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About The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1877)
July. 200 THE WEST SHORE. Diagram of the highest, lowest and medium prices of Wheat in San Fran cisco for the past ten and a half years. ;.S 'ie 3 tSSSS S3 SIS 8SBSRSSBS18 iSS 68 S8B3 SIS SSSUiSliS I'lTrTi'MtiiferTi ittfn TTTTtt" "r,e" H: : t !sHfc Hsmmt::i: a: :::::: s --T--f jjwm nT----"-----:S8r ? -j-j- jT:""rj jTSjn 7! v mm- im 4H"f "f8W Piift ST:"ffl:w:'Hl- 1 g: jgs:::::::::::::: ::: :::.g Tlln iSi i 111 1 rrH H rm s L H Sghigg::::::::::::::: g Eft Mtjffl 3i -1 ittlTifmfiW -PlT 1 1 - Ten Tl : V' I I I ' i i 1 1 'fflmff'TT mrff fill .... -1' rjg- M tH 1 j- ::5y- -!4fy-::-::3::3:x::3i:::::: a : I iHiiliiiiil, : 1,. V . .U-LU-LX-X J?, si : a e r s t e- 2 1 m s ?. i r. i ti -:. v Ntirttsisiu Thr top line tlinw the InhrM 'liccn each month, tllS III lillc line iho RVItBM MfcsSj IM tm Km ihv lowtst priest metal L'ltl iii butlncv kx, pottuou, All pcnoni witlitmi respect l MM, or prtvioui condition of servitude, we pollttlj requested to nil on Himes,the Prinlei, tlic hi.iii with ill it' oil required t 1 In. This cut shows the DrxTHR Stove which is pronounced by all who have used it, hv far the best Stove in the market it is manufactured at Uichards it Rodger1 Stove Foundry, in this city, ami can fllno he had of J. W, Mil ler & Son, the sole agents, No. 9S Front street. By purchasing stoves of this make, it keeps the money in this State, and the prices are no higher than for Eastern stoves. What is still more favor of this stove, is that it is made ot nun Mom the Oswego (Oregon) Mines, and this Iron has a reputation of superiority in the markets of the world. My all means, examine the Dbxtbr before purchasing any other. JOB PRINTING , .IOH HtrSTINti ' JOB PRINTING . JOB PRINTtNa 1 nun 1 n Untjnr ' KI.I TltiiTYI'lMJ ' BLECTROTYPING Perry !. .... I . n BOOK BINDING , ItotiK BINDING ' BOOK BINDING BOOK BINDING I I'AI'KH KUUNG PAPER RULING PAPER RULING PAPER RULING The Latest Styiss NORTON HOUSE, Oor.Sand Firtt Streets, PORTLAND. OR. P. NORTON, Proprietor, (Formerly of Portland Hotel.) Tills HOUH I" a fire-proof brick, Just flnislied mid newly furnished, with thebeatof Hprlnt Bedj Tkhms Per Week, from $.' to 88 for Board and tAdgingt per Dy, It Kindle Meals, au. Lodgtllli totoWcenu. Free Coach to and from the House. NOTICE TO PERSONS INTENDING TO Ell. GRATE TO OREGON. Direct Passage from New York to Portland. Oregon. Land Dkpahtment, O. 4 c. R, r. I', June Hi, 11,77. ' riil IF I5FaiN STFAMSHIP MMlvv J. basagnwtO carry OQ Its Iron HleiimghiD now being built stOhestw, Pa , by Jobs BouE a sou, upon beroompleUoo,on or about the Sbj tiny or .lanniiiy, IS7S, sttenn PMsengeri from New York to Portland, dlreci, via the Htralts of Magellan, at the extremely low rate of 873.00, currency, board Included. Tbii learner will be the best, itronfstt and mosl comforlnbly arraiincd ship ever built In the United BtateSi Speed, IK knotH. Dlmenslona' 2110 feet in length; 38 feel beam: 211 depth of hold; capacity, -.imkJ ions; 'Jiniuibln and SOOsteer age pautngeifl. The flltlng up of the Meerase will receive ipeCUU SttentlOQ II will be provUM with ail modern Impporementa and its ventila tion will be perfect. Every attention will be paid tu the com fori of passengers, and the fare will be of the best quality. Part of the deck room will ha lilted up for refrigerating purposes, with a view to luralSb pSSHDgSnfresb meat durlug the whole voyage. The voyage will be made In about sixty dnyi. To assist persons who desltv to emigrate to Ore gon. agricultural and oilier implemenu will be laken ill very low rates. For persons who have friends in the Atlantic stales wishing to come to Oregon this offers a rare oiportuuliy, as the annwyance and fatigue of the overland route by rail are avoided, and the passage Is considerably less. Fur particular information, address F. C Schmidt, 1 South William street . New York, or P. BCHUI.TZ, I.nnd Agent II. A C. R. It. Co., Portland, Or. of clegan lllll HATS enn be ha only nt MeussdorfTer's Hat Emporium, 111 front si., Purlland, W. JACKSON & CO., faasjailfis, Wboleaalo and retail deulirs In ftwl quality CROOKIIIY, ULA8BWAHB, KBBKCH CHINA i PLATBtl wake. M i ll TIM Ml AN CLOCKS, Allll H Ki-nrlHl I HO rt Mill Of House Furnishing Goods, PAINTS. M Frunl Str.-i AC. StC. I'mtlantl, Oregon. HBXBT A. Elliott. Han Francisco. WADHAMS & ELLIOTT, Wholesale Grocers, POEWAEDING And Commission Merchants, 28 and 30 Front St., portland, - - oregon. wadhams a elliott, 206 Front Street, San Francisco. LEGAL BLANKS For Hale by MIMES THE PRINTER PORTLAND, OREGON, Catalogues sent on Application. HIR$TSt CO., tmportera snol Wholesale Healers in BOOKS AjNTD STATIONERY, Notions, Toys, Fancy Goods. Etc. No. 77 Front St., Portland, 0. Agents for Lroy W, Fairchild'i Gold Pens and Pencils. ,Solc Agent- for Mither'i Lelebrated Printing Inks; Carew and Golden Gate Papers; Colgate1! Soapt; Woitenholm's Celebrated Cutlery. m'HOUL BOOKM AND AU K1XD8 UF YANKEE Noticinh. HI. ASK BOOKB MADE Tt ORDBB, 8 "IpUoni Ultra f,.r ftfm ud Mamlnn ai chr lowsM nut. I.. Hehcl r, si. tilncni I'-rtlnmt, ilr. A. Beblusfli Mw York. Pleischner, Maver & Co.. Importers of Dry Goods, ana 11 Front Street, Portland, Or. I New "i oik Office, ;i .K. 70 Thomai Street. IMMENSE REDUCTION IN PRICES! ocnmu rviAUHUMbvS ! PRICES DOWN ! tin- km chiiM lie also keejv. law Manks, ol' alNoit-, tleedft, mortrafaa. etc Ibf the accom in anormotn modaion ol those who wish to nav for hand, t , Waahlngton Street, Port- ,iu.m, n, , thl. nme ,;Blt. (ranaad land, for ivory thing In the line of legal business with facility, fata- printed matter they need in OH tram- ogttt sent on application. To be COO- OCdlM ol butlnetl of all Votl tinned. will U' funtkhod with ovpry thfofftfroiu y I, with a sinele line of , "'";'t.n asiungtnn cnul.ln t tell a .1 Moitm ... m ,, vi rnN Tim, I.. In, , , (n ( , fti ojJ RtS m. : !i;:S:::: S & x-' " ' w TIlAVJflH. Mniiuniotnrov'- Aw,.,,,. l ..r. nrrl. a Th(rl lrrM,, ,.rKll,. liMTAHMonwaitT OBBOOW: J- C. CARSON, ManuiHctun-ror DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS, AND Alt KINDS OF FRiMFS Ftn Ftn Seasoned Finishing Lumber for Sale. Wood Turning of all kinds done to Order. Stair Material. ...: s,s am. inn 01 un Ax .adi t omul Offlcr flllll H in-rrooMH North FronlStr U. TS 1 sue K. K. office. l ,,n, A. Weidlert Mill, PorUandTbregon. Ask vour Grocer for Soap made at the Oregon Standard Soap Works, AND TASX TsTn rTtn-n 1, , 1. u n. ,-. . r "nnm IVK, to .1 HMtlT blj )ffid ill low rate 1 e , , "e, ana in tin- reaped he (littered ma. Mough for bed )crUUy , (jH Winpon :.. thcr soap in the market SM Knrllj- patchesi IRVINC. A WPRR D,-re ' 1 111 ' 'I l -i ill - s ill it lr t-r Weight than anv