Jacksonville Post SATURDAY, JUNE 30. 1917 Fourth of July next Wednesday. The Inn at Crater Lake will open July 5. No. 63. Report of the Condition of Marie Obenchair» is visitiifg relatives THE BANK OF JACKSONVILLE in this city. LOCAL NEWS All work done in 1917 s|x»t cash at W. R. Sparks. at Jacks »nviile in the St r at Medford last Saturday and dis­ My Commission expires Feb. 26, 1920. charged. Willis H. Jenkins, former Traveling ----------- »<»>♦----------- The Medford Sun, describing a pre­ Passenger Agent of the Southern Pa­ We have found out what ails Germa­ liminary hearing in this city refers to cific Co. has been appointed head of ny at last. It is a secret, but we don’t Justice Dox as ‘The Jacksonville dig­ the Advertising Bureau of the compa­ mind telling you. It is “Selbstbewun- nitary ” Well, he is rather dignified ny, for the Portland office. Carl Tay­ derung.” For fear you have forgotten lor succeeds Mr. Jenkins as Traveling at times. the meaning we will tell you it means, James K>nt of Medford died at his Passenger Agent. “Self-Idolatry.” home in that city, Monday night, aged 71 years. He had resided in Jackson County for 38 years. He leaves a wid­ ow and Bix children. County Clerk Gardner, Sheriff Jen- I nings and County Physician T. J. Malmgren have been named by Gov­ ernor Withycombe as the exemption board for Jackson county. Mrs. D. W. Bagshaw entertained a few friends at cards Thursday evening, those present being Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Hanna, Mayor Britt, Miss Amalia Britt, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wilson, Mrs. C. E. Howey, Mary Bagshaw, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bagshaw. Married—At Jacksonville, Oregon, Wednesday, June 27, 1917, by H. G. Dox, J. P., Mark Winningham and Mrs. Martha Watkins. Both are resi­ dents of the Applegate valley and have j a host of friends who wish them a long and happy married life. Two men arrested near the Califor­ nia state line by special officers and charged with violating the liquor law. were given a preliminary examination before Justice Dox Wednesday morn­ ing. The testimony showed that the officers got the wrong men and the jus­ tice dismissed the case. Readers of the Medford papers have been treated to a “wordy newspaper war” as to whether certain sewing ma­ chines belonging to the public schools were or were not repaired at the ex­ pense of the distrie t. It reminded one of the king who marched his men up the hill and marched them downagain. Mrs. D. W. Bagshaw gave a lawn ' party for her grandchildren Verna and Ronald Howey of Olympia, Wash., i Thursday afternoon. Those present were: Orpha Ager, Rosie Singler, Hil­ da Singler, Gaynelle Kelly, Thelma Larsen, Virginia Fick, Wilma Bailey, Carl Larsen, Helen Ulrich, Frank Ul­ rich, Verna Howey and Ronald Howey. The road to the Blue Ledge mine is reported in very bad condition and needs immediate and extensive repairs if the hauling of ore is to be continued. The road districts have raised a consid­ erable fund for this purpose and ask the county court to duplicate the amount from rhe genera! road fund of the county. An effort is being made to have the state contribute a like amount, which if done would suffice for present needs. It is evident that in the near future one of two things must be done if the mine is to continue oper­ ations, viz: the road wiil have to be hard surfaced or a railroad will have to be built to the mine. Machinery at Cost We have on hand 3 new Johnson Mowers and 3 rakes which rather than hold over to next season, we will sell at 4 1-2 ft Mower at $63.00 37.00 These prices are away below the present wholesale price. We bought before the recent raise and will give you the benefit. This is the chance to supply your wants at the best possible price. Buy Now. Fred J. Fick, Jacksonville, Oregon Phone 53. AMERICAN TROOPS IN Real Estate Ads FRANCE The tessence of Egotism hd States Soldiers Bv ESTHER VANDEVEER. ■ ü \ French Seaport. J tin-27 The sec­ One luortilng n earriuge stopped in ond ■ ontingent of American troops ar­ the Bottl gin- w<>< <| in Paris. "This is the place." said the oeeu rived and disembarked thi = morning. The troops l u de I amid the frantic pant Alighting, lie directed the coachman cheers of the people, who ha I g »'her- FORCALE Th ■ McLaren property to drive on over a crest and wait, e! for hours before in anticipation of on Apule rate road. Go >d sai ill house Then lie begun to pare idly back and duplicating yesterday 's surprise. fol III. now mi ning to lite east to ad Enthusiasm rose to fever pitch when and nacesiary of. t'lildin's, chicken mile the tints painted on the clouds . it was learned that the transp >rts and park, etc. A n mi >er of fine fruit tre *s by Hie eotuing god of day. now snap­ convoy had successfully passed the sub­ bearing excellent fr lit. Will be suiti ping off a blossoming head of clover or marine z»i e. The port w is speedily ata birgiin Apply at the premises dandelion lie was an intellectual look- ' or at odi -e ot Jacksonville Post. beflagged in honor of the occasion. ing person, with a cast of countenance denoting tile artistic or imaginative | All the troops now arriving were The G iverement needs Farmers as faculty, straight and slender, with a transfería d today to a camp not far mass of black hair falling d-wu over distant from this point, wh re Maj ir well as Fighters, Two million three General William L. Sibert is in tailed. hundred 1 housand acres of Oregon r petty breach of etiquette, perhaps, it y. I*.ih nt pract- ZRCNCES 4 while I"— Ums f-»r invaluable Iwk . :• I &-LL PATENTS, Again there was a sound of wheels. . II iw to get !• partn< r. "What do you mean, Al. Charlier?” •r valuable iniof n.i: • >n. asked M. Rubidoux. “Are these car­ riages intended for your funeral train?” Tacoma. June 26 The first lumber pat :: r lawycrs , "They bear other persons who come order for 12 two-story buildings at the 303 Seventh St., Washington, 0. C. here for satisfaction.” American Lake cantonment was receiv­ "'■'’■»UWET’.VI’ Two more carriages stopped, anil from ed today and will be distributed among eacli a party alighted, all looking as­ the mills of the West Coast Lumber­ tonished at seeing so many persons FOR man’s association. The order calls present. Al Charlier stepped forward for about 250,000 feet of lumber, esti­ to introduce them. mated worth betwe n $50,000 and $60,- “M. Rubidoux. Al. ' | far -1 In 1 the mornlna papers. and all I’ari. rush­ ed to the book atands to buy a copy of ’•Mol.” Eirst Lumber Order For Lake. American Chilblains Oregon Hop Dealers Op­ pose Piohibition POLK’S Business Directory ABSOLUTE COST 9 foot Rake at « « Low Round Trip Fares Independence Day, July 4 A. Annual Convention Eastern Cities via California Newport and Tillamook Beaches SOUTHERN i PACI FI J LINES