Image provided by: Friends of Jacksonville's Historic Cemetery; Jacksonville, OR
About Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1907)
I VOL. 1 JACKSONVILLE, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON. AUGUST 31, 1907 lawyer ■ f the -our. loom in a man walk the floor with twins and attend a ner delightful to the eye of the specta funeral. You have no doubt noticed, tor, but ■ Lrably undignified to the during the session of the Circuit Court, barrister. But while the lawyers won't a swarm of well-dressed lawyers pour P ublished A t J acksonvile , O re and can’, refuse to defend at the court's ing out of the court room, and fa; i g gon . F or S eventeen R easons A nd appein ment, the ore as full of reasons down stairs. No, they are not rushing H ollering A ll T he T ime F or I ts and excuses for not wanting the job as off to their respective < ffices in siren., T own , I ts C ounty and I ts S tate the av.r.rge Pr.hibitionist is full of ous efforts to meet innumerable clients. I ndependent O f E verything B ut mim e me: t i ctviiy impregnated w ith A hobo has just been directe I t.) stand W ealth A nd T axes . brandy :"-ristmas. Excuses.’ Why. up and plead to an information or In dear reader, yo.: never witnessed a real, dictment, and they have im] ortant up-to-date, finished and polished excuse business elsewhere. As a rule, too it Mile» Overholt, Editor & Manager until you have been in court on some can be truthfully said that not one- court day and witnessed one of our lo prisoner of this kind out of one hun S ubscription P rice $1.50 A Y ear cal attorneys at law trying to wriggle dred is innocent. They borrow tobacco, I n T he U nited S tates , C anada out of being appointed to defend an cigarettes, matches, toothpicks, any A nd Y amhill C ounty . O regon amateur Black Bart who looks about as thing they can get. fifl you up with the I ssued E very S aturday W hether prosperous as an Eagle Point property most startling ,md brazen lies, protest Y ou L ike I t O r N ot . owner before the railroad increased its their spotless innocence, claim that meal ticket Su.-h excuses as are'giv they are ex-Sunday school superintend W hen C onvenient S ubscriptions S hould B e P aid I n M oney ; O ther en are more than masterpieces they ents, then fall down utterly get wise M ortgages . M ines A nd actually are epics in exaggeration. "pinched” and "sweated’ by the M ules W ill B e A ccepted The writer has seen a lawyer who sheriff's office and the district attorney . had but just been appointed to look af confess they’re guilty, ar.d probably ter the interes , of some hard-looking ex-cons., and then complacently "go character. fifteen years in as many across.” is it anything to be wondered The recent bank failure in Portland minutes. For instance, the attorney at that lawyers plead incurable com in which so many Southern Oregon The Fall term of the Circuit Court would be sitting in court, looking the plaints, break their legs getting out of people were so vitally interested, gives will convene next Tuesday, when a picture of adolescent health; his eyes reach, have enough business on Cap to rise to a certain phase that has its number of cases of public interest will would be bright and sparkling; a splen run a big department store, ami do all light side. Right in this town we have come up for trial. did color in. his cheeks—you would not these things in a wild, exuberant, yet seen and talked with men who were No doubt a great many of our read take him t<- be a day over thirty. Then frantic, effort to fade away and lose (apparently) put entirely out of busi ers have noticed in the newspapers of Judge Hai :-.a ii. the most silky of themselves in a dreamless oblivion? ness by the banks failure. For awhile this county and other counties local requests him to unde take the defense these men fairly luxuriated in relating items to the effect that a certain attor of the hard old game slouching at the to their anxious creditors how unfor ney has been appointed, by the court to further ent: of the court room. Then tunate it was that they had probably- A county paper has the nerve to state defend some individual arrested for what a transformation, my countrymen! that its town has the fine.-t climate of lost their little ail and that the uncer burglary, grand larceny or even mur You can actually see lines and furrows any place in Southern Oregon, and tainty was killing them! Men who der. Very likely many of the readers grow in the face of that Jwo-minutes- cites a few instances in which people would not know a certificate of deposit have entertained the opinion that that ago joyful lawyer. He now looks ac were made well again, et.-., etc. It also from a lock off a red cow s tail averred lawyer who was appointed the prison tually six’ year- old! Within three s atis that the town has he prettiest that the vaults of the banks were er’s attorney was a very lucky fellow •minutes th? snows of winter have girls in the whole world, with variations. groaning with their deposits; fellows Now we do not want to be classed to have such prominence *hrust upon sprinkled his temples with virgin white. who had not been inside of the doors him, and suppose that the court select He gets to Ills feet with difficulty, hok’- among the knockers, but we feel called of such an institution, and who could ed him out of the Bar on account of his ing un.u d’.e desk fur support. His upon to defend the old town; we must easier draw a cork than a check, go peculiar fitness as a criminal advocate, voice is a wavering crescendo, his eyes come to the fore and explain a few- around the town with white faces and or as a special mark of esteem. Now dim and lack lustre and his hands shak hard boiled facts. a woe begone look. Let us illustrate nothing is further from the real facts ing with p.tlsy. He is. indeed, a piti But speaking of climate, why Jackson how the average creditor was stood off. than the above. The average attorney ful sight, ihei: there is poured into ville is about al! climate half of it For convenience, we will use the edi- would just about as soon have a mild the ear of the polite though incredulous anyway. Why only yesterday a man, -torialterm “we” in the same spirit attack of diphtheria (he would an hun judge a list of ailments and complaints whose word is much more reliable than that the godly- minister prays that "we dred times rather have the measles) which would make a modern almanac ours, told us that he had a friend who may be delivered from our manifold than be selected by the court to make look cheap. knew a man who came to Jacksonville sins.” Of course none of us are so the defense of some fellow who has Such a gamut of disorders and physi in the last stages of ticdouloureux, mean, so horrid, so scally as to actual been run in by the strong arm of the cal troubles possessed by some of these his face hardly worth anything at all, ly do it any more than the self-depre law. It might not be uninteresting to lawyers is enough to make one’s heart and now he can run his face anywhere ciating man of the gospel thinks he is the layman to explain a few matters bleed. According to one stricken bar in town. And Jacksonville’s climate in need of prayer; but to give the cir connected v ith these court appoint rister who had been called upon to de was the cause of it all. Anothei man cumstance a flavor of humility, it may ments, and why the members of the fend a vicious and impecunious hobi, who was troubled with insomnia to such not be out of place to use the personal Bar are not in the habit of turning he had lumbago, locomotor ataxia, was an extent that he had nut slept for six plural pronoun. Very well. We were somersaults of joy when the eagle eye in the first stages of consumption, had months came to Jacksonville in 1X78 and sitting in our dingy office on that lovely of the court is focused in their direction a floating kidney, brain-storm, weak he has been sleeping ever since in the day of mirth and untramelled joyous on the day the prisoners are arraigned eyes, defective hearing, dementia graveyard! Another case that is of ness known as “collection day.” the and asked to plead. Americana, and a dozen other troubles vast impo ■ ance at this t ime is that of first of the month. In the first place it might be well to which the writer has not the space to a man who came here from Kansas ■•The birds are twittering in the trees, state that the law provides no fund, enumerate. All would have gone well, troubled with his stomach. He couldn’t The hum of insects in the air; state, county, or otherwise, by which no doubt, for the court was visibly af keep anything on it but his mind. And A vagrant breeze stirs the leaves, A step is heard upon the stair.” lawyers are to be paid for defending fected, until the debilitated attorney, he couldn’t, of course, take anything We are not responsible for the above impecunious criminals under appoint in his thoughtless eagerness, inadvert for it. But after coming toJaeksonville’s poetry, notwithstanding the beautiful ment by the court. They are obliged ently happened to mention some well, climate he got so he would take any thoughts contained therein, but we fire to work gratuitously, and that, it is some mild complaint peculiarly appli thing he could lay his hands on! it at our journalistic audience fur what hardly necessary to add, causes the cable to the gentler and fair sex among And the young ladies of the town! it is worth. The steps upon the stairs average legal light a sad, but not his dismal list, then it was all off with Why. they are more beautiful, more become louder, and presently a grim- sweet, pain which hovers around his him. gentle, sweet and kind, more lovable visaged creditor, a green grocer in many anatomy sometimes for hours. But as Again, attorneys often attempt to and kissable than any bunch of heart senses of the word, shows up. Now is an attorney is strictly an officer of the escape this gratis service by a sudden smugglers between the aurora borealis our time. We rush towards him and court, there is no way to crawl out of and unheard of amount of other legal and the Judgment Day. When, in the before he can draw his itemizee state an appointment except by permission business which has just poured in on course of human events, you get your ment four yards, two feet, and three of the court. Should the attorney at them. The amount of legal engage coat sleeve hung around the sylph-like inches long on us, we pillow our soft, tempt to stand on his dignity and refuse ments some of them have on such oc waist of one of them and gently drag no, not "soft,” but tender, heads upon to act without sufficient excuse, to the casions is truly remarkable. The writer her toward your watch fob, and note her bis unstarched bosom and burst into a deep, dark, dank bastile he would go knows of one attorney who, at the same pouting lips in close proximity to your passion of tears. In hysterical, broken for contempt of court; and as the aver hour of the same day. hail to be in the false teeth, why man alive, it would be accents; with many catchings of the age sheriff’s office force is not particu Supreme Court at Salem, the court of the greatest pleasure in the world to breath and our fragile forms shaking larly in love with the average lawyer, Linn county, take a deposition in Port promptly expire for her. It would be like a young locust tree torn by the as sooner or later they clash in criminal land, try a cow case at Ashland, sell the height of bliss to stand all day and fierce winds, we tell the green grocer matters, the sheriff, or his deputy, al some property at the court house door let somebody jab a pitchfork into your that we are ruined. All of our savings, ways takes a mild delight in running a in Grants Pass, nurse his sick wife. liver for her amusement. Jacksonville Post The Post Publishing Co. The Bank Failure the hgrdearned profits of years toil and labor and of self-denial have beet, swept away at one fell sweep by the failure of the Portlai d bank. It may be that never in ail of the vears of our precious lives have we had as much as three dollars and seventy cents in any bank at any one time; perhaps we do i t even know the name of the cashier, tha is absolutely irrlevant and imma terial, as the lawyers say. The less we have in banks the louder we cry. Such poignant sorrow as bubbles forth and Hows from our storm-wrecked selves is enough to melt the feelings of a eigar- Indian. But it catches the grocer, and ten to one he steals softly from the room, his own eyes s iff used in tears, and leaves us in uui “sorrow.” The above is most likely slightly exagger ated, but there is no doubt that many a graceful stall I ) f was made on the strength of the recent bank fai ure. When Court Convenes Our Climate, &c.