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About The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1877)
June. THE WEST SHORE 179 DANGER AHEAD. Under this head we find the sub joined paragraph in the May number of The West Shore : "A recent trip to Eastern Oregon and Washington Territory has con vinced us that something must be done at once, or some morning we will awake and find that we have lost the entire trade of the above named sec tions. A very strong prejudice is ex isting there against Portland merchants, and the sooner this prejudice is removed the better it will be for them, and for this purpose we hereby open our col umns to the discussion of the difficulty, and invite correspondents from those localities to answer our question. ' Eastern Oregon ami Washington, what can wc do for you ? ' " The editor of The West Shore appreciates the situation, and he gives good advice. One thing Portland can do for Eastern Oregon is to use her in fluence to obtain appropriations for the immediate construction of the canal and locks at the Cascades. The people of this section are in real earnest about this great work ; and they want no tampering, no temporizing policy in augurated. We are glad that at" least one Portland editor understands our needs. Ik- simply tells the truth when he says that something must be done at once "or some morning we will awake and find that we have lost the entire trade" of Eastern Oregon and Wash ington Territory. Dalles '?. FOR SALE. - 50 ACRES OF LAND TKN Mil. IS BOOTH X or Southron r MoMtnnvIIle, Ave miles from Amity, are mill's from Sheridan, In u good lo cality. lOOui'ics In cultivation; viJinm orchard net out this prliutt email home, not ftnltbedi Stable) h etrenm of wiuer running through the place; three-ifburthi o( mile to u food school house. Tonus. ;u) per acre, onehal( outa down, the remainder on ilnn-. wiili intereid nl ten I i ll l Or, Yiimblll County, Orciton. Sectional and County contains ail the Lateel Burroyi ami vela able Information. Price, I .TO. A DDRBS8- J. K. GILL S CO, BnokMlleri ami Ktntloi . Portland, or. PRINCE ORGAN OVEH 57,O0 NOW IN I'HRI SEND lOB ILLUSTRATED PRIOR LIST OF themaimti orni lnntramente. Newiind bend 0011 styles; vi't y moderate prices. These elear voleed, sweet-toned Organs lire the most durable reed liistrumeir mannfaoturad- HOle A (tenl for I lie pRClflO Northwest, H, BINS, in First street Portland. M'i.iieriii dlsoouui to beulera. Lodgei end Cltnmhei The Colby Washer, CHEAPEST! $7.00!! Warranted to Last Three Years, and Give Entire Satisfaction. Read the following: fjDUfT iiIMvk. May J, 1TB. W. K. ltvri'N-lejtr sir: Without the leiut ; ..; . 1 i'H n truly av y.cir Coll.y Wa-iier MOppiien more pfrleelly the need we In the kite lu ii hail no lorn; re.! It. an any Maehlne I have ever before Been. Our grandchild, hut four y run old. turn II to viuh ltOCkl&4P b.-Hiir flrl lark ed I :ti r to form a - string), adjultn ILem Ii ist-if, CHAHDLKE n.i m - WAUKD Id all part of OWgofl ada! WiliiiiKiu I'.-iniory. Uood ietlVf n iu Are m..k ffc r da)'. For circular, tenn, etc , add re. W. F. BRAYTON, STONE The Jeweler, HAS REMOVED To the Northwest corner of First and Morrison St., Portland. QBF.GOJV TRANSFER CO. OfflCI AT Dray and Rack Stable. Southwest corner B0oond and stark stiwls. All bnalnMl ,ntnise,l to us will U' executed' with care anil dlsuiHli. Orders fur Hacks promptly at tended to, Day or Night. COIiBETTS Livery, Hack and Feed Stables, Kln Proofi, Corner Second mid Tuylnr Btreota. K. us,.,, i.l.l. lh:n-rs for j,v, I'nvl it Attention aitl ! Hoard 1 11 k BWSM. Observe prices in the Haek Department I Ri.lliiK, 1 flatrrlimir. Tallinn, 1 goUni boor, Ms tacti eddlthmal hew. 1 1. limit M, hi i't nls 1 iit li i:i9wii(Hir. Kiiii.-riiln. J iH-r Hni'k, T.i llllll III. Ill llllll, iiiin- 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 ' . Orden left nl L ISiH;i. i UOllKuTS, Iroiai.tlv mii ud. d tu at aitv hour, l'.i..ln ultlimit 111. nun will lie I n.'kH IVee ef faneraU for MP MSl ttiitlj tlmi. THE GERMAN PHARMACY " OK WM. PFUNDER. Ankeny s New Theater Block, COT. First am) Ash Bit,, Port I and, Oregon, vmt store wnere And It 11. 1 In in i. ;i Ii Are dlapeneed, Tho compoiiitiUni; of Prescription! 11 ipeolalty. Attendance oothbetenta A full stock of Toilet Articles mid Perfumery. r Poliir S..dn Water Fountain with choice Byrunanud Mineral water In lull operation, .- . ... m . S. O. SKID MORE, Druggist and Apothecary, FIRST STREET, Portland, - - - Oregon. DR. J. B. PILKINGTON, OCULIST AND AURIHT. 1 .ISBABfiS of ihe EYF, BAR, THROAT MMl f KOSBj iiaiHoularly Cbronle Nasal Catarrh, treated as specialties. (Yeserl pi Ions tor the proper ipcclaclci for relief Of long, shorl or weak vision. A tine stfK'k of nrllflclal eyes kept. okfh'k Deknm'e Bulldlng,oor.nriil mid Wash ton sis., rortiami, Oregon, BARBER & NIGKLIN, DENTISTS. Successors to Hateb Thompson, urn First!., Portland, Oku. Xj. OOIIN, Commission Merchant, And dealer In in Uniln, Flour, Potatoes, Hitler, Bggfi Poultry, oreifon and California Prodaoe, Conilgnnienbi soiieiied. Prt St., silt Iter tc St. Cslci Hciel. POSTLAKS, CS PARRISH .V CORNELL, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENTS, Frunt Street, between Alder and Mormon, POgfTLAHD, OBBOOH. ues lliirtoii. Jr.. Morton M. KpHUldlnR SPAULDING &. BURTON. Centrtl Mirket, 8ullt Dm. 1 tni 2 POETLAND. Central Drug Store, SECOND STREET, lUt. Morrison utid Yamhill, Portland. II KVtHQ OPENED A HEW DRUO sToiiF t the alMite eentr .1 local ion, we iiroMHi to mwwp uN unieic usual 10 RETAIL DRUG STORES. Our amarlagwe of OfVf iweniy year, .urM 11 Unit fW ean dlpePjg Mil III ijUitllly of every article oil. n 1 lur aMf a being pure and fmli. 0M1M c ... 1.1 M 10. 1 in. Frr- . MiMpmid Tiiiri grllelew ttperlAl caru lak n In the compound I nit of I'hyn- IcUu' I'reMTlptlons and Private IU 1 ijh. Rmemta'r Hie t 1 niral lric . -I si., Set Morrison and Yamhill. j. a. nut. I "or. M h' hihI Abler rtreet. Portland. Orcumi PATRONIZE OREGON ASK -Z-OXTK MESOHANT MMQfaolare4oI O It K (i O C T Y C A H H I M E 11 K s . The Best and Cheapest Clothing on the Pacific Coast! JACOBS BEOS. CO., sole alanufaoUirere and i, OHEGOU CARPET WAREHOUSE. WALTER BKOi Importers ami Dealers in Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, PAPER HANGINGS AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS, )2 and 94 First Sgggj DR. WARNER'S HEALTH CORSET, (rOHMr.KLT B1HITIRT I OHlr ) Willi SKiit Snpiter k Seif-Adjasiifl PliJs. Sernro lleulth mid 4 0111 lor t of lloil)-f with (iruce rihi llfl.lvnfl.itill t,,;.. , i one. Annrorcd bir i all iiliysici.i: BhOrt From, $1 fit). rxmg Fronl, " Was awarded the Hold Mnlul at thn Pmnt nial KxtilbMlon Tor heinu th Over live mllliousiin' now Waist is n uiiKiei of perfection near VOO, will Mnd hv in Health Cursi!t. 78. IClwex V Waisi,$i aft, complete, with tw Bnpponere, stale whether 1 Corsets are desired. Regit Inr 1 Ml sites Corsets and Clilliliin' to l7 Inehoa, Hliee :ti In W, uro extnt. send money bjrregltic Hothen Improve wmwelvi Mn. BmllyTiiwntend, M. D.,i " I have never loon. I iinvlhinii Iieallhrol. Phe child's 10 aitenl In 'eiils 'iter. 1 daughterm, Ual to Hr.'w'ar- usi iicvcioi.m. ni ner's Health In re-lorlr l.'iMlil! rinic heiilili, line tin alk i asiiy. Beneflle iii 1 ! 1 call 11 female aitir tnothtni.c Portland, o, irilole ol , M. K WARN BR. MORSE'S PALACE, 121 First St., Portland, Oregon. The Celebrated A Complete Stock of Sheet Music and Muttcfll Meieha (llNC.also, Plelures, Fi nines .V M-Mn fkyUin THmm ! to erer I'. C, unif-i , I A T THE HliiN tK TIIK Hlli 11 A Nil AN H It. 'i I I run! , 1 i)uiij;li.n nil el, I'm 1 111111I. 1 ireK'in, noes an kiiois 01 worK 111 tne tine ol JHI1 I'ltlNTIXJ, Dial Ihe ihysleal, Intel hclual, eoinmf Ti lal, le- galt bnilneH ami matrimonial wante of uiuh re qilln, at ihe lowest jiaylim price-. RsMOiatee given If reipilred, uin' onter promptly Mlled, Paper Itnllnit and Hook lilndtiiKiii every Hlyle etlended to. Helms the I urgent supply ol Legal llhiliks to he full ud III the Hinle. Please send In your or den or cull In penon when you tue In tl Ily. " No troMbM I" "how sa in pies." TAKE NOTICE. Mr. Hkmikk Is In (own and I" taking Plclun In all styles o( 111" art, ami has all He adVHiilN- 1 ,,f (M.v !.. In In- ,'i. M t the hot Imiii 111 ihe sme, Mini takes a- good i'totoree at anjrothei man And at as reaeonable prloea,ajd is alwavs and gOod'OAtUred. rletM oafl und tot hi- iwlllf OeJIen in Hi Idle or lh hl'M'k, Firsl olreci, between Mornwiii mid Taabtli, portiHioi, Oregon. Yoil eati bay an BSTBY ORGAN From $70 to $i.ooc, and an AHIOX PI WO For S450. Warranted for 5 years. THEY wn.i. Last a uff timk. Hend for Price U1 to O. F BIJBPBBIID A- O0i gtaMienweti v R h '.. Ilett l itfnl, For the unrivaled Arion PI MM and Bate ol Ue Orfiili. Ia'er- In " i-, Hiiretwl, Htifl Music ami M i- - I Merobaodtee, Ho. UW Pftml Htreel, lortlaml. tlierf .n. fW" "Itllff lit ldti.( thai (..a M ll.ll .rttlrlB-Ul la Tab Ka.r - - ol elegant IRSiS SATS CAfl DC hud onlr it MeussdorlTer's Hat Emporium, 111 I nml L lurlUii.l. mm)) 1 iMimr Kuus The Latest Styles MANUFACTURES! ?ORTLAN l. l. - - I'ortlahd, Oregon The Singer Manfg Company, , S. W. cor. First & Yamhill Sts., ('!( I11 ml, . Ovcgml. I 8KHIMI HUIRIJK 9AII9 rSR ISJ6. Till liapr Mi Co, sold 2C2.3I5 fotM ll Maehlne 1 Vi 1 h IMWI . m Whet Domi siiesewini: UnolilnoCo vmenean 11. h. &:, s m. Co Weed Sewing Machine I'o Wilcox A Qlbbl s. M. Co Remington B. M. LHi tltilil Medal Scwim; Miichlne Co".', Iclor Sewing MaohlnoCo Florence Se Willi; Machine Co iij Itrannsdorll A Co., (. Final .... McKays. , A lallon .. .... binder Machines sold an note nn.l ; monthly installment pltttl and lib 1 erul discount mode for cash. I Send for Circulars and Price List vwa v 'u kitjdtiif, Li.u. YVIHIl , All. 1 reus nil oonnunioatlotii to The Singer Manfg. Co., S W. cor. First ami Yamhill .Sis Portland. Box 854. JOHN A. BECK, WATCHMAKER $ JEWELER Music Htore or t. f. Shepherd .1 Oo, IM Prwni stewet, . IHrtlnnd, Otegam Flee tNertejawi ef watch i-:h, clocks, JF.WF.I.RY KHOWtK' TACIJCS, at law ir Repairing a specialty. All wmk wan anted. ntiiTinrx it 5 n s e hi i b it m 1 I inn cli )'iH' niuiiiiKh I'Iumi- lur mn.' mn. 1. teenHf. A LltBRT II A HTHi II, 4 PltRO linker lid Organ Kultilrr, j Thiol hi bet lalRMmaad I'sviur. Nrtawd Or, j PUVOI AND Ognggl RgPilggp ANU USD t rr-Aii w.nk iiiiNi.oii...iti. i i im 4 n Vmlin mill ,. ll,..siIIMu. i.ih.Ii 1 (.., f 0 0 0 D a u 0 0 Q & C 0 Q D Q Q 3 S D (t NH'i The most Complete Stork j' mm Hcthit Tailoring Btoii, and 14 in 11 t I". III On icoll h to he A I ni Hie H I'PHII II i i' 1 11 1 vi. HOI UK of PISHEL A ROBERTS, tmnm t'lrat ami Alder Nla., lurlUnl. D. W. PRENTICE, Cent ral Agefll for the FuilvHled WBBBR I'l.WUH, Ami (Sltbratal Standard Ctgrane, Aider st. mar 'irsl Portland Orrgor. r. a. d.his ,y- cu, II Frf Nh4 l'r.lnd, Oi.L ... iMfowmu Ann intobMAUiM or DRUGS, PAINTS, O LS, GLASS DRUOGISTS1 BUNDBIE8 Kl A,.-r,'. for lh 1 AVER ILL CHEMICAL PAINT. Wi:8E9