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About The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1877)
188 THE WEST SHORE. June. The Mcst More, A Siiuen Pf Monthly IlluHraied Paper, puUttbcd Porruxc, ' I i by L SAM l' EL, j W.u.rM. TERMS Or' SUBSCRIPTION, (lo'.ludiDf Potugc tn tny ptrt of thf United Sulci i Om copy, ou y, f i jc Single S .- M cm, '.''.it'"'" forl(tn rountrlM. 2 additional r -.''('". mu'l f ji1 In atlvanr-. and 11 j ' i will poilUrely t'jpjxl at the end of Um IIiii- they arc paJd for. RmtttUOM can to mail- by lx, pmUiftee in .'. . rjnW, Of bf Oftttf M ai.y of be I'ortlHiiit bulriMi BOSMi The West Shore has the largest circulation of any publication in Or egon or Washington Territory. OREGON PIONEERS. At the late reunion of the Oregon Pioneer Association The Vet Shore was selected as the official medium of the society, and the following officers were selected to erve for the ensuing term : President, Wm. J. Hcrron, of Salem; Vice-President, Joel Palmer, of Dayton ; Recording Secretary, J. Henry Hrown, of Salem ; Correspond ing Secretary, Wtllard H. Ree. of Butteville ; Treasurer, John M. Bacon, of Oregon City. Board'of Director. Joseph Watt of Forest Grove, Ralph C. (icer of Silverton. Thov. Montelth of Albany, We propOM to issue another mammoth number In July similar toour Iinuery edition, only mure elaborately Illustrated, and we ak of all our present sub M-rihcrs to call the at tention of their neigh- bon and frtendi lothti fact, and If possible, in- dm e them to subscribe fur the pjoneei illustra tcd journal of the Pa cific Northwest. A our subscription li-t iw- creases so we alto W increase the value of ouf paper, and nearly every one of our pres ent reader hil it in Ml power to help to swell our list by at least one. With the assistance of the friends "t our cn terprtee we hope t dntible our lit within the next two months, and open the third volume in Septem ber with Improvements which, lor very gnmi reasons, must not he spoken of EAST OF THE MOUNTAINS. Mr. Ruble, a resident of Oregon for twenty-four years, writes to the Dalles Tribune as follows : AH this upper country is far ncttera a wheat-producing region than has generally been supposed. Land here, which formerly va accounted worth less, will proJucc, if fall sown, thirty bushel to the acre of good plump wheat. Beginning upon the Cmatilla river and running nnrthrnt there i a belt of country of very rich -oil, extending along the Hluc and Ca-ur d'Alene mountain-, varying from twenty to sixty mile in width. It Is two hun dred mile long. Upon thi tract forty to fifty bushels an acre i no unusual crop. Of the more hardy vegetables the yield i simply enormou. Much of the country is very hilly, and on thi account is objectionable to manv who viit tt. The bills, however, are nearlv as rich and productive as the valleys. Hut though the countrv so ahoundVin hills, it is also penetrated by vallevs from half a rnile in width down to" a breadth of a few rods. Perhap few persons have examined the Palousc country more carefullv as to it pro ducing capacity than I have, and mv opinion i that there is hardlv a quarter cction but that one-third or more of it could 1 tilled, and often everv acre. The countrv is also well watered. Springs abound, but most of the small streams go dry in the ummer. If a Married. At the residence of the bride's father, Dr. H. V. V. Johnson, at Mc.Minnville, June 20, 1077, bv Kev. R. W. Summers, Mr. George W . Sny der, editor of the Reporter, and Mi Julia Lee Johnson. Our heartiest congratulations to the happy couple ; to Mrs. Snyder for her tact in capturing one of the brighest star- of the Oregon journalistic constel lation, and to our friend George for hi very excellent taste. KvTFRpnr.F. Lnt lanuarv Mr. T.. Samucl.publisher of The WestSiioue. issued a magnificent "holiday number1 of that valuable journal, which con tained 44 pages of interesting reading matter, and 56 engravings of scenes in the Pacific North weM. The entire edition cot about $3,000, and surpassed anything ever attempted in the line of enterprising journalism on the Pacific cast. The enthusiastic reception given to that number, and the liberal patron age extended to him since, have in duced Mr. S. to issue a " midsummer holiday number.'' and for the past two month hi artists have been busily en gaged in sketching beautiful scenery about the mouth of the Columbia river, Eastern and Southern Oregon, North ern Idaho, Eastern Washington Terri tory, British Columbia, and the great lumbering and coal mining regions of Puget Sound. Besides these sketches a host of able writers are furnishing In teresting descriptive articles. When ready for delivery, in July, this num- der the homestead laws, not being in possession of 320 acres in any of th States or Territories of the United States, may "enter" at a land office on payment of a fee of two dollars and . tabli;h a pre-emption right ; that is 1 right to take a tract of 160 acres, either within or without a railroad grant whenever the land shall be offered for sale by the government, at two dollars and titty cents per acre in the former and one dollar and twenty-five cents in tin. iuiiei case. Land oiiices are loca ted at Oregon City, in Clackamas county, Roscburg, in Douglas county, Lakeview, in Lake county, Dalles, in Wasco county, and La Grande, in L'nion county ; also at Walla Walla and Colfax in W. T. - r - .- ' r : lor the present Sonny, we feel sorry for you. Our friend Baltimore, of the Ortgom'am ha been making merry over the fact that the publisher ot thi paper received an Invitation to deliver a jjlh of JuU ora tion at Coqulllc City, in Coo county. The fact is he (eels a little hurt, and i jiiht slightl) jealous that a much younger member of the newspaper fra ternity should receive the preference over 1111 old tager" like him. The fact is, Baltimore, it i not our good look, but our winning ways. Ahem ! Ilirlel A Co., No. 77 Front street, receive additions by eVCf) itcamei to their already large fock ot blank Uok and stationery, whilst in fancy Ijood no firm in Oregon carries m Complete an saaortmsut Kery mail bring the latest publication, fresh from the K a tern houses. Merchant from the Interior will consult their own I nte real b giving thi firm a call. J. Kohn, clothier, smithwatf corner Plflt and Morrison tri.eis,rrcvie.iiin- othei lot of those nobby summer suit bv the last steamer. He ulo has a freh suppl) of elegant underwear suit able for the summer seaon. WALT Kit A WOOD'S HARVRSTKK, COMBINED WITH LOCKE'S SELF-BINDER. j ntV !n ,He ber Willlica monument to it 1 - 1 There islmlc or no enterprising publisher, and accomplish wave in tlu brooks, which havethere- a vast amount of good for the Pacific fore wmcwhat muddy appearance. Northwest. As furnishes these 1 heaUhthecountry Uasgood as.ny mammoth editions to a l v ub J A ew localities .cribcr. without extra cha c ml I King high are quite subject ,0 Irost, the subscription is only iTw rJerTeeT but in nearly a places even the more we think that everv cftiaen W Pa tender vegeUble. will grow well, cific Northweat should nSt n y have . . . " 1 . 0111 suiKCl I he ill evil:! 1Mr ... t, . send t.. il..;r ALJ. l 1 K end u their friends abroad. Or.-. Under the homestead law everv head cultivation, or vield in the urn 11 tude an eoiial v:iriet if nnxdiri. 11.. ing mostly prairie, wood and fencing materials are rather scarce. Tb.' vii, .11 ..11 .1 11 bellies, nistilwrri-. it .1.1 i (,t a tailU V male or fUmalai m bkuklHtrie are bearing tiuelv all over mi Over twentv-one years, a dtlsen of plow Will lurni.h Ih, 1,,., f ' '"""""""""'H-.m-.uch,, enter, Ai "in- rcccda from Dm maanlSa the !'" Wnwrt r regbtry fees rani;. country In'mmes .Irver ami le lialle ,nJJ from .even to twentr-two dollars '" "'" t-in "ere. of any of 'the lands re' Ai kcrouo Brew.' dothtni btinr, on Z fV" TT""" ' Uthwa. crner Kir.nd Was., ' ' ' " n In tree... i. a hvoriM ol .oe fr ld dnMh" .ch de,r JS?SZ& - i'WnK B.k llv s,.H)vinR lo please ' k 1 . their patrons thev have, a '"I V P ... r nm iimr , 1,1. ... ., ., , , - J me latut spleiuliil trade In the short time thev hae boa established here. Messrs. IViuon & Hall will open their extensive st.vk of hardw ire rm the s,lh of July, in the new store l.itelv V ' v l.HHIS in any other State ht Territory of the l'nion. After tlve yean bona tide res. ideme upon and improvement of the land, the government will Rive the erected fc, ,,, N. E. corner First pre-emption laws,' persons posing "mlTIOr"- the same qualifications as claimants nn WOOD'S HARVESTER AND SELF BI.N'DER. As some little time yet remains be fore harvest we present our readers with an engraving of one of the great est labor-saving machines ever invented for the use of farmers it is known as thr Wood's Harvester and Self-Binder. The engraving gives a very correct idea of the workings of this powerful ma chine. It will, however, well repay any one to examine it at the establish ment of Frank Bros.& Co., who are the gen eral agents for the Pa cific coast. The har vester is on the left side, and as the grain is cut it falls on an end less cloth,wh!ch brings it over the right. Here two iron arms com press the bundle, while a third puts the wire around and twists and tics it, when it ii thrown out by one of the arms and laid on the ground about I! feet from the standing grain. Tlicbinderde Hvers a bundle everv ten feet or more, at the option of the driver, who has entire control of the binding by plac ing his right foot on the brake, as shown in the engraving. We consider this machine Tcatest inventions of the age, and what is still more in its favor.its general construction has the appear ance of being made for service. Within from thirty to forty miles of Astoria, in what is known as the Neh lem and Tillamook vallevs, arc vacant lands capable of furnishing homes for one thousand live hundred families. The land is very good , is easily cleared, there being in many parts hut little timber. It is mostlv covered with t growth of underbrush. The best routes of getting to these lands .re either from Columbia Citv, Clatwp Pbdm or North Yamhill. A person noticing the large ship ments of Home" sewing machines for Eastern Oregon within the past fe day. would suppose that was the kind ot ammunition being sent to the scat of war in Idaho. These sewing machine are such great favorites that Mr. G. W. Traver, the manufacturers agent, with offices corner Third and Morrison, i kept busy daily supplying the ever in creasing demand for them. The " Prince Organ," is sweet toned, elegantly finished, warranted perfect, and sold at a price that nearly every family in the State can afford to hve one of these beautiful instruments in the house. II. Sinshcimcr, 141 Firststreet, is the manufacturers' agent for Oregon and W. T. one of the