-formed multi-denominational spmtuai center led by Rev. Stephanie Torres, hosts Sunday evening celebrations (5 pm at Unity Church, 4525 S E Stark St. 1503) 287-3216.) (5/00) Oregon Bears is a social group for bears and thar admirers Newsletter, activities and monthly social gath- enngs. (15031240-2813. (11/99) In Search Of. a mostly gay. lesbian and bisexual dis cussion group explonng the mysteries of the universe. M eets every other Thursday at 7:30 pm. (John (5031239-6820. Laura (5031 772-1316.) (11/99) O RG A N (Oregon Regional Gay and Naked) is a Interfaith Spiritual Center. Spintual directors from various world religious traditions accompany those who are interested in deepening thar religious life. Individual sessions, retreats, workshops, and classes. Sliding- scale fees available. Wheelchair accessible. (3910 SE 11th Ave. (503) 233-2026, ext. 3.) (5/00) social club for nude men who enjoy bang gay Monthly potlucks and events. G uests are invited to attend two events before deciding on membership (O RG AN . P O Box 14174. Portland. O R 97293-0174.) ( 11/99) Portland Bisexual Alliance hosts social and politi cal events for bisexual and bt-friendly people Organizes Portland Bi Day rally and publishes calendar of bi events Mixed gender discussion groups are held 7 pm on the first and third Fndays of the month at Laughing Horse Books. 3652 S E Division St Open to all (15031 775-9717. (5/00) Lesbian and gay meditation group meets for meditation in the Buddhist Vipasana tradition. Donation requested. (7:30-9 pm W ednesdays at Flanders House, 2926 NE Flanders St. Jon (503) 239-5539.) (5/00) Matanoia Peace Community (United Methodist) is a 'h o u se church," bringing gay and straight together. (Daily prayer 7:20 am. Sunday gathenng 6 pm at 2116 N E 18th Ave. 15031281 -3697.) (5/00) Portland Bisexual Women is a support and discus sion group for bisexual and questioning women Women of any race, age or national origin are encouraged to attend (7-9 pm second Friday at Common Ground Wellness Center. 2926 N E Flanders St. 5 3 0 -7 4 5 pm fourth Sunday at It's M y Pleasure. 3106 N E 64th Ave. $ 2 donation. (5031283-6433.) ( 11/99) Metropolitan Community Church of Portland holds ecumenical Sunday morning worship services at 9 and 11 am. Sunday school for children is held dunng the 11 am worship service. (2400 N E Broadway (5031281-8868 (5/00) Potter's House M inistries Life Center. Portland Leather Alliance is a pansexual. not for- Evangelical and chansmatic Christian. (3830 S E 62nd Ave. 15031775-5024.) (11/99) profit organization dedicated to fostenng a positive com munity for safe. sane, and consensual alternative adult sexualities in general and S/M/leather/fetish in particu lar (15031 727-3148. www pdxleatheralhance org.) (5/00) Radical Fairies Fae Dirt info line: (5031235-0826 (11/99) SisterSpirit offers wom en's spirituality celebrations, Portland Metro Prime Timers meets from 3-6 pm every fourth Sunday of the month at Metropolitan Community Church Social Hall. 2400 NE Broadway (PO Box 5884. Portland. O R 97228. (5031625-8957. pdx- (11 /99) discussion groups, a drumming circle, w orkshops and classes. Schedule of events available. All women are welcome. (Office hours. 3-6 pm Tuesday Friday at 3430 S E Belmont St.. *102. Mailing address: P O Box 9246. Portland, O R 97207. (5031 736- 3297.) (5/00) P SU Queers and Allies invites everyone to partici pate m activities and meetings. Educational and social programming, support and referral services for persons of all orientations and colors. (4 4 1A Smith Memonal Center. Portland State University campus E-mail: queersandallies@mail.pdx. edu. Zion United Church of Christ, an open and affirm Mad about the boys. William Wells, Susannah Ildars and Steve Dahlke perform music of Coward and Weill at a benefit for Our House of Portland and H.E.A.L. Portland on Jan. 29 Metro: Physical Recreation The Adventure Group. Portland's gay and lesbian outdoors group, organizes a variety of activities and social events including hiking, skiing, mountain biking, camping and rafting. (15031452-5680. www.adventure- group, org.) ( 5/00) Border Riders Motorcycle Club . the largest motorcycle club for gay men and fnends in W estern Canada and the Pacific Northwest, hosts day runs and camping events (bcbtker@yahoo com. www bordemd- (11/99) t54 I I 342-5088, Ext. 23. (11/99) Team Portland Tennis Association plays every Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Education and Support Service Program offers Washington: Spirituality a variety of drop-in groups at the Koinonia Center. 1414 Kincaid St., Eugene Call for schedule. (15411 34 6 -1134.) (11/99) East Vancouver United Methodist Church. Marion berry Salon, formerly the Coalition to End First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ. Two Sunday services, traditional and "less- Sunday 8 am-noon at the University of Portland Women and men players of all skill levels are welcome. (Alex Godinez (5031282 7 2 1 0 1 (1 1/99) Team Quest, the athletic and exercise program of Project Quest, offers individual and group, indoor and outdoor physical recreation opportunities for people liv ing with H IV and A ID S (15031493 02 88 .K 11/99) Southern Oregon: Social Abdili-Ellis Lambda Community Canter hosts social events and groups Call for schedule (Mailing address P O Box 92 7 Ashland. O R 97520. Location: 281 Fourth S t . Ashland. O R 97520 154114886990. lambdacntr@aol com. www ) (11/99) FO REST Group outings are cooperative adventures Washington: Social for women Participants are responsible for providing their own equipment and choosing outings appropriate for their skid and fitness level All skid levels welcome ((5031286-5382 www odm. cc (5/00) MenTalk of Vancouver holds a social on the first M onday and a discussion group on the third Monday of each month at 7 pm. (13601576-6595. www rednvalcom /MenTalkofVancW A.) (5/00) K-B Club is a group of kindred folks and their dogs SW W ashington Gay and Lesbian Socialites is who meet to hike and talk m Portland parks on the sec ond Sunday of each month (15031285-2986 ) (11/99) major gardening projects in members gardens, holds social events and visits various gardens and nurseries throughout the year ( (503) 287-6120.) (11 /99) a Vancouver-based organization w hose members get together regularly for social events and activities The Socialites w as organized to build a sense of community among gay men and lesbians m the Portland/Vancouver area Newsletter available by e-mail or U SP S. ((3601 735-1901. Socialites@ aol com.) (11/99) Out Dancing teaches partner dancing for sam e sex Tho Thorny R osos is a social group for lesbians over couples at Sally M ack s School of Dance C la sse s for different dance styles start the first Friday of each month (15031236-51291(5/00) 45 that meets in Clark County. Call the Sexual Minonty Advocate at the YW CA. ((3601906-9142.) (5/00) Lesbian Garden Club is a social group that tackles PDX Rain Ridara is Portland's gay and lesbian motorcycle club (15031641-6452 www gaypdx com /rannders) (11/99) Portland Gay and Lesbian Community Bowting Association bowls Sundays at 4 pm at ing congregation, is open to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and heterosexual people who wish to worship in a Christ-centered, warm, caring, multi- age/race/cultural faith community. (Service: 11 am Sundays 2025 N E 23rd Ave . Gresham. (5031665- 8741.) (5/00) and cross-country skiing, snow boarding or lodge loung ing. (15031973-3441. www.skiout org.) (5/00) Together Works, a confidential group for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and fnends, meets for socials and dis cussions of topres of mutual interest M eets second and fourth Mondays. (7 :3 0pm May-Sept.. 7 pm O ct - April. First Baptist Church. 125 S E Cow ls St.. McMinnville Don (5031434-6266 ) (11/99) Phoenix Rising Foundation Inc., a sexual minonty community agency pnmanly serving sexual minonty youth. The Sexual Minority Youth Recreation Center (S M Y R C ) hosts drop-in socials and support groups for queer youth. Metro groups held at SM Y R C , other groups include: Bridge 13. a youth speaker's bureau. (15031872-9664 ) Hillsboro Youth Group (4-5 30 pm W ednesday at Room 125. Public Services Building. 155 N First St.. Hillsboro). Transitions (3:30-5 pm W ednesday in Room 8. 11640 S W Parkway. Beaverton). ((5031238-0780) (5/00) Pride Project brings together W ashington County lesbian, gay. bi. trans and questioning youth to plan and attend monthly social events. A lso information, referral, support and advocacy services for W ashington County. (Natalie (5031872-9664.) (11/99) Queer Youth Network Steering Committee meets the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Mem bers are involved in decision making, event planning, activist trainings, etc. Everyone under 23 welcome Food and $5 stipend provided. (Derek or N enssa IS 031222-6151.) (5/00) Rainbow is a multicultural peer support and activity group for gay. lesbian, bisexual, trans and questioning youth. (4 30 pm M onday at Metropolitan Community Church of Portland. 2400 N E Broadway. (5031281 8868.) ( 11/99) Sexual Minority Youth Recreation Center (SM Y R C ) is a program of Phoenix Rising Foundation offering drop-in computer access, pool tables and an informal place to hang out. A lso hosts weekly youth support groups including Windfire. Trans Youth Group and Personal Deity Proxy (a creative group). (4-8 pm Wednesday. 4 pm-midnight Friday and Saturday 424 E Burnside St. 872-9664. St. Philip Neri gay and lesbian outreach. A gay/les- bian-positive community for Catholics and their fnends M a ss at 7:30 pm on Fridays, followed by a social. (Paulist Center. 2408 S E 16th Ave. 15031231-4955.) (11/99) www (5031725-5681.) (11/99) Rose City D iscussion Club, the largest open pan- sexual club m the Northwest, is open to all orientations, fetishes and lifestyles that are safe, sane and consensu al Monthly meetings, w orkshops, and newsletter (15031650-7052 (1 1/99) lowship following the service, and potluck lunches every second Sunday. (Services held at American Legion Hall. 4774 Lilac Lane NE. Salem Mailing address: P a st a Ken Kerr. P O Box 12753. Säern. O R 97309. (5031807- 6574.) (5/00) Willamette Valley: Social Eugono Frontrunnors/Frontwslkors is a gay/b/lesbian athletic and social club for recreational runners and walkers M eets at 9 am every Saturday at Bigotry Book Group, meets monthly in Salem for potlucks and discussion of books touching on lesbian, gay or bisexual experience. (Cary (5031363-6036. ( 11/99) The Lesbian Connection (TLC) Lunch Bunch meets at 11 am every Sunday morning at a Eugene bak ery All women welcome (Bonnie ¡5 4 I I 683-2793 ) (5/00) Youth H IV /ST D Prevention Project provides fun and educational program s along with counseling and testing to queer youth in a friendly relaxed environment. Sponsored by Phoenix Rising Foundation in collabora tion with Multnomah County and Outside In. (15031872-9664) (11/99) YouthNet is a program of Love M akes A Family, offer Reconciling, welcoming. (10 am Sunday 5701 MacArthur Btvd., Vancouver. (3601693-4761.)(11/99) traditional' in an open and affirming congregation. (1220 N E 68th St. Vancouver 13601693 1476.) (11 /99) Metropolitan Community Church of the Gentle Shepherd. (10 3 0 am Sunday. 913 W. 13th St.. Vancouver. 13601696-14 8 0 )(11 /99) Michael Servetus Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. (9:15 and 11 am Sunday. 4505 E. 18th ing tutonng and mentonng for lesbian, gay. bi and trans youth as well as for children of LG BT parents. (15031 2 2 7 -1981) (5/00) Southern Oregon: Youth The Sexual Minority Youth Recreation Group of Klamath Falla provides support gay. lesbian. b< and trans youth, their allies, and questioning youths. ( F a more information, e-mail (11/99) Southern Oregon Youth Outreach (SO YO ). a group for gay, lesbian, and bi youth aged 14-20 meets on the first and Thursdays of the month in Ashland (15411488-6990.7(11 /99) St. (3601695-1891.) (11/99) Willamette Valley: Spirituality Metro: Spirituality The Anawim Community. Gay men meet weekly for Chnstian meditation and prayer. (7 3 0 pm Thursday (5031281-0722) (5/00) Beavercreek United Church of Christ, an open and affirming church. Sunday worship at 10 am All wel come (23345 S Beavercreek Rd.. Beavercreek (5031632-4553.) (11/99) Community of St. Andrew invites all to jom a diverse Catholic-faith community for prayer and fellowship (9 3 0 am Sunday M ass. 806 N E Alberta St 15031281 -4 42 9) (05/009) Directions Northwest (EC W R) Helping gay and lesbian Chnstians integrate faith and sexuality through Bible study and fellowship (PO Box 86383. Portland O R 97 28 6 0 3 8 3 727 3 3 8 7 )(11/99) Eastrose Fellowship Unitarian Universalis! a welcoming congregation, offers Sunday service at Bread of Life Metropolitan Community Church offers services at 4 pm each Sunday and a special music service and potluck on the last Sunday of the month. (First Congregational Church. 23rdand Ham s St.. Eugene. 15411345-59631(11/99) First Congregational Church. United Church of Chnst. is an open and affirming congregation offering worship and church school. Child care provided. Wheelchair accessible (10 am Sunday 700 M anon St. NE. Salem (5031363-3660 ) (11/99) Gay and Lesbian M ass and Social for LG BT Catholics (7:30 pm on the first and third Thursdays at the Newman Center, 1850 Emerald St.. Eugene. (503) 343-7021.) (5/00) M om ingside United Methodist Church is a rec onciling congregation where everyone is welcome to participate m the full life of the congregation (8.30 and 11 am Sunday 3674 12th St SE. Salem (5031364 5013.) (11/99) Sweet Spirit Metropolitan Community Church (M C C ) hosts worship at 11 am Sundays, coffee and fel Washington Youth Triple Point Youth Program is a social/support group for gays, lesbian, tu and trans youth aged 13-22 in Vancouver, W ash. M eets 6-8 pm Tuesdays at 1104 Mam St. and 3:30-5:30 pm Thursdays at Starbucks on Mill Plain (Amanda (3601693 118 8 ) (5/00) Willamette Valley: Youth Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered and Questioning Youth Group for ages 13-18 offers support, information and fun. Free, confidential, drop-in. (4-6 pm Fndays at Amazon Community Center. 2700 Hilyard St.. Eugene (5411684-3466) (5/00) Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender youth group for ages 25 and under meets every Monday (5 pm M ondays at Kom ona Center, 1414 Kincaid St.. Eugene (5 4 11 3 4 6 -1134.) (5/00) Queer Youth Network Steering Committee Salem meets every Sunday Mem bers are involved n decision making, event planning, activist trainings, etc Everyone under 23 welcome Food and $5 sbpend pro vided (MrcheUe (5031363 9 4 8 3 ) (5/00)