Image provided by: Friends of Jacksonville's Historic Cemetery; Jacksonville, OR
About Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1920)
Mrs. Mark Finney, who has been Jacksonville Post1 visiting friends and relatives in coast SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, l'tjo local news Master Walter Wendt who, with his Wither hw been visiting in the valley spent a few days with his grandmoth er. Mrs. Mary Wendt. Mr. Henry C. Gallup attended church services in Medvord last Snnday moan ing. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Abbot and daughter Lucille of Rogue River visit ed acquaintances in town Sunday. J. P. Wells, superintendent of school of Klamath Falls, and Mrs. Wells were in town Monday. towns of Oregon, has returned to her home in this city. J. D. Farrcl, vice-president of the L'r.V'n Pacific R. R. system and direct or in charge of the agricultural section of Oregon State Fair, A. H. Lea, sec retary of the state fair commission, and David B. Hazen, special feature writer of the Portland Telegram, who are touring Western Oregon in Mr. Parrel’s private railroad car in the interest of the state fair, called on the county court Tuesday morning and were urgent in requesting that a Jack son county exhibit be sent to the State Fair at Salem this fall. George Gardner and Commissioner Owens as sured the party that such an exhibit would be prepared and exhibited at Medford, Salem and later at Portland. ÜCTÍT* TV. WTOMR»W<SW!!HBSrT.WBKr<*»-«’- «KtK .’"tN'S Earnest Langley was among the Ralph Jennings of Applegate was a Jacksonville people iu Medford Wed business visitor ir. Medford Tuesday. nesday afternoon. He reports splendid crops in his section Aleok Reed who has been visiting of the country. at the home of his cousin Mrs S. E. Chas. Dunford of Poorm ans Creek Dunnington, left for his home in Ok district was one of our visitor the lahoma Wednesday morning. middle of the week. Mrs. Henry Mankins and mother, Mrs Miss Gertrude Dunnington who for Law, of Willow Creek are visiting rel atives and friends at Santa Cruz, some time past has been employed as linotype operator in a large office at Calif. W. Ci and Henrv Mankins are spend Seattle arrived in Jacksonville Thurs ing a short vacation at Shasta Springs, day on a short visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Dunnington. California. Mrs. J as ten Hartman spent Tuesday State Superintendent of Banks W. H. Bennett and chief Bank Examiner afternoon in Medford. Marshall Hooper arrived from Salem Peter J. Fick was a business visitor Thursday morning and are conducting in Medford Tuesday. ar, examination of the books of the All work done in 1920 spot cash at View of Bishop Scott school and Salvation Army boys being taught orchard bank. W. R. Sparks’. work at Lytton school. The funeral of Philip Anderson who Please do not bring harness to my One of the big phases of the work the Salvation Army is doing Iu died Monday as the result of a fall at the Natorium swimming tank was held shop for repairs as I am not prepared Oregon to prevent the ills of wrong teaching and poverty and to strike at ■the root pi the despair and grief found in the cities, is the training and care Thursday afternoon. Young Anderson’s ' to handle this work. Neither is it my of dependent boys and girls. One of the items of the budget to be raised mother was formerly Lucinda Reames, trade, W. R. S parks . for the Salvation Army work in Oregon provides fer the purchase of the and lived in Jacksonville many years. Miss Zola Knox, who has been visit Bishop Scott school at North Yamhill as an industrial and agricultural school Much sympathy is extended the be ing relatives at Grants Pass, returned where neglected kiddies will be educated and made efficient workers so that when they go out into the world they will be an asset to society and reaved family. to her home in this city Sunday. not a charge upon the communities of which they will be members. The Delta Lee Reed, a 15-year old girl, jouo acre farm has a walnut grove and other orchards, and, under proper Mrs Mary Wendt and son George leave by auto shortly for eastern Ore committed suicide Friday at ’he home qare of agricultural experts who will teach the boys, its productivity will go far toward making tile school self supporting. The school is in no sense to gon for a visit with relatives, being ot her foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. oe a penal or reformatory institution but on the other hand it is intended gone about two weeks. The return trip G. C. Reed, in Ashland. Cause of tne to provide sound vocational education for youngsters who, without it, are on deed is supposed to be mortification the road to bad citizenship. will be made via Crater Lake. W. A. Hanna, manager of the’Asso- over plans to send her to a reforma ciated Oil jCo, and Mrs. Hanna, came tory at Portland. The girl shot her reduced but the court sustained Prose Something Worse. over from tied turd Thursday evening. self through the chest with a heavy cuting Attorn.y Roberta’ contention “ Remember, son, Garfield drove that a practically prohibitive bond utiles on a tow path and Lincoln split Oscar Lewis and family of Central calibre revolver, dying instantly. For Sale —LOCATION NOTICES- should be fixed and as a consequence rails.” "I know, dad; but, say, did any Point spent a short time in town Thur both quartz and placer. Jacksonville Mr. Johnson will, in all probability, be >f these presidents ever crank a colfi sday evening. Sheriff Terrill’s guest until the Octo notor in a blizzard for half an hour Ernest Forman was a Melford visit Post. iefore lie discovered that he didn’t ber term of court. Mr. and Mrs. J. L Cantrall of Ruch ’ or Thursday. Johnson, who duting the course of lave any gasoline?”- -Richmond Tlntes- are spending a few days at Medford. Dlspetch. E. M. Wilson of Medford, an ex pert Tom Murphv, who has been incar the preliminary hearing temporarily ►ÍO- accountant of wide reputation is assist lost the air of composure he has worn ing the state bank examiners to cerated in the county jail as the re from the first and showed marked Patience. straighten Bank of Jacksonville books sult of being too handy with a gun in signs of agitation, has volunteered the The host tilings usually require the a home brew arguments at Medford this week. information that “business inexperi most patience for their development. recently, was released from custody A tent may be put up In an hour, but Attorney T. W. Miles of Medford upon furnishing $690 bail Thursday ence’’ was partly responsible for the a strong nnd stately building calls for was at the court house on business bank’s collapse. < Tong find careful work. We have afternoon. Tuesday Although ill-feeling has apparently Hetty thieving continues in Medford become more intense within the past need of patience not only with others, Joe Broad wag in Medford for » but also with ourselves in the build and according to the police the work two or threi days and bitter comments ing of character into what we would short time Wednesday. is being done by small boys, roaming concerning the management of the b»ve it. Ed' Helms was one of the J’ville up and down the coast. Police Chief bank are frequent, depositors as a people in Medford Wedsesday. Timothy hoped he had broken up the Mr. and Mrs. E S. Wilson and Mrs. gang by the arrest Wednesday of rule are accepting their losses philo Glass-Bottomed Bucket. S. E. Dunnington inspected Medford’s two lads who confessed to three rob sophically as could be expected and are making the best of a bad matter. A curious sight nt Palermo is to see new aviation fieid Wednesday and re beries, but last night a bicycle was port that officials in charge extend stolen from a house on King street, Superintendent of Banks W. H. Ben the fishermen spearing fish by the aid nett and Bank Examiner Marshall j of gliiss-hottonied buckets. There are every courtesy to visitors. and the chief believes there are sever Hooper, with the assistance of Expert j ninny corners of the world where fish Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Chapman autoed al members of the gang still working Accountant E. M. Wilsor. of Medford are spenred, hut perhaps the use of to Medford Friday' evening. throughout the city. Medford residents are busily engaged in checking up the tin glass-bottomed bucket In this con A large number of people from the are advised to keep close watch on bank’s business but it will probably be nection Is to be seen only at Palermo. surrounding country were in town Fri their doors and windows and keep several days before a report can be Cynicism, day to attend the preliminary hearing their property under lock and key. - issued. We are reminded flint resentment, Mail-Tribune. of W. H. Johnson. -------- doubt and cynicism are so easily mis- As a result of an announcement Delroy Getcheil of the Farmer and taken for the wisdom of disillusion- Fruitgrowers Bank and John F. White made by the war department that no Aviation Field to ment that there is double reason of Medford were looking over the members of the regular army, either to guard against them, Many a bur: b? Did ’ e ated. on the active or retired list, can en soul fancies it is growing wise in the banking situation in town Friday. ways of the world when In truth It Is John Pernoil of Applegate was in gage in politics, Col. H. H. Sargent only growing hard and bitter. An was forced to hand in his resignation Jacksonville and Medford the middle Medford will be the mecca of one acquaintance with mankind does not as a member of the ReDublican Jack- of the week. son County Central committee this of the largest gatherings which this mean merely learning humanity s seamy Word received this week states that week. Other members of the com community has seen in years on Labor side and being on guard against It. A wider study will bring a far different a young son, duly christened Patrick mittee greatly regret this step as the day, September 6th, as at that time 1 and mera h-'>ofni knowledge. Arthur, arrived at tne home of Mr. colonel has been a valued member of the aviation landing field will be dedi- j and Mrs. E. G. Gavin, 867 E Yamhill cated and given its official name. the organization. Witn a Proviso. St., Portland, Tuesday, August 10th, Some time ago the air service re- ' James was fond of one of his moth Squaw lake Chas. Dunford, Jr., a Mrs. Gavin was formerly Mrs. Minnie cattleman, was calling on Jacksonville quested the Chamber of Commerce to er's friends, n girl in her twenties. Kelly of this city. officially name their field in order that One (Itt.v, when lie had been particular friends Friday. An order was signed by the connty the same may appear upon the list ly well entertained by her, lie remark Attorney M. Purdin and T. W. now being prepared by the government ed: "Aunt Margie, when I grow up court thia week authorising Jackson county to cooperate with the state Miles of Medford transacted business of all landing fields in the United I'm going to marry you.” Then he a>,d national government in providing at the court house Saturday. States. The board of directors have Linked at her thoughtfully and titlded: funds for the construction of the Mrs. M. I. Ball, and Mrs. Chas. had this in hand and within a dav or “That is, if you last long enough." Crater Lake highway. By this ar Phinney and daughter, Florence, who two will announce the name which has — — ■ «(TVS--------------- rangement tbe national government have been visiting friends in this city been selected. The Zuyder Zee. provides-50%, the state 25°fc and the and Fort Klamath for the past three Action was taken by the members The Zuyder zee, or Southern sen, was county 25^f Of the amount to be ex weeks, returned to their home at of the Chamber of Commerce at the formerly n lake surrounded by marshes, pended. It is expected that financial Wapato, Washington, Thursday morn forum meeting yesterday to have the Its present extent lx»lng the result of arrangements along this line will be I ing. board of directors plan for the dedica floods In the thirteenth century. Its completed in the near future. tion of the field by cooperating with nr' ii Is about 2,000 square mile«, and Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bagshaw, Mr. the air service and the Medford Pot-t the nvernge depth from 10 to 19 feet. V and Mrs. E. S. Wilson and Mrs. S. E. of the American Legion. The Hollanders have reclaimed a mil Dunnington enjoyed the band concert lion acres from sen. lake und river As a tentative plan, a patriotic Highest quality, jewelry at Medford Wednesday evening. repairing, diamond set ade in the afternoon of the 6th is since the sixteenth century. ting, watch repairing, scheduled which will end at the aviation agate mounting and jew landing fie'd where the services will His Language. elrv manufacturing. j Johnson’s Bonds Mother told sister that baby HUM no doubt be held. It is anticipated Martin J. Reddy, heaven, so when baby was eight Fixed at $50,000 that Col. Arnold and Captain Smith of from . MSOFIRO. OREGON. the air service will be the honored months old sister said to a playmate: guests and before definite plans can be “Our baby is talking now, but we can’t In order to accomodate the crowd announced they will be consulted as to enderstund him, ’cause he talks sky There la more Catarrh In thia taction that gathered to attend the preliminary their wishes as to the part of the dedi of the country than all other diaeatet put toeether, and for yeart It wu tup- hearing of W. H Johnsen, presdient cation they will participate in. Items of Interest. BOMd to teo incurable. Doctors prescribed of the Bank of Jacksonville. Friday The entertainment to be furnished Ping—“Does the romedlun strike you local ronsodlse, and by constantly fallins to euro with local treatmont. pronounced morning. Justice Bagshaw's court was visitors to Medford on the 6th will in as funny?” Pong—“Nary a bit. lie It incurable. Catarrh Is a local disease, held at the county court house, the clude a dance given by ’he Legion at struck me for a ten yesterday and I areally influenced by conetltutlonal con- Slttone and therefore requiree conetltu- large court room being well filled with the Nktatorium in the evening and this couldn’t see the joke.” tlonal treatment. Hall'e Catarrh Medi spectators. will undoubtedly be a feature that will ci manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Cotton Gears. Upon/ waiving examination before attract many visitors to the city.— Co. Toledo. Ohio, io a constitutional remedy io taken internally and acta tne justice of the peace, Johnson was Mail Tribune. Cotton which has beea put under thru the Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces hydraulic pre- 'ire of from to of tbe System One Hundred Dollars re- held to the grand jury, his bond being 8.0«) pound» and made Into gears, pro ward la ottered for any case that Hall a fixed at $5'1.1100. Attorney H. K. Catarrh Medicine falls to cure. Send for uptimisttc 1 nought. duces na article superior to thnt mad« Hanna, who, in the of A. E. circulars and testimonials. . Talk tò please others: act to please Of steel. Softer than steel, tbe cot F JLCHKNET * CO . Toledo, Ohio. Reames, represented Johnson, made yourself. Sold by Drurrliti, 75c. ton gear yields where the steel gear Hall o Family Pills for constipation. co effort to have the amount of bail _ xa*— a iiw— • XZ 1 sears under friction. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR in the home of Refinement means IM M ACr L ATE CLE A VLINESS AND C O N V E N I E N C F Deliveries Made Immediately T II E S EE ISKO IN Peoples Electric Store Phone 12 MEDFORD 212 West Main A. B, Cunningham, Manager Agent for Southern Oregon THE CITY DRUG STORE Santox Store 7. fa Nyal Remedies Ì ÿj Dr. Hess Dip and Disinfectant Dr. Hess Stock ionic 'L‘j Dr. Hess Panacea for Poultry ö fa ASPINWAEL HAND SPRAYERS Century Fountain Pens from $1.00 up fa fa fa Every Pen Guaranteed J. W. Robinson, M.D., Proprietor Jacksonville - « Oregon ® - EDUCATION PAYS FOR THE INDIVIDUAL AND FOR THE SIATE A Person with No Education has but One Chance in 150,000 to Render Distinguished Service to the Public. 4 Chances With Common Scaool Education With High School Education------ 87 Chances With College Education................. I 800 Chances Are You Giving Your Child His Chance? THOSE STATES ARE WEALTHIEST THAT HAVE INVESTED MOST IN EDUCATION Oregon Agricultural College Through a "Liberal and Practical Education” pre pares the Young Man and Young Woman for Useful Citizenship and Successful Careers in HOME ECONOMICS MINING ENGINEERING AGRICULTURE VOCATIONAL EDUCATION FORESTRY PHARMACY COMMERCE The Training 1 Includes PHYSICAL EDUCATION, MUSIC, ENGLISH. MODERN I LANGUAGE. ART and the other essentials of a Standard Technical College Course FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 20. 1920. TUITION IS FREE FOR INFORMATION WRITE TO THE REGISTRAR, Oregon Agricultural College Corvallis, Ore. » Health Improvement in Brazil. The famous saying “Brazil Is u vast hospital” is In a fair way to being out lit wed. Yellow fever Is stamped out and the government lias made an Immense appropriation for supplying quinine to the entire community. To these achievements must lie added the labors of the (iswnldo Cruz Institute In the realms of scientific prevention of communicable diseases of all kinds. -Brazil-Medico. I ’r.-iT’ Regularly Acquired w visiting In n little country e nnd was about to board the i to return when I noticed it dear • girl with tight <nrl dose to het I, and. calling her, I asked : “Whore yon get nil those pretty curls?” h annoyed, she answered: “Oh, was on me when 1 turned.”—CH- Uncle Eben. “Dur nln’ no use tryln' to bury de hntcliot wif some folks.” said Uncle Elien. “not us long ns (ley kin keep dodgin' Into de hardware store an’ gctfin' mo’ cutlery." No Place for Him to Die. Dnnh l Webster, taken III one day In of decided Democratic lean- a town, . Illgs, begged Ills friends to take him homi' nt once. “Î was born a Federal- 1st,” lie pleaded. “I have lived a Fed- • lallst, and I eun't die In a Democratic town." Relic of Noah. The Desert de ('nrlltte. In the Pyra mes ch. e on 10.000 feet above the s. a • ordains no '.ver than 60 lakes of | var Ing siZ' M. These, according to lo ad tradition, left at the time i of the fl.... I. When the water subsided, | it Is said, Noah nnd his fntnlly landed on the Puy de Prlgue. one of the hlzh- I cal ja il.- lii the district t