The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, March 01, 1881, Page 71, Image 13

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    March, 1881.
Watib oolort m doee whUky.
Thi dim who dig 100 ft into the ground for
wtr efe ulnpj
t Wbt ii the earth lika a blokbord? Be
cause th children of nuo multiply upon the
fao of it
Thi man who cornea about eolely to kill time
hould oonfina himself striotly to hii own busi
ness. Eviry to-morrow liu two handle. W ou
tak bold of it by the handle of anxiety or the
handle of faith.
"Frki Chops" it a aign hung out by a Chi
cago restaurant, and whan ouatomen apply they
are ahown to a wood pile and handed an ax.
A todno lady deaired ber lover to promiie
her that he would never amoke another oigai.
"I'll do it," he aaid) "tuatained by your love, a
meerchauin will do for me."
"Bridokt, I cannot allow you toraoeive your
lover in the kitchen any longer." "It'a very
kind of you, ma'am, but he ia almoat too bash
ful to come into the parlor."
All the men in an entire oounty in Minne
sota turned out on a wolf hunt the other day.
The reault wae 36 dog fighta an( the oapture of
a fellow who bad run away from hit wife.
An exohange aaya: "The bee atinga iteelf to
death in trying to ating aomeone elae." Some
men make things unoomfortable all around them
for a aeaaon, but the end ia generally woraa fur
themaelvea than for thoaa they eought to annoy.
"Sta that my grave kept green," he war
bled, under the window of hia lair one'a domi
cile one pleasant night "I'll tend to the grave
buiineaa, young man," ahooted her enraged
paternal anoeator, aa he poked an old musket
out of the eeoond story window. No more oon
oert that evening.
There never was auoh luok. I've alwaya
thought that I'd rather have a monkey than be
a million heir. There ia nothing that ooiild be
half ao splendid aa a real live monkey, but '
' course, I knew that I never oould have on until
I should grow up and go to aea and bring borne
monkeys and parrots and ahawla to mother just
aa sailors alwaya do. But I've actually got a
monkey.. It waa Mr. Travera that got the mon
key for me. One day there oama a woman with
an organ and a monkey into our yard.
Bhs waa an Italian, but she oould apeak a
sort of Eogliah, and aba aaid that tha " mur
derin,' spalpeen of a monkey waa lust wearing
'the life of her out" Ho aaya Mr. Travera,
" What will yon take for him f " and aaya she,
" It'a live dollars I'd be after selling bim for,
and may good luok go wid ye I "
What did Mr. Iravora do but give her the
money and band the monkey to me, saying,
"Here, Jimmy I take bim and be happy?'
Waan't I juat happy though f
Jocko that's the monkey's name ia tha love
liest monkey that aver lived. Toby Tyler may
talk about hia "Mr. Btubbe." and tall how be
nnderatanda everything aaid to bim, and bege
for (trailers, and all that but I toll you Mr.
Btubbe " waa just aa ordinary illitorit monkey
alongside of my Jocko. I hadn't bad him o
boar when he got oat of my anna and waa x
the supper table before I oould get bim. The
table waa all aet and Bridget wae juat going to
ring the bell, bat the monkey didn't wait for nor.
. To see him eating tha chicken salad waa juat
wonderful He finished the whole dish In about
two minutes, and waa washing it down with the
oil out of tha aalad bottle when I oaoght bim.
Mother waa awfully good about it and only
aaid: "I'oor little beaat ho moat be half starved.
Hasan, bow moon be reminds me of your
brother." A good mother ia aa good a thing aa
a boy desorvea, no matter bow good be ia.
The aalad aomeway did tot aeem to agree
with Jocko, for be waa dreadfully aick that
sight Von should bave eeaa bow Ump be waa,
jut lika girl that baa fainted away and her
Soong man ia trying to lift ber up. Mother
ootored bim. r)b gave hue oa tor -oil aa if be
was her own son, and wrapped him up in a
blanket and put a mustard plaster on hia stom
ach, and soaked the end of hia tail in warm
water. He waa all right tha nut day, and
M (sal graMiul. I know lie wae gratelui
because he showed it by trying to do good
to others, at any rate to the oat Our oat
wouldn't apeak to him at first but he ooaxed
her with milk, juat aa ha bad aeen me do, and
finally oaught her. It must have been dread
fully aggravoking to the oat for instead of let
ting her have the milk, he insisted that she waa
aick and muat have medioins. Bo he took
Bridget'a bottle of hair-oil and a big spoon and
gave the oat auoh a dose. When I oaught him
and made him let the oat go, there were about
six tableepooutula of oil niiiaing. Mr. Travel
aaid it waa a good thing, for it would improve
the oat'a voioe and mak her yowl smoother,
and that he had felt for a long time that she
needed to be oiled. Mother said that tha mon
key waa cruel, and it waa a shame, but I know
that ha meant to be kind. He knew the oil
mother gave him had done him good, and he
wanted to do the oat good. I know just how
he felt f"r I've been blamed many a time for
trying to do good, and I oan tell you it alwaya
hurl my feelings.
The moukey was in the kitchen while Bridget
waa getting dinner yesterday, and he watched
her broil the eteak as if he was meaning to Inaro
to oook and help her in her work, he's that kind
and thoughtful. The oat was outdoors, but two
of ber kittens were in the kitchen, and they
were not old enough to be afraid of the monkey.
When dinner waa served Bridget went upstairs,
and byandhy mother aaya, " What that
dreadful smell t Bure's you're alive, Husan. tha
baby has fallen into the lire." Everybody
lumped up and ran upstaira, all but me, fur I
knew Jocko waa in tha kitchen, and I waa afraid
it waa ha that waa burning. When 1 got into
the kitchen, there waa that lovely moukey broil
ing one of the kittens on the gridiron juat aa
he had aeen Bridget broil the steak. The kit
ten's fur waa singeing and aha waa mewing, and
the other kitten was sitting up on the floor lick
ing ber ohope and enjoying it and Jocko waa on
hia hind legs aa solemn aud busy aa an 01. I
snatched the gridiron away from him and took
the kitten off before aha waa burned any eioept
her fur, and when mother and Butao came down
stairs, they oouldo't understand what It waa
that had been burning, and guessed the oook
must bave put egg shell on the lire.
This ia all tha monkey baa done alnoa I got
him day before yesterday, father has been
away toy a week, but be ia oming back la a few
days, and won't ha lie delighted when ha finds
a monkey in tha houea F Vimmy Urown, in
urjw'e Young '),
Womxk ax MiNimi, There are many Vooa
tiona at tha preeent time which were, at one pe
riod in their history, almost exclusively monop
olised by men, but are bow being opened to ail
mit woman, who baa oompelled recognition by
ber talent and ability. The ranks of tha theo
logiana and physicians show many women who
well maintain the position they bave eought and
tenured. Beyond a speculation ia stocks, the
business of mining has presented but few point
of interest to the gentler aei. A oaae haa re
eently oome under the Mining Brriru't observa
tion which ia at least worthy of record. Mr.
B. C. Clark, by the death of her husband, earn
into poaeeeeioa of a number of mining claims,
and In order to intelligently superintend their
development and to gaia knowledge of the
soieBo of mining, alia ha take a ooura of
study ia Prof. Mardock'o ackool of aeaeylng and
obemietry ia C'bioego, Thi lady baa aleo stud
ied tha operation of machinery, smeltere and
onshore, sod ia thoroughly Imbued with the
spirit of mining. A woman, aa skllUd writer
oa meUllnrgy aad mining, or a a superintend
ent of mine, would be a new thing nader the
mo. tfmda Tranteriit,
Till rusiiLS cm Mr comc, ao often fatal
before the daws, can often be relieved within
aa boar with a milk emetic, and flannels, wrong
ia boiling water, applied to the etomeob.
Ia oxygen a ourativ agent t The wonderful
power which it poaeeseea of destroying oraanio
matter, and the pumving etteot which alwaya
results therefrom, haa led us, reasoning by anal
ogy, to believe that many diaeaaea which are
now regarded aa incurable, would succumb to
the olauaing power of thia element The air
oontaine only '.!0.0ll.1 of oxygen, the remaining
71) GUI parte being composed entirely of nitrogen,
which aervea to dilute tha oxygen. The de
pressing effect of s smaller amount of oxygen
and inoreated amount of oarbonio acid ia felt
when oue baa been for a short time ia a poorly
ventilated room.
In mountainous oountriee, where tha hlght
above the aea level la not too great the refresh,
ing elToct of tha air ia proverbial. This ia sim
ply because the proportion of oxygen la greater
and of oarbonio acid leas.
The purifying effect of oxidation la atrikingly
ahown In running brooks. Her water which la
unlit to drink on auoount of orgenlo Impurities,
beoomea pur by running a mile or two, Thia
change ia due to tha fact that in tha act of flow
ing each partiul of the water la brought Into
oontacl with the air, and absorbs tha neceeeary
amount of oxygen to oombiu with the orgauio
matter, thue destroying it
In many diaeaaea a "chang of air" ia recom
mended aa a our, or at leaat aa a aooro of re
lief, In it incipient atagea consumption may
often be oured by vigorous examine la the open
air, and by living wholly out of douM.
The benellt derived from pur air aud exor
cise is due entirely to the large amount of oxy
gen which exeroie auchaa horseback riding
enablee and oomiiele the patient to Inhale. Th
organlo gorma of disease are thus oxidised and
W submit then, to the publlo fur considera
tion, the question! Will not the breathing of
pure oxygen lias prove to be tha solution to th
problem, "llnw shall w treat consumption t"
There la a well authenticated oaa la which a
child wae oured of hydrophobia by Inhaling
throe oubic ft of oxygen. In thia ease blood
poisoning was the evil, and oxygen aeema to
have combined with the poisonous principle,
thereby doetrnyiiig it
A young Frenchmen who haa recently been
eiierimeiiling upon himself, Unite that be oan
inhale oxygen without experiencing any ill ef
fect. He took aa much aa MO liters a day for
several days. The writer ha often Inhaled
oxygen for experimental purposes, and It us
waa never followed by any nnpteaaaut effect
Haiti Journal of llntltk
Mnihi'AL, Umm or Kiiiia For burn or soalda,
nothing ia mure soothing than tha white of an
'XX. which may be ponred over the wound. It
is softer, aa a varnish for a burn, than collodion,
and being alwaya at band oan be applied Imme
diately. It la aleo moreooollng than tha "sweet
oil and onttoB," which was formerly supposed to
be the surest application to allay tha smarting
paia. It la the eootaot with the air whiuh give
th extreme discomfort experienced from or
dinary aooidenU of thia kindi and anything
which exoludea air and prevent Inllaminatioa ,
ia tha thing to be at one applied. The egg la
aleo considered one of the beet rented iee for dye
entery. Beaton op slightly with or without
sugar and swallowed, It temla by it emollant
qualitiee to leeeen the Inflammation of the atom-
aeh and Intoatinee, and by forming a transient
oo ting oa tboee organ to enable nature to re
sume her healthful sway over thedleeasij body.
Two or at most three egg per day would be ell
that la required In ordinary oaaeei and sine th
egg ia sot merely medicine, bat food a well, the
lighter th diet otherwiM, the quieter th pa
tient I kept, th more oerUin and rapid la th
How to Soma- Raxi-. Melt th reela, and
while la a state of fusion add tar. Th proper
degre of hardness oaa he asosrteined by drop
ping a email portion of th melted mate lain