Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1??? | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1898)
RELIABLE FIRE INSURANCE. BEST C0MIMNIE8,0WKST RATI' F.E. Donaldson, Agl R PURE DRUGS, SKILL, M FAIR 1'RICES, an q.c. On this basis we solicit tho prescriptions LIIA f)nrtnl taiivna ...;tl. ...... . va nun JUU. We use but one grade of drags the best In accuracy we nre absolutely correct In price we charge t lie lowest, consistent wiiii urutf used and tune occupied in uuiiipuiiiiiiing, CHARMAN & CO. To Cure Conatlputloii Forever. i o n Vi . i " '"'"VCultmrUc. 10a oi-Uflc . ,u,, t uul, uruKKisiH nmind muuui WOOD WANTED. BIDS FOtt 2.000 C0l(DS-or any part of ame of first growth, GREKV Vlll HOOD, to bit delivered during 181)8. We reserve tlie riglit to reject any or --Ml bids. Bids will be opened March 1, 1898. Address OUEUON CITY WOOLEN MILLS, , Oregon City, Oregon. Educate Your llnwil Willi Cimrarets. Candy Cutrmrtfr. cum cnimiinntinn rn...a. lOo.Soo. If C. 0. C. fall, druiu'ixiHtt.'riind money! TYPEWRITER CHEAP A Douglierty typewriter in good con tlition. Apply at this ollice. Eilurntn Your IIoitpI Willi CiKrurpU. Candy Cnllmni euro constipation forever lOo.SSa. It UC.C. tall, ilruift'lstKrifuna money m. While Prices Tell, Yet tho )iwcst pries are not alone llm -.'ause of our liuineiiHU bnsines'S WE AIM Primarily to (ruin the good will of eiHi custo mer. There is one tiling ymi nm lie libsolntelv sure of if von hnv your tirn oerlss from us that is SATISFACTION. Wo iron' sell you poor goods, lor we don't humlle thein. A. ROBERTSON. SPECIAL SALE. Unparalleled Bargains at the Oregon City Auction House. The Loss of One Is the Gain of Another . A Portland merchant retiring from : business sacrificed a lot of flue, genuine Nottington Luce Curtains and Pnrtierres. I bought them, and furSlMT CASH, too, and so will give the general public the benefit of the sacrilice. Call early for choice patterns. W. L. M.OCK, Proprietor. .UiQ POOD FOR THOUGHT is food edible, healthy, and pure. It's a proverbial fact that our Groceries have "all the necessary qualities to place them at the top notoh of reliability. Our cus tomers are our friends ; we have made them so by giving them high grade Uro ceriea. To get a higher class of Teas, Coffees, Spices, and tahle delicacies any where hiside or outside of Oregon City is impossible. Our prices are low enough to keep your supply in the pantry, kitch n, and. table well stocked without straining your pocketbook. v MARR & MTJIR. . . Speaking of FIRE INSURANCE, There are no companies better, fow so good, as the OLD HOME AND PHOENIX, THE NORTHERN, - CONNECTICUT, and the HOME MUTUAL. All of them. TIME TKIEI) and FIRE TESTED. II. L. Kelly, Agt. Local and Personal. The best laundry starch, at Harris' grocery. Plant onion seta now. Large stock at Harris's grocery. Clias. Moores went up to Salem Tues day, returning today. Largo supply of garden seeds and grass Beeds at Harris's grocery. " ., ''" Geo. Mcfirido was visiting Oregon City friends over Sunday, The bent dairy or creamery butter, at Harris' grocery, 50 cents per roll. Mrs. Sheppurd, of Barlow, was visit ing relatives in this city this week. Go to Harris's grocery for Schilling's best tea, spices and extracts. Piano Wanted For rent or purchase. Apply at Salvation Army Bairacks. Mrs. Thos. Miller was in Portland a fow days laat week visiting relatives. Only high crate sewing machines for $25 at Belloiny & Buscli's, on easy terniB. C. Zeigler, of the Barlow country, was in Oregon City Tuesday on a business trip. F. S. Kelly, of Portland) was in Ore gon City Sunday visiting relatives and friends. Goo. Hedges is home from tho Okan ogan mining country, after an absence of several years. . Last year'i patterns of wall paper at reduced prices on 5c and 10c counters at Retlomv A Busch'a. For truck Four lots, with good house and barn, In Canhy for Oregon City property. This ollicq. Mrs. Thos. Campbell and dnughters will leave Thursday for Portland, where they will hereafter reside. C. K. Hunnjngs, the Seventh street baiter, is prepared to furnish . all kinds of cakes, pies, etc., at short notice. Mrs. J. N. Graham, of Portland, spent Saturday and Sunday in tiiis city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. Gtasspool . Howard Browr.ell came Jiome' from Forest Grovu Saturday for a short viit, with his parents, lie returned again, on , .Monday. Ernest Wiggins, who has been visit ing his brother, W. B. Wiggins, has gone to. Salem, where he has nccepted a position. , . ' Miss Lncy Stanton, who ling been. vis iting Miss lino Harding ' for rdvaral weeks, relumed to her home m Ituee lin rg Monday morning. 1 1 oi no-mill In bread, cakes and pies can he ordered from Joseph Egle, the baker, back of Shively's theatre. All "orders ill receive prompt attention. , MirisC. (iol)Nmith will receive nine nuimiii'ith cases of tho latest .novehties millinery direct from New York. Watch for opening announcement. Paul Mieuig and Welch were in from Sandy on Monday. Mr. Welch is ar ranging to try his luck in Alaska. Thn people of Sandy will have public speak ing and a dance on Saturday evening. Pnrlv having bicvclo combination cou pons from packages- SOD. I MINT GUM an liavo choico of wheels without delay. Inquire particulars' at C. U. Huntley's Drug Store. II. J. Miller.' a hop grower of Anrora, has purchased the J. F. Stobiu's lot of 32 bales of hops for 5 cents, the 32-bulo lot of Chan. Keil for 0 cents and the 58- balo lot oi M. Muesig for G cents per pound. The lots tire all of fair grade. The lice Ilivo Btoro will closo about the 22nd and the stock moved away. is to he regretted that the nianagois of this store' found it necessary to make change in location, as such men are a edit to our oily. , Tne store room will be occupied by Yakeda anil M. Michaels will move to the room now occupied by Yakeda. - Superintendent McAdsm has made arrangements with President Chapman, of the University of Oregon ; President Hawlevi of Willamette University, and eHidcut Campbell, of the State Normal school, for the delivery of lectures belore ie high school classes in the near futuru. . President Hawley will lecture on "American History.". The subjects of the other lecturers have not been announced. Rev. C. F. Millor, the singing evan gelic, will conduct the revival meetings that are to begin in tin Methodist church next Sundry morning. Next to Mr. Sankey, Mr. Miller Is perhaps the most powerful gospel singer in this country. His power to move people to a nobler living is simply marvellous. The members of the Methodist church and Christian people in general are praying for and expecting great results lrom these meetings. At present Mr. Miller engaged in union revival meetings at Seattle, Wash. 1 The Tramp Nuisance. The tramp nuisance has broken out again. Monday morning nve wero ar rested for being drunk. When Officer Burns started to make the arrest three of them attacked him, but were promptly laid ont with well-directed blows Three ho wero arrested Saturday were sen tenced to five days each on the Streots. The other five received 25 days each at hard labor. In the suburbs li e pwiple. are in con stant fear of trumps. In CaiiHiimh, tlie other evening, Miss Jamba, who is the guestof Mrs. Ed Kiel Is, went for some wojd, and saw n tramp hid bjhind a rose bush, just outside' the house. She paid no attention to him until she pro cured a revolver. Sho then ordered him away; but not being satisfied with his movements, took a couplo of ehots at him, w hich started him at a breakneck paco over the fence, where he was met by his partner. It was afterward learn ed that the trumps hud been scan hang ing around the house all the evening. Kedlnnd Sulionl Iipport. Follow ing is the report for six months ending March 11: Days taught, 20; average number belonging, 3"; average daily attendance, 35; times tardy, 8; n u in hp r of visitor, 40. Boll of honor Maudo and Nellio Stone, George, Louis, Dora and Mary Murdock, Geomo Hicinhothem, Cossie, Ora and Fred Wilcox, Gilmnre und Earl Behymer, Harry and Willie Hubert John, Manila, Charles' and Hosa Stie britz, Ralph and Annie Kichurdson. Boll of honor, first three months Caa sie Wilcox, Minnie Lvuns, Louis, Dora and Marv Murdock. Boll of honor, second and . third mouths Ered and Cnssie Wilcox, Martha and Hosa Stiebrhlge, Georgo, Louis, Dora and Mary Murdock. Boll of nonor, entire .six months- Louis, Don and Mary Murcock, Cassie Wilcox. " School ' closod March 11. Average daily attendance during the six months, 34; total number of visitors, 71). ' Ciias. BiTTiiKiiFoiio, Teacher. Marriage Licenses. The following marriago licenses have been issue bv County Clerk Dixon: Itose. Lipp and J. L. Keeler on the 14th. ' 1SOKX. Porn To Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ely, on tlie 14t h inst., a daughter. ' DIED. WHIG UT. In this city, on Sunday, the . 13th inst., Claude V illium, son of Mr. Aiid Mis. William Wright, aged. 7 hioiiilifl alid lO-days. The 'bereaved parents have the sympa thy df tho entire community in their af fliction. 'The funeral services were held at the family residence Monday after ji6oh'conduet(!d by Kev. Dr. Williams, of St: Paul's church; and tlie little form .was laid a way in tlie eitv cemetery, A$ lender 'mothers', guiding baby step, Whon placos itouio "at which the tiny feet Would trip, lilt up the liltleones in arms Oi lovo, and set Ihcui down beyond all harm, So did our Father watch the precious boy Led o'er the stones by mo, who stumbled ' oft "- '" ' ; ' Myself, but strove, to. help my darling on. 1 1 o s.iw tho sweet limbs faltering, and saw Rough ways before us where my arms would fail, So reached from heavon, and lifting tlie dear child,. Who smiled on leaving me, He put him down , Beyond all hurt beyond my sight, and bade Him wait for us. Shall I not then bo glad, And thanking God, press on to overtake? j S. Card of Tlinnks. ' We wish to t.h:ink the friends who so kindly insisted us during the illness and death of our little son. Mn. and Mas. Wm. Wkioiit. Mrs. M.irguet I! iyle, an agid lady formerly from Wilhoit, but for two years a resid.uit of this place, died February 2(1, at 9 o'clok i'. M. S'.io had been af flicted with jaundice for some time. Her remains were taken by friends fo her home in Clackamas county for interment. Albany Herald. The poorest girls are those not taught to work. There aro thousands of them. Rich parents have petted them, and they are taught to. despise labor and to depend on others for a living and are perfectly helpless. The most forlorn woman be longs to this class. It is tlie duty of parents to protect their daughters from this deplorable condition. CARROTS AS I) PARSNIPS. For sale cheap for feed for horses and cows, delivered at the house. Call up telephone No. 24, Maple Wood farm, F. It. Andrews. Kb-To-Ituc for Firry Cents. ' Guaranteed tobacco habit euro, makes weak men Bt i'oiiK, UlooU pure. 60c, (1. All druggists. A SNAP Another idiot going to Klondike, and must sell GLADSTONE property at once. Apply to Will L. Miller. To Cure Conatlputloii Forever. Take Ciucarets Candy Cathartic 100 or 2&e It C. C. C. fail to cure, druKitiKts refund mouuy t'lty Trpumirer's Ktle, Notice is hereby given that there are sulficient funds on hand in the general fund of Oregon City to pay all outstand ing warrants endorsed prior to May 2, 1895. Interest cease with tlie date of this notice. H. E. Sthakiiit, Citv Treasurer. Oregon City, Oregon, Feb. 23, 1898. Don't Tobacco Spit ouil SintiU Vnur Life Ar.aj, To quit tobacco easily und forovcr, bo mag netlc. full ot life, nerve and vifor, take No-Tc Uac, the wondcr-worher, thut i:mUcs weak men strong. All druggists, C0o or tl. Curo Kiiarn tcrd. Booklet und s:unnle free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York , . TWO ACCIDENTS. The Itonney Boys Badly Bruised Buzz Saw and Electric far. On Saturduy, at the Rodla-nd sawmill, Ira Bonney was working around the saw when a pioco of plank about four foot loner was caught by tho saw and thrown, striking Mr. Bjnney in tho face, breaking his noso and fracturing his skull. Ho was talc on to tho Glud stono hospital, and Is improving slowly. Wililiam Bonnoy staritd to Oregon City on horseback for a doctor, when ho turned the corner of 14th street, at Freytag's grocery store, he was struck by tho Gladstono electric car, miracu lously escaping with only a fow severe cuts and brulsos. Tho car was run ning at an excouslve rato of speed, und It Is claimed alarm was given. Tho timo sohodulo of tho olectrlo lino Is such that tho motormon are compelled to run fust through town in order to muko connections. School F.h'dlo . Tho election of a school director und a clerk on Monday excited little inlcie.-t compared with former years. In 1897 there was no contest, Chas.. II. Canileld being the only nominee. In 1S90 there wure 700 votes cast while this vnar there wore only 330 cast, as folio is: Town Hill Ward Ward Franklin T. Griffith 2t m E. E. Charman 01 119 Majority for E. E. Charman Total Vote 110 210 90 For Clerk Mrs. M. McCown was elected without opposition. . The judges of election fcr t'le down town ward were Harley Stevens, G. II Wishurt and T. L. Charman and for the hill ward, Fred Ely, D.' II . Glass and J A. Thayer. , A meeting ot tlie school hoard was held Tuesday evening, t'to vote can vassed and E. E., Charman and Mrs. 8 M. McCown declared duly elected. Dr. Norris is tho retiring member of the board. Dr. Carll will he chairman dur ing tlio present school year. VIOLA. Miss Minnie Walker, wh will touch school at lower Logan the spring term, is Visiting friends In Portland , The friends of Mrs.;SevIor gav- her a surprise birthday 'dinner on Tuesday, Arthur Muttoon has renowed for two years tho lease on tho farm where he lives. Messrs. Trinjklns and Fickons, from tho East, bavo boon visiting J. Gerber. Thoy Intond locating here and are look ing for places. . ' . Tho Redland. sohpol ul wod Friday with literary exercises. t M Ruther ford proved to bo oiV excellent toucher. He will teach the spring teem at Mink. LOST. On Saturday, February 21th, a black threo-quailer Holtein cow ; white under belly and legs. Was raided nearCoilon. Liberal reward. J. ?. IIkdokh. There are over $5,000,033 on deposit in tho First National Hank of Portland. New Colors hi Stii'iips. In order to be in fashion with other countries, Undo Sam is changing the olor of his stamps. It has been found convenient in international postal cir clvs to have stamps of the s tine d. noini- naliim popscss the same color. Ah lately announced the one-cent st.iinp is now green instead of, blue, and th j pot ollic '8 have just received uotico th it there will be a change of color from hnwii to dark blue in the five-cent denomination nl.-o. Real EslufoTrnnsf irs. Tlie Clackamas Abstract & Trust Cu. which furnishes this report, is the owner of tlie copyright to the Tliorno system of abstract indexes for Clackamas county, and bus the only complete swtof abstracts in tlie county ; can furnish information us to title to land at once on application. Loans, investments, real est ite, abstracts etc. Ollice over Bank oi Oregon City. F E Mclntyre to G Vosberi, It 56 Prunelauil s OUO T L Charman to II E Warner, ll 4, blk 5, Weslynn 250 J S Creokshuka, 16 a, sec 1, 2 s, 2 e.., 1 J C Hosteller to N Perdew, 1 ucre sec 7, 5 s, le 100 M A , Brown to A W .Brown, e4 of Bowlerciin- 75 M K and . E M Brown to A W Brown, ejof Kowlurclm, 3s, 3 e 1 A 1C Jackson to A II much, Ann Jackson elm 100 I G Uambo to M G and J Walker, it 2, blk "C," Canemab 75 J Long (byshorifT) to J. J. Long, nit hi, sec 28, 5 s, 1 e id and M Mekiuzie to J Wuher, & acres, see 6, 2 s, 2 e 500 McMonies et al (by sheriff) to U Wittenberg, 40 acres In elm No 37, 3 s, le ll M S B and W B Lawton to L Fin- : niiriin. 8.44 acres In Hedges elm. Sand SMsfew to J A and M A Cox. Its 10. It and 12. tilk 13. Can by 150 F Hiigc.s to W Grisenthwaite, tract in sec 23, 3 s, 2 e... 1 Geo Shank to M C Shank, nwl, . sec 20, 0 8, 2 e 300 W and M , Grisenlbwaite to E Ituges, taact in sec 23, 8 8, 2 e. . . 1 T and M Daniels to E Utges, trns tee, 93 acres, sec 26, 3 s, 2 e . 1 CltickainiiH County to M J Gallag her, s'. of ne!4 and ne of ne, tec 12,5 s, 2e 200 J and M McKen.ic to J Schmidt, 5.25 acres, sec 12, (i s, 2 e 500 J liaucli to II lluir,is, 10 acres, sec 30, 3 s, le 480 REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. The republican convention for the , comy 0f Clackamas, state of Oregon, is ; mv,y vuel to niw,t Wetnliard's j ,n Oregon City. Oregon, on Wednes- lav April 0th. at the hour of 0 a. in., for tho purpose of electing 15 delegates to the republican state convention, to be helil in Astoria, April 14, 1898, and 15 delegates to tho congressional convention of tlie first dixtiict to bo held in Eugene, April 11, 1898, for the nomination of a stale soii'itor, three representatives, county judge, coun'y comiiil-sioner, flherifr, clerk, recorder, assessor, treas urer, surveyor, school superintendent, coroner and jnwtics of the eace and constables in the several districts. The convention shall consist of 145 delegates apportioned to tho several pre' allots as follows; slid apportionment being based on one delegate nt large for each precinct and one delegate for every 25 votes and major fraction of 25 votes, cast for tlie r publican presidential electors nt the election held on Novum her 3, 1810. The primaries for the election of dele gates to said convention will be held In the several precincts nt tlie usual voting places, on April 2, at the following hours: Prkcinct. No, Aliernerthy 0 Barlow...." 2 Beaver Creek 4 Borings.. 8 Can by 6 Caneinnh 4 . Hour. 2 1 to 2 2 2 2 4 tog 2to3 2 2 Canyon Creek 2 Cascadvs 5 Cherryville 2 l.lackatiias 5 2 to 4:30 Damascus 4 Eagle Creek 3 Garfield.. 2 (ioowe 2 Markings - 4 Highland 3 Lower Molulla. 2 Upper Molnlla 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 I 2 1 2 2to4 2 to 4 2 toO 2 to 4 2 to 7 2 to 7 2 to 7 2 to 7 2 2 2 2 2 2to4 2 maple l.ane. . . , Milk Cleek...'. Msrquain Milwaukie,.,,. Needy,..;.... New Era.. 3 .. 2 .. ft .. 0 .. 5 4 ..10 ..12 .. 4 Oregon City No. 1. . Oregon City No. 2. (iregon City No. 3 Osweno Pleasant Hill. .. Sit'ver .' Soda Springs... . . , fipringwater Tualitaii , Union Viola West Oregon City 7 4 to 7:30 The judges and clerks of said primary lection shall be apiwintod by the com mitteeman of the repoetive precincts. A copv of the credentials of delegates cleded to the county convention shall bt forwarded to the secretary of the county (Central committee in time to have the same lled before the hour of 8 a. in.. April 0, 1898. Each precinct shall be represented in the county convention bv duly elected delegates in person, or by residents of the eiime precinct holding proxies of said delegates and not otherwise. By order of the county central com mittee made at a regularly culled meet ing held on March 5, 1893. B. M. UAMSBY, Chairman Central Com. Thos. F. Ryan, Secretary. State Convention. The republican convention for tlie state of - Oregon is called to meet in Astoria, on Thursday, April 14, 1898. at tlie hour of 11 o'clock a. in., for the pur pose of nominating candidates for state and district ollices, except congressmen, and to transact such other business as may properly come before tlie conven tion, at which convention Clackamas county will be entitled to 15 delegates. Congressional Convention. The republican convention foi tlie first congressional district of Oregon is called to meet in Eugetio, on Monday, April 11, 1898, at the hour of 2:30 p. in., for the pnpose of nominating a candplute for congress for the first congressional discrict ol 0 regon, and to transact such other business ns may properly come be tho the convention, at which conven tion Clackamas county will be entitled to 16 delegates. Hl-Melallic Silver Republican Call. Notice ia hereby given that a mass convention of all republicans of Clacka mas county, Oregon, who behove In the independent free coinage of both, gold and silver at the ratio of 10 to 1, the abolition of all corporate or private banks of issue and the issue of all money by the government alone which shall be a full legal tender for all debts public and private, and a government of, for and by the people, heat attained by direct legis lation be and is hereby called to meet in Oregon Ciiy, Orugon, at 11 o'clock a. in., March 19,1808, for tlie purposo of electing delegates to tlie state conven tion to be held in Portland, Oregon, on March 23, 1898, and for the transaction of any other business that may properly come before the meeting. Wm. Bablow, County Chairman. Eiervbodj Sttji So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won devful mcdicul discovery of the ago, picas ant and refreshing to tho taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, llvor and liowols, cleansing tho entire sysU in. dispel colds, cure lieailnolio, fever habitual constipation ami biliousness. Pleaso buy and try a box of C. (3. O. trnla.v; 10, cents. Bold and guaranteed to euro by all druggists. ROLLING OFF A LOG Is no easier than making good bread and pastrlen from our " PATENT " brand of flour. Mst of the good cooks use it, because it makes the light est, sweetest and most wholesome bread. Buy it one) and you will use no other brand. Fftr sla by all tho grocers. Portland Flouring Mills. Keep It Before The People which people of the ! i THE OREGON" CITY PRESS twicc - reach tiim t) to .in ijitj Wall Paper, Improves the appearance of a room, makes home inviting for the husband, keeps the wife in good humor, and the cost is so v " small. I have a large stock of new paterns. - Caskets arid Shrouds Carried in stock, at very low prices. Funer- als receive personal attention '"' E. L. HOLMAN, Embalmer. THE GERMANIA MEAT MARKET; Lower 7th Street, F. J. Osterholtz & Co. iANDY r CURE COtlSTIPATiOH 10 4 25 50 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED ft lilnaml kmklrtfrw. Ad. BTKUI.ISfl ItKVKUY TREMENDOUS SALE OF WALL PAPER Some of the finest to be found In the city, at hitherto unheard of prices. New anil pretty patterns extra choice goods . Wall Pspiw from 7c a double roll np. Do not miss to ask for last year's patterns, which we sell lit sacrilice prices. BELLOMY &; BUSCH Tlie House Furnishers, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. f t If you can get your name so thoroughly and prominently associated with tho business, in i you are engaged that will instinctively think r name whenever the busi- ff . m nesa.js suggested, you will have m ; ' "' '. ' 'vr, ....I, " , ' ' " "''"" nchieVed' tho acme .of .ad.vertis- M, v'-'- t.-.-. 2.-"'.':-. .. ';. ." ing. If you will put your name and your business together in m : m II a - week, you will soon'j that point. (0i m tj.t j Carry a full line of all Meats. ft Lire and Dressed stock bought. 1 Call on the new Proprietors. CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS "ZZZ fflZX t(.. Chinuro. Hontml. Cm., or b ljr. '