Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, June 30, 1917, Image 3

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    Jacksonville Post
Fourth of July next Wednesday.
The Inn at Crater Lake will open
July 5.
No. 63.
Report of the Condition of
Marie Obenchair» is visitiifg relatives
in this city.
All work done in 1917 s|x»t cash at
W. R. Sparks.
at Jacks »nviile in the St <te of Oregon
Alice Morgan visited friends at Me l
at the close of business
Are vou a subscriber to the Post?
June 20, 1917.
If not, why not?
J. A. Norris was a visitor at Medford
town Friday evening.
Thursday evening.
Fletcher Linn of Portland was a re­
Miss Katherine Reed of Portland is
Loansand discounts--------- $55,338.10
cent visitor iu this city.
in town this week.
Overdrafts secured and un­
Mrs. Jesse Wilson left for Washing­
secured ________________
Homer Stephenson of Watkins was
ton points Friday evening.
Bondsand Warrants..........
in town this week.
The 1917 apple crop of Jackson coun­ Stocks and other securities.. 7,520.00
Sheriff Jennings was a visitor in
ty is estimated at 1500 carloads.
Banking House___________ 4,800.00
Medford Wednesday.
Furniture and fixtures.— — 3,200.00
Flora Thompson was a visitor in Med
Other real estate owned____ 3,855.00
non-support was released Friday.
ford Wednesday evening.
Due from approved reserve
Mabel Reeve of Medford visited
banks _______________ -- 6,770.23
recent business visitor in this city.
friends in this ci’y Wednesday.
Checks and other cash items
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wilson were busi­
J. B. Coleman was a business visitor
Exchanges for clearing house
ness visitors in Medford Friday fore­ Cash on hand ..........
at Medford Thnrsday afternoon.
Expenses ___ ______________
Geo. M. Roberts of Medford trans­
Miss Tressie Pierce of Trail attended Gold Dust _______________ 417.41
acted business in this citv Wednesday.
the teachers’ examination held here Other Resources__________
Chas. H. Dunford was in from his this week.
Total ....
ranch on the Sterling road Friday fore­
Miss Loletta Houghman of Sams val­
ley attended the teachers’ examination
Frank Mengoz, a miner of Squaw in this city.
creek transacted business in this city
paid in_______ $10,000.00
to renew their government license to Surplus fund_____________
Mrs. G. A. Gardner of this city was sell alcohol.
Undivided profits, less ex­
taken to the hospital at Medford
penses and taxes paid------- 3,239.23
Mrs. Ella Pintock of Los Angeles,
Cal., is visiting relatives and friends in Individual deposits subject
Mrs. Goldie Boyer of Rogue River this city and vicinity.
to check___ ___________ 56,686.69
transactel business in this city Friday
Demand certificates of de­
According to statements given out
the total contributions of the north Certified checks_________
WANTED—An apprentice to learn
end of Jackson countv to the Red Cross Time and Saving Deposits .. 15,652.68
typesetting, girl or boy. Apply Jack­
fund is $20,798,08 which added to the Notes and bills rediscounted ..
sonville Post.
contributions of the south end (about Bills payable for money bor­
F. L. Peterson of The Dalles, is look­ $10,500) makes the total for Jackson
rowed _________________ 5,500.00
ing after his property interests in the county more than $31,000. The quota
Other liabilities________
valley this week.
asked for in this county was $15,000.
Mr. ami Mrs. J. Percy Wells have
A coronor’a inquest was held over
gone to Eugene where they are taking the death of David Cottrell. Friday S tate of O regon , )
■ ss.
a course in the Summer school at the which exonerated Lane Wvland in these
County of Jackson. )
words “that Wyland thought that he
I, Wm. H. Johnson, Cashier of the
Mrs. Walter Bowne, Jr. and little was shooting at a deer and thus 1 above-named bank, do solemnly swear
daughter, left Monday night for New unintentionally and
by accident | that the above statement is true to
York where they will join Mr. Bowne caused the death of Cottrell.” The the best of my knowledge and belief.
who recently enlisted in the navy.
only witnesses examined were Wyland,
W m . H. J ohnson , Cashier.
Amy C. Martin of Griffin Creek was Hockersmith. the man who first report­ Correct—Attest;
committed to the county jail by Jus­ ed the killing and D.. Cameron. The
C. M. Ruch,
tice Taylor of Medford Tuesday. Non testimony was to the ffect that Cot­
R. D. Hines,
support of his wife and family was the trell was skinning a deir when shot by
Subscribed and sworn to before me
J. B. Staub of Applegate, accused of j
this 29, day of June, 1917.
assault with intent to kill, was given a
D. W. B agshaw ,
New Advertising Agent
nreliminary hearing before Justice Tay-
Notary Public.
1 >r at Medford last Saturday and dis­
My Commission expires Feb. 26, 1920.
Willis H. Jenkins, former Traveling
----------- »<»>♦-----------
The Medford Sun, describing a pre­ Passenger Agent of the Southern Pa­
We have found out what ails Germa­
liminary hearing in this city refers to cific Co. has been appointed head of ny at last. It is a secret, but we don’t
Justice Dox as ‘The Jacksonville dig­ the Advertising Bureau of the compa­ mind telling you. It is “Selbstbewun-
nitary ” Well, he is rather dignified ny, for the Portland office. Carl Tay­ derung.” For fear you have forgotten
lor succeeds Mr. Jenkins as Traveling
at times.
the meaning we will tell you it means,
James K>nt of Medford died at his Passenger Agent.
home in that city, Monday night, aged
71 years. He had resided in Jackson
County for 38 years. He leaves a wid­
ow and Bix children.
County Clerk Gardner, Sheriff Jen- I
nings and County Physician T. J.
Malmgren have been named by Gov­
ernor Withycombe as the exemption
board for Jackson county.
Mrs. D. W. Bagshaw entertained a
few friends at cards Thursday evening,
those present being Mr. and Mrs. H.
K. Hanna, Mayor Britt, Miss Amalia
Britt, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wilson, Mrs.
C. E. Howey, Mary Bagshaw, Mr. and
Mrs. D. W. Bagshaw.
Married—At Jacksonville, Oregon,
Wednesday, June 27, 1917, by H. G.
Dox, J. P., Mark Winningham and
Mrs. Martha Watkins. Both are resi­
dents of the Applegate valley and have j
a host of friends who wish them a long
and happy married life.
Two men arrested near the Califor­
nia state line by special officers and
charged with violating the liquor law.
were given a preliminary examination
before Justice Dox Wednesday morn­
ing. The testimony showed that the
officers got the wrong men and the jus­
tice dismissed the case.
Readers of the Medford papers have
been treated to a “wordy newspaper
war” as to whether certain sewing ma­
chines belonging to the public schools
were or were not repaired at the ex­
pense of the distrie t. It reminded one
of the king who marched his men up
the hill and marched them downagain.
Mrs. D. W. Bagshaw gave a lawn '
party for her grandchildren Verna and
Ronald Howey of Olympia, Wash., i
Thursday afternoon. Those present
were: Orpha Ager, Rosie Singler, Hil­
da Singler, Gaynelle Kelly, Thelma
Larsen, Virginia Fick, Wilma Bailey,
Carl Larsen, Helen Ulrich, Frank Ul­
rich, Verna Howey and Ronald Howey.
The road to the Blue Ledge mine is
reported in very bad condition and
needs immediate and extensive repairs
if the hauling of ore is to be continued.
The road districts have raised a consid­
erable fund for this purpose and ask
the county court to duplicate the
amount from rhe genera! road fund of
the county. An effort is being made
to have the state contribute a like
amount, which if done would suffice for
present needs. It is evident that in
the near future one of two things must
be done if the mine is to continue oper­
ations, viz: the road wiil have to be
hard surfaced or a railroad will have to
be built to the mine.
Machinery at Cost
We have on hand 3 new Johnson Mowers
and 3 rakes which rather than hold over
to next season, we will sell at
4 1-2 ft Mower at $63.00
These prices are away below the present
wholesale price.
We bought before the
recent raise and will give you the benefit.
This is the chance to supply your wants at
the best possible price. Buy Now.
Fred J. Fick,
Jacksonville, Oregon
Phone 53.
Real Estate Ads
of Egotism
hd States Soldiers
■ ü
\ French Seaport. J tin-27 The sec­
One luortilng n earriuge stopped in
ond ■ ontingent of American troops ar­
the Bottl gin- w<>< <| in Paris.
"This is the place." said the oeeu rived and disembarked thi = morning.
The troops l u de I amid the frantic
Alighting, lie directed the coachman cheers of the people, who ha I g »'her-
FORCALE Th ■ McLaren property
to drive on over a crest and wait, e! for hours before in anticipation of on Apule rate road. Go >d sai ill house
Then lie begun to pare idly back and duplicating yesterday 's surprise.
fol III. now mi ning to lite east to ad
Enthusiasm rose to fever pitch when and nacesiary of. t'lildin's, chicken
mile the tints painted on the clouds . it was learned that the transp >rts and park, etc. A n mi >er of fine fruit tre *s
by Hie eotuing god of day. now snap­ convoy had successfully passed the sub­ bearing excellent fr lit. Will be suiti
ping off a blossoming head of clover or marine z»i e. The port w is speedily ata birgiin Apply at the premises
dandelion lie was an intellectual look- '
or at odi -e ot Jacksonville Post.
beflagged in honor of the occasion.
ing person, with a cast of countenance
denoting tile artistic or imaginative | All the troops now arriving were
The G iverement needs Farmers as
faculty, straight and slender, with a transfería d today to a camp not far
mass of black hair falling d-wu over distant from this point, wh re Maj ir well as Fighters, Two million three
General William L. Sibert is in tailed. hundred 1 housand acres of Oregon <Xr
his coat collar
Presently lie took out his watch, not­ Thence they probably will go soon to a California Railroad Co. Grant Lands.
ed the linin' anti muttered:
park near the front. All the troops Title revested in United States. To
"It is time some of them should ar | are in excellent shape, enthusiastic ov­ be opene 1 for homesteads ar.d sale.
er the successful trip and their recep­ Containing some of best land left in
A moment Inter the grinding of
.United States.
Large Copyrighted
wheels was heard and another carriage i tion and eager for action.
Map, showing land by sections and des­
came in sight, drove to where the man i
was standing, stopped. a gentleman , Peace proposals by either side seem cription of soil. Climate, rainfall, ele­
alighted anil stood face to face with : to give the war a fresh start, but so vations, temperature etc., bv <• »unties.
the first comer. lie was followed by does their absence.
Postpaid One Dollar. Grant Lands Lo-
two companions, one carrying a bundle j
1 eating Co. Box 6'0 Portland, Oregon.
of foils, the other a box
Notice to Creditors
"Ah. Al. Charlier." said the iiewcom I
er, "why do 1 find you here alone?
At The Churches
Where are the seconds'.-"
"Wait.” said Al. Charlier. "You are '
not the only person I am to meet this In the matter of the estate of
Albert H. Gammons. Minister
morning. There are several persons | O. C. Boyer, deceased.
Sunday Services regularly as follows:
who wish to deprive me of my life. 1 Notice is hereby given that the un­
10:0U A. M. Sabbath School Classes
and 1 propose that all shall have a fair | dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of Jackson County, Ore­ for all ages.
" ’First come, first served,' is a good I gon, administratrix of the estate of ().
11:00 A. Al. Morning worship, with
rule I solicit the privilege of taking j C. Boyer, deceased, an I hai duly qual­ sermon.
illy revenge before any one else has j ified therefor.
6:15 1’. M. Christian Endeavjr Pray­
had a chance to deprive me of it. Tbe !
All persons having claims against er meeting.
insult I have received cannot possible
7:30 1’. M. Evening worship, with
have been equaled. I demand an op said estate are required to present the
same properly verilie 1 to the uu ler- sermon.
portunity to show you"—
Prayer meeting on Wednesday even­
Mean« hilt- another carriage drove up signed administratrix at he- home in
and out stepped another party. This Rogue River, Jackson C un'y, Oregon, ing at 7:30.
time there wore two men carrying foils within six months from the d ite of the Everyone welcome to these meeting*.
anti, as before, one bearing a box. The first publication of this notice, which
“I was glad when they said unto inv
principal could easily lie recognized first publication is June 30, 1917.
let us go into the the house of the
from the surprise with which lie no­
G oldie B oyer ,
Lord.-Ps. 122:l.
ticed that a party similar to his own
hail arrived before him.
“Pardon me. gentlemen." he said
"What does I his mean?”
“It means. M. de Musser." said Char­
Services held every Sunday mornii g
lier. "that Al. Rubidoux here, having I
at 11 o’clock in I. O. O. F. Hall.
demanded satisfaction, as you have
Everybody welcome.
done, is entitled to it as much as you.”
"lint M. Rubidoux cannot possibly
have tlie grievance that 1 have. Some
I CopyiiglitHregiH
i 1 or l’lioto. 1<>r
petty breach of etiquette, perhaps,
it y. I*.ih nt pract-
while I"—
Ums f-»r invaluable Iwk
Again there was a sound of wheels.
. II iw to get !• partn< r.
"What do you mean, Al. Charlier?”
•r valuable iniof n.i: • >n.
asked M. Rubidoux. “Are these car­
riages intended for your funeral train?”
Tacoma. June 26 The first lumber
pat :: r lawycrs ,
"They bear other persons who come
order for 12 two-story buildings at the
303 Seventh St., Washington, 0. C.
here for satisfaction.”
American Lake cantonment was receiv­
Two more carriages stopped, anil from
ed today and will be distributed among
eacli a party alighted, all looking as­
the mills of the West Coast Lumber­
tonished at seeing so many persons
man’s association. The order calls
present. Al Charlier stepped forward
for about 250,000 feet of lumber, esti­
to introduce them.
mated worth betwe n $50,000 and $60,-
“M. Rubidoux. Al. <le Musser, permit
me to present Al Tetedoux nnd M
Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment
i s
All four men bowed very low. taking
off their itafs and stirring tip consider­
able dust with tlie wind made by their
Their attendants stood In
groups, looking on, wondering at the
strange turn tlie affair had taken.
“if all those you expect.” said M. OREGON and WASHINGTON
Washington, June 25 George W.
Rubidoux, "are present I beg to say
Lewis, and Liveslv & Go., of Salem,
to them that, as first comer, I shall
and McNeff Bros., of Portland, today,
A Directory of each City, Town and
Village, giving descriptive »ketch of
telegraphed Senator Chamberlain urg­
“And 1. too. insist." interrupted De
cell pki< c, location, p'lpii.i l Ion, teto-
ing the defeat of tlie prohibition sec­
gruph, ahlpiilng nnd banking point;
"Gentlemen"’ ex< lnln>' <l M. Tetedoux
tion of the foist control bill, stating
a I no ciaasined Directory, compiled by
business and profession.
in a sonorous bass voice.
that its adoption will ruin tlie hot» far­
♦ It. I.. 1’OI.K * CO., SEATTLE
“Gentlemen!" cried Al. Cardiac In
mers and dealers of Oregon.
tones of ti shrill reed In 'ruincnt.
Cbnriler folded bis arms anti waited
"This fellow." cried Rubidoux, "has
sought to save himself from my just
«rath by picking a quarrel with so
many that lie thinks all not lining able
to take satisfaction we will let him ofl
I propose we cast lots for first chance.
"Agreed!" cried all tlie others at
Many Points in July
once. Charlier him-elf wrote their
names ent-li on n separate bit of paper
put them In a hat one of tlie sec onds
drew, anti tlie first chance fell to M
Rubidoux They fought, and Al Rubi­
doux was so eager to llnlsli tlie cast-
On »Sale July »3 and 4. Return July 5
himself flint tie fenced hotly anil laid
between all Southern Pmlific stations in Oregon
ly. Presently tils foil went ft» ing In
tlie air I'e was obliged to give way
to tlie next man wlios" name had been
drawn, anil A! Cardiac stood up be
fore tlie victor
"I'll show you that you cannot In
Portland, Ore-, July 7-14, inc.
suit me by drawing what you conceive
to be my oliarT ler In your miserable
On sale July 6-13, inc. Return July 18
nov< I v. ltIt impunity "
from all Southern Pacific stations to Portland
"What novel?" asked tie Musser.
" ’Mo|.- ” replie l < 'ai diiu "Jules Gar
nler In that storj Is a caricature of
my—If "
••but i.t all.” pul In I 1' -dottx
"Garnier was dra • ii from mo."
"Gentlemen." Inten-ip'e 1 Al Rlll:l
dou.x. "I tidal. I all < on» In e you that
tlie portrait is Intended Io tie mine
when I tell you that M Charlier sent
me a copj of the book to read
"He sent me a copy! exclaimed Al
"And me! And Die!" cried both flic
On Sale daily. Return Limit Oct. .31
Week End on sale Saturday and Sunday. Return Monday
Charlier smiled Ironically.
“Gentlemen." lie said "tlie portrait
of Jules Garnier was diaun fr- n niy-
For information ask our local agent
It was some time before I e could
John M. Scott, General Pas-jnger Age
each of the men that lie was
Portland, Ore.
not caricatured lint tliey all finally
gave way. nnd
brent.fli t with him Tlie next mornii a
nn account of the affair a;>| far -1 In 1
the mornlna papers. and all I’ari. rush­
ed to the book atands to buy a copy of
Eirst Lumber Order For
Oregon Hop Dealers Op­
pose Piohibition
Business Directory
9 foot Rake at
Low Round Trip Fares
Independence Day, July 4
A. Annual Convention
Eastern Cities via California
Newport and Tillamook Beaches