The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, August 01, 1879, Page 239, Image 15

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    August, 1879.
oarlionates. Of these the metallic sulphides are ' in until gnint among the eelVilrir rtttartr: bnt
by Ul the moat cummon. H ia worthy of ra- below thn roach of those agencies it u ineliavcd
mark that all these forma aro comparatively in the undeooinpoacd pyrin
very inaolublo. Tho aame it true of the vein-: If a mouutam elope, along which ontomp
stuffs. I auriferous iuarta voina, he subjected to power-
Tho ribboned or bonded structure, already fill eroaion by water currents, then in the
spokou of under veina of intiltratiou, ia very atream beda will lie found gravel drifta, coin
commoiily found in great liaaure vein. Thia ' Hiael partly of tho oountry Mok and partly of
truuture ia aa charaoteriatio of veina aa tho the quart vein atoue. Among the gravel will
columnar structure ia of dikes. The layers on j lie found particlea of gold, washed nut f thn
the two sides usually correspond tin each upper parts of the veins. Hy the sorting mwer
other; sometimes tho successive layers aro of water the heavy gold partiolea aro apt to so
of different color, giving, rise to a beautiful, cumulate mostly near the Uni of the gravel do
striiod ap)iearance. Sometimes the successive posit (bedrock). These gravel deposits aro the
layers on both sides are of different inatoriala, placers. In these tlio gold paritelcs, like Uie
as in Fig. 4, in which the oeutral rib, if, ia 1 atone fragments, aro always rounded and worn
galena, ana 11 11, n c c, are successive layers . in anriiioti
of iiiaru, lluor anil baryta. Sometimes, in
'MM of iuarti-Hlling, the layers are agate, ex
cept the center, which is tilled up with a 00111b
of interlocking crystals, aa in Kig. 5. The
name occurs often in amygdulos, tho last lining
being crystalline. Sometimea tbero ia evidence
of successive openings and lillinga, aa in Kig.
II, whore 11 represents tiuarti crystals, inter
locking in the center and based 011 agate layers,
b b, while i represents quart with diaseminated
Ooppaff pyrites. In this case it aeeins probable
that I and '-' wan the walla when the agate aud
tiuarti tilling took place, and that afterward the
litauro waa reopened along 2, so that the walls
becaiuo '.' and II, and the new fissure thus formed
wsa tilled with ouprifaront quartz. The same
is well shown id Fig. 7, whan n, '.. r, it, a,
aro successive quart oombs, separated by II,
4, 5, II, which aro clay selvagos, ami therefore
old walls.
The relative age of veina in the aame region
11 determined in tho same way aa that of dikes,
via., by tho manner in which they intersect
oach other; the intersecting vein being, of
course, younger than the intersected vein.
The absolute ago of llaauro veins, or the geo
logical period in which the llasure waa formed,
can niilv be determined by the atratiltrd rooks
through which it breaks. The auriferous veins
of California break through the .luraasie; and,
aa there are good reanona for believing that the
Sierrsa won' formed at the end of the .Inraaaio,
it ia probable that theae fissures were formed at
that time, by the foldings of the strata conse
iiuont uion the pushing up ol thia range. Thi
tilling, of course, waa a slow, siibseinent "wra
tiou, but commenced then.
Mineral veins seldom or never outcrop mi the
aurfsce 111 the condition we hs e dcacrihcit t In 111
On tho contrary, there are certain changes
Waieh they undergo through Uie iiitluence ol
atmospheric agcuoioe. which render their appear-
auce along thoir outcrop unite different Ironi
I ul ..I the same vein at " -niie ilepin Pelnw. a
knowledge of tit changes i, of course, of tin
gn st. st practical importance. They sre, how
ever, extremely various, differing not only ar
e.inluiu to the IlieUllle contents, but also sc
- --" ti the nature of the vein stulle, and
therefore must be leaned by oliaarvation 11
each "tinny.
Hold is foond either inouart veins intersect
nig metamnrphio suites (quarts mines) or iu
.travel drifts in the vielnitr of these (placer
mines). Originally it eiistsdin tho quart win
usually aastM-iateil wiui metallic suipuiuea
uliruUrt the sulohide of snm fpyrilss). Il
the pyrites he dissolved in nitric acid. 0H gM
ia led u minute threads sn.l rystals. Kvidently,
t hen-fore, it eiiata in minate threads and eryitala
.. through the unites. Now. when
atn-h a vein is ettsieed to metaofte aowctse.
pyrites are oiidisad, partly aa soluble sulphate
and carried away, and partly aa insoluble rod
1,. 1 ,. ri,,lr who h remains The quart mi
i. i. therefore, left in a hooey comb cavil
Uoa by the removal of th. pyrites, and more
rommooly stained of a maty oolor by the r
.nide Asooag the cells of this rusty, oallalar
quart' the gold la louu.1 in minote. anarp grains,
.vidrullv left br the removal of the pyrites.
lloaaeoi aa annfenms qsarti veto, along the
outcrop to a depth of JO to f feet ( 1 , a . aa far
as meteoric aperies elUodi, gold la f.iod free
Wititgii'a I'iiami'.- llr. livorge M. Ileanl, 111
a paier on "Writer's Cramp, published in a
recent number of the Unlbnil frm nf, concludes,
from a study of l .'.'i caaca, that "this disease
occurs mostly iu those who are ol stnmg fro
outiitlv of verv strong constitutions, and n
quite rare in the nervous anil delicate; and
when it tinea occur 111 those who sro nervous, is
eaaior relieved and cured than when it occurs in
the strong.'' That it "is far leas likely to occur
in who do original work, aa authors,
journalists, composers, than in those who d.
routine milk, as clerks, lMlk keepers, copyists.
agents, etc. Like all nervous diseases ill thia
country, it diiniiiiahea in frequency aa we gi
South. It is no longer an incurable .li
electricity and maasage being the best remedies
Hygienic measures consist of ring pcnnniiiers
so as to relieve tho thumb and lingers; large
IMlllhohlers. or faaf mug a piece of stmligo to the
penholder, an that the miiacloa may lie lass re
alric tod: changing the hold of the la-n between
lillerent lingers; the use ol quill or inner ileum
pens, nr p.-iia Willi lounts. won 1. 1.1
eaaily, like quill pens, and Ukiug pains to ami
too long Iinomoni ill one ptwinon.
l'nasr.Ni kor Misp. IW. Wilder gives these
. . . . . 1-1 . tf
short rules lor action III caeca 01 aoctuoni: rs
Inst 11. Iliervea. avoid rubbing; dash water nit
I belli . I.e. VI. Clllilers. el. , Willi Hie route of a lead pencil licmuie III t. If 11.
the oar hy tepid water; never put a hard inatru
neni into the car. If an artery ia cut, com
i.resa ehovo tho wnuud: if a vein ia cut.
1 . . t
press Ih.IiiW. II Clloke.1, gel upon an lours so
u l. ..I InIll I. lirilB, -lip ll"- I'aii
m . . : . a " lai.
stab t; il the skin is .li sin ue.l, cover wiin vsr
mah. Smother a tire with blankets, etc. ; weUr
sill often snreail bur mug ml and im-reas the
.- ... I H , . .
Liner It. ore passing through anmke lake
full l.tcalh, and then atoop low, Imt if earlsin
auapaetod, walk erect Suck poison MWld
unless vnur mouth is sore ; enlsrge the woun
or. isslter still, cut mil the wound eilhout l-l
I... the wimn.te.l pari aa long aa esu
asssess t s hot coal, or end of a cigar In
of poisoning, ficile loinillng by ticking llm
throat or by water and mustard. In oasw M
noison. eivs stnmg lfsss sod keep nmv
11 m . ..., i dual on the Isuk, with tin
mouth and o.hw. pH.-tig aipleiv,
raiae the hesd and body ; for fainting, lay the
person flat
Cur. Carpenters sh-til I rrmsinlsrr thai
i,..i, dries niii. h readily than that
... . m . . ,
has U-i, ,ice or twloo melleu. i-rygm.
St 111. Il
tiatrped in odd waUr sbsorlsi diffsn nl quanU
ties of water acsssriltag t the quality of lb. glas
while tho proporttoti id ths waUr so al.rlss.
may be oard aa a teal of the quality of lbs glue
From careful etperimenU with An jtjne las
. ... " , . a Mn' ST. I. .
inerts-d for 71 hours 111 wsier si so .
ti....l,v ttsnsfortnssl ml" a islly. It was MM
that the tu.esi ordinary glae, or thai Bsssls frosn
skls. haiss tlsmls I . timea its wsiaht of
water in IA boars; frosn dark besssa. th. gltu
.1.1 o i.n.sss lis wsixbt sf water. hils ths
ordinary s-la., masle fnm animal (f see. absorbs (srsnen and saanut
IpltoSlW rt. wtt 3 -wr HvilUu kpr JjmU
" :: :: .
Awhkh I'l PPIMi - In proisanng this use two
pounds of raw apples, three ounces of sugar, a
II of ooltl water, several dnqsi of lemon Juice,
.lir eggs, all ollitcea of Hour, two .unices nl
.utter, one half tcaaiamnln! of baking powder
and a pinch of salt, The sugar and oaf kail
gill of water an placed over the Ala and
lloweil to cine ti a laid. At tins uoiat add
tho applea, which should bf cut into lumps,
and the lemon juice, anil 000k until the applea
are quite soft Weigh out sis ounces of liner
in a Isasiii, and mil in well two ounces in but
tor; then the bakiug powdsr, a pinch nf
salt anil ono half gill if water, and work the
whole into a linn dough, sod mil out to thick-
ess 0 1 one t 111 nl ol all III. Il I hell ilsilllien the
nlea ol s pie diah with old water and line It
with narmw alripa of ths dough. After trim
ming the edge nicely, lirush them lightly with
1st water, ami garnish the outer mlge with
small circular pieces of iaatry laid close to
golhsr. The applea, when end, are removed
an. I atiailic.l thtnugli s sune lulu s clean dish
I ho yulks of four ogga are then noted in, and
111 Una condition It ia placed into the pie piste
that has been propaieil. In onlsr to cook Uie
newly mtnaliicod eggs and the dotiyh the dlah
is put in tho oven lor ten minutes. Ths whiles
of ths eggs, to which salt has Isseu added, are
beat, n alill, and when tho pudding la ihate this
is 1 il- I high up in the imntor, ami ia well
sprinkled with sugar. After smisilhlng the
white of the egg Into a cope shape, ll csll Iss
neatly garuishssl with pieces, of Angelica or
In. . I berrlra II Is again plauesl In the uvea
to brown for two minutes, ami ia thou ready fur
tho table.
A Nip rp IIupkii or 1 1 r. s Take a large
prime round of beefi eslraot Iho lams and . lists
the hole. Tie a tape all round il to sc. p It
In in Take four nances of Hnsly puw.leret
asltssler, and rub it wsll into the 1 . . ( I'st
the meal into a vsry clean ptokbng tub that haa
a closu titling cover, and let it reel for two
lays Neil rub II iborougbU with salt, and
return to the lull for eight .lays Ihsn lake an
"iiiunof pondered niece, a large nutmeg pow
dered, a hall ounce of pepper, mil mors. Mil
these spices wsll ttvfMrUier, and Ihsn mis Ihein
with a pound of line brows sugar Huh Ihe
spues ami sugar thoroughly all ovsr the lasaf,
whit 11 will tse reauy to 000a neat nay. insn
till the opening wild uiuiecsil sweet herla, sweet
laud slid saeel marjoram, laid in hessely and
lightly Take half a pound of nice beef snet
I 'nide it in two, and it si l 11 sash half of the
auet by beating It wild s rolling pin i ay it la
a earthen ssn, with one shset of snet
under the meal, and the other praswesl over II.
Alans this place a alnsri ol . I. an while paper, all a largo plate. Met it In a hot
ovni, Isske il five hours or mote, till, by prob
ing it to the bottom with a sharp knife, yaea
had it thoroughly ksl It la esssHssit aa a
.k.I.I standing .bah for a large faaslly.
Ma.. gffn 11 ng Mine The InUtslvtetatas i f
magnets Into all the great mills of MinMapolla
and a great many eUewhore, says ths torre
tiMSdenl ..I a 1 hn ago stper, has lassa) ft rstala
lion lo the millers alio . ooiplsiiHxl w Ira In
wheat. Nut only hsvs the magnets oapturs-l
all the stray pis of ires banda. anal ths re
inovssl ths last end only objss Uoa urged sgeieel
wire blading harvseters, Iwl they have Mraaiesl
the startling fact thai of lbs scraps of Ires end
au-el thai hud Ihsir way lo Ihe mills uusasd
with wheal, 'ally use half ate snsstthisg ha
snls 1 1 ill of wire, sad a larger l.i"p.atlo of
sin. li sr. ..I aa. li a naiura as to na svss) stasis
illftisi 111 ! in. II Mias hlavsry. Ths
knvl wits Uie
jslhcf f iarillilllg nl this
ly of fate, awl millers are frss Iu acknowledge
that than inU'slselsaS) Is a I.I. swing 1
which .annul li . sr eel itoal-td id
so simple
the st lis sussplalsstl
lies vtlsa of
'Is viae la
atxl ths ! tut
of ia an aisstptsts, thai
will again
frsss swillera, growing out
eelsrs ansl wirs Ui. Is.